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Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.


Pasco, WA


Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.




Keys for Kids Ministries 2060 43rd St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508 (616) 647-4500

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Just Like Dad

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-10 One day when Nathan and his dad were shopping, an elderly man walked up to them. "Excuse me," the man said. "My name is Bill Cook. I've been watching the two of you, and I can't help but notice how much both of you look like someone I went to school with years ago. His name was Nathan Nobel. Are you related to him?" "That's my name, and my dad's too!" Nathan grinned. "Dad is Nathan Nobel Jr., and I'm Nathan Nobel the third," he added proudly. "But you look too old to have been in school with my dad." The two men laughed. "Nathan, I think this gentleman is talking about your grandfather," explained Dad. Mr. Cook nodded. "I just knew you must be related," he said after they had talked a few minutes. "Your boy here, with his red hair and freckles, looks very much like Nate did in grammar school. You both walk and talk like him too." After Mr. Cook left, Dad smiled at Nathan. "I consider it a real compliment to have been recognized as my father's son," he said. "I've always admired my dad very much, and I guess I've copied his ways more than I realized. I'm really proud to be just like Dad." "Yeah--that was amazing!" Nathan said. "Mr. Cook hasn't seen Grandpa in years, and yet he recognized how much we were like him." Dad looked at him thoughtfully. "There's someone else we should be like, Nathan," he said. "The Bible says we should be imitators of God. People watch our actions and hear our words, and they should be able to tell that God is our Father." "But God is perfect, and He can do all kinds of miracles," Nathan pointed out. "We can't be exactly like Him." "That's true," said Dad. "But if we remember that we're God's children and that He's given us the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and make us more like Jesus, it will help us show His love, forgiveness, and kindness to others. Then some people will say, 'There goes a child of God.'" –Mary Rose Pearson How About You? Have you ever been told that you look, sound, or act like one of your parents? Can people also tell by watching you that you're a child of God? If you do and say the same things Jesus would if He were on earth today, others will recognize you as one of God's children. Trust Him to help you show others the love of Jesus so they will be able to tell that you are God's child. Today's Key Verse: Be imitators of God as dear children. (NKJV) (Ephesians 5:1) Today's Key Thought: Be like your heavenly Father


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Baby Chicks

Bible Reading: Psalm 104:24-31; 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Sara! Lauren!" Mom said as she walked into the twins' bedroom. "Mimi called and said the baby chicks are going to be hatching in a couple days. She invited you both to the farm for the weekend." Sara and Lauren jumped up and down with excitement. They loved going out to Mimi and Pop's farm. "I can't wait to see the baby chicks hatch!" Sara said. When the twins arrived at their grandparents' farm that weekend, they eagerly followed Mimi and Pop to the barn to see the incubator set up in the feed room. When they looked inside it, Sara and Lauren counted twelve eggs. "The eggs have to sit in the incubator for twenty-one days and then the chicks will begin to hatch," Pop explained. "Tomorrow will be twenty-one days." "We'll get up early tomorrow and see if any of the chicks have started hatching," Mimi said. The next morning after breakfast, the twins took off for the barn with Mimi following behind them. Pop was already out feeding some of the animals and met them at the gate. "Good morning! Are you ready to watch some chicks hatch?" he asked. "Yes!" the twins yelled. Lauren and Sara peeked inside the incubator. They could hear soft peeping noises, and some of the eggs were starting to move. Before long, they saw a few little beaks and then little wet heads peeking out. It took several hours, but by the time the twins and their grandparents had finished dinner, all the chicks had hatched. Once the chicks had fully dried off, Pop removed them from the incubator and placed them in a little pen so Sara and Lauren could hold them. "Isn't God's creation wonderful?" said Mimi. "Whenever I see new life, I'm reminded of Psalm 104:24, which says, 'O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.'" "I sure am glad God made little chicks," Lauren said as she gently ran a finger over the baby chick in her hand. "Me too," said Sara. "They're so cute!" Mimi smiled. "I'm glad God made us too--and gives us new life through Jesus." –Lisa Fuller How About You? Have you ever stopped and really looked at God's wonderful creation? Next time you take a walk in nature, take time to notice how beautifully God made everything. He cares about His creation--especially you! He created you, and Jesus died and rose again to save you and give you new life. Let the amazing world and creatures He's created remind you of His love. Today's Key Verse: The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. (NLT) (Psalm 19:1) Today's Key Thought: God made everything


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The Best Good Deed

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:5-6; 64:6; Ephesians 2:8-9 After placing dishes full of fragrant food on the table, Sunita sat down and sighed. "What's wrong, my love?" Mummy asked after they thanked God for their meal. "Last week I made a plan to do a good deed every day. Or at least not a bad one. I wrote myself a note to remind me," Sunita explained. "That's nice, but why do you look gloomy?" Mummy asked. "Because it's the end of the day, and I haven't done a good deed. And I got mad at my friends playing cricket today. I yelled at Anaya and said that I was leaving if I didn't get a turn as the wicketkeeper." Sunita's chin trembled. "I couldn't keep my plan for even one week!" Mummy scooped a serving of chicken tikka masala onto Sunita's plate. Then she took her daughter's hands in her own. "Sunita, remember last summer when you gave your life to Jesus?" Sunita nodded. "Yes, I wanted to be right with God, so I confessed that I'm a sinner and asked Jesus to forgive me. Because He died for me. But why do you ask?" "Why did Jesus die for you, my dear?" Mummy asked. "Because somebody had to pay for my sins. Jesus died in my place so I can have eternal life." "That's right, Sunita! We can't keep our own standards, as you have seen. And we certainly can't keep God's standards. That's why we need Jesus. We cannot pay for our wrongs by doing good deeds or by avoiding bad ones. The only way we can have a relationship with God is to receive the gift of forgiveness through His Son." Sunita took a bite of food and smiled. "So, even if I miss a day of good deeds, or get angry at my friends, I'll still have God's forgiveness?" "Yes, once we have trusted in Jesus for forgiveness, we don't lose it," Mummy assured her. "We will still do wrong things, but He will always forgive our wrongs, and He'll also help us do good things that show others His love. But our good deeds don't to anything to make us right with God--Jesus did that for us." "I'll write another note," Sunita announced. "It will remind me to do good deeds--but to remember that Jesus did the best one of all." –Allison Wilson Lee How About You? Do you wonder if you've done enough good works to please God or fear you have too many sins for Him to forgive? Forgiveness and eternal life come only through Jesus, who died to take the punishment for all our sins. We can't earn forgiveness by doing nice things or avoiding bad choices. Knowing God is a gift that becomes ours when we accept it by trusting in Jesus. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to Today's Key Verse: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. (NIV) (Ephesians 2:8) Today's Key Thought: Forgiveness comes only through Jesus


