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The Tom Renz Show


America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.


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America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.



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The WHO Treaty and Bird Flu

The Tom Renz Show – We are continuing to do gain-of-function work on US soil, and there are indications that the current bird flu may have come from an American lab. The WEF global takeover cannot occur without a "WHO Treaty" or something similar going through, so believe me when I say that these lunatics will continue to push this - regardless of how many have to die to make it happen...


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To engage in an effective fight for freedom we have to start by knowing who our enemy is

The Tom Renz Show – Mel happens to be one of the best and most thorough researchers I know. Her work on the globalist cabal is truly some of the best there is, and I’m honored to have her on the show. If we want to engage in an effective fight for freedom we have to start by knowing who our enemy is and what they are doing. Mel knows this as well as anyone...


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Resurrecting the doctor and patient relationship

The Tom Renz Show – When you go to the doctor, you may think that the relationship between your health and the doctor is the most important thing happening, but it is roughly fourth on the priority list. The doctor/regulator, doctor/hospital, and doctor/payer relationship all take precedence. A doctor can only test you or treat you in a way that first complies with regulatory, hospital, and payer rules...


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Snakes, corruption, and globalists align against MAGA Trump

The Tom Renz Show – Trump in 2024 is looking more and more promising on a daily basis and the bad guys are really aligning to fight. I think those who hate America recognize that it is more than a long shot that they would be able to beat Trump in the election - even with the fraud machine in full effect. By no means do I think they will give up that fight, but I think the corruption in the justice system & election fraud plans are...


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The war on truth is the war on freedom

The Tom Renz Show – J6 was legitimately an insurrection. It was an insurrection against a sitting president by bureaucrats, Democrats, and even members of his own party. I believe Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and many others were aware of the FBI and capital police presence in the crowd and that their intention was to create the chaos that erupted on J6. I further believe this entire debacle...


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MAGA for Senate, Jim Marchant in Nevada

The Tom Renz Show – Jim Marchant is a MAGA patriot who is running for Senate in Nevada. The Nevada Senate primary is tough on the GOP side, and it really seems like an all-out fight between the establishment and MAGA. Much like the rest of the country, this race has a lot of issues with all the big establishment money going toward people who do not reflect the MAGA base and the America First candidates being pushed out...


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America’s Reawakening with Clay Clark

The Tom Renz Show – For over three years now, Clay Clark has been touring the country and allowing people like yours truly to speak truth to we the people. The ReAwakening Tour has had a profound impact nationally and was a major part of ending the COVID debacle. The truth that was shared from the tour woke millions from their slumber...


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Healthcare shouldn’t be about permanent treatment funnels for Big Pharma drugs

The Tom Renz Show – As it stands, healthcare is simply about creating permanent treatment funnels for big pharma drugs that you need to stay on for life. Mark Sherwood and his wife practice traditional and alternative medicine with a legitimate focus on making people healthy. If medicine weren’t so corrupt, the approach would always be a combination of keeping you healthy and curing (not treating) injury...


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Election 2024 – Trying to forget COVID and mRNA Death

The Tom Renz Show – As friends, family members, and loved ones continue to die and as cancer continues to explode, all those who were lied to or who stood against the tyranny that was COVID are fighting hard to remind the world of the most egregious crimes against humanity in human history. Nothing substantive has been done to provide justice to the dead, dying, and maimed, and so the people are refusing to play along...


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Beating back the Uniparty – Oklahoma victory

The Tom Renz Show – We had a major win this weekend in Oklahoma. Despite the RINOs playing all sorts of procedural games and the fact that some crook in the Trump 2024 campaign convinced Trump to support a clear RINO, the grassroots MAGA nation was able to elect Charity Lynch as the GOP Committeeperson for Oklahoma. We the people, are rising up, and freedom will reign...


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So now they want to apologize for their mRNA & COVID crimes against humanity

The Tom Renz Show – If you've been following the news, you know that the mainstream is being forced to acknowledge that the mRNA COVID poisons are unsafe and ineffective. Numerous people — including Cuomo — are acknowledging side effects and seem to think we should all forgive them for being bought off to lie to us. Leigh Dundas joins us to talk about this and also the fact that she has found a university that will...


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Are Trump’s trials prosecutorial & judicial misconduct?

The Tom Renz Show – These lawsuits against Trump are so terrible that it's hard to even believe that they are serious. As we consider Fanni's conflicts of interest, the legally absurd approach being taken in the hush money case, the clear political nature of the documents case, and all the other nonsense, my only real question is why no one has been brought up on ethics charges.These cases are a distraction and nothing more...


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Ibn Ali: Muhammad Ali’s nephew on unity and Christ

The Tom Renz Show – Today, I discuss the backlash from exposing Susie Wiles’s links to Mercury LLC and prominent health organizations. I also share my inspirational interview with Ibn Ali, Muhammad Ali’s nephew, who speaks on unity, freedom, and his Christian faith. Join me as we explore these intriguing connections and powerful personal stories.


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Trump 2024 – A snake in the grass?

The Tom Renz Show – If we have another Biden presidency our nation is done. The globalists at the WEF and the enemies of America are using this corrupt POS to infiltrate and destroy our nation. Donald Trump is our best bet moving forward, but there are a lot of people very interested in infiltrating his inner circle and undermining what he's trying to do. We have some serious questions about Trump's main gatekeeper...


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FISA, Mayorkas, & Spending: Speaker Johnson’s betrayal of his base

The Tom Renz Show – Speaker Johnson starts betraying his base within seconds of becoming Speaker. He aligns with big pharma, pushes Democrat initiatives, and expands FISA to spy on political opponents. As election year tactics intensify, Johnson now targets Mayorkas for impeachment and ramps up spending in Ukraine and other global conflicts, showcasing a profound disconnect from his promised principles.


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Fighting back with the patriot streetfighter

The Tom Renz Show – Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter, is relentlessly fighting to keep this country safe. I’ve had the privilege of working with Scott for several years now, and he doesn’t pull punches; he sticks to his principles. On May 10 and 11th, he is bringing his Patriot Preparedness Symposium to Ohio, and I’m looking forward to speaking and being with so many awesome patriots. Let’s keep the fight for freedom going with Scott today on the show.


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J6 is a lie, San Fran sucks, & Merrick Garland hates the 2nd Amendment

The Tom Renz Show – So much is happening, and while the mainstream will want to focus on the attempts to manufacture a war in the Middle East, I think we need to focus on the mess that is America. While I hate the mess Biden has created in the Middle East, if we cannot clean up our own mess, we cannot take care of others. J6, gun control, SanFran, and more — we have a lot of work to do...


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God Bless the union with Julie Green

The Tom Renz Show – Julie Green and her team are prayer warriors and patriots. They have unapologetically stood for God and country and are truly inspirational people. I'm honored to have Julie on the show to talk faith and country...


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Local action creates a national impact… a case study

The Tom Renz Show – Local action does equal national impact. Very few people realize the depth of the corruption we face on a national level. That corruption does not end in Washington - it extends all the way down to the local level. The impact a strong and honest local GOP can have is huge, but it is always a fight because an honest local GOP really paints a clear picture of the corruption we see on the national level...


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Judge Merchan is breaking the law in the Trump case

The Tom Renz Show – As America continues to be attacked from all angles, it is amazing to see the clear breakdown of the justice system pertaining to Trump. As an attorney, I find the corruption of our judicial system more than a little troubling, and this nonsense with Judge Merchan is a profound example. I am honestly unsure how our justice system survives when judges and lawyers across the country continue to violate the law and rules of ethics flagrantly.
