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The Fat Wallet Show from Just One Lap

Education Podcasts

The Fat Wallet Show is a show about questions. It’s about admitting that we don’t know everything, but that we’re willing to learn. Most of all, it’s about understanding as much as we can to make us all better investors. Phrases like, “I’m not sure” or, “Let me look that up and get back to you” or, “I don’t know” don’t exist in the financial services industry. If you ever had a financial question you were too embarrassed to ask, you know what we’re talking about. In this business, appearances matter, and nobody wants to seem like they don’t know how things work or what the outlook is for the buchu industry. It’s easy to excuse that little vanity, except that people in the investment industry are meant to service investors - people like you and me who need to figure out what to do with our money. There’s no such thing as a stupid question in this show. If you have unanswered financial questions, this is your opportunity to have them answered in a way that even I can understand. Pop them to us at


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The Fat Wallet Show is a show about questions. It’s about admitting that we don’t know everything, but that we’re willing to learn. Most of all, it’s about understanding as much as we can to make us all better investors. Phrases like, “I’m not sure” or, “Let me look that up and get back to you” or, “I don’t know” don’t exist in the financial services industry. If you ever had a financial question you were too embarrassed to ask, you know what we’re talking about. In this business, appearances matter, and nobody wants to seem like they don’t know how things work or what the outlook is for the buchu industry. It’s easy to excuse that little vanity, except that people in the investment industry are meant to service investors - people like you and me who need to figure out what to do with our money. There’s no such thing as a stupid question in this show. If you have unanswered financial questions, this is your opportunity to have them answered in a way that even I can understand. Pop them to us at



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What The Fat Wallet taught me (#245)

Like many of you, I have listened to every episode of The Fat Wallet Show. I’ve learned so much over the years, but I find it interesting that some lessons keep repeating. This week, Simon and I spend our last episode together reflecting on lessons we keep on learning. Think of this as the TL;DR version of 245 episodes of this incredible show. Here’s what we know for sure: Many people who listen to the show think their biggest financial decision is ahead of them when actually they’ve already made it: being an active participant in your own financial life is the best financial decision you’ve ever made.Emergency funds are more important than any other product we ever discuss, but you can’t tell because it’s boring.A bad plan is better than no plan.Time matters more than money. Lesegisha pointed this out using a kota as an example, so I also learned what a kota was.Fees matter at least as much as returns, if not more. Grant Locke explained why this is when OUTvest introduced its Onefee product. 100 years worth of market data support this.Because there are so many variables in the market, it’s worth being suspicious of people who sell certainty. Cash offers certainty. Fixed interest bonds offer certainty. Aside from that, forget it.“The best investment” doesn’t exist (but bad investments do). Taking positive action, keeping a close eye on things and learning as you go is the only way to do this. Start with what makes you comfortable and build from there. If that means a GIANT emergency fund and one fixed-interest bond in addition to your work RA, that’s as good a place to start as any.The habit of setting money aside matters more than where the money goes.There is no single right answer. In fact, there are as many ways to get to financial independence as there are people in the world. ETFs are the market. When ETFs try to beat the market, they are no longer the market.The harder they shout, the farther I run. Wealth building is either silent and slow, or extremely hard and slow. Just because someone says they’re doing something in the media doesn’t mean that’s what they’re doing. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Tim I feel like you are both good friends due to the millions of hours of the Fat Wallet Show I have listened to. I have been there from the beginning when I discovered your show in 2016 during the start of my financial obsession ( don't judge me for not writing, I'm an expert procrastinator). Although living in Germany since 2018, I have been listening to your show religiously and a lot of what I have learnt is the bedrock of my financial strategies. In October last year, my world changed forever, when in the week of the birth of our first child, my partner and I both got Corona which was a complete nightmare. Now 5 months later, a healthy beautiful boy, 2-3 hours of sleep a night, I am emerging from the haze of these challenging last few months to get back to old habits. I turned on the Fat Wallet Show and was shocked and saddened to hear that you are leaving Kristia. I just wanted to thank both of you for the amazing job you have done over the last 240 something episodes. You have taught me so much and done it in such a fun and enjoyable way. As a teacher myself, I hope that some of my students could have such an enjoyable learning experience as I have had with the two of you over the last few years. Ros It's worth looking into the bottom-of-the-range Discovery card. The Gold credit card, on its own, is R60pm. If you want, you can add R15pm for Vitality Money. I would recommend adding the Vitality Money for the extra discounts and rewards it gives you. I'm attaching the Discovery brochure that explains the "dynamic discounts" (it's almost impossible to find this on their website, and almost impossible to understand the product without it, which is why I'm attaching it) as well as my spreadsheet showing how much I "make" out of Discovery Health and Card each month. Some things...


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Access bonds explained (#244)

If you’re new to this money business, access bonds will confuse you. Not only do we use the word “bond” to mean “lending money to the government” and “borrowing money from the bank to buy a house”. The access we’re talking about has changed over the years. As Simon Brown explains in this week’s episode, in the bad old days before the 2008 crash, banks used to give you a little additional spending money when you took out a home loan. Those days are long gone, but the idea prevails. These days you can’t access the interest or principal repayments you’ve already made. You can only access additional repayments you’ve made to reduce your interest payments over time. For this reason, many people store their emergency fund in their access bond. It simultaneously reduces the interest you pay by reducing your principal amount outstanding and protects your cash from tax on interest. In this episode we discuss the possibility of using your access bond to become your own credit provider. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Gwen I am in the process of searching for a house and I often hear people saying that they use an "access bond" as an emergency fund. A friend of mine once told me in the past that I should never take up an access Bond because you never finish paying it. Listening to a lot of podcasts I often hear people saying they use it to put their emergency fund and then they get the benefits to reduce interest. Am finding it difficult to understand how this works, can you kindly explain this to me and how it works practically. I need to understand how I put money in the access facility, do I deposit it and will the interest reduce automatically? Win of the week: Katrien Just a short note to say thank you for the work you’ve done at Just One Lap. I’m one of the many thousands of people who drive to work on a Monday morning with a big smile to start our week. In addition to learning about personal finances, you guys lift our spirits and give us hope. Greg Moving towards pulling the trigger on the investment side so getting there... TFSA for kids... (trustworthiness aside) If I want to play catch up with their contributions (or mine) as we are all starting late (12 & 14 for them and 49 for me) I am aware of the 40% tax on over contributions, but surely in the long term their returns will work this off and they will be ahead of the slower sticking to the limit curve? No.. I have not tried to spreadsheet this yet... My assumption is that the tax is on the input only?


