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RNZ New Zealand

A weekly analysis of significant political issues.


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A weekly analysis of significant political issues.






04 474 1999

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Careful cuts with little room for error: Willis' first Budget

At last, the tax cut tease is over, the full details on full display. The Budget's headline was only ever going to be tax cuts - and they arrived almost exactly as promised. Finance Minister Nicola Willis kept her promise, but will voters thank her? In this week's Focus on Politics, RNZ Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch examines the first Budget of the coalition government.


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Fast Track bill hits hurdles of public outrage

A law giving ministers sweeping powers to greenlight infrastructure projects has attracted a wave of criticism and responses at select committee. With ministers beginning to soften their language, the bill could yet see changes before progressing through Parliament. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Anneke Smith explores the government's fast-track legislation and the responses to it.


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Focus on Politics for Friday 17 May 2024

In Focus on Politics, political reporter Katie Scotcher looks at the latest funding boost for the Defence Force and how much more investment is needed.


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Lunch cuts and cut lunch for secondary schools

In Focus on Politics, RNZ deputy political editor Craig McCulloch chews over the coalition's school lunch announcement, as well as the opposition's somewhat muted reaction.


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Sideshows overshadow substance at Parliament

In Focus on Politics, RNZ's deputy political editor Craig McCulloch whips through a whirlwind week at Parliament.


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Vaping regulations battle 'immeasurably harder' under coalition - campaigner

Successive governments have claimed crack downs on youth vaping but retailers are flouting the law, with just one prosecution on the books. Retailers have until the end of the year to phase out single-use products, but academics say MPs' fears vape manufacturers will just adapt are justified. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Anneke Smith looks at concerns vape manufacturers will find loopholes in new regulations.


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Luxon boosts defence amid rising global tensions

As global tensions escalated this week, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was touring South East Asia, strengthening defence and security ties. Back home, his government was accused of drifting away from New Zealand's independent foreign policy.


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From lobbyist to legislator: Andrew Hoggard's vision for reform

Andrew Hoggard might be new to Parliament, but he's certainly not new to New Zealand's screens and airwaves. The Manawatū dairy farmer was president of Federated Farmers from 2020 to 2023, and one of the more prominent critics of the previous government's agricultural policies. In this week's Focus on Politics, RNZ Political Reporter Giles Dexter sits down with new MP - and new minister - Andrew Hoggard, to discuss the suite of reviews and replacements he's been tasked with.


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Aim and fire? Public service targets return amid job cuts

Public Service Targets are set for a comeback but with job cuts looming over ministries and agencies, unions fear public servants are only being asked to do more with less. Originally introduced by the John Key National government, the targets have led to improvements in the past - but that experience shows there are also risks. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Giles Dexter looks at the impending comeback of Better Public Services targets, one of the points in the government's new action plan.


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Winston Peters navigates troubled waters with India, China

New Zealand must pull its weight on defence and security, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says in a sit-down interview with RNZ, after talks with both India and China. While trade was a driving force behind those engagements, it is clear tension points - like the South China Sea, and potential involvement in AUKUS - are becoming more central to foreign policy discussions in the Indo-Pacific. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Editor Jo Moir sits down with Foreign Minister Winston Peters after his visit to India, and a visit from his Chinese counterpart.


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Labour prepares to be prepared for power

Humiliated and humbled in last year's election, Labour has spent its first months back in opposition licking its wounds. At the party's caucus retreat this week - a gathering of its MPs at a remote location to strategise for the year ahead - it promised a comeback. In this week's Focus on Politics RNZ deputy political editor Craig McCulloch takes a look at the difficulties and dilemmas facing Labour as it readjusts to life in opposition.


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Clock stops on coalition's urgency-filled 100-day plan

The House has been in full swing for four weeks, with MPs sitting long hours as the government pushes through legislation under urgency to complete its 100-day plan. What's in it? Did the government achieve it all? And how will the plan hold in six, 12 or even 18 months? In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Anneke Smith examines the 100-day plan and the fanfare for it by the coalition government.


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When no news is bad news



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Fa'anānā Efeso Collins' death brings unity in grief

Parliament was brought to a standstill on Wednesday, with politics set aside after the sudden and shocking death of first-term Green MP Fa'anānā Efeso Collins. A champion for his people, a tireless advocate, a good man - such were the tributes as Parliament mourned the loss of one its own. In this week's Focus on Politics, Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch marks the death of Green MP Efeso Collins, pulling together the tributes and reflections shared this week by those whose lives he touched.


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Councils get their Three Waters wish - but will they regret it?

The coalition has ticked off another objective - repealing the troubled Three Waters programme - but in doing so may have just delayed the bigger problem for another day. In this week's Focus on Politics, Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch tests the temperature as the coalition moves to repeal and replace Labour's water reforms.


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Government faces the music at Waitangi

This year's record-breaking Waitangi celebrations drew 80,000 people to the Treaty grounds over four days, half that on Waitangi Day alone. With the dust settling on the event's biggest turnout in decades, the sense of unity and anger among many Māori will linger long after the Treaty Principles legislation is gone. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Anneke Smith examines the coalition government's performance at a Waitangi Day for the history books.


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Shaw's message for his successor as he prepares to bow out

Green Party co-leader James Shaw talks about his decision to step down, his time in the role, and the message he has for whoever succeeds him.


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Luxon fronts fierce criticism from Māori ahead of Waitangi

Coming hot on the heels of last weekend's Hui-aa-Motu and the Rātana celebrations, Waitangi Day this year promises to be highly emotive and political. The government's policies have prompted calls for resilience and resistance, and a dramatic show of unity from much of Māoridom. In this week's Focus on Politics, Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch assesses the coalition's response to the challenge laid down by many in Māoridom, as the political year gets back under way.


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A year of political turmoil comes to an end

Three prime ministers, four ministerial scandals, one general election and a three-way coalition: New Zealand's political landscape has been well and truly shaken up in 2023. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Katie Scotcher takes a look back on what was a turbulent year at Parliament and on the campaign trail.


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Peters defies opposition as repeals and rollbacks roll on

