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Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

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The Real Talk Real Women show is a valuable resource for individuals who have experienced abuse or toxic relationships and are looking for support and guidance on their healing journey. The show features strong and powerful women who have overcome their own challenges and are now helping others do the same. Gemma Serenity has a diverse and extensive background in education and personal development. She uses her experiences and expertise to help others build confidence, self-love, and success in various areas of their lives. The mission of this show is to raise awareness about abuse and provide support for individuals who have experienced it, by making a positive impact in the world.


United States


The Real Talk Real Women show is a valuable resource for individuals who have experienced abuse or toxic relationships and are looking for support and guidance on their healing journey. The show features strong and powerful women who have overcome their own challenges and are now helping others do the same. Gemma Serenity has a diverse and extensive background in education and personal development. She uses her experiences and expertise to help others build confidence, self-love, and success in various areas of their lives. The mission of this show is to raise awareness about abuse and provide support for individuals who have experienced it, by making a positive impact in the world.





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S7E180 Christy Holt #2



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S7E179 From Surviving Abuse to 6-Fig Success: Ranika's Story of Resilience and Empowerment

From Surviving Abuse to 6-Fig Success: Ranika's Story of Resilience and Empowerment Imagine overcoming a mountain of adversity such as breaking free from an abusive marriage, to stand victorious on top of your game, surrounded by your 5 young children, knowing that you have achieved the first significant milestone with your new business, a 6-fig income as a black woman in the U.S. This episode welcomes Ranika Chaney, a resilient mother of five whose life story unfolds like an epic saga, transitioning from the shadows of domestic abuse to the bright light of six-figure prosperity. Bearing witness to her childhood, marked by normalized domestic violence, we understand the formidable challenges she faced and the detrimental patterns that took root. Through Ranika's raw and honest recounting, we learn the significant role of self-narrative and how rewriting her story was pivotal in her journey to a present filled with respect, love, and integrity. Our conversation then navigates the treacherous but ultimately liberating path Ranika took to reclaim her life. We uncover the immense value of community support in her escape and rebuilding efforts, as she recounts the heartfelt assistance provided by her church and friends during the most trying of times, escaping, with her 5th kid still in her womb. The establishment of her business, Ranika Speaks LLC, marks a beacon of hope and empowerment for others facing similar tribulations. Ranika's profound insights offer a blueprint for aid and compassion, underscoring the importance of resources like the hotline ( in supporting loved ones through dark hours. Join us to honor the indomitable human spirit and the transformative power of unconditional support and second chances. Ranika's bio Louisiana-born and bred, Ranika Chaney graduated from Loyola University New Orleans with a degree in Communications-Broadcast Journalism and Sociology. Ranika is a certified Mental Health Coach, certified speaker for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Domestic Violence Speakers Bureau and founder of RanikaSpeaks, LLC, a service where Ranika leads her keynote speaking, coaching, hosting and facilitation obligations. Ranika is a motivational speaker who shares her message of hope and healing with audiences across the country. Much of her speaking stems from the journey of leaving a difficult marriage as a stay at home, homeschool mom while pregnant with her 5th child. She then made the journey into tech and eventually started her own business after appearing on the Anthony O’Neal show. Ranika’s keynote speaking, workshops and programs are on the topics of faith, tech, perseverance, mindset shifting, domestic violence and healing. As a facilitator, she brings people together to engage in meaningful dialogue and create impactful change. As a mother, she understands the importance of nurturing and rearing the next generation. Her faith is at the core of everything she does, and she uses her platform to spread the message of God’s love and hope. Her warm and welcoming presence as a host creates a space where people feel comfortable and included. Whether she is leading a workshop, hosting a panel discussion, or delivering a keynote address, Ranika's dynamic personality and powerful message always leave a lasting impact. She is committed to creating spaces where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued, and is dedicated to empowering others to do the same. Connect with Ranika on her website: on Instagram: on Facebook: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here: Support the show and its mission by either subscribing to a monthly donation or sponsoring one or many...


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S7E178 "Empowered LeadHERship" founder, Renee Dominguez, on Supporting and Empowering Women in Business

"Empowered LeadHERship" founder, Renee Dominguez, on Supporting and Empowering Women in Business Step into the world of unshakable strength and sheer determination with Renee Dominguez, the powerhouse behind Empowered LeadHERship, as she candidly opens up about her transformation from a high school dropout and teenage mother into a thriving entrepreneur. Renee's poignant narrative, shared on Real Talk, Real Women, Breaking the Silence Around Abuse, is a testament to the tenacity of the human spirit and the unyielding power of rewriting one's story. As your host, Gemma Serenity-Gorokhoff, I am thrilled to bring you a conversation brimming with hard-earned wisdom and hope for anyone facing adversity in the workplace and in your own mind. Renee's journey paves the way for powerful women everywhere seeking to defy expectations and ascend beyond the limitations set by an unforgiving corporate world. Her commitment to empowering women her Mastermind and other programs is a beacon, proving that the labels we are given by people around us do not define our potential, our worth, or our identity. Let her experiences inspire you, as they have inspired me, to shatter the status quo and create a life of success on your own terms. Join us for an episode that is about shattering barriers and cultivating a legacy where women empowerment is the norm and is expected at all the levels of society. Renee Dominguez's Bio With over two decades of experience in male-dominated industries and a thriving career as a best-selling author and top-rated empowerment coach, Renee Dominguez stands as a transformative leader dedicated to elevating female founders to unprecedented heights in their business and personal lives. Holding degrees in leadership and business, Renee has mastered the art of fusing intuitive business strategies with robust leadership principles, empowering women to shatter glass ceilings and scale their enterprises confidently. Renowned for her ability to revolutionize mindsets in mere hours, she facilitates year-long masterminds, hosts impactful retreats, and conducts quarterly workshops that serve as catalysts for profound personal and professional growth. Her mission is clear: to create a global impact by providing women worldwide with the tools, resources, and community needed to forge real connections and embrace their true potential. Connect with Renee On LinkedIn On Facebook On Instagram Renee's Linktree Her Mastermind website by email Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here: How about sponsoring one (or many) episodes of this podcast or freely donate to support the show and its mission? Take the next step:


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S7E177 "I will not allow this covert narcissist to kill me" - said Tobi Staples before having her life spared for the 7th time

"I will not allow this covert narcissist to kill me" - said Tobi Staples before having her life spared for the 7th time ||| Before getting started, make sure to register for our upcoming masterclass series, as both Tobi Staples and myself - Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff - are featured experts in the "SUPERCHARGE YOUR MANIFESTING POWERS MASTERCLASS SERIES" that runs from May 8th to May 21st, 2024 by releasing 2 episodes per day for 14 days in your email inbox at 6 AM Eastern Time for free. Register here: ||| When the shadows of my past with narcissistic abuse finally lifted, the clarity that emerged was nothing short of a revelation. It's a journey many find themselves on, and one that our remarkable guest, Mrs. Tobi Staples, knows all too intimately. Tobi joins us to unravel the often misunderstood and covert nature of narcissistic abuse, a personal struggle she bravely faced. Her path from victim to victor is not only about the recognition of abuse but also the celebration of self-awareness and the relentless pursuit of healing. The conversation takes a deep and honest look at how a spiritual awakening may also not protect against the covert manipulation of a narcissist, and the critical steps needed to break the cycle at any age, in any circumstances, and reclaim our life back. Tobi's resilience transforms into a quest to uplift others as she introduces Alpha E-Mind Mastery, her initiative to foster emotional mastery. This empowering tool has its roots in Tobi's reclamation of self, a journey that has set her on a mission to touch a million lives by the end of the year, with the ability to harness universal love and potential. We go through the successes and setbacks of embracing our true selves and the profound impact it can have on the world around us. This episode culminates in a powerful message of love, healing, and empowerment, inviting listeners to embark on their journey toward inner peace and the life they are meant to live. Tobi's wisdom is a gift, and her story is a treasure trove of insights for anyone ready to step into their power and create a life of harmony. We will ask her to come back and continue to share her light, her love, and her wisdom. Tobi Staples: Author, Empath, Motivator, Speaker, Lightworker, Earth Angel Tobi is a simple person loaded with a lot of life experience. She is a healer, an empowered empath, a lightworker, a spiritual way-shower, an earth angel, a spiritually awakened being who illuminates the path to tap into the highest potential of your truest nature, to assist you in consciously creating and designing your life according to your truest hearts desires. With great wisdom and knowledge also comes a great responsibility to share it with the world. Tobi has overcome death multiple times but had to die parts of herself, to remain alive. Her books are real, raw, truthful, and transformational for anybody who invests to dive into the depths of Tobi Staples' experiences for an enlightening adventure of self-discovery and awareness. These books are written based on Tobi's personal experiences and her soul calling is to share this wisdom of healing with you all. She healed total septic shock & organ failure, numerous flesh-eating incidences which she refused amputation for, closed and healed wounds when thought plastic surgery was required, avoided a wheelchair due to degenerative disk disease in her lower back, stopped another life-threatening paralysis in her face recently in 2023, while also regaining the feeling in her face! Tobi Staples is the founder of Alpha E-Mind Mastery, Empowering Emotional Mastery. This program was birthed from her mission to impact 1 Million lives positively in 1 year, by the end of the year 2024. Now, you understand Tobi's drive for her mission and it is greatly appreciated that you invest in your transformation today back into the highest potential of your being!! Visit Tobi's bookshelf at...


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S7E176 Tammy Doering’s Discovery of Nature's Miracle to Gracefully, Beautifully and Confidently Age