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The cost of moving retirement products (#243)

It has always been the philosophy of this show that a good question is more valuable than a good answer. It’s incredible what you can learn from a really good question, both about the topic and about the person asking the question. This week, Frank had an excellent question about moving retirement funds. This question reveals, first and foremost, just how much Frank already knows about the market. It also reveals a thoughtful person who has found a balance between taking calculated risks and doing whatever he can to protect his assets. In this episode, we address issues around the ethics of retirement product providers, loss aversion and rand cost averaging. All of that, from a single question! RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Frank I have been contemplating transferring my retirement funds to OUTvest. I have some money with Allan Gray, some with Sygnia and most recently with EasyEquities. Combining all with Outvest will qualify me for the R4,500 fixed fee. My concern is switching providers too frequently and whether the risk associated with the potential savings is too high. The time out of the market between the exit and the re-entry may result in losses. Is it worth considering? What happens if someone cheaper comes along next year and I'm tempted to switch again? My other concern is the potential manipulation by the provider that I'm transferring away from, the amount that went to Allan Gray from Old Mutual was significantly lower than the balance showing on the investment platform around the time of the transfer. I had no control over what day the selling of the units happened and had no way of verifying whether the sale actually happened on the day they said. A number of weeks pass from the day you notify a provider of your intention to move away to when the move actually happens. What prevents them from selling on day two after I notify them, but selecting the lowest unit price in the following days and reporting that to me as the day on which they sold my units? They could sell on 1st of the month for R50, but the transaction is only finalised at the end of the month (31st) - they could then see that the unit price on the 12th was R46 and report to me that my units were sold for R46 - giving them the profit (is this a kind of arbitrage?). I'm conflicted about whether I should move to Outvest now and whether the benefit would be substantial or whether I should just leave the money where it is to grow and perhaps consider Outvest the next time I change jobs. With the bulk being in a Preservation Fund, what are the considerations I should take into account when combining it into my RA? Sygnia had allowed me, at the time, to change the allocation of my provident fund to 75% SYGWD (MSCI World ETF) and 25% SYGP (Global Property ETF). My concern is that with the uncertainty around the changes, the online platform is now reporting that my investment is not reg 28 compliant. What are the risks? Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the provident fund is compliant (me or Sygnia). What happens in reg 28 compliant providence where there is "drift" in allocation (ie I may have had the correct percentage in equities during January, but price changes in asset classes may have resulted in "drift" where the asset value in that class is now outside the allowed percentage?) In a previous episode Simon briefly mentioned that there may be scope to use available funds from a bond to invest in the market for returns that neat the interest. My current bond interest rate is 6.55% and I have a substantial amount available in the access bond portion. Could you discuss whether I should use those funds to buy ASHEQF? Am I correct in stating that 6.55% per annum is 0.55% per month? My logic says that as long as ASHEQF returns more than 6.55% per annum I should get out ahead. Thoughts? Win of the week: Shumi I am 33 years old, single, female with no dependents. I am not a cat, engineer or doctor. I studied...


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Passive income (242)

A conversation on our excellent community group had me wondering why we’ve never dedicated a whole Fat Wallet to finding passive income streams outside of investments. It took about ten minutes for the realisation to dawn on me: true passive income is a myth. We often talk about side-hustles. “Hustle” is the operative word there, because we’re describing a second job. The appeal of working in your free time is the diversification of income streams and the potential to eventually earn your monthly income doing something you enjoy instead of your day job. True passive income means you work at nothing but capital for the initial investment. It’s important to remember capital can be physical or it can refer to your time. We discuss the potential of online businesses and the enormous amount of time required to get any sort of momentum. We talk about rental income, having an Uber fleet and selling products online and in each case talk about the work required to truly make it work. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Kay I stumbled across your podcast Sep 2019, via Sam Beckbessinger's book. I binged listened to all the episodes in a rather short space of time. I got a much clearer understanding of TFSA, and opened one immediately. My fear of stocks (which was more a lack of understanding) disappeared. Took my ostrich head out of the ground, and looked at my liberty RA. Ouch. That got shifted out, can't say immediately, but Liberty did eventually let me go. I started pumping money into an emergency fund. Life had taken an interesting turn in early 2019, and my income was more than halved. Come 2020 I had an emergency fund, which has saved my ass (or more like my animal’s insurance is definitely a future consideration with younger animals ) more times than I thought I could possibly ever need to use an emergency fund. If I had not discovered your podcast before 2020, I shudder to think what may have been in 2020. Once again, thank you for all that the two of you have done. It really has been life changing. I have a feeling once I finally retire, and I am able to still drink a fairly decent whiskey, I will think back to the early days of The Fat Wallet Show, and think thank goodness I discovered the podcast. On a side note, does Simon get to keep all the future donations that will be sent once we all have it made? Inge I currently hold Ashburton 1200 and Satrix top 40. Now, with SATRIX I am guessing I am not taxed on dividends as these are SA stocks and fall under SARS, so they can't shaft me here. But do I pay tax on dividends and gains in the Ashburton 1200? Is there any benefit to holding it in my TFSA or should it just be a discretionary investment? Should do a 50% , 50% split between these two? OR because I have a local RA, do I max my offshore in the TFSA and do a 70 ash / 30 satrix split? I am torn between putting extra into my bond to reduce the term (and amount of compound interest paid) vs putting money into my RA/TFSA for the future. Currently my bond is also my emergency and travel savings fund. My current strategy is- RA: maintain and only do standard annual increase. Bond: pay in an extra 50%, I take about the same amount I put into my bond and put 2/3 into a TFSA and 1/3 into an FNB share account. Do I pump up that bond and get it done, or maintain the current strategy? Do you have any suggestions of what calculator to use to show someone the value of time in the market? Una I began a new job in early December and had my daughter in early February. While I understand the value of getting medical when you have a child, I signed up for health insurance instead of medical aid because I was in a hurry. I'm not sure if I should cancel and get medical aid; could you please advise which of the two choices is the best? Tim She owns her home and should downsize. She likes having 2.5 vacant bedrooms for myself and my brothers.. despite 2 of us being...


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Should I stay or should I go? (#241)

Many people take their first wobbly steps into the financial world because they understand money is meant to do something. What exactly that “something” is, is often left to someone else to figure out. However, once they start learning about the financial environment for themselves they realise there might be products better suited to their needs. Moving a lump sum away from a provider you’ve trusted for a few years is a daunting process. Even if your reasons are sound, it’s not an easy decision to make. In honour of the brand new tax year, we spend this week’s episode helping Carmen decide what she should do with her existing high-cost retirement product. We hope the discussion will help you decide what to do with an investment product that no longer suits you. We apologise for the ear worm. This week’s show is also the last of our shows sponsored by OUTvest. We are deeply grateful to them for their support. Also remember tomorrow at 11:00, Bobby from AJM Tax will talk about how the tax changes announced last week will affect your pocket. Join the Facebook community group to watch it live and ask your questions. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Carmen Do I keep pumping money into my high cost actively managed RA at Old Mutual (I like the idea of money going somewhere that I do not think about)? Do I transfer the current balance to my low cost EE and let it sit there and grow (along with the increased monthly premium plan)...but then continue the R3500 contribution to OM (which will likely have even higher fees because now my base amount is R0). Do I reduce my RA contribution to Old Mutual to the minimum R500 per month (so that I don’t incur an “admin fee”) and increase the RA amount to my EE RA immediately by R3000 per month? Do I get outta dodge re: Old Mutual RA and move alles completely? Ancillary reasons for sticking with an actively managed fund at a big investment house are: not to have all my eggs in the EasyEquities basket; my personal risk insurance side is sitting with Old Mutual (disability, illness etc) and my OM is invested in other items than my EE portfolio (bit of diversification); keep contributing to one RA up to age 60 and only pull from it from 65...and other RA only pull from later. Win of the week: Nalisa I started this email about four months ago, and listening to this week's podcast made me decide to get it done. Especially when pet expenses came up! To clarify, I'm a vet and best you believe my creatures are on insurance! Yes, I'm a vet and proper medical care is still expensive for me! Akina, my eldest, decided to go ahead and twist her spleen (after hours, fucking typical) and the resulting bill came to about R20 000, and the medical aid paid me back in under a week. Even if it wasn't for that incident the peace of mind we get from it is worth every cent. But do your research and (I can't stress this enough) read the fine print! Know what they cover and what they exclude, and especially look at their limits (per claim and annual limits). They're still insurers, they're still trying to screw you. My fiancé and I were discussing how one could become completely self insured. We only insure our cars, our home and our pets. We both have life insurance ( to cover the bond), medical aid and I have income protection. We've always agreed that our home contents (aside from his laptop) are considered self-insured because our quote for insurance was exorbitant. In an ideal scenario, we'd need to have enough saved to be able to replace everything with cash, and have about R50k for the animals. The figure gets big really quickly. The main concern would be that you'd have such a huge pile that needs to be fairly liquid and would earn very little (but still more than handing it over to someone else every month). Are there any strategies for self insurance? Or is it actually a silly goal and we should resign ourselves to gamble on bad luck against insurance companies, while...


