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30 Days To Happiness Podcast

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Wake up happy every single day with a purpose and a fire for life! Learn and adapt the habits, skills and practical steps to find your definition of happiness no matter where or what situation you are in right now. We talk all things business, personal development and habits for you to build a life a business you love!


United States


Wake up happy every single day with a purpose and a fire for life! Learn and adapt the habits, skills and practical steps to find your definition of happiness no matter where or what situation you are in right now. We talk all things business, personal development and habits for you to build a life a business you love!



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Master the Flow State: Transform Your Life and Business with Toms Astahovskis

In this episode of the 30 Days to Happiness Podcast, I interview Toms Astahovskis, a dream accelerator based in Mauritius. Toms specializes in peak performance, flow state, and subconscious mind reprogramming, helping business owners and leaders love their lives and achieve their dreams. Join us as we dive into: Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your flow and enhance your life. Connect with Toms here: Toms Astahovskis@be.astmensAstmensTune in and discover how to achieve your dreams and love your life! P.S. Get Access To The Happiness Formula inside our community and connect with like-minded individuals! HERE


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Easy Steps To Building The Life Of Your Dreams With Tony Van De Kerkhof

Welcome back to another epic episode of the 30 Days To Happiness Podcast! Today we speak with my friend Tony. Tony has lived in China (and learned Mandarin while he was there), travelled the world, raised 2 boys, worked in corporate, started 4 businesses and is living the life of his dreams, all by 35. It didn't happen overnight, rather it was a series of events, and how he chose to respond to them, that directed him on this path. Tony has made it his life mission to educate people so when their moment comes and the choice is upon them, they make the right one, launching themselves closer to their own best future. Today We Discussed: -Imposter syndrom -Resistancve -The 'Balcony theory' -Gain super clarity on our next steps -What we should invest our money into for the best return -How to budget the right way -Tonys new book! -And lots more Get your note pad and pen ready and listen to this super motivating and inspiring episode! Follow Tony Here P.S. You can JOIN The Happiness Formula Community HERE and get access to The Happiness Formula itself!


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Understanding ‘The Circle’ & How To Release All Resistance

On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you? How are you really feeling? Take a moment to answer these questions and be honest with yourself Today's conversation includes: -Understanding the ‘The Circle’ -How to release ALL resistance -Getting attached to the outcome -What to do what you feel stuck -The importance of having your vision, mission and values and purpose up on your wall You can JOIN The Happiness Formula HERE and get access to The Happiness Formula itself! P.S. If you would like 1:1 support to build your dream life and business, DM inside the community the word ‘HABITS’ for your next steps. Stay happy Holly


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Why Social Media & Marketing Is A MUST To Grow Your Business!

If you have a business, you NEED to be socials! Here's Why. "Marketing does not need to be rocket science, but it does require being able to weave some magic across an investment strategy. This allows us to truly understand what you are trying to achieve." Says Natasha Panetta Founder of Goddess Marketing Co. Today's conversation was real and raw! We talked about some super relatable topics. Natasha has a passion for working with and helping to support women who want to make a difference, drive change and build their own lives, and the lives of their families for the better. We Discuss: -Natasha's journey from corporate to mumpreneur -The importants of having all your socials and website's up to date -The ever changing patterns in social media -The step by step guide to growing and using social media to build/grow your business -Essential steps to launching a successful brand and business -All things worklife balance as a working mum and entrepreneur You can follow Natasha on Instagram Here P.S. You can JOIN The Happiness Formula Community HERE and get access to The Happiness Formula itself!


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Build A High Performance Routine [Workshop]

Join us for an action packed workshop on creating your very own High Performance Routine! This was a workshop I took my community through last week. I hope you enjoy it as much as they did! We talk all things: -Habits -Discipline -Execution -Morining routine -Work day routine -Evening routine -Productivity & focus -And much more! You can JOIN The Happiness Formula HERE and get access to The Happiness Formula itself! P.S. If you are more of a visual person and want the video and slides to this workshop, you can get access to it inside our community also :) Stay happy Holly


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Heartbreak to Healing: Navigating Relationships with Ryan Moresby-white

In this episode, we welcome back Ryan Moresby-white as we delve into the intricacies of navigating breakups and relationships. We discuss topics on: 1. Overcoming Patterns: Break free from attracting the same outcomes by increasing self-awareness. 2.Attracting the Right Partner: Learn how to attract the right person for a fulfilling relationship. 3. Relationship with Higher Self: Create a better relationship with your higher self for personal growth. 4.Importance of Support Groups: Understand the importance of support groups with the right people. 5.Avoiding Ruts: Stay open to new opportunities by avoiding getting stuck in a rut. This will be done you won't want to miss! Follow Ryan Here P.S. Join our new Happiness Formula Community and get full access to the happiness formula, accountability and a group of like mined people! Join Here!