Tammy Doering’s Discovery of Nature's Miracle to Gracefully, Beautifully and Confidently Age Enjoy 15% off when you use the coupon REALTALK15 as a token of appreciation to you for being a valued subscriber interested in recovering or enhancing your fully radiant glow and beauty with Nature's Miracle: Dead Sea Minerals AvivSpa Dead Sea Products website: Summary of our episode When Tammy Dearing from Alabama steps into the room, you can't help but notice the glow of her healthy skin and the vitality that seems to emanate from her every pore. Today, she's here to share the riveting tale of her transformation—a journey fraught with the challenges of seborrheic psoriasis and fibromyalgia, which led to a devastating incident at a nail salon that cost her the health of her nail beds. Tammy's resilience shines through as she walks us through her path to recovery and self-discovery, emphasizing the role of natural remedies and the life-changing impact of Dead Sea minerals. This episode is a testament to the healing power within us and the profound effects of turning to nature for our beauty needs. Our conversation shifts from the perils of common beauty routines to the revelation of Tammy's natural approach to self-care. If you've ever second-guessed the ingredients in your shampoo or felt uneasy about the fumes at a nail salon, this episode will validate those instincts and offer a wealth of safer, healthier alternatives. I open up about my own transformation, how I’ve noticed my hair's newfound volume, and my shift away from harsh chemicals, inspired by Tammy's wisdom. Together, we paint a picture of beauty that doesn't sacrifice health, introducing products like Dazzle Dry and sharing tips for embracing our natural allure with confidence and grace. Join us as we peel back the layers of the beauty industry, revealing how to nourish our bodies and age beautifully, without falling prey to the hidden dangers of everyday beauty practices. Tammy Doering's bio Tammy Doering (pronounce "Deer-ing") is an Amazon #1 best-selling author across 11 categories. She serves as the President & CEO of Totally Pamper Me!® Day Spa and AvivSpa (pronounce "Ahveev Spa") Dead Sea Products, both located in Anniston, Alabama. Tammy wears multiple hats: she’s a cosmetic chemist, a board-certified manicurist instructor, a licensed barber, a certified Insanity instructor, and an age beautifully health & appearance coach. Her mission is to empower women by helping them eliminate harmful toxins from their personal care products, achieve radiant skin, maintain a healthy body, and sustain energy. Ultimately, Tammy aims to ensure that women have a full cup to give back to those they love. Connect with Tammy Doering by email: Download your free gift at on AvivSpa website where you can purchase some of Tammy's Dead Sea Minerals products: on Totally Pamper Me website where you can book a time for yourself in Anniston, Alabama: on Facebook: on LinkedIn: on YouTube: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E175 Overcoming Self-Doubt: CEO Sacred Walker's Journey to Self-Love

Overcoming Self-Doubt: CEO Sacred Walker's Journey to Self-Love My heart was heavy with echoes of a tumultuous past, a narrative marred by pain and shadowed corners, yet through the darkness emerged a beacon of strength—my incredible guest, Sacred Walker. Together, we unfurled a tapestry of resilience and revelation, tracing the contours of her life from the depths of childhood abuse to the zenith of empowerment as a CEO. Sacred's candid reflections on her confrontation with domestic violence, her battle for self-esteem, and the transformative power of writing as a healing salve entwined with my journey to finding true self-worth. It's a conversation celebrating the courage to question our existence and the audacity to carve a voice out of silence. As the dialogue unfolds, we cast light on the stories of visionary women who transform their deepest pain into pillars of legacy. Sacred also opens up about her evolution from pain-ridden roots to becoming a doula for women's visions, guiding them through the treacherous waters of self-doubt and onto the shores of fulfillment. Together, we honor the triumphs of women from diverse backgrounds, recognizing the universal struggles faced by many, including the onslaught of an inner critic and the snares of self-sabotage. The episode culminates in a chorus of success stories, celebrating the potency of community and self-love in the journey toward self-actualization and healing from trauma and self-inflicted abuse. Sacred Walker's message and bio Hey there, podcast friends + fam! I'm Sacred Walker, a resilient Jamaican-born New Yorker with a knack for guiding individuals through life's toughest challenges. As an Executive Wellbeing Expert and Visionary Lifestyle Level Up Strategist, I'm on a mission to empower people to thrive in high-stress environments. Through the Everyday Superheroes Coaching Company, I offer workshops, keynotes, and host the podcast "Self-Love for Everyday Superheroes," where I share insights on empowerment and resilience with a global audience. My coaching style is infused with the richness of my Jamaican heritage and LGBTQ+ identity, making it both relatable and transformative. Whether it's overcoming inner critics, embracing self-love, or fostering a wealth mindset, I've been there, done that, and I'm here to guide you through it. Beyond my professional pursuits, I find solace in dance, writing, and indulging in Jamaican feasts, shaping a legacy of love and resilience. Sacred Walker here, defying the odds every step of the way. From navigating the vibrant streets of Kingston to the bustling energy of NYC, my journey has been a testament to the power of resilience and determination. I've faced my fair share of challenges and emerged stronger each time, turning my pain into power. Now, I'm committed to supporting others on their journey to greatness. Exciting news! My latest book, "The Visionary Woman's Guide from Vice to Victory!: Your Guide to Manifesting Emotional Freedom and Financial Success!", is available here: Let's embark on this transformative journey together! Connect with Sacred Walker And for more empowering content, visit Let's rewrite our stories and build a legacy fueled by strength, resilience, and unwavering determination! Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E174 Karen Wright's Method to Transforming Stress into Mindfulness