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Farewell Fatties! (#240)

After five rewarding years as host of The Fat Wallet Show, my time with the show is coming to an end. This episode is a short retrospective of our time together, followed, as usual, by your questions. On 30 May 2016 we published the first episode of The Fat Wallet Show. We knew from our personal experience and from our work at Just One Lap that money was such an emotional topic. All so-called financial education came with an assumption that you would already know the jargon and have some basic understanding of how the system worked. Based on the questions we got at Just One Lap, we knew that wasn’t true. I had started at Just One Lap a year before that and I was like a toddler, asking a hundred questions a day. These questions weren’t orderly. I’d latch on to one topic, ask every question I could think of, mull it over and come back a few days or weeks later with either the same questions or more questions. I was learning a lot, but I wasn’t learning it all in a straight line, because learning isn’t linear. Luckily for me I had a mentor with superhuman patience, who would keep explaining it to me until I got it. I figured if this is how I’m learning about money, this could probably help other people learn too. The Fat Wallet Show was an experiment. It was just going to be questions and answers. It was always just going to be two people on the show. We decided to swear in the show, because we swear when we talk to each other normally. We didn’t want any barriers to making the show sound just like our ordinary conversations. We didn’t want experts, we didn’t want to interview CEOs. We just wanted to get together once a week and talk about money. Since our first episode, the show has been downloaded 717,000 times. We’ve received 2,600 emails. Our Facebook community is 9,000 members strong. We’ve been supported by companies we truly believe in, companies where we have our own money. OUTvest especially has been a true friend to this show. We’ve made friends that I hope we’ll have for life. I’ve been so inspired by the members of this community. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Ernst, in response to Louise’s question: Louise is referring to her provisional tax estimates. So there is a timing difference as she will only get her certificate around June but she needs to estimate it now. She needs to run her own calculation and try to get as close as possible taking into account rate adjustments etc. Again tax works on accrual or paid, whichever comes first. It would seem that she has a considerable amount of interest as she probably uses up her annual exclusion amount. So if she ‘underestimates’ her taxable income she may be liable for penalties if it's too far off. She needs to do an excel calc to try calculate her interest so she can estimate accurately before 28 Feb 2021. She cannot wait until she gets paid or gets the certificate. Suzanne I did a little happy dance this week, on reviewing my OUTVEST RA statement. My transferred RA landed @ OUTVEST in May 2020 and the growth YTD has been SUPER! My set R4 500 fee, which is about 0,75% of my investment, has really made a huge difference. I will be saving my butt off over the next 10 years, to reach that minimum 0,2% fee balance. This led me down an investment spiral, and after listening to episode 183 again I ended up asking the following question….where are the OUTVEST fixed fee living annuity products?……. If I am happy with the asset class breakdown, would there be any reason not to be able to continue with my pre-retirement investment strategy, after my retirement date, at the same 0,2% fee? I have no idea what the general going EAC is for a living annuity, apart from what I have seen on my Dad’s statement – which stated a 1,5% fee. Chris I listened to your Money and Travel episode. Simon mentioned that the SYG4IR is bespoke and doesn’t have a US equivalent - that is partly true. I fill up my TFSA with SA listed ETFs with risk that I like...


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TFSA strategies (#239)

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but tax month is a close second. For buy-and-hold investors like myself, this is the only time of year I get to do anything significant in my portfolio. That’s why I take a moment to reflect on my portfolio every February. My tax-free strategy may seem static from the outside, but it has changed as new products have come into the market and as I’ve matured in my investment philosophy. The market is a highly dynamic environment and even a buy-and-hold strategy requires sharpening every so often. In honour of tax-free savings month, we think through tax-free investment strategies in this week’s episode, with the help of a few listener questions. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Rhona I am asking on behalf of my daughter (turning 30!) regarding her tax free investments. Are there any recommended changes for 2021 to the high risk etf portfolio. Sonya I am 30 years old and have recently started worrying about my future financially. Until now, I have been using most of my savings to pay off as much as possible into my bond. I have also been contributing to my pension fund. I’ve gotten to the point where I can finish paying off my bond in about two years and I have that additional money to put towards my investments. Should I continue to pay extra into my bond and pay it off in my two-year timeframe or rather put more into other investments? Any advice on what to do with that extra money? I recently opened a TFSA started putting 60% in Ashburton 1200 and 40% into Satrix Top 40. I plan on putting the maximum monthly amount in there but not really sure of what ETFs to invest in. I then plan on putting the money left over into ETFs but am unsure of which ones - I have thought of adding MSCI Emerging markets or maybe Dividend Aristocrat. Also, is it worth adding bonds into the mix? Boitomelo I like how Kristia pronounces her name as KRIS-tia while Simon pronounces it as Kris-TIA with emphasis on the last three characters. Have you guys noticed? Just love it 😊. Thank you for your contribution to my getting my act together as it relates to finances. Towards the end 2020 I became debt free and I am never going back to debt for anything. It has been a long 4.5 years’ journey, but very rewarding. Thank you for your service to the community. Anyway, my question is this. Why / How does it happen that the same ETF, Ashburton 1200 for example, can be green in my normal ZAR account, while it is red in my TFSA account or vice versa? Does the different amount in both ‘accounts’ matter? Edwin Like many Fatties I am a pet lover. Many decisions I have made about my dogs are purely irrational, but hit the budget really hard. I want to share a summary of my recent pet experience just to alert people about what they can prepare for in terms of how hard a pet can hit your budget. I have an 11 year old basset hound named Rossie. He is low cost and low admin. Loving, gentle, healthy and clever. A perfect dog. We realised that Rossie doesn’t have many years to go and decided to phase a younger pet in so that when Rossie kicks the bucket we have pet continuity. [caption id="attachment_24694" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Rossie: the perfect dog[/caption] Wanting to be a good person, I opted to get a rescue from the SPCA and chose a lovely mixed breed something named Lucy. The entire adoption process cost me about R800 as the SPCA sterilise and vaccinate the pet too. Lucy arrived home on a Thursday and by Saturday there was a dog fight. Rossie ended up at the Vet. With after hours rates his treatments for his bites including meds were R2.5k. He is not on pet medical aid because he has had a very good track record and in most cases my emergency fund could cover his expenses easily. A day later we found out that our rescue Lucy could easily scale the wall and visit our neighbours. 3 quotes later this was another R8k in expenses to raise our wall on one side. With the...