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Too Soon

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 "We're harvesting tomatoes today!" Aunt Micki said when Landon and Baleigh arrived. She handed them each a basket. "Be careful to only pick the red ones--the green ones aren't ready yet." Baleigh was excited to help in the garden, but Landon sighed as he started picking tomatoes. He'd wanted to stay home by himself while his parents were gone for the day, but they'd said no. Landon looked over at his sister. "Baleigh," he exclaimed, "don't pick the green ones!" "Let's see, Baleigh," Aunt Micki said as she came to look at what the youngest had picked. "Hmm…those tomatoes are too green. But that's okay. With a little TLC, we'll still be able to use them." "What's TLC?" Landon asked. "TLC is tender, loving care. Come on inside and I'll show you!" Aunt Micki led them into the house. "Baleigh, bring me a paper bag from the hall closet." Aunt Micki placed Baleigh's tomatoes in the bag and closed the top. "After being in this closed bag for a few days, these tomatoes will ripen," she explained. "Without it they wouldn't continue to ripen and would never taste good." Aunt Micki looked at Landon. "That's true with our lives too," she said. "I know it's hard to wait to do more grown-up things sometimes, but you're not ready for them yet. When we try to do them too soon, we can miss out on some of the blessings and growth we would have had along the way. God wants us to wait for the right time to do things, and for kids that means listening to your parents and doing what they say--they know when it might be too soon for you to do something." "But you're going to be able to use these tomatoes after they have some TLC, aren't you?" asked Baleigh. "Yes!" said Aunt Micki. "And even when we insist on doing things our own way instead of listening to God, Jesus offers us forgiveness, and He will give us TLC to help us through the consequences our disobedience may cause. But waiting for His timing in the first place is always the best thing, just like ripening on the vine would have been best for these tomatoes." –Myrical Barton How About You? Are you content to wait for some things until your parents feel you are ready? Or do you wish they'd let you do them now? Don't try to grow up too quickly. Just like tomatoes need time to grow before being harvested, you need time to grow before you do certain things. Ask God to help you be content with the things you can do now, knowing you can trust His tender, loving care. Today's Key Verse: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. (NKJV) (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Today's Key Thought: Wait for God's timing


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Survival Kit

Bible Reading: Psalm 1:1-6 "We did a fun thing in science today," Haneul told his mom as he packed his suitcase for a weekend with his grandparents. "We had to get into groups and decide which items we would include in our survival kit if we were taking a trip to the moon. Our teacher gave us a list of twenty things, and we had to choose eight of them for our kit." "Did everyone agree on the same items?" asked Mom. Haneul shook his head. "One boy in my group kept insisting that we take a compass. What good would that do on the moon? It doesn't have a magnetic field like Earth does. And chocolate wasn't even on the list! How could anyone survive without chocolate?" Mom laughed. "You and your chocolate." "There were a lot of foods we couldn't take, so I thought we should take vitamins," Haneul continued. "Otherwise we might not get all the stuff we need to stay healthy." He added a couple of things to his suitcase and closed it. "There! I'm done." "Did you pack pajamas?" asked Mom. "Of course!" Haneul answered. "Toothbrush?" Mom wanted to know. "Yep," said Haneul. "Don't forget, Mom--I worked on a survival kit at school today. I'm a pro at packing now!" "What about daily nutrition?" Mom asked. Haneul laughed. "I don't need to take any food with me--or vitamins. Grandma will make sure I eat well!" "I was actually referring to a different kind of nutrition," Mom told him. "You need spiritual food wherever you are, and the Bible is a place to get that. The Holy Spirit uses it to nourish our hearts and remind us of Jesus's love, grace, and promises." Haneul looked at the Bible on his bedside table. "Okay. I'll take it." He picked it up, opened his suitcase, and made room for it. "But even if I didn't take it along, I'm sure Grandpa and Grandma would make sure I got spiritual food. They go to church and talk about Jesus a lot." "Yes, but it's good to read the Bible for yourself too." Mom smiled. "It probably wasn't on your list at school, but it would also be a good thing to have on the moon!" –Nance E. Keyes How About You? Would you include a Bible in a survival kit for the moon? Is it a regular part of your life now? It's easy to remember the food our physical bodies need, but you need spiritual food too. Feed your mind with spiritual truth by reading the Bible and learning about what it says at church. Then trust God to use it to nourish you spiritually and help you apply what it says to your life. Today's Key Verse: People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. (NLT) (Matthew 4:4) Today's Key Thought: Be nourished by God Word