Karen Wright's Method to Transforming Stress into Mindfulness When the weight of the world seemed insurmountable, Karen Wright unearthed a mantra that turned her life around. We sit down with the founder of Pause, Breathe, Proceed to discuss her journey from the brink of burnout in a demanding corporate career to discovering a life of intention and wellness. Her compelling story unfolds as we explore the powerful shifts that massage school, Reiki, and yoga instruction brought into her life, and the persistence of stress that challenged her until a moment of clarity brought forth her simple, yet profound, method. Karen's approach to halting stress and enhancing emotional intelligence with these three words unveils a path to a more mindful existence. Our conversation also shines a light on the emblem of her philosophy, the Pause, Breathe, Proceed logo, which stands as a beacon for those seeking to incorporate mindfulness into their everyday routine. Amidst a life filled with roles and responsibilities, I share my candid account of integrating the 'pause, breathe, proceed' philosophy into my narrative, finding balance and harmony in what was once a hectic existence. We examine the transformative nature of daily practices such as journaling, affirmations, and meditation, and their role in fostering confidence and tranquility. My mission is to bring back "kind" in "humankind" said Karen a few times during our interview As Karen and I discuss, the ripples from these practices extend far beyond the individual, touching lives through partnerships with nonprofits dedicated to mental health and suicide prevention, demonstrating the profound impact of small, consistent acts of mindfulness on both personal growth and the betterment of society. Karen Wright's bio Karen did everything she was supposed to do growing up until she realized she wasn't living her life. She left a six-figure corporate salary to become a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and reiki master. She set out to find the solution to stress and she did. Pause Breathe Proceed reduces stress which instills calm to make choices to live the life YOU want. It is mindfulness and emotional intelligence in action. Connect with Karen on her website: on Facebook: on LinkedIn: on Instagram: Get Karen's special offer for you by using my affiliate link: (yes, it's my affiliate link, and I will receive a small commission when you decide to purchase it - fair business practice as it doesn't cost you anything) Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E173 Elizabeth Miles' Courage to Conquer FEAR and Step Into Her POWER and PURPOSE

Elizabeth Miles' Courage to Conquer FEAR and Step Into Her POWER and PURPOSE It takes immense courage to escape the clutches of a toxic relationship, and Elizabeth Miles embodies this bravery. Her journey from the darkness of a 20-year abusive marriage into the light of self-empowerment is both heart-wrenching and inspirational. She walks us through the deceptive early days marked by love bombing and infidelity, leading up to the powerful awakening beside a tranquil stream. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, her story of transformation is a beacon for anyone feeling trapped by manipulation and the pervasive shadow of societal expectations. As we peer into Elizabeth's world, the conversation shifts towards the inner battle for self-validation against the weight of external perceptions. Her tale is a riveting example of how crucial it is to recognize our worth and grant ourselves the permission to seek joy. This soul-stirring dialogue serves as a testament to the strength that comes from the empowering choice to leave a toxic partner behind and step into a life of fulfillment. Elizabeth's journey underscores the importance of healing, and her message is clear: it is not just possible but necessary to embrace change and reclaim one's happiness. Elizabeth generously shares her evolution post-divorce, from the daunting grips of fear to founding March Force Media Company and coaching light workers. Her insights into fear's many faces—guilt, anxiety, shame—and how to dance with them to achieve success are invaluable. Our discussion will leave you considering how embracing vulnerability and practicing self-awareness can steer you toward a future of personal and professional triumphs. For those who serve as light workers, Elizabeth offers a wellspring of wisdom and transformational strategies through her company and the Power To Pivot podcast, guiding others to a path less burdened by the past. Spotify: iTunes: Elizabeth Miles' Bio Elizabeth Miles is an expert on authenticity in business and is an author, transformational life and business coach, and podcast host. She teaches others to dance through and with fear, overcoming obstacles and challenges to help them transform their lives. After spending nearly 20 years in an abusive and toxic relationship, she finally discovered the power to pivot, and shares this story in her books and on The Power to Pivot Podcast, where she discusses the power of choice. Her books include: This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom Chapter Preview: The Journey to Healing: Love, Yourself Connect You: A Guide to Your Authentic Life. Connect with Elizabeth Miles on her main website: on Social Media: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E172 From Emotional Turmoil to Unapologetic Freedom with Kaitie Entrikin

From Emotional Turmoil to Unapologetic Freedom with Kaitie Entrikin Kaitie Entrikin's courage in sharing her raw and transformative journey struck a deep chord within me, much like it will with you. From the depths of emotional eating and the grip of an abusive marriage, Kaitie's path of healing and self-discovery serves as a beacon of hope. In our heartfelt conversation, she offers a candid look into the scars left by diet culture and the relentless pursuit of self-worth. Her evolution into a Neuro-transformational Coach and founder of Beautiful Beast Within Studios as a career shift is, in fact, a movement towards unapologetically embracing our inner strengths and imperfections. During this episode, we navigate the intricate dance between health, fitness, and the soul's yearning for true connection. Kaitie's philosophy on intuitive eating and her mission to replace self-loathing with self-care echo throughout the episode, resonating with anyone who's ever struggled to find balance. The personal anecdotes from her podcast 'Unveiling the Beast' are interwoven with insights into the transformative power of music, storytelling, and the human voice. As Kaitie extends her hand to anyone ready to embark on their own journey of transformation through her coaching and community, we're reminded of the profound impact that empathy, authenticity, and a shared narrative can have in our lives. Kaitie's bio Kaitie is a mom to an amazing and brilliant 6-year-old boy. She is a life coach who works with people who have a history of disordered eating and exercise behaviors. Kaitie has been in the health and fitness industry for 15 + years. Before getting certified as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist, she took everything she heard and learned from the diet industry and believed it. She discovered there is a disconnect between mind and body with so many people who just want to be healthy and are confused by all the messages and rules that come with each diet. She helps people get back to their roots by helping them unlearn all these rules by listening to their bodies, paying attention to their behaviors, and throwing their scale away. Connect with Kaitie on her Website: on Facebook: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking the Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E171 Healing and Elevating Global Consciousness with Edit B. Kiss