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Finding the next hot thing (#238)

We are still running our survey. Please take two minutes to help us here. Around the beginning of every year we notice a strange phenomenon. Energised by the holidays and inspired to turn life into an everlasting vacation, investors start searching for the investment Holy Grail. “What is the one, hot thing that will finally liberate me from the shackles of employment?” The opportunity that generates the most excitement changes every year, but the pattern is the same. Newbies and impatient veterans alike flock to alternative assets, penny stocks or underdog listed companies believed to be the next hot thing. This is an especially alarming tendency in first-time investors who have no other savings or investments to fall back on. Some of the questions we’ve seen this year are: Is it wise to buy Aveng shares now?Has anyone invested in the alternative stock exchange on the JSE? If you have, how does it work ?I'm looking to invest in penny shares through my bank FNB, how do I go about that?How do you buy "Doge Coin"? I don't know a lot about it but I just wanna try it out. What makes this question complicated is that there are sometimes hot things that run forever. By the time the rest of us wake up to the opportunity, it’s over. How can we tell what has the potential to be the next hot thing and what is sure to wipe out our investment? Here are a few tips we identified throughout the course of our conversation: Do you have an investment strategy unrelated to this opportunity?If you have an existing investment strategy, have you confirmed that this purchase fits into your long-term investment plans?Why are you considering this? If it’s only because someone else said so, do more research.Can you afford to take this risk? Only consider it if you can afford to lose 100% of your money.Are you considering this because a company called you about it? If it were really that great, would it need a marketing strategy?Is it listed?If it’s a penny stock (a stock whose share price is only a few cents), has the price been steadily increasing over a period? Remember, for something to be a ten-bagger, it first needs to be a one-bagger. What are the fees on this investment? Your fees have to be deducted from your returns before you get your real return. What is your investment horizon? If this is part of your long-term investment strategy, will this product be around for long enough?How do you get out of this investment? Some over the counter (OTC) products can only be sold under certain conditions. A 100% profit is worth 0 if you can’t cash in your investment. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Wesley W Hey Buckles (better combined name than Chubbles...) If one assumes a dividend yield of +- 2% and you pay foreign DWT of 30%, then the effect would be a DWT of 0.6% (30% of 2%) of your total investment. If you were to have this in your TFSA you could almost treat this as an additional cost to your TER for comparison sake. If the index did poorly and no dividends were paid the extra cost of DWT wouldn't apply, but based on a long-term investment that yields the 2% dividend average, you could factor in what you're losing out in tax as per the below. E.g if you were choosing between MSCI World vs Ashburton 1200 you could compare the costs as follows: Ashburton = TER = 0.55% p.a MSCI World = 0.6% DWT + 0.35% TER = 0.95% p.a I initially went for the MSCI world in my tax free account based on TER difference and assuming the DWT might be minimal but now that I look at the numbers it seems I might have been mistaken. Vincent Will the government increase the 1/3 of the lump sum value withdrawal on maturity of an RA? What is 500k going to be worth in 40 years? It seems pointless to take out an RA when the withdrawal amount is not adapting with inflation each year or at least increasing to cater for the cost of living? I'm doing the RA thing, but only until my TFSA lifetime limit is reached via all my rebates from...


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Money and travel (#237)

There’s nothing like lockdown to induce a bad case of wanderlust. 11 months into the biggest bummer of many of our lifetimes, it’s wonderful to hear some ordinary good news. Remember weddings? Lady Kablo certainly does. She got married in December. Lockdown is giving her a little time to think about what she’d like for her perfect honeymoon. Many of us striving for financial independence hope to travel once we no longer have to work. Every time I take a trip, be it abroad or local, I’m reminded travel money works differently from ordinary money. While I’m extremely frugal in my day-to-day life, when I travel I don’t think about money. I also don’t worry about how much I eat or drink, I never check my phone and in general I’m just a much cooler person. In this week’s episode we help Lady Kabelo think about her honeymoon. In the process, we reminisce over some of our own adventures and dream about a time when we can do exciting things like visit friends and go to the shops. Hopefully this episode delivers a spot of whimsy to your lockdown. Please take our survey here. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Lady Kabelo I got married in December. Having spent the last 3 or 4 years following your savvy advice to tackle debt, emergency fund, insurance, retirement and medical aid, the time may have arrived for an international honeymoon trip (Yes, Covid is also a factor. I'm hoping when it's over some hard-hit places will be a little cheaper in an effort to attract visitors.) Every overseas vacation I've taken has been with my parents, so I've never considered the planning and budgeting that goes into an international vacation. My biggest nightmare is running out of money in a foreign country. As a result, I am leaning towards all-inclusive packages - even if we overspend, we'll at least have food. The downside is you're in a resort removed from the "real" place and people but then you can get cabs into the nearby towns for daily excursions. But I'm not sure if this is the most cost-effective way to travel. So, my questions: Are the all-inclusive packages a good way to travel?What are the hidden costs people commonly forget to plan for?What are the biggest financial mistakes people make with regards to travelling?Any additional tips for cost-effective travel? Win of the week: Charlene Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the financial education. I’ve been reading and listening to all your advice since lockdown in March and it has really made a HUGE impact on my financial decisions. I cannot thank you enough. I live in Mossel Bay. Should you ever be in the area I would love to offer lunch/dinner to thank you both for everything. I’ve been getting my financial house in order ever since. I have identified ETFs that I have invested in and I am very happy with the performance. I have invested in Satrix Emerging Markets(20%), Ashburton Global 1200 (60%) , Sygnia 4th industrial revolution (10%) and Satrix Nasdaq 100(10%). I have now sold a property and have money I want to invest. I want to invest it in the overseas markets directly. I’m currently using EasyEquities and I see I can use their platform for international investments as well. I had a look at their fees and I see they charge a brokerage fee of 0.25%. This whole world story is a bit intimidating and scary... so I am thinking to approach it using EasyEquities even though I know it's a bit more expensive. What are your views on this? My next hurdle is choosing what to buy. I want to buy similar ETFs to those I currently have, but don't know where to start. I saw Vanguard has a Total World stock ETF etc etc. Could you please kindly point me in the right direction? Dylan I was wondering whether a RA can be paid out to more than one person? In a family where the wife was a stay at home mom for most of their life and they only really have the husband's retirement fund to live off when he retires, would it be possible to pay the fund out to both people...