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How To Work From Home With Kids.....And Still Be Productive

Since becoming a mum, I have become 2 x more productive and efficient with my work. I still get to the gym most days. Track my macros. Run my business. Write books and content And record my podcasts. All whilst keep the house clean. Incorporating self care And a social life But I know myself there are so many distractions when working from home. My 10 month old is at a stage where she is getting into everything. Wanting constant attention and say’s muma all day long..very cute. Oh yeah she also likes to make high pitch singing noises So I get it. But there are different things you can do in different seasons. And it's important to be present with them as much as possible. Here’s what’s working for me right now. [These are game changer] 1. 5am Me time My daughter wakes up at 6am every morning So I know If I don’t wake up consistently at 5am And get work on an important task or even just some personal development My days feel behind and rushed. 2. I plan my days the night before I talk about this a lot but when it comes to scheduling what you need to get done for the day… It can be super reactive for some. This is what works for me: I have 3 most important tasks each day Anymore then that it can get overwhelming I time block them for 5am before bub wakes up 9am Bubs first nap 1pm Bubs 2nd nap That is at least 3 hours of productive work I can get done Without getting distracted I then write clear to-do lists for each task so I don't waste time. 3. Smaller time blocks & focus = Productivity Setting smaller time blocks to complete a task is like a game. It also teaches you to get focused, in the zone and get tasks done In a shorter time frame. This expands your ability to switch on your focus mode. It gets easier each time you practise. I also suggest to create a productive tigger Something you do to tell you brain it's time to get in the flo. This is just a slice of what I talk about in this episode! P.S. Get access to out Happiness Formula for free and join a community pf like minded individuals on a journey to creating healthier, happier habits :) Join Here - https://www.skool.com/the-happiness-formula/about Make sure to subscribe and share with a friend :) Stay Happy, Holly


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How To Build A Routine Which Is Aligned With Your Dream Life

In 2020 I asked myself ‘If there was nothing holding me back, what would my dream day look like?’ This changed everything for me. From taking meetings at 4:30am in the morning till 9pm at night and on the verge of burnout.. To then setting really clear boundaries for myself and live the life and routine of my dreams. Here’s what we cover in today’s episode: What does your dream day look like? P.S. Join our free Happiness Formula community and receive 7 + years of easy to implement training’s and resources to build your dream life and business. Plus network with other like minded individuals on the same path. JOIN HERE P.S.S. Want VIP access to our Formula and receive 1:1 accountability and courses to take your life and business to the next level? DM me the word ‘HABITS” on Instagram or Linkedin and I’ll get you all the info :)


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Prioritise Your Weeks & Conquer Your Days!

Welcome back to another episode! Today is a quick shot of inspiration and motivation on the topic SUCCESS. We Discuss: -What success actually means to YOU and how it's linked to your happiness -The only lost potential are in the graveyard -Common challenges amongst business owners and leaders -Dealing with brain Fogg and low energy -Getting out of your head and into your body Stay Happy! Holly P.S. Get you Million dollar planning system HERE P.S.S. Ready to take your life & business to the next level and reach high performance? DM me the word 'HABITS' on linkedin or instagram to see how we can help!


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Unleashing the Power of Letting Go - A Deep Dive into Releasing Resistance

We all have resistance towards specific things in our lives and It's different for everyone. -Waking up on time -Money making activities -Going to the gym -Call that friend Just to name a few. In today episode, I share true and current stories and situations to where pushing forward towards fear and guilt and letting go of resistance has changed my life completely. I am so much happier because I have faith in this process. Let me know you're biggest take away from this episode! P.S. We are opening up spots in The Happiness Formula Mastermind and I'd love you to join us. Take your life and business to the next level. DM me the word 'HABITS' on instagram or linkedin for your next steps. Stay Happy Holly


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Do This To Reach High Performance In 2024!