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Persistent Coco

Bible Reading: Luke 11:5-10 "Coco, not now, I'm busy," Laney said as she turned a page in her book. But Laney's chocolate-colored cat continued to scratch on the door, wanting to go outside. Coco loved to chase the birds and butterflies and lounge on the porch swing, and she wouldn't stop scratching until someone let her out. "Coco, I've got to say, you sure are persistent, and it usually works," Laney said when she finally got up to open the door. Coco darted outside and jumped up onto the porch swing. Laney laughed and sat down beside her to continue reading. "Are you enjoying your book?" asked Mom a little later when they were having lunch. "When do you have to turn in your book report?" "The book report is due on Tuesday, and the book is pretty good. Coco had a great idea for a reading spot too--we both ended up on the porch swing when Coco wouldn't stop scratching on the door to go outside. I guess her persistence paid off for both of us!" Mom smiled. "That makes me think of a story in the Bible." She took her Bible from the shelf and read a few verses that talked about how praying was like asking a friend for bread over and over until it's given to you. "Jesus was teaching the disciples how to pray and wanted to show them the importance of being persistent," Mom explained. "We need to be persistent in prayer. God wants us to keep on asking and expecting Him to answer. He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us, and He wants us to come to Him with our wants, needs, and concerns. Coco was persistent until she got what she needed--or should I say wanted--and that's the kind of persistence we need to have when we pray, knowing that God hears us and will always answer with what is best." "The next time Coco keeps scratching at the door, I'll remember that's how God wants me to come to Him with my needs and concerns," Laney said as she helped her mom clear the table. When they finished, Laney grabbed her book. "Come on, Coco. Let's go on out to the porch swing." –Lisa Fuller How About You? Have you ever wondered why prayer is important? Prayer is a way to get to know God better. As we communicate our wants, needs, and concerns to Him, He gives us His peace and helps us learn to trust Him. He wants us to boldly bring our requests to Him in prayer again and again, knowing that He will answer--even if it's in a different way than we're asking. Pray persistently, and trust God to answer in the way He knows is best. Today's Key Verse: Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. (NLT) (Colossians 4:2) Today's Key Thought: Be persistent in prayer


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Where's God?

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Psalm 139:7-10 Ava lay on the sofa, her face pale, her bald head a circle against the pillow. Medical treatments had caused her hair to fall out. Her grandmother looked over just as Ava dabbed a tear from her eye. "What's wrong, honey?" asked Grandma. "Not feeling so good today?" "I'm scared," replied Ava in a trembling voice. "It seems like God has gone away. Ever since I got sick, it feels as if He isn't here at all." Grandma squeezed Ava's hand. "It may feel like that, but God promises to always be with us. Sometimes it's hard to keep praying and trusting Him, but we need to do that." She sat down beside Ava. "The way you feel isn't surprising though. It reminds me of something that happened to me when I was little." "Were you sick too?" asked Ava. "Yes," Grandma said. "I was once very sick with the flu. My mother had given me medicine at bedtime and stayed with me until I fell asleep. But then, in the middle of the night, I woke up in the dark. My head throbbed, and my throat was so sore that I couldn't call out to my parents down the hall. I was too weak to get out of bed, so I just lay there crying, thinking I was all alone. But then a light switched on, and there was my mother, right beside me. She had been sleeping in a chair next to my bed the whole time!" "So, God is still here with me even though it feels like I'm all alone?" asked Ava. Grandma nodded. "My mother slept in that chair all night so she could stay with me, but Jesus did much more than that to be with you, Ava--He left heaven and came to earth as a baby, and when He grew up, He died for your sins so you could live with Him forever. Even though being sick may make it seem like He's far away, He's not. He promises us in the Bible that He won't ever leave us. He's with you every moment, giving you strength and comfort." Ava was thoughtful. "Can you show me that verse in the Bible?" she asked after a moment. "I want to read it for myself." –Violet E. Nesdoly How About You? Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? When you're sick, your parent loses their job, your friend moves away, or your family splits up, it's easy to think He doesn't care and has left you on your own. But even if you don't feel God's presence, the Bible says He is near to those who know Jesus. He is always with you, no matter how you feel. Today's Key Verse: He [God] himself has said, "I will never leave you or abandon you." (CSB) (Hebrews 13:5 ) Today's Key Thought: God is always with you


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Snack Time with Jesus

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:35-40 Hearing his mom scream, Jeffery dropped his game controller and ran to the kitchen. He found her with a cabinet's contents spread on the counter before her. "Mom, what's wrong?" "Oh, Jeffery, I didn't mean to scare you. Your mother is simply losing her mind. I know I bought a box of chocolate chip cookies last week. Now, when I want one, I can't find them. They've got to be here somewhere," Mom said as she started emptying another cabinet. Jeffery bit his lip. "Mom, I took them," he confessed. "You? Jeffery, you don't like chocolate chip cookies! I seriously doubt you ate a whole box of them. Now your dad, he could eat a whole box. Maybe that's where they went." "No, Mom," Jeffery repeated, "I took them. You're right, I don't like them, but Russ does." "Russ from school?" asked Mom as she sat down at the table. "How did Russ get our cookies?" "Remember when I told you about Russ's family? It's just his little brother and his mom, he doesn't have a dad. Well, Russ told me that his mom works two jobs but there's still not any extra money for snacks. At snack time at school, Russ would act as if he didn't want a snack and just read. But, Mom, looking at him while I ate made my snack taste lousy," said Jeffery with a grimace. "So, I started putting two snacks in my bag and offered one to Russ. I'm sorry I took your cookies without asking." "Jeffery," Mom said as she stood and gave him a hug, "I don't care about that. What you did for Russ was a wonderful thing. In fact, the Bible says that when we share our food with those who are hungry, it's as if we shared with Jesus." "For real?" asked Jeffery. "For real. Jesus loves us all so much that He gave His life to save us. When we care about others the way He does and make sacrifices for them, He counts our loving actions as being done for Him." Mom smiled. "You know, I really do want a chocolate chip cookie. Come with me to the store so you can pick out snacks that both you and Russ would like," she said with a wink. –Phyllis Johnson How About You? Have you done something kind for someone in need? Maybe you helped serve food to the homeless or invited the new kid at school to play with you. Jesus tells us in the Bible that when we do kind and generous things for others, we do them for Him. Think of all the good things the Lord has done for you. Then look for ways to give to Jesus today by showing someone His kindness and generosity. Today's Key Verse: Truly I [Jesus] tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (NIV) (Matthew 25:40) Today's Key Thought: Give to Jesus through others