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Intergenerational wealth (#236)

Time is such an odd ingredient in the realm of wealth creation. When treated with respect, a good amount of time can be your greatest ally. When ignored, however, time can be your biggest risk. In a country with so much historical inequality, the idea of intergenerational wealth seems entirely mythical. However, a small amount of money sprinkled with a great deal of time makes building a nest egg for the next generation seem downright simple. By the same token, sleeping at the wheel creates an opportunity for inflation to eat away at real returns. In this week’s episode, we explore intergenerational wealth building strategies using two real world examples. Is this our cutest episode yet? You tell us. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Mark I have twin girls who just turned five. I have contributed to their own respective RAs since they were eight months old. I started at R1k a month each and this contribution has increased by 10% a year. I will keep up with the annual increases for as long as possible, but I realise the contributions will become pretty large over time. My girls have Capitec bank accounts and are registered with SARS and file tax returns. They are building up tax credits from the RA contributions in their name with SARS given they have little or no taxable income. I realise this might not be the most tax-efficient or tax-effective option for saving for your kids and DeWet and others might disagree with it. I have outlined below why I went with this strategy over TFSA or unit trusts in their name or the plethora of additional options and combinations. RA is with Sygnia, so it is a low-cost product, and their capital can compound tax-free over a long period 50+ years. They can't touch it when they turn 18. I acknowledge this lack of access can be a double-edged sword given they might like it for a car, a deposit for a property, starting a business, etc.The tax credits they are building up with SARS should see them receive some decent tax refunds when they first start working which they can use for the uses as mentioned earlier or to plough into their own TFSA or back into the RA for even more tax credits. I acknowledge I am giving SARS an interest-free loan and the effect of inflation on the tax credits is a downside here. I also recognise I am losing out on the tax credit myself. They can keep contributing to the RA's when they start working as it is already set up for them. Having the RA, Bank A/C, EasyEquities account, and a SARS efiling profile provides an excellent financial education base when they are older. TFSA and/or unit trust they can access when they are eighteen, and they could withdraw everything and blow it all so this strategy guards against this. Some may see this as excessive control or control from beyond the grave, and I take their point. This RA is their inheritance which should be substantial even in today's rands by the time they can draw down on it. Some of their inheritance they get when they are younger once the tax refunds kick in from the contributions and the balance when they are older. There are pros and cons to the above approach compared to other kids saving options but after I weighed several different approaches and strategies, I decided to go with this one for now for better or worse. Wesley The lifetime limit is inflated periodicallyThe scheme is abandoned to inflationThe allowable limits are significantly increased (as has happened in many other countries) If the lifetime limit is not increased periodically, the TFSA scheme is abandoned to inflation and will become worthless, much like the interest income exemption has been abandoned. At a 4.5% midrange inflation target, assuming the original 30k annual contributions took 16.7 years to max out the 500k, the value of the 500k limit at that date will be around 240k in today's money for someone starting out on that future date. Those future starters will be proportionally disenfranchised from the...


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Tax creep (#235)

There’s more than one way to raise taxes. You can subject yourself to the ire of the masses by being up-front about it, or you can eke out little tax wins on the sly. Our government likes to do a bit of both. This week, with the help of Wesley, we explain how tax creep works and what you can do about it. We also talk about lump-sum withdrawals. You are taxed on previous withdrawals taken after the following dates: Withdrawals: 1 March 2009Retirement benefits: 1 October 2007Severance benefits: 1 March 2011 If you took lump sum withdrawals before these dates, consider that an entry for your gratitude journal. Wesley It’s been 6 years since the lump sum benefit was last adjusted and we have lost 26.5% of the value of the incentive during this time. Where is my inflation adjustment? Obviously someone is desperate for cash right now, and SARS doesn't think it is pensioners. When the lump sum is adjusted from 300k to 500k, but you already took 300k in the past, what happens when you take a 200k lump sum from your other RA account? More complicated. Was 300k, take 400k, pay 18% tax on 100k = 18k tax. Now the limit is 500k. take another 300k lump sum from your other RA account. What on earth happens? Do you not get any benefit from the increase? Does 100k at 18% wipe out half of your new 200k tax free lump sum? Or do you treat it as a 700k lump sum on the new provisions less 18k tax previously paid on lump sums. It seems like a good idea to have at least 2 RA accounts. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Candice Just thought I'd say a HUGE thank you. After being introduced to the show just 3 years ago, I feel like we are in a committed relationship. It's the only podcast I listen to and look forward to my Monday morning drive to work with you guys. I finally budgeted. I’m horrified to see where our money goes monthly. I can't complain though, because without knowing I wouldn't be able to change spending habits. Martinus I've always championed Total Return ETFs. Outside a TFSA you’d have to pay Capital Gains Tax. TRTs also save on brokerage costs and admin. However, the feedback from De Wet has me reconsidering that approach. If the fund is a feeder fund like the Satrix MSCI World, is there any local tax event? To me, it makes sense that if they just reinvest the distributions they receive outside SA the only tax event would be in the foreign country. Your only local tax concern then is CGT. It is possible to switch from Satrix to 1invest MSCI world at an increase in fees of 0.05% and then have dividends paid out. This leaves an increase in brokerage costs and personal admin. Martin I’ve been putting money into the Satrix World. As I understand it, I lose the benefit of the saving on dividend tax in a Global ETF, but I’m at least hedged in a way with the rand weakening over time, and it should show better growth over time than local (who knows though). So I just listened to your podcast (Asset Allocation Problem – 14/12/20) regarding total return funds (like MSCI World). Am I correct in my understanding that the dividend tax is in the region of 28%, not 15%? Furthermore, are we saying that tax free investments should pay out the dividend, and not reinvest? That feels wrong though, that money then can’t keep growing? Then, to make matters worse, when you Google “tax on tax free global etf”, you get many links proclaiming that you do not pay ANY tax on either local or foreign tax free investments, e.g. Please put me out of my misery on this one! Lizl I have the *honour and privilege* of working for a financial institution that recently decided all employees must close all accounts with other brokers and open a stockbroking account with them. Exceptions may be approved, but I don't want to open that can of worms just yet. I have EasyEquities accounts - both an Easy Equities ZAR account with individual...


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RAs and tax (#234)

For all the flack they’ve been getting, there’s no easier way to reduce your tax liability than pension fund contributions. In this week’s episode of The Fat Wallet Show, we help Megan correct an assumption about her tax savings on retirement annuity contributions. We use the opportunity to talk about offshore allocation and prescribed assets. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Megan I listened to your "To RA or Not" episode today, and one of the questions (about RA contributions vs paying off a bond) reminded me of a dilemma I've been wondering about for a while. I'm 25 and working as a junior engineer. My marginal tax rate is at 26%. I'm currently putting R3000/month into my TFSA (Satrix MSCI World ETF with Easy Equities) and R2000/month into a Sygnia RA with decent fees. I save R1000/month in a TymeBank goalsaver for holidays. After that I can't really afford more savings at the moment, which means I'm not adding anything to my long-term discretionary investments. (I have an emergency fund and enough short-term investments for my needs and goals.) My question is this: Considering 1) The Regulation 28 requirement on the RA which limits global diversification, 2) My low tax bracket, and 3) The fact that Rand devalues around 4% per year to the dollar, is the RA really worth it? Putting money into an RA saves me 26% now. But what if I were, instead, to put that R2000 into a discretionary investment (e.g. MSCI World ETF)? If the MSCI World outperforms the local 70% of my RA by 4% a year (which seems likely imo), then surely the discretionary fund would be "outperforming" the RA in the long term? For arguments' sake, with the assumption that global returns outperform Rand returns by 4%, then after 10 years, R2000 in the RA + 26% (assuming I could magically reinvest the tax return instantly) would be worth (2520 x 0.3 x 1.04^10) + (2520 x 0.7) = R2883. While R2000 in the discretionary global ETF would be worth: (2000 x 1.04^10) = R2960. (I mean this in relative terms, I don't really expect 0%). This difference would only get greater over time due to compounding. The other thing is that the RA money will all get taxed in future. And that the RA fees, although low, are higher than the discretionary fees. So while I fully understand the tax benefits of an RA for people earning at 45%, I'm not as convinced for those of us in some of the lower brackets. What do you think? Is my assumption wrong about global markets showing better returns? Is it normal to feel this uncertain about putting so many eggs in the SA basket, or am I being silly? Is an RA worth it for me now, and if not, when does it become worth it?