Today I walk you through the top habits to become a high performer in 2024. This is what it is going to take! If you are currently skipping important habits and ignoring important boundaries, this episode is for you! -Money Mindset -Routine -Boundaries -Rest -Personal Development -Energy Management Remember to share and subscribe! ACCESS The Million Dollar Planning System for free HERE


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High Performance Habits Which Will Take Your Life & Business To The Next Level!

Welcome to another episode of the 30 Days To Happiness Podcast! Today we dive deep into the top habits which will help you perform at your best in life and business! TBH...these habits aren't talked about enough. Pick the habits which resonate with you! Here are a few habits we discuss: DM me the word “ACCESS” on Instagram or LinkedIn for a copy of pour proven weekly and daily planning template! Ask yourself…. If you answered No to most of these questions… Send me a DM with the word ‘𝗛𝗔𝗕𝗜𝗧𝗦’ to see how our formula can help you reach that next level in your life and business! P.S. If you haven't got a copy of my book yet you can get your copy of 30 Days To Happiness On Amazon, audible or www.30daystohappiness.com.au Stay Happy Holly


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How To Organise Your Life When It's Falling Apart...

Welcome to another Episode! Yep, just got out the gym and recorded this in my car but you know what? This is probably one of the best podcast episodes so far. I take you through what to do when your life feels like its falling apart. Or you feel like crawling into a hole so you can ignore what's really happening. In this episode I take you through simple action steps to... 1. Organise your thoughts - through journalling and asking yourself how you really are... 2. Organise your life - by understanding where you sit in different areas and what areas are your lowest happiness points 3. Organise your calendar - Get into routine, discipline yourself towards your goals to increase success and motivation If you're looking to become CEO of your happiness and learn the habits to become a high performer...Send me a DM with the word "Habits" on linkedin or instagram!


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Guided Meditation To Visualise & Get SUPER Clear On The Best Year Of Your Life!

Welcome back to another episode.... Today I walk you through a guided mediation I took my members in the happiness formula through to gain super clarity before they planned their whole year. Here you can get FREE access to a step by step process to plan the best year of your life using our million Dollar Planning System. This includes: -Templates -Trainings -Worksheets and more! And inside there is a special offer for you! Disclaimer! Please make sure you are not driving while listening to the mediation. Lets dive in and get planning!


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The Million Dollar Planning System...Plan Your Whole Year In Just 40 Minutes!

The Million Dollar Planning System...Plan Your Whole Year In Just 40 Minutes! This brand-new in Depth Training & Template reveals the most powerful way to plan your whole year in just 40 minutes so you can become unstoppable in 2024! P.S. These are the exact strategies I give to my Million Dollar clients! Incudes: 1. The Million Dollar Questions: I rveal the most important questions to ask yourself before you even start the planning process to gain full clarity 2.The #1 thing you must do to make sure you stay disciplined and accountable to your plan 3. ​5 Minute proven guided visualisation mediation to help you get super clear on the next 12 months [coming later this week] 4. How to plan the most productive week of your life to never feel behind again 5. Step by step process to plan a million dollar routine which will make you unstoppable in 2024 ​​And much, much more! You can get all the templates, video trainings and an exclusive offer's to get everything you need to plan the best year of your life below! https://www.milliondollarplanning.bizfitt.com/freetraining


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Discovering Bliss: Unveiling the Secrets to Lasting Happiness

In this transformative episode of "30 Days to Happiness," join us as we delve into profound insights with Trent Mitchell, a seasoned Business Development Officer, Innovator, and Mental Health advocate. As a father of three, entrepreneur, and music enthusiast, Trent shares his wisdom on achieving optimal happiness. Key Takeaways: Authentic Relationships:From Guilt to Excitement:Purpose-driven Happiness:Lessons from the Past:Embark on a journey toward lasting happiness with Trent's unique blend of professional expertise and personal insights. Tune in and elevate your life with actionable tips that promise a brighter, more fulfilling future. Connect with Trent here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/t-rent/ Get your copy of our proven weekly planning template to plan the most productive week of your life! PLUS a free training to make you even MORE productive. HERE Follow 30 Days To Happiness On Instagram HERE Get Your Copy Of 30 Days To Happiness HERE Send me a DM with the word “HAPPY” on Instagram to see how our happiness formula could work for you to build a life and business you LOVE!


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How To Create An Abundance Of Daily Happiness!