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Beautiful Feet

Bible Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10; Romans 10:13-17 "I hate my feet!" said Madison. "They're too big." "They are not!" replied Emory, her older sister. "You're tall, so you need bigger feet to move around and hold you up." She grinned. "I think your feet are beautiful." Madison laughed. "Thanks. I wish everyone felt that way. Sometimes kids make fun of my feet." "Well, just because some people think smaller feet are more beautiful doesn't mean they're right," said Emory. "But I know their words can still hurt--and people's opinions can also be hurtful in other ways. People in China once thought only small feet were beautiful too, and girls' feet were wrapped up so tight that they couldn't grow." Madison frowned. "Did they really do that?" "Yeah, a long time ago," Emory said. "It was very painful, and girls weren't able to use their feet the way they were supposed to. A book I read told a story about a Chinese woman who had her feet bound when she was very young, and they hardly grew at all. When she was older, she had to be carried to lots of places because her feet were too delicate to walk over rough or uneven ground." Madison's eyes widened. "That's horrible!" Emory nodded. "But you know what? The woman in that story eventually learned that her feet were beautiful not because of their size but for another reason." "Really?" asked Madison. "What was it?" "Well," said Emory, "the woman became a Christian. After she got married, she and her husband became missionaries to their own people--the Chinese." "And?" prompted Madison when Emory paused. "Don't you see? This woman was using her feet to spread the good news of Jesus, and the Bible says that people who do that have beautiful feet!" Emory explained. "Where in the Bible does it say that?" Madison wanted to know. "Somewhere in Romans," said Emory. "The point is, using your feet to go tell others about Jesus makes them beautiful. God gave us feet so we could use them, and the best way to do that is to go into the world and share the message that Jesus died for our sins so we could have peace with God." Madison looked at her feet again and smiled. "Then I want to have big, beautiful feet!" –Jean A. Burns How About You? How do you feel about your feet? Do you think they're beautiful? Your feet were created with care by God, and He wants you to use them. When you carry the good news of Jesus to others and share the message of the wonderful gift He offers to anyone who trusts in Him, you are using your feet to help people know they can be saved and have eternal life. And the Bible says that makes your feet beautiful! Today's Key Verse: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace. (NKJV) (Romans 10:15) Today's Key Thought: Tell others about Jesus


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Safety Net

Bible Reading: Psalm 91 Natia and Lexi sat in the grass waiting for the bus. Lexi was quiet this morning; she had something on her mind. "What are you thinking about?" Natia asked. Lexi looked up. "I was just thinking about a conversation I had with my mom yesterday. She talked to me about something called a safety network. She seemed pretty serious about it." Natia looked confused. "What's a safety network?" "It's a list of five people that I trust, like my mom, my dad, our teacher Mrs. Schenk, my aunt, and my grandma. Those are the people I can talk to about anything. Mom says that if anyone ever says or does anything to me that makes me feel uncomfortable, I can always go talk to the people in my safety network." "That's a good idea!" said Natia. "It's good to have a plan in case anything scary ever happens." Lexi nodded her agreement. "Do you remember last summer when our moms took us to the circus? That man walking the tightrope had a safety net underneath him. That way, even if something scary happened, he knew he'd be safe. Mom said a safety network is kind of like that." Lexi picked some grass and rubbed it between her fingers. "Talking to my mom about it also made me thankful for God's safety net." "What do you mean?" asked Natia. "Well, when my mom and I were talking, we read a chapter in the Bible about how God is our protector and that we can always trust Him. Jesus died to save us from the scariest thing of all--eternity without God--and He promises to be with us when scary things happen. Mom said one of the ways He helps us is through people we can trust, like those in our safety network." Lexi reached into her backpack and pulled out her little Bible. "Here, I put a bookmark in it--it's in Psalms." They both stood up when they heard the bus rumbling closer. Lexi turned and waved to her mom, who had been watching them from the porch. "You're right, Lexi," Natia said after she read the passage in Lexi's Bible on the way to school. "It makes me feel good knowing God has given me a safety net!" - Emily Tenter How About You? Do you have a safety network--a list of people you can talk to about anything? Having a safety network is very important. If you don't have one, talk to your mom, dad, or other adult you trust about who should be in it. And remember that God is first on your list! If you know Jesus, He promises to be with you all the time. Go to Him when things in your life get scary and trust Him to help you. Today's Key Verse: He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. (NIV) (Psalm 91:2) Today's Key Thought: Have a safety network


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Double Trouble (Part 2)