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How to brace your money for 2021 (#233)

2020 gave us all a new appreciation for the humble emergency fund. In this episode of The Fat Wallet Show we think about some steps you can take to prepare your money for the year ahead. Win of the week: Celma I turned 55 and had to visit my bank (Nedbank) a few months later. I asked them if there is any reduction in bank fees when you turn 55 and to my surprise my bank fees got waived provided I make a R10 000 deposit. I only get 2.5% on the deposit, but save about R300 in monthly bank fees. The facility is probably available to everybody but seems like you must ask about it - it is not as though they tell you or advertise it. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Zee I've been listening to you guys like a fiend for the past 3 months and I have managed to follow your instructions of having insurance, reducing living expenses etc. Now I'm at that stage of forming my retirement strategy. Annnnnddd I'm pretty much having a bit of a breakdown as to whether I'm going in the right direction. So I'm 28 and working in South Korea. I've never had any debt, I don't pay rent, car, I have no kids or financial dependents. This allows me to save about 54% of my pay, which is split between my RA 16% and about 4% Unit trust (which I top up with my annual bonus) both with 10X . Then 30% in a ZAR Easy Equities monthly (I just opened my TFSA which I will max out on the 1st of March as I have already saved the R36K). Ohhh I have saved 3 months salary as an emergency fund. Should I keep the UT as a means of saving a year's worth of salary for when I am old and wrinkled and the medical costs are eye wateringly high or to supplement my income when the market falls apart. Orrrrr should I just leave that and go beast mode into EasyEquities and the RA. I also wanted to know if I should push to save up to a 6 months salary even if it takes me more than a year? And put it into a money market or savings account cause the prospect of going back to being unemployed for a long period of time scares me to death!


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Don't let the door hit you on the way out (#232)

If nothing else, 2020 was humbling. There were many things we thought we knew about the market, about gold, about interest rates and about predicting the future that just turned out to be not so. In this year-end episode of The Fat Wallet Show we share some thoughts and insights, as well as a nice bottle of bubbles. Here’s to a happier 2021. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Tayo One thing I do however is set up separate scheduled transfers with different references if I have a more specific goal. So instead of transferring R100 every month into my EM, I'll have a transfer with reference UPGRADE_KITCHEN of R20, another with R10 for UPGRADE_PHONE_FUND and the rest a normal EM dump. This way I can just search for UPGRADE_KITCHEN on 22seven and I can see how much I've saved up for that particular goal. Extra points for using the same UPGRADE_KITCHEN reference when taking out of that 'fund' so I know how much I've spent and how much I have left. I make sure to keep it simple: Keep those goals as broad and few as possible (I only have 3 at the moment)Don't overthink it. 1 bank account (also 1 banking charge), no excel admin


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A fat fairytale (#231)

In honour of Christmas this Friday, this week’s episode is the first ever Fat Wallet fairytale, written by Suzanne for her daughter Nina. Happy Holidays, everyone! Win of the week: Suzanne I just want to say thank you for the great work that you are doing. I know that we as a society tend to use the word EMPOWERING quite loosely, but there is no better way to describe how I personally have experienced this whole journey into personal finance. I also feel it has made me a better parent to my kids – that can now guide and empower them on their own road to financial independence. I attach a little Christmas Fairytale I wrote for my daughter, that I hope you will enjoy – and as a little ode to a Fairy Godmother that you may recognize…… A CHRISTMAS FAIRYTALE FOR MY DAUGHTER As smart as a whip, and with a feisty personality to match, Princess Nina was considered by all to be quite the catch. But frowns of worry have been darkening her day, For on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, she was unsure of her way……. “OH”, she cried, while munching on her two-minute noodles, “This world has to offer me oodles and oodles, Yet I am unsure of what I need to do! I know I am a Princess, and being one too, Cinderella and Rapunzel I should probably like you, And don’t forget Snow White, she is in the mix too.” “But, being rescued has never really been my vibe, I think I am more part of the Katniss Everdeen tribe. I wear my hair in a bob, and can really whack a hockey ball, I don’t really mind people, but love dogs more than all.” “I have no desire to be rescued by a prince, To me that sounds about as appealing as a bowl of pets mince! I don’t want to toil away my days in some remote castle tower, I want to learn Korean, travel the world and find my own Power!” It was then that it happened, in a flash she appeared, The extremely tall fairy godmother, all mothers-in-law feared… She was known through the land from north to south, For her sensible advice ….and her potty mouth. “Girl”she exclaimed, ”I heard your pleas, And I think you are cooler than the fucking bee’s knees, So in your future there will be no dwarfs, prince’s or even a count….. What you get is a Tax Free Savings Account. With the whip of her wand, she quickly set about, to set up an Easy Equities TFSA account…. “That is it”, she cried,” my magic is done!” “Now, my dear princess, starts all the fun.” “You will go out into the world, and chase those dreams!, But you will also be smart, and live within your means. You will graft at your craft, and your joy will be astounding, You will also be saving a shitload, and experience the magic of compounding.” “This blessing and wisdom I bestow upon you, Is not one to be horded, but for you to share with other princesses too. So should Cinderella come crying about her boring days, Or Rapunzel curse about her man’s whoring ways…….” “You can exclaim: “Girl, I hear you cries, so let me sort for you, the truth from the lies….. You don’t need to live your life as prescribed, Where fate is fate, and choice is denied. You don’t need a blesser, or a large inheritance amount, You need a Tax Free Savings Account!”


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The asset allocation problem (#230)