Healing and Elevating Global Consciousness with Edit B. Kiss As I sat across from Edit B Kiss, her story of transformation struck a chord with me. Here was a woman, once a petroleum engineer, whose life took a profound turn—from facing the depths of panic attacks and verbal abuse to becoming a holistic therapist and success habit coach. In our intimate conversation, Edit opens up about her courageous decision to leave a toxic marriage with her angels' blessings after the birth of her daughter, setting an example of strength for anyone in the throes of domestic abuse. She discusses the shift from the structured world of engineering to the intuitive realm of mindfulness, sharing how she now dedicates her life to guiding others in releasing emotional burdens and crafting habits that foster peace, harmony, and success. Our discussion with Edit reveals the intricate layers of her "Life Transformation System and Elevate Your Consciousness" programs. Initially birthed during the uncertainty of the pandemic, these systems have since evolved to meet the growing need for healing and self-improvement among her clients. Edit graciously explains how gratitude is woven into every aspect of her teachings, and how this fundamental practice can elevate one's consciousness. As she offers her insights, it becomes clear that through her work, Edit is helping individuals heal and she is contributing to a global increase in beauty and wellness. Join us for a powerful episode that resonates with anyone looking to reshape their life and embrace the potential for change within by implementing small impactful changes in their daily habits. Edit B. Kiss' bio Edit B. Kiss is a holistic therapist, success habit coach, #1 best-selling author, Humanitarian Award winner, and international speaker. She helps her clients overcome challenges such as racing thoughts, insomnia, and emotional voids by guiding them to raise their frequency, align with their true selves, gain more focus, and build resilience. Through her work, Edit assists clients in releasing long-standing pains, blockages, ancestral patterns, and emotional traumas, empowering them to live fulfilling, joyful lives. Her approach enables them to stand strong in the face of life's storms and reinvent themselves to reach new levels of personal growth and achievement. Connect with Edit B. Kiss On her website: Her special gift for you, Elevate Your Consciousness 5-Series Video Masterclass: On social media: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: YouTube: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women alongside Edit B. Kiss and our other wonderful and inspiring guest speakers? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E170 Breaking Free from Toxic and Abusive Work Environments with Orphise Rodriguez, HR consultant

Breaking Free from Toxic and Abusive Work Environments with Orphise Rodriguez, HR consultant When Orphise Rodriguez stepped away from her desk in a traditional Swiss firm for the last time, she wasn't just leaving a job; she was stepping into her power as a Black woman in the corporate world. On this episode of Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse, Orphise takes us through her riveting transition from enduring workplace abuse to becoming a beacon of self-advocacy and entrepreneurial spirit. As an HR external consultant and career coach, she now guides companies in creating nurturing work environments and mentors professionals in aligning their careers with their core values. The conversation with Orphise unveils an interesting comparison between Swiss and U.S. employment laws, an eye-opener for anyone curious about international work culture and its impact on employee protection. She candidly addresses the challenges faced by minorities in Switzerland's business landscape and empowers listeners with the necessary tools to break free from toxic situations. With wisdom and compassion, Orphise also underscores the significance of fostering self-love and confidence, offering her expertise in 4 languages to those resonating with her story: French, English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Her journey is a masterclass in transforming adversity into opportunity. Orphise's bio in her own words Greetings, I am Orphise Rodriguez. I am the principal consultant of HR Solutions, a Swiss-based company specializing in comprehensive HR Services including talent acquisition, executive coaching, career development, HR administration, employee health, safety, engagement, and retention. We strongly believe that investing in people is pivotal for a company’s success. I am an experienced HR professional with 14 years of experience, holding a Swiss Federal Diploma of Higher Education and an MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Dedicated to fostering positive workplace environments, I passionately guide individuals to discover meaning in their work. Since 2014, I've made it my life mission to mentor and coach women through initiatives such as Women of the 5 Continents, Inspired Women Lead, and HR Solutions. Other noteworthy contributions include streamlining recruitment processes, opening international offices, implementing policies, and revamping recruitment and HRIS systems for efficiency. As an avid learner, I continually enrich my coaching and HR skills through online courses. Fluent in French and English, with proficiency in Spanish and Mandarin, I bring a global outlook, extending my services beyond borders to collaborate with companies worldwide. Connect with Orphise by email: on her website: on Facebook: on LinkedIn: si vous parlez ou lisez le français, vous allez apprécier son cadeau, "Le CV Performant": Ce cadeau à downloader continent 35 exemples de phrases à utiliser pour démontrer vos réalisations professionnelles à appliquer dans 10 domaines d’activité : ressources humaines, management, admin, gestion de projets, finance, assurances sociales, éducation, marketing, droit, et informatique. Ces exemples ont été testés par elle-même personellement, et vous êtes les bienvenus à les essayer pour vous aussi. Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Orphise Rodriguez and our other inspiring guest speakers? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Apply here:


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S7E169 Christa Barone's Miraculous Story of a Victorious Fight Against Childhood Cancer With Her Family