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-14; Jeremiah 1:5 "Hey, watch it!" Kole poked his twin brother with the end of his broom. "You're stepping in my dirt pile!" "Whoops," said Zeke. "Sorry." He took a few steps back and began sweeping the opposite side of the garage. "I can't believe I'm sweeping dust bunnies on a beautiful Saturday afternoon instead of playing baseball," he said with a groan. "Yeah," said Kole, wiping sweat from his forehead. "And I'm missing Jackson's party." He sighed. "I hate being grounded." "Me too," said Zeke. "Switching places to take each other's tests was a dumb idea." As Kole wheeled the garbage can to the end of the driveway, Mrs. Dawson, the mom of one of the boys in Zeke's class, walked by. "Hi, Zeke!" she called out. "Um, hi--I'm Kole, actually." "Oh, right--sorry!" said Mrs. Dawson. "Sometimes I forget Zeke has a twin." Kole sighed as he walked into the kitchen where Zeke and Mom were pouring lemonade. "What's the matter?" asked Mom. Kole shrugged. "Nothing. Someone outside just thought I was Zeke." "Hey, congratulations!" said Zeke, raising his glass of lemonade. "Ha ha," said Kole sarcastically. He looked at Mom. "It just gets irritating sometimes--people thinking I'm someone else." Mom nodded. "Yes, Dad and I knew that would happen to you boys. That's why we put you in different classes at school--so you could develop your own identities and friendships apart from each other." She took a sip of lemonade. "Of course, we never thought you'd switch places to get out of taking tests in classes you didn't like." The boys looked at the floor. "Yeah--sorry about that," said Zeke. "Well," said Mom, "you didn't fool me. Your faces may look the same to everyone else, but I can see the subtle differences in your noses and chins and freckles. More than that, you have completely different personalities!" She smiled. "I see each of you for who you are. And you know what? God does too. He created you so you could know and reflect Jesus in your own special way. He made each of you unique, with your own interests and abilities." "Yeah," said Kole. "Like me being good at English and Zeke at math." "Exactly," said Mom. She ruffled Kole's hair. "But that doesn't mean you can have Zeke take your math tests." - Courtney Lasater How About You? Did you know God made you just the way you are? You were created to be you and no one else! He gave you your unique personality and your abilities and gifts. Thank Him for making you who you are, and trust Him to help you reflect the love of Jesus and point people to Him in a way nobody else can. Today's Key Verse: will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (NKJV) (Psalm 139:14) Today's Key Thought: God made you who you are


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Double Trouble (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-6, 23-24; Hebrews 4:13-16 "Okay, remember the plan," Zeke told his twin brother Kole as they traded sweatshirts in the bathroom. "Try not to talk to anyone before the test. Once the tests are finished it'll be lunchtime and we can meet back here to trade our sweatshirts back." Kole nodded as he combed his fingers through his hair to get it to look more like Zeke's. They were in different classes at school, and Kole was going to take the English test in Zeke's class while Zeke took the math test in his. "I sure hope no one notices I'm not you," said Kole. "If I had to take that math test, I'd flunk it!" "Yeah, and I hate English," said Zeke. "All that writing!" Kole walked into his brother's classroom just as the bell rang. Mr. Edwards handed out the test, and Kole got to work. Everything went smoothly until someone knocked on the door. Mr. Edwards cracked it open and, after a few whispers, turned toward the class. "Zeke, your mom is here with your lunch. You can go with her and put it in your locker." Kole broke out in a cold sweat. He trudged over to the door, and the moment Mom saw him, it was obvious she knew he wasn't Zeke. Kole stepped into the hall and shut the door behind him. Mom was furious. "What's going on?" she hissed. "Why are you pretending to be Zeke?" Kole couldn't look her in the eye. "We switched places so I could take his English test and he could take my math test." Mom stared at him. "Well, you may have fooled your teachers and classmates, but you didn't fool me--I know you too well. And aren't you forgetting someone who knows you even better than I do?" "Umm…" stammered Kole. "You mean God, don't you?" Mom nodded. "The Bible says He knows the number of hairs on your head--and everything that's in your heart. You can't hide anything from Him." Kole shuffled his feet. "I guess Zeke and I didn't think of that." "I guess not," said Mom. "But I hope you'll remember it from now on. Jesus knows everything about you, and He loves you and promises to forgive your wrongs. We can always be honest with Him--and trust Him to help us be honest with others too." - Courtney Lasater How About You? Have you ever thought you could get away with something without anyone knowing? Even if you managed to hide it from other people, you can't hide anything from God--He sees everything you do and knows everything in your heart and mind. Don't try to hide anything from Him. Instead, tell Jesus what you've done and ask Him to forgive you. He knows you and loves you, and He promises to forgive. Today's Key Verse: People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy. (NLT) (Proverbs 28:13 ) Today's Key Thought: You can't hide anything from God