Investing history teaches us success is all about asset allocation, as Grant Locke explains in this presentation. History is unfortunately annoyingly silent on what precisely the best asset allocation would be. Where does that leave those of us investing for the long haul? Should we pick a mix and stick to it? Should we adapt our asset allocation mix to suit the current market conditions? While Ash asks this important question in relation to a retirement product, it’s a question each DIY investor would have to answer for themselves. This is an excellent way to end our Fat Wallet year, because we’re once again reminded that intentionality and mindfulness matter when it comes to money management. 2020 gave us all a lesson in having high expectations of a new year, so this year I won’t toast 2021. Instead, let’s all raise a glass to the end of 2020 and have that be that. Thanks for listening! RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Ash I get that you partner with Outvest and their Coreshares offering based on their incredibly low fees. I have since been looking at the passive balanced funds available in the market and have picked up that they are not all the same. Could you possibly comment on what is termed a "hard-passive product" which invests in ETFs like the Coreshares OUTmoderate Fund that has a Fixed Asset Allocation? vs a "soft-passive fund" like the Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 70 that is able to adjust its asset allocation on a regular basis however it still uses ETFs and low cost passives in its portfolio. When reading multiple articles online it's seems asset allocation brings in the bulk of your returns over stock picking, so wouldn't it be beneficial being in the Sygnia portfolio that is able to adjust its asset allocation to market risks over time? A prime example being that Sygnia currently doesn't hold any property in its portfolio vs Outvest with 15% exposure to Property (Domestic and Local). When looking at their returns it seems that Sygnia may be more expensive by roughly 0.2% per annum but has managed to deliver far better performance because of its flexibility over the last few years making the 0.2% difference probably worth it. Win of the week: AN I started a Stanlib Unit trust when I was 23 and had stable employment. I injected approximately R100k p.a averaged over the 8 year period. The average returns have been about 7%. However, I suspect that I am being too risk averse and losing out on many opportunities. Please can you help me decide how to progress from this into more diversification. I have opened a TFSA with EE and I will be purchasing ETFS. What amount of my current unit trust should I move over to ETFs as a guideline and what would be the best 2 or 3 ETFS for me to start with? Pascal When you guys mention Interactive Brokers, you imply that it's totally off limits to anyone with less than 100,000 USD. There is no minimum account balance with interactive brokers. Only a small monthly "inactivity" fee if your balance is less than 100K. It costs 10 dollars a month, minus the cost of each trade made in that month (at 1 dollar a trade). So if you buy shares of 2 ETF's each month as I do, your monthly fee is 8 USD (excluding the trades). In other words, aside from the 10 dollars a month, you can buy and sell ETFs for free, up to 10 trades a month, so you're never paying more than ~R160 (at current rates) a month. R160 does not seem like that much for access to global markets though such a feature-rich platform. To put that in perspective, that's less than the fee for some current accounts in SA. When you consider EasyEquites USD fee is 0.56% of each trade value, a 10 dollar fee equates to a trade value of (I think) ~1785 USD. So, IBKR actually becomes cheaper than EasyEquities anytime you invest more than 1785 USD a month. (if my math is correct? Please feel free to check this). Magan If one passes on with a living annuity, can the spouse transfer the amount that is...


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To RA or not (# 229)

Although they’ve fallen out of fashion, we like retirement products. In addition to a generous tax break, retirement funds prevent us from cheating our future selves out of money to do luxurious things like live indoors and eat food. That said, if you’re prioritising investments, retirement products might not be the best place to start, as Dylan points out this week. At the beginning of your career, your tax bracket is quite low. Much as we like tax breaks, it might not be the best use of your investment money. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Win of the week: Stella Thanks so much for your absolutely fantastic show – I have learned SO much from you and Simon. I think of it as The Gospel According to Bubbles and Chuckles. I’m learning slowly and not there yet, but doing oh so much better with my money. My mother is 89 and has just sold the life rights to her cottage in a retirement village she was living in (she moved to another establishment where she pays a very low monthly rent of R5,900 – can you believe that?? We were so lucky to get this – it’s a fabulous place in a small town and working out well). She will receive R451,000 from the sale and I am wondering what she should do with this money to avoid taxes and fees. She really doesn’t have much money and her income is very low, between her pension and an annuity she gets just under R10,000/month, so my brother and I supplement her expenses – we split her rent in 3, covering various expenses. Her medical bills are a nightmare – her medical aid and gap cover sets her back R4100/month, and she has just been prescribed heart medication which costs R2,200/month, that the medical aid won’t cover. That’s R6,300/month on medical shit. Anyhow – she will need to draw on this money to cover said expenses, but it would be great to identify an investment option that allows the money to earn interest, but not have it tied up for years. Dylan If I am responsible enough to not use it for living costs it seems like a good place for my money: It is saving me on a guaranteed interest rate which (even at this stage where the repo rate is so low) is higher than inflation My understanding is that I will never have any tax implications on these savings since it is not actually interest that I am "earning". The only negative I can see is the whole "don't have all your eggs in one basket" saying, which also seems like it is not exactly applicable in this case. Even if something bad happens to my house or the property market, I would still be liable for the amount owed to the bank. So whether I have big savings in my home loan or in other investments, the loss would be the same. Since I am at the early stage of my career, I benefit the least in terms of tax. I only expect my salary to grow from here on, so later in my career I would benefit much more. So should I not be prioritizing TFSAs? My very basic understanding would explain that RAs let you reap the reward now and pay tax later, where TFSA let you pay now and reap the reward later. My current idea is to contribute the max of R6k per month between myself and my wife to TFSA. After that we can consider RAs and other investments. Then this ties up with my first question: would it not be a good idea to then take what's left after TFSA and contribute that to my home loan? This way, I could really quickly pay off my home loan and only after that start contributing to an RA again. At that point, I would need a new place for my emergency fund, but cash investments should be fine? If I stop contributing to a RA and rather contribute to a TFSA and my home loan (or any other investment), do I need to tell my employer that? Currently they pay me my salary and I contribute to my RA, but they do specify my RA contribution on my PAYE. Can I leave them and just save the tax I should pay and give the money to SARS at the end of the tax year or is that not legal? Herman I have been contributing to my TFSA the max amount...


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Why do my returns suck? (#228)

In our second Fast Fatty, we spoke about Suzanne’s PPS account. PPS felt our assessment of their product was inaccurate. We offered them a right of reply. Read their reply here. Pru has had a rough start to her investment career. She had a financial advisor she was struggling to shake off. Just as she worked up the courage to let them go, the advisor got fired for committing fraud. This shocking news encouraged Pru to take a closer look at her investments. She was not happy with what she found. Many of you have expressed your frustration at the returns you’re getting from your investments this year. In this episode we help you and Pru figure out exactly what happened. As always, we explain how a high fee puts you at a disadvantage from the outset. Next, we discuss asset allocation, diversification and the general madness of the market. Being able to read investment documents is an important skill to develop. We wrote three articles to help you make sense of these documents. You can find them here, here and here. RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Pru Discovery gave me a call and told me they were doing a forensic investigation into my financial advisor. It turns out they forged my signature on a policy document, as such Discovery did the heavy lifting for me and took them off my policies. The rage regarding the forgery forced me into action. I started the process of moving my TFSA from Sanlam to Easy. This led to me scrutinising my TFSA portfolio and you two won't believe this! (Or maybe you will) My portfolio has done FUCK ALL (Sorry Sean) since I started it in 2017!!!! I have actually lost R 20 000 of my contributions!!! I am so upset! Where I have gone wrong and what the FUCK happened????!!! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my demo portfolio on Easy Equities has made a profit of R5000... There are not enough exclamation marks and expletives in this email to describe how I feel right now. Thank you again for all the help. The two of you are doing the Lord's work, literally. Dirk How can I determine how safe my investment is with respect to the investment issuer/provider/platform? Many investments are for the longer term. What guarantee can an investor have that the investment provider will still be around in the future? There seems to be an increasing number of issuers, platforms and providers. How can I determine the risk associated with them? What is the situation in the case where I buy an UT or ETF via a platform (e.g. AG/ABSAStockbrokers/EasyEquities/etc/etc/etc) that is issued by another issuer, for example, AG/Satrix/Sygnia? Rudzani Given that cash is no longer king, what is the implication for people like me who have significant equity in our bonds? Should we looking to invest it elsewhere in the meantime? The bond has served as a mechanism to reduce interest rate expense, bond term and easily accessible large sums of savings. I have ETFs and max out my TFSAs each year. I sadly hold some unit trusts but I got those before I knew about ETFs and have just left them. What are some strategies with the cash currently sitting in the bond? Do I just leave it? Christiaan is intrigued by the new ESG ETFs from Satrix, but he’s not convinced that the money will follow the ethics. He wants to know if we have any strong opinions about it. Brent I am investing in ETFs for the long haul. I’m maxing out tax free first, but I’m referring to non-tax free and non RA investments. Say I buy shares monthly for the next 30 years and then I want to sell some, how is tax worked out on that? I will have been buying shares at different prices over time and now I’m selling them at whatever the price is at the time of sale. Will SARS tell me how much tax I should pay? Will Easy Equities? If I bought shares in Ashburton 1200 for R50 in 2020, then R300 ten years later, then R1000 another few years after that. If I sell them for R1200 the tax on the first shares I bought would be huge, but not so much on the...