Welcome to the "30 Days to Happiness" podcast! In this episode, we delve into the heart of joy and explore the profound topic of "How To Create An Abundance Of Happiness Every Single Day!" We unveil the secrets to a happier and more fulfilling life, sharing practical insights and valuable strategies that will empower you to cultivate happiness daily. This is a bit of a catch up episode as I have so much to tell you! In this episode I discuss: -3 Step Process to an Unlimited Amount of Daily Happiness -How to control your emotions -Understanding how your emotions can overpower your intelligence -My favourite parts of 'The universe has your back" -What the tattoo on my wrist really means If you're seeking a happier and more abundant life, this episode is your roadmap to achieving it. Tune in, be inspired, and embark on your journey to greater happiness, one day at a time. Get ready to embrace the happiness you deserve on the "30 Days to Happiness" podcast! Are you ready to get your formula for happiness? Let's go! Get your copy of our proven weekly planning template to plan the most productive week of your life! PLUS a free training to make you even MORE productive. HERE Follow 30 Days To Happiness On Instagram HERE Get Your Copy Of 30 Days To Happiness HERE Send me a DM with the word “HAPPY” on Instagram to see how our happiness formula could work for you to build a life and business you LOVE!


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Find and Live Your True Purpose! [Step 2]

In todays episode I take your through the right questions to ask yourself to find your purpose and live in purpose daily. Purpose is not a destination but a daily act. If you understand the reason you wake up every morning, you automatically have clarity. Clarity makes you happy! A reason to live makes you happy! This is the second step to creating, building and living the happiest year of your life. Are you ready to get your formula for happiness? Let's go! Get your copy of our proven weekly planning template to plan the most productive week of your life! PLUS a free training to make you even MORE productive. HERE Follow 30 Days To Happiness On Instagram HERE Get Your Copy Of 30 Days To Happiness HERE Send me a DM with the word “HAPPY” on Instagram to see how our happiness formula could work for you to build a life and business you LOVE!


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The Magic Pill To Live Longer & Be Happier! With Dr John Tickell

In this episode, we're thrilled to have Dr. John Tickell as our guest, a distinguished Medical Doctor, international speaker, bestselling author, and TV personality. Dr. Tickell has dedicated decades to researching the health, longevity, and happiness of people worldwide. Our conversation covers some intriguing subjects, from the upcoming ban on smoking and vaping in Australia to the science behind habit formation, the link between weight and cancer, and even the hidden truths about our well-being. Dr. Tickell sheds light on these crucial topics and shares his wealth of knowledge and experience. So, get ready to dive into the world of health and happiness with the Good Doctor himself! We discuss: -Banding smoking and vaping in 2025 in Australian -The Magic PILL to be happy -How it takes 91 days for something to become a habit -How being overweight causes 13 different type of cancer -How LIFE without the F is a lie -Influence and role model should be a top happiness habit -How vitamin D is the only vitamin the body can make About Dr John Tickell Dr John Tickell is a Medical Doctor, an international speaker, bestselling author and television personality, who has spent several decades travelling and studying the health, well-being and longevity patterns of people around the world. The Good Doctor and his wife Sue have 5 children and multiple grandchildren. Dr John played first grade football with the Hawthorn Hawks in the 1960s, produced a No. 1 Top 40 hit record, and has his books published across many countries. ​Dr John is a different kind of Medical Doctor - his refreshing and memorable messages change people's lives for the better. Connect with Dr John Here: HERE Get your copy of our proven weekly planning template to plan the most productive week of your life! PLUS a free training to make you even MORE productive. HERE Follow 30 Days To Happiness On Instagram HERE Get Your Copy Of 30 Days To Happiness HERE Send me a DM with the word “HAPPY” on Instagram to see how our happiness formula could work for you to build a life and business you LOVE! Are you ready to get your formula for happiness?


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Happiness Is A Choice: How To Choose Happiness Daily

Choosing Happiness! Today I sat down with an Inspiring Mindset and Fitness coach from the Gold coast. From giving birth to twin boys when she was only 17! Robyn shares her challenges which brought her to where she is today. Robyn Sparkles helps women master their minds so they can create their dream life and become their best confident self! We Discuss: Are you ready to create, build and plan the happiest year of your life? Let's go! Connect with Robyn Here: HERE Get your copy of our proven weekly planning template to plan the most productive week of your life! PLUS a free training to make you even MORE productive. HERE Follow 30 Days To Happiness On Instagram HERE Get Your Copy Of 30 Days To Happiness HERE Send me a DM with the word “HAPPY” on Instagram to see how our happiness formula could work for you to build a life and business you LOVE!