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The Perfect Pizza

Bible Reading: Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Dad put on his apron. "Well, my little chefs, are you ready to make our delicious pizza?" Piper and Jerrie smiled. "Yes!" "Okay, Piper, while Jerrie is rolling the dough, you start preparing the toppings." "Okay, Dad. Hmm, let's see what we have here. Cheese, no. Sausage, no. Meatballs, no. Um, pepperoni will work." Jerrie grinned at her sister. "Piper, you can't just pick pepperoni for our pizza. We need other ingredients too, like mushrooms." Piper made a face. "No way! We're not having gross vegetables on our pizza." "Mushrooms are not gross vegetables!" said Jerrie. Dad stopped stirring his secret tomato sauce. "You know, having just one topping on our pizza reminds me of what Paul said in the Bible." "Where does Paul talk about food in the Bible?" asked Piper. "Actually, in multiple places, but this one isn't about food. In First Corinthians, Paul asks the believers, 'If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?'" Jerrie stopped rolling the dough. "That's a silly question. The body needs all its parts for it to smell, hear, and see. If my body was just an ear, all I'd be able to do is hear." Dad smiled. "Even though it may seem like a silly question, Paul was trying to make a point. He was saying that everyone is important in the body of Christ, no matter what God has called you to do--whether you're a pastor, a postman, or two amazing pizza chefs." Piper opened the fridge. "I thought just teachers and pastors were important in the body of Christ." Dad shook his head. "Nope! Jesus has made everyone who knows Him part of His body, the church, and has given each of us a special role in it. As we work together and love one another, others can see Jesus in us." Piper took some mushrooms out of the fridge. "So, I guess we shouldn't let our pizza turn in to one big eyeball of pepperoni." A while later Mummy came into the kitchen. "Mmm, something smells good." Piper smiled "It's our pizza. It has lots of toppings." Jerrie nodded as she took a slice. "Like the body of Christ." Piper held out her plate. "Daddy, can I have a slice with mushrooms?" - Charis-Zoe Ademosu How About You? Do you know that you're important in the body of Christ? It's true. It doesn't matter how young you are or what God has called you to do--you are important to Him. He says all of us are valuable and precious to Him--so precious that Jesus gave His life to save us--and we all have a special role in pointing others to His love. If you know Jesus, you are an important part of His body of believers. Today's Key Verse: You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (NIV) (1 Corinthians 12:27) Today's Key Thought: You are important in Christ's body


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Castle in the Sand

Bible Reading: Luke 6:47-49 "Better hurry up and build a wall around your castle,Tess! The tide is coming in," said Beckham. "One big wave and it'll be washed away." "Will you help me? Please?" begged Tess, handing her brother a pail and shovel. Water washed around her feet and then went back toward the ocean, just missing the castle. "I told you to build it farther from the water," said Beckham as he added a pailful of damp sand to the wall. "We won't be able to save it. Those waves are coming up fast!" Beckham was right. There was no time to protect the castle. Waves washed up on shore, and a big chunk from the front side of the castle washed back into the sea. A shovel Tess had dropped beside the castle was carried along with it. "My shovel!" exclaimed Tess. She chased after it into the water. Beckham shook his head. "That castle is history." Tess frowned as she stood looking at her destroyed masterpiece. "Your castle looked awesome, but you built it in a place where it couldn't stand up against the rising water," said Beckham. He grinned. "Just like the foolish man!" "Huh?" said Tess. "What foolish man?" "You know," said Beckham. "The one in the story Jesus told about the two men who built houses. The wise man built his house on rock, but the foolish man built his on sand and it got washed away. Then Jesus said to be like the wise man and build your life on the rock." Mom smiled as she listened. "And how do you do that?" she asked. "By admitting that you're a sinner and trusting Jesus to save you," said Beckham. "When you do that, He becomes the one you build your life on." Mom nodded. "Right. The Bible refers to Jesus as the Rock. When you build your life on Him, you're building on a firm, stable foundation, just like the wise man in the story. Building your life on anything else--like money or fun or what other people think of you--is like building a castle in the sand. It all gets washed away." –Nance E. Keyes How About You? Are you building your life on the Rock or on sand? Is your life centered on having lots of money or fun or friends? Or are you standing firm in the love of Jesus, no matter what life brings you? The world says having a good life means getting everything you want, but the Bible says the only way to truly have life is through Jesus. Are you building your life on Him? If not, trust in Him today. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to Today's Key Verse: No one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have--Jesus Christ. (NLT) (1 Corinthians 3:11) Today's Key Thought: Build your life on Jesus


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A Hidden Gift

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14-29 "C'mon, Rocket," Gemma called to her dog. "Let's go outside." When she opened the back door, Rocket raced out into the fenced yard. Then he ran back to Gemma. He jumped up playfully before racing through the yard once again. Finally, he stopped near his favorite bush and sniffed the ground. "Here, Rocket," Gemma said, picking up a ball. Rocket continued to sniff out the area, then dug into the ground with his front paws and nose. Gemma walked over and saw that he had uncovered a bone. He lay down and began chewing on it contentedly. "Silly dog," Gemma said, shaking her head. A short time later, they went back into the house. "Rocket dug up a bone and chewed it a while, and then he buried it again," Gemma told her mom. "Why do dogs bury bones?" "I don't really know," replied Mom. "You're so silly, Rocket," Gemma told her pet. "When I get something good, I don't hide it!" "Are you sure about that?" asked Mom. "I think there are things we often use for ourselves and then hide away when we're done--kind of like Rocket." "There are?" Gemma frowned. "Like what? I can't think of anything." "Well, the Bible says we all have different gifts that come from the Lord," Mom explained. "Some of those gifts are things like money or possessions, and others are talents and abilities. Sometimes we think of those gifts as things that are just for us, but the Bible says they're not just for our benefit--we're meant to share them with others." "So, keeping those things to ourselves would be like Rocket burying his bone in the yard?" asked Gemma. Mom nodded. "God wants us to use what He's given us to help build His kingdom and point people to Him. God's best gift of all is the one He gave the whole world--Jesus, who died for our sins and is coming back one day to reign forever as King. The gifts and blessings we have in our lives all come from Him, and He wants us to use them to share His love with others." Gemma smiled as she stroked Rocket's fur. "Then we can enjoy our gifts more too if we share them instead of hiding them away." --Nance E. Keyes How About You? What gifts has God given you that you can share with others? Perhaps you can sing, draw, or think of fun games to play with little kids. Maybe you have a big backyard or a treehouse your friends would love to play in. God gives people all kinds of gifts, and when you share a gift He's given you with others, you're pointing them to Him. So don't keep your gifts all to yourself--use them to show others the love of Jesus. Today's Key Verse: As each one has received a gift, use it to serve others. (CSB) (1 Peter 4:10 ) Today's Key Thought: Share your gifts with others