Part 2 of this mother-daughter series Christa Barone's Miraculous Story of a Victorious Fight Against Childhood Cancer With Her Family When hope seems like a distant flicker, stories like Christa Barone's reignite the flame. At age 3, Christa was handed a survival chance of a small 3%, yet here she is, 28 years old, happy and thriving, completely healthy, and a beacon of light, celebrating 25 years free of stage 4 neuroblastoma type of cancer. Our conversation peels back layers of her childhood marked by an exceptional joy for hospital visits, a testament to the nurturing cocoon weaved by her family and medical caregivers. Christa's story is a mosaic of misdiagnoses, a mother's intuition sharper than any clinical guesswork, and an experimental therapy that carved her path to remission with a 3% chance of surviving. I'm grateful that they heard this very slim ratio after she was saved from this cancer. Her reflection on these early battles reveals the power of perspective – the ability to see divine orchestration in life's toughest challenges. Transitioning from her journey through cancer to the profound epiphanies about her life's mission and purpose, Christa shares the inception of Wicked Wisdom Consulting. Here, she harnesses her story to light the way for others, guiding coaches and businesses in sculpting their operational blueprints. Christa's story is a reminder of the transformative potential that we all have within us, and that gets to be revealed through adversity, ready to become stepping stones for our growth. We honor her commitment to being a guiding light, alongside a heartfelt birthday tribute to her mother, Michelle Barone, whose insights add rich layers to this episode, and that was published just before this episode, on April 3rd, 2024. Together, their shared wisdom is an invitation to celebrate the impact of positive influence and the joy of helping others find their way in the professional and personal landscapes of their lives. Listen to Michelle Barone, Christa's mother, recounting this miraculous story of a 3-year-old smart girl fighting for her life with terminal cancer: Christa's bio Christa is a Fractional COO, childhood cancer survivor, and lifelong spiritual student. As a Fractional COO, she provides operations insight, guidance, and expertise to entrepreneurs, coaches, and small businesses. In her personal life, she is the caretaker for many animals - dogs, goats, chickens, and more - and loves cooking/baking. She is exceptionally passionate about health, wellness, and spiritual growth. She is always seeking to live more authentically and be the best human she can be. Connect with Christa On her website: Via email: Via LinkedIn: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be terrific as a guest speaker? Apply here:


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S7E168 Michelle Barone's One Promise That Saved Her Baby Girls' Life Against Cancer

Michelle Barone's One Promise That Saved Her Baby Girls' Life Against Cancer Today, you are in for a miraculous story that Michelle Baron graciously shares regarding her baby girl, Christa, who was fighting against cancer at 3 years old in 1999. Michelle and her husband's unwavering conviction that their baby girl would beat this deadly disease set the stage for miracles to happen. Michelle takes us back to the perplexing symptoms that first alerted her to her daughter Christa's condition, the initial medical dismissals, and her relentless pursuit for answers. This story focuses on a mother's intuition and how far she went to save and protect her 3-year-old sunshine. Michelle recounts the harrowing trials of uprooting their lives for Christa's critical stem cell transplant and the subsequent transformation of hospital walls into a sanctuary filled with hope and love, as a second home away from home. A fierce battle against the shadow of mortality, a journey laden with emotional strife, and the grit it takes to face each day with courage and faith as well as the presence of an angel who showed up as a priest to allow Michelle to release her strong anger at this moment and to make the most wonderful promise she ever made that saved her daughter's life. With anticipation, we also pave the way for Christa's perspective in our next episode, reminding us of the incredible impact that shared stories have in spreading hope and inspiring others. Christa is now 28 years old, beautiful, happy, and thriving, and still living up to her mother's promise that changed their lives 25 years ago. Michelle Barone's bio Michelle Barone is an intuitive emotional liberation coach whose business is helping clients level the playing field between themselves and the emotions controlling their lives. After facing many traumas in her own life - a deeply dysfunctional childhood, her daughter’s cancer journey, and a tumultuous corporate career - Michelle dedicated her career to helping others achieve change, growth, and calmer shores by taking trial and error out of the equation. She applies all of the experiences and techniques she has tested and benefited from, as well as the gifts she has developed over the years, to help her clients create the life they deserve. Michelle works with clients through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements. Learn more about Michelle's business, Moksha Grace Coaching, and how her services may benefit you. Connect with Michelle Barone on her Website: on Facebook: on Instagram: on LinkedIn: on YouTube: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Michelle Barone and many of our other wonderful guest speakers? Apply here:


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S7E167 Angie Weber's Parents Toolbox: How to Save Your Marriage After Infidelity