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Fast Fatty the Third (#227)

We use my long-awaited holiday to catch up to some user questions for the next three weeks. We hope you enjoy the shorter episodes as much as I plan on enjoying my break! IM I have an Old Mutual Endowment policy that matures in November 2020.. I also have a lump sum in a TymeBank account in various GoalSaves, which I don't need to use any time soon. I have another lump sum in an African Bank account. I'm not sure whether I should pool all the money and put it into a fixed deposit account with African Bank for 5 years (the interest rate is very attractive at 10.01% annual interest payout) and have the interest payout annually, so that it doesn't go over the R23,800 tax exemption. Or should I take the money and invest it into ETFs, split 50/50 into local and international. With the idea of investing for dividends and growth. I know that I won't be sheltered from taxes if I do this. I was thinking of splitting it between the following ETFs (I use the same ETFs for my TFSA): Coreshares PreftraxCoreshares DivTraxSatrix DiviCoreshares Top 50Coreshares Property IncomeCoreshares Global DivTrax1nvest Global REITSatrix MCSI WorldSatrix S&P500Sygnia 4IR If I decide to do the fixed deposit, then I was thinking of using the interest payout each year and invest it in ETFs (and be subjected to taxes). My wife doesn't know anything about RA/TFSA tax benefits or investing, and has absolutely no interest in using her TFSA. I even helped create and set up one for her on Easy Equities. I could use the fixed deposit interest payout and then fund her TFSA each year and then top it up to max it out as well. However, the disadvantage is that on death, then the TFSA will form part of her estate. And then lastly, I could also put it into my RA, which I currently have with Sygnia (Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 70). I won't benefit from a tax return, but will possibly benefit from CGT, DWT and tax on interest earned. I'm finding it difficult to make a decision on what would be most beneficial. Any suggestions on what I could do with this lump sum? RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Ash I switched the Sygnia MSCI USA to their new Health Innovation fund. This is an active fund (with performance fees 😱) that uses the MSCI World Health index as a benchmark and applies an ESG filter. My reasoning was that new developments in health care (including a COVID-19 vaccine) are likely going to play an outsized role in the world economy and I wanted a piece of that action. Unfortunately, there are no local ETFs which track any health-related indices, so this seemed the only available option for someone who wanted global exposure to this sector. I’ve attached the factsheet and I’d be interested to know your and Simon’s thoughts on this fund. Guillym thinks he knows why Anne’s Liberty fees are 12% of her monthly contribution. This is probably because these sort of products also can give one cover for illness and disability. Not that they not screwing you over, they probably are so fuck em, just this may explain away a bit of why its to high. Stephen Give Edwin a Bells! I have invested in some Thematic US ETFs and was worried about overlaps as I have ARKK (Ark Innovation (Active ETF)) and BOTZ (Global X Robotics and Artificial Intelligence). The comparison highlighted no overlaps whereas I was expecting a few. I should have done the due diligence via vlookups etc but the anchor equity for ARKK is Tesla whereas BOTZ anchor equity is NVidia. I like both equities and I also like the fact that both these funds consist of between 30 and 50 equities so are not over diversified. My 3rd ETF is iShares Global Clean Energy. Tania You guys often discuss the Ashburton 1200 ETF. I am considering cashing in my young kids’ Unit Trusts and rather investing it here. You once mentioned the Ashburton Global 1200 isn’t like a ‘normal’ feeder fund and that one actually owns the underlying shares. Is this still the case and it seems to have read...


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Fast Fatty the Second (#226)

We use my long-awaited holiday to catch up to some user questions for the next three weeks. We hope you enjoy the shorter episodes as much as I plan on enjoying my break! Suzanne After finding your podcast during hard lockdown, I have been binge listening …..and can honestly say: You have changed my life! Thank you! I have kicked Sanlam and their 5.4% TIC under the arse, and moved my Retirement Annuity to OUTvest. The buggers charged me a R30,000 exit fee; but thanks to OUTvest’s amazing product – within 5 months I made up the loss; ½ coming from my contributions, and ½ from real returns! Following Nerina Visser’s fantastic presentation, I am also spreadsheeting everything, but have run into a bit of a snag and hope you can help. As a medical professional, I hold a PPS Policy which includes a sickness- and disability benefit, as well as life cover. Thanks to Stealthy Wealth, I now know that ‘PPS is a mutual society, and doesn't operate like a normal company. They distribute any profit they make back to the policyholders’. These profits are linked to the above policy, and deposited annually into my PPS Profit Share Account. Annually, PPS provides me with a current Rand value, for the value of my PPS Profit Share Account – and I am happy to say it has been growing steadily. On my policy statement it further states that ‘These accounts do not vest until the policy holder reaches 60 years;….and on this date the Profit Share Account can be taken TAX FREE as a cash lump sum’. Can I safely count this Rand value, and the projected growth, towards my retirement planning? And if so, any suggestions on what would be the best (tax efficient) way to do it? RSS feed here Subscribe or rate us in iTunes Brett If you take out a life policy of a R1 000 000 and nominate a beneficiary. -Then SARS assesses you and says you owe them R800 000. -You don't pay the debt due to SARS. -Can SARS nominate the Insurance Agency as a 3rd party in terms of the Tax Administration Act to collect the outstanding debt from the Insurance provider? -In other words whose money is it/The beneficiary or the policyholder. -I have looked into this a bit and it seems that creditors cannot access life policies which would indicate it belongs to the beneficiary and not the policyholder. Kobus I have offshore funds in a Bank account earning nothing at the moment. I am considering investing this in the Sanlam Glacier Global Life plan and will do this without a FA to save on costs. What other reputable companies in SA offer this service where you can invest directly without the help of an intermediary? Rudolph I have a decision to make that I am a little confused about. I am wondering about the order that I should give preference to. I am currently first trying to max out my RA for the Tax benefit, but keeping myself from accessing the funds till I am 65. Then I try to max out my TFSA and Finally I allocate the remainder of my extra money to my house bond to pay it off quicker. I am not sure if this is the best order to give preference to. Ken We used to contribute to Little Eden and St Bernhards Hospice as part of our monthly tithe. But with our aging parents, and their lack of retirement savings, we are anticipating needing to help them out in the years to come. So we are diverting our tithe savings into a Allan Gray money market account (lowest fees on the market from what I can tell). But I often have a pang of regret when I think that we are no longer supporting these companies that are working so hard to help others. I wonder. if by no longer supporting them, we have resulted in them having to turn somebody away. My idea is a Charity "ETF". like the "top 40" of non profit worthy (researched and vetted) organisations that are helping others. The Charity "ETF" fact sheet will look a little bit different, with links to all of the top 40 organisations websites and a brief description of what they do. I was daydreaming about it popping up...