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How to Be Different

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:14-16; 1 Peter 2:9-12 "But I don't want to wear mismatched shoes, Kassi," Brooke informed her best friend. The two girls were sitting together while riding the bus for a class field trip. During the drive, Kassi shared with Brooke how she longed to be unique--to stand out from the crowd and be different. But Brooke thought Kassi's idea about how to showcase her personal style went too far. "If you wear one of my shoes, and I wear one of yours, we'll be wearing one of each. We're the same size, you know. Two different shoes--that's totally being different!" Kassi seemed so excited. "Sorry, Kassi." Brooke shook her head. That evening at home, Kassi talked with her grandfather on the phone and explained her goal of being different. "Grandpa, I don't want to be just like everybody else; I want to be uniquely me. You know, the individual God created." "God did a great job of making you, Kassi! And I know He is pleased with you. Simply being different isn't always better though," Grandpa answered. Kassi thought about this as Grandpa continued. "Last summer, you gave your life to Jesus, remember? You put your trust in Him, who died for us, for the forgiveness of your sins. Now, as His child, you are called to be different--but not so much when it comes to the shoes you wear." "What do you mean?" Kassi asked. "God wants His people to be set apart, dedicated to Him. God desires for you to be different in your character, your love for Him and others, and your obedience to Him. That matters much more to Him than how you dress," Grandpa replied. "I get it, Grandpa. Since I belong to God, I need to make it my goal to be different from others by being more like Jesus instead of by making unusual fashion choices." "God tells us to be holy as He is holy--and He has given us the Holy Spirit so we can live in a way that shows others we belong to Jesus. You can do that and wear mixed-up shoes at the same time," Grandpa assured her. Kassi laughed. "But next time, I won't try to convince Brooke to join me!" – Allison Wilson Lee How About You? Do you enjoy being unique? Do you like to stand out from the crowd? God specially created each one of us, and it's good to embrace our own styles and personalities. But God has instructed His people to be unique in a different way. In His power, you can shine for Jesus in a dark world by living a life of obedience and love. This is how God wants His children to stand out from the crowd! Today's Key Verse: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (NIV) (Romans 12:2) Today's Key Thought: Set yourself apart for God


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True Treasure

Bible Reading: Matthew 13:44; Philippians 3:7-8 Roman tapped his fingers on the console of his family's minivan. He was about to honk the horn when he saw Mom lock the front door and swoop his baby sister onto her hip. "Hurry," Roman mumbled. He wanted to get to the game store early. Mom opened the back door and secured his sister in her car seat, then slipped into the driver's seat and started the engine. "Finally," said Roman. When Mom turned and arched a brow, Roman knew he needed to rein in his impatience. "Sorry, Mom." She smiled. "I know you're excited, but you need to calm down. We'll get there." They pulled out of the driveway and headed toward town. Roman opened his wallet and counted the bills neatly lined up inside. He'd helped with yard work and done extra chores around the house to save up for the new PlayBox video game console. It had taken him five months, but today he would be one of the first kids to own the only gaming system that would give him access to the latest and greatest downloadable video games. He could hardly wait. When Mom pulled into the parking lot, Roman's heart plummeted. Swarms of people stood outside the door, and the store didn't open for another thirty minutes. How could there be a line already? He unbuckled his seatbelt. "I'm going to get in line." "All right," said Mom. "I'll be at the grocery store next door. Come find me when you're done." An hour later, Roman held the large box in his hands as they pulled out of the parking lot. "Do you have any money left?" asked Mom. "No." Roman ran his finger along the edges of the box. "But that's okay." "It was worth it?" asked Mom. Roman looked at his mom and smiled. "Totally." "You know," said Mom, "there's a story in the Bible about a man who sells everything he has to buy a field with hidden treasure. He wanted that treasure so much, he was willing to let go of everything else. Jesus says God's kingdom is like that." "Really?" asked Roman. "How?" Mom looked at him. "What do you think?" Roman squinted into the morning sun. "Because being in God's family is the best treasure ever, and knowing Jesus is worth more than anything else?" Mom smiled and nodded. "Totally." –Vickie Price Taylor How About You? Have you ever wanted something so badly you'd give up anything to get it? Jesus says that's how exciting being part of God's kingdom is. Having our sins forgiven through Jesus so we can be one of God's children is a treasure unlike any other, and it will never get old or wear out--it lasts forever! You can have that treasure today by trusting in Him. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to Today's Key Verse: Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (NLT) (Philippians 3:8) Today's Key Thought: Jesus is worth everything


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Flip It!