Angie Weber's Parents Toolbox: How to Save Your Marriage After Infidelity When, in a romantic couple, trust is torn by infidelity, piecing it back together is an act of profound courage. On this episode of Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse, we're honored to have parent coach Angie Weber share her heart-wrenching yet inspiring journey through the shadow of unfaithfulness kind of abuse. Angie's raw and honest account takes us into the depths of emotional disconnection and the chaos of an affair that threatened to dismantle the life she knew. Her path to healing—even more difficult with societal judgment and internal turmoil—illuminates the strength it takes to rebuild from the shards of a shattered heart. The road to forgiveness is not a path walked alone, and Angie's story emphasizes the critical necessity of a supportive network. The silent battles fought within the walls of a marriage post-betrayal often go unrecognized, and Angie bravely pulls back the curtain on the struggle to reforge a bond that was once broken. Her experience of healing, while building back her self-esteem and learning to be vulnerable again, serves as a beacon for those navigating similar turbulent waters. It's a reminder that resilience is about actively choosing to mend and grow. But Angie's narrative doesn't end with her personal triumph over adversity. Her transformation from a survivor of infidelity to a guiding light for others is truly empowering. Through the establishment of, Angie extends a lifeline to those grappling with the aftermath of betrayal, championing emotional regulation and effective parenting amidst the storm. The conversation we share is about the scars left by infidelity as well as the profound ways we can use our own trials as a foundation for helping others heal, proving that our deepest misery can indeed become our greatest ministry. Angie Weber's bio Angie Weber, founder and owner of The Parent Toolbox, has been on a healing journey after discovering her husband was having an affair 4 years ago. Devastated and destroyed, Angie finally felt the pull to start working on herself to recover from the infidelity. Struggling with external and internal messages, she pursued an intensive treatment to help her control her depression, PTSD, and anxiety. She has now turned her misery into her greatest ministry by becoming a parent coach to break generational cycles. Connect with Angie Weber Website: Facebook: Linkedin: Instagram: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Angie Weber and our other wonderful guest speakers? Apply here:


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S7E166 Narcissism, Empathy, and the Science of Energy, with Aasha T. LaConte

Narcissism, Empathy, and the Science of Energy, with Aasha T. LaConte Have you ever wondered how your sense of self-worth shapes your life's path? This heart-to-heart with Aasha—an emotional and energetic intelligence facilitator and the voice behind 'Self-Worth Warriors'—offers insights into the transformative power of recognizing one's own value. As we unpack the themes of her poignant book "The Empath Is the Narcissist" Aasha shares her personal narrative of growth, painting a vivid picture of how overcoming a past filled with challenges led her to a deep understanding of love, attachment, and relationships. It's a profound exploration of how we can rewrite our stories to foster healthier connections and a stronger sense of self. Unlock the door to a journey of personal growth with our inspiring guest, as she presents her unique resources, products, and services aimed at cultivating self-love. Discover how to elevate your own internal frequency through the offerings available on her website, and on Amazon. Aasha's wisdom resonates deeply with the ongoing narrative of powerful and visionary women breaking the silence around abuse, and I am moved by her dedication to guiding others on the pathway to healing. Our conversation is an open invitation to listeners to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and transformation toward self-love which is the only emotion that can heal our broken and withdrawn hearts. Aasha T's bio Aasha T is the Founder of the one and only course for women to become magnetic to excellent men, Self Worth Warriors. It is vital to clear pain against the masculine to live in full harmony and manifestation power. Aasha is an international speaker and consultant and has had her own unique journey with soul-ties and attachments, which helped her to create the book, The Empath is The Narcissist. She is here to stop weaponry against humanity and bring back Love & Truth Connect with Aasha T on Instagram: on Facebook: on her website: on YouTube: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse, like Aasha T. LaConte? Apply here:


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S7E164 The SASSI's Guide to Overcoming Domestic Abuse and Rebuilding Your Life with Christine Malek

The SASSI's Guide to Overcoming Domestic Abuse and Rebuilding Your Life with Christine Malek When faced with the darkest moments of our lives, it's the stories of those who have walked through the fire and emerged stronger that can offer us a beacon of hope. Today, we sit down with Christine Malek, known as the SASSI Coach, who embodies this fierce spirit through her own harrowing yet triumphant journey. Christine invites us into her world, recounting the abuse she endured and how it shaped her mission to empower others. Her story is one of survival and transformation, underlining the power of self-assertion and independence. She unpacks the essence of being SASSI — her trademarked acronym for Strong, Assertive, Smart, Sexy, Independent — and demonstrates how these qualities can reignite the spirit of women who have been squashed by domestic abuse and violence. As we traverse through Christine's experiences, we encounter not only the raw struggles of her past but also the critical moments of awakening that led her to break free. She shares the life-altering decision to reclaim happiness and the steps she took to escape the endless cycle of abuse. With vivid recollections, Christine tells us about the intoxicating charm of love bombing and the challenge of recognizing when a relationship turns abusive. Her narrative is a profound reminder that the journey to liberation is rarely easy and always worth the courage it demands. By telling her personal stories with actionable insights, Christine offers listeners a roadmap to rediscovery and healing, and she extends a hand to those looking to connect with her through her SASSI Village initiative that she plans on bringing to life. Christine Malek's bio Christine is a SASSI Coach, Speaker, International Advocate for Women Against Abuse & Domestic Violence, Women's Confidence Coach, Author, podcast host of Talking SASSI About Abuse: Amplifying Women’s Voices, a podcast guest pro, and The SASSI Academy Founder, based in Tennessee. Her unique approach brings out the strength and the light that shines in each woman, especially those who have survived abuse. She believes once you are out of that situation there is an even bigger challenge for that woman to face – who am I? Her SASSI® Program is designed to help women find answers and achieve their goals and objectives of discovering their true SASSIness. Connect with Christine Malek on Facebook: on her website: Buy her SASSI merchandise on Etsy: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Christine Malek and our other wonderful guest speakers? Apply here:


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S7E163 Speaking UP About a Mental Health Crisis: Confronting Stigma and Seeking Safety with Pamela R. O’Neill