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-9; Colossians 3:15-16 CRASH! Mae threw one of her toys across the room. Why does everything have to be so difficult? Flopping on her bed, Mae grabbed her stuffed octopus and flipped it inside out. Now it was frowning back at her. "That's how I feel too, Oki." "What happened? I heard a crash." Mom slipped into Mae's room and sat down next to her daughter. "Uh-oh, I see that Oki's face matches yours right now." "I can't get that bracelet right! I even read the instructions and watched that video on it, but it's still not turning out." "Yes, I can see how that would be frustrating. Why didn't you ask for help?" Mae shrugged. "Sometimes I just want to figure it out on my own." Mom nodded and sighed. "I do that sometimes too." "You do?" Mae looked at Mom suspiciously. "How about last week when I got that new mixer and tried to put it together?" "You were really frustrated!" Mae recalled. "Good thing Ben can figure stuff like that out." "Your big brother was very patient and got it working, but I had to ask him first. I also had to ask God for help." Mae's eyes widened. "God helped you put the mixer together?" Mom laughed. "Not physically, no, but He did help me with my attitude. You remember how I was pretty upset with myself when I couldn't figure it out? I could have allowed that frustration to determine my attitude for the rest of my day, but instead I prayed and asked God to help me remember that I have the Holy Spirit in me and can let my attitude reflect His love. I was grumbling and irritable, but with God's help, I chose to focus on what was true, right, and lovely, just like it says in Philippians chapter four." "God helped you flip your attitude," said Mae. Mom nodded. "It's okay to get frustrated, Mae, everyone does. What we do when we're frustrated is what matters. Do we stick with this face and attitude--" Mom grabbed Oki and turned her inside out "--or do we trust God to help us not lose sight of His goodness, love, and promises, even when we feel frustrated?" Mae winked at Mom. "Oki does look better with a smile." –Savannah Coleman How About You? Do you often get frustrated? When you do, do you let your frustration affect how you think about yourself or the way you treat others? If you are a child of God, you have 24/7 access to His power in you. That means you can fix your mind on things that are good, right, and true, even when you feel frustrated or angry. Trust Him to help you clothe yourself with attitudes and actions that reflect His love. Today's Key Verse: A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (NIV) (Proverbs 17:22) Today's Key Thought: God can help you flip your attitude


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Good Listener

Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-9 "Anna makes me so mad!" declared Kenzo. "She never listens to anyone else's ideas. And she always whispers in class. I wish she'd just sit still for one minute and listen to what someone else is saying!" "Well, just be sure you don't let her keep you from listening when your teacher is speaking," said Mom. "Listening is your responsibility." After dinner, it was Kenzo's turn to read a selection for family devotions. He quickly read through the verses, then shut the Bible. "Okay, so can we pray now?" he asked, sitting on the edge of his chair. "I have homework to do." "In a minute," said Dad. "I have a praise to share. This morning, I read Ephesians 4:32 and realized that the Lord was telling me to forgive a man at work for something he had said about me. I prayed about it, and I trusted God to help me let go of my bitter attitude and forgive him. It was hard to do, but I feel so much better now." "How does God speak to you?" asked Kenzo. "He never speaks to me like that." "Could it be that you don't take the time to listen?" asked Dad. "I listen," said Kenzo. "My teacher says I'm one of her best listeners." "Listening to God is a bit different though," Mom said. "God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. When we read it and listen to what it says, the Holy Spirit speaks its truth to our hearts." "Just like this morning when I read that verse about forgiveness and God spoke to me through it and made me realize that I had to do what it says," Dad added. "As we listen to God's voice in the Bible and carefully think about the verses we read, the Holy Spirit helps us understand the truth He wants us to know and live it out in our lives. But we won't know what He's saying unless we listen." "Remember how you wished your friend Anna could sit still for one minute?" asked Mom. "I think God would like you to sit still and listen to Him speak." –Nance E. Keyes How About You? Are you a good listener when other people are talking? How about when God is talking? He speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. Read it and then meditate on it by thinking about what it says. God also often speaks through pastors and teachers or through parents and friends who help us understand the truth of God's Word. Trust Him to help you be still and listen to what He has to say. Today's Key Verse: Be still, and know that I am God. (NKJV) (Psalm 46:10) Today's Key Thought: Listen to God


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No Camouflage

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13-16 Zebb leaned forward as he and his family traveled through the African game reserve. His excitement at seeing animals in their natural habitats was rapidly being replaced by frustration. "There's a springbok!" said their guide, pointing out the window. "Where?" Zebb strained to look in the direction the guide had indicated. "I don't see it." He plopped back in his seat. "Why am I the only one who can't spot any animals even after someone tells me where to look?" "It's because they blend in so well with the trees and grass," said Mom. "But I'm sure you'll learn to spot the animals soon." "I don't know," said Zebb. "If I had to depend on hunting them for food, I think I'd starve to death." He managed a weak smile. Dad grinned at him. "God gave wild animals effective camouflage, didn't He? That's just the opposite of the way He wants us to be." Zebb rolled his eyes. "Dad! No riddles right now. I'm having enough trouble trying to see the animals!" "I think Dad is talking about Christians," said Mom. "He's saying that God doesn't want us to lead camouflaged lives." "You got it!" Dad said. "God wants to shine His light, His love, and His good news to the world through us. He wants others to see Jesus by the way we live." Zebb stared into the distance. "You're thinking about us going to Uncle Ron's house next week, aren't you?" Zebb knew his uncle didn't believe in Jesus. Dad nodded. "I'm praying that Uncle Ron will see Jesus in us and decide he wants to get to know Him himself. Sometimes it can feel daunting to share the love of Jesus with others, but God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us. I'm praying He'll work through us to show Uncle Ron what Jesus is like and give us an opportunity to share the truth with him." "Me too," said Zebb. Just then, he saw a flicker of movement near a tree. He focused all his attention on the spot and finally made out a shape. "I see a giraffe--no, a whole bunch of giraffes--in those trees over there!" Zebb beamed triumphantly. "Finally!" Looking at his dad, he said, "I hope people--especially Uncle Ron--won't have as much trouble seeing Jesus when they look at us." –Linda Avallone How About You? Is it easy for others to see Jesus in you? Do the things you do and say reflect what Jesus would do and say if He were living on earth today? Trust Him to use your life to show those around you what He's like. Don't camouflage the fact that you know Jesus. Let others see that you have His Spirit in you and want to follow Him in all you do. Today's Key Verse: I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. (NLT) (Romans 1:16 ) Today's Key Thought: Let others see Jesus in you