Speaking UP About a Mental Health Crisis: Confronting Stigma and Seeking Safety with Pamela R. O’Neill Join the riveting conversation with Pamela R. O'Neill, a dedicated youth and family counselor with a story of adversity and advocacy for mental health. Pamela lays bare her soul, recounting her upbringing in a religious family, the profound impact of her uncle's schizophrenia on her mother that served as an example for her first career choice, and her own tribulations during the 2020 pandemic. The chilling account of her colleague's murder by a mental health patient casts a somber shadow, exposing the stark realities and inherent dangers that mental health professionals encounter daily when working in a residence. The episode is an eye-opener on the dire need for systemic change, emphasizing the significance of speaking up about mental health stigma and advocating for safer work environments. As we traverse Pamela's journey, she shares the therapeutic release she found in penning her book, "Speaking Up About Mental Health," during the isolating times of the pandemic immediately after the death of her colleague. The importance of self-advocacy and safety in the face of organizational silence and some strategies to harness mental health crises are laid out with clarity and compassion by Pamela during this episode. Pamela R. O'Neill speak up for her story to serve as a beacon for those navigating the daily ups and downs of mental health, both personally and professionally. Her courage to voice the often-unspoken truths shows the power of empathy and the critical need for solidarity and safety among those at the forefront of mental health care. Pamela's introductory bio Pamela O'Neill is a former journalist and social worker who has dealt with mental health issues both personally and professionally. Through her calling as a mental health coach, she facilitates open communication about mental health and is building a community that will work together to end its stigma. She will guide you in the discovery of your courage to speak up about any issue you feel afraid, anxious, or unclear about addressing. Pamela believes in each person's ability to regain their confidence, be healthy, and thrive. While at home in Canada, she hopes to reach a global audience with her service. Connect with Pamela on her website: by email: on Facebook: on Instagram: on LinkedIn: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse, alongside Pamela R. O'Neill and our other wonderful inspiring guest speakers? Apply here: Here are a few keywords to help you find this episode faster: Mental Health, Mental Illness, Workplace Safety, Trauma, Advocacy, Stigma, Empathy, Writing, Isolation, Community, Speaking Up, Systemic Issues, Protocols, Crisis Management, Social Workers, Support, Counseling, Pandemic, Violence


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S7E162 From Hell to Health with Anya Nicholson

From Hell to Health with Anya Nicholson Join us as we welcome the indomitable Anya Nicholson, the queen of resilience and empowerment in the health and wellness community, who bravely shares her journey from the shadows of abuse and many seemingly insurmountable health crises to the light of recovery and finding her soul purpose. Listen in as Anya shares her life story, scarred by sexual trauma and severe health challenges. Anya details her path to healing through the power of natural remedies and emotional fortitude in her remarkable health journey. We delve into the pain that lurks within cycles of familial abuse and the fraught road to validation and boundary-setting amidst such deep-seated trauma. Anya sheds an unflinching light on the flaws of our medical system that fails some of us and the culture of silence that often leaves survivors without the protection and recognition they need for their recovery. Her courage in speaking out is a profound call for societal change, and her insights offer solace and solidarity to those whose voices have also been dismissed or unheard, like hers. In the throes of our discussion, Anya shares her toolkit for mending the wounds of trauma, underscoring the vital role of wellness practices in her own recovery. From the therapeutic embrace of meditation to the grounding power of connecting with nature, she presents a blueprint for others navigating their healing journeys. Her dedication to helping others rediscover joy and hope is as unwavering as it is inspiring, and her story serves as a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity, making the seemingly impossible look achievable. Anya's short introduction in her own words From Hell to Health! I’m Anya, a former forensic accountant turned Wellness Coach. I help people get their lives back like I did and doing so gives me immense joy! I was sick for 13 years and faced many challenges including Sheehan's Syndrome which is a brain injury caused by hemorrhaging during childbirth, SAI, EDS, MCAS, POTS, and more. With the help of fruit, cold-pressed juice, and a high raw vegan diet I’ve lost 120 pounds and kept it off, healed most of my conditions, learned to manage the rest naturally without medication, and I’ve emerged healthier and stronger than I ever was before. I was dismissed by the medical system and had to learn to manage my health conditions by myself to stay alive. I’m on a personal mission to help others avoid what I went through and to see what is possible by showing how I healed myself and helping you do the same. Connect with Anya Nicholson on her website: on Facebook: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Anya Nicholson and our other amazing guest speakers? Apply here: Here are a few keywords to help you find this episode: Trauma, Healing, Abuse, Empowerment, Resilience, Sexual Violence, Wellness, Recovery, Natural Healing, Emotional Mastery, Survivors, Family Trauma, Boundaries, Prevention, Meditation, Sun Gazing, Breathwork, Raw Vegan Diet, Supportive Community


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S7E161 Healing from Within Uncovering Emotional Frequencies with Karen Fullerton

I never truly understood the depth of emotional scars until Karen Fullerton, a certified quantum energy practitioner, walked me through her profound journey of healing. Her story, marked by struggles with emotional neglect and self-abuse, sheds light on the invisible wounds many of us carry and the critical importance of facing them head-on. In our heartfelt conversation, Karen teaches us to view emotions not just as feelings but as frequencies that shape our reality. She opens up about her childhood experiences, illustrating how these vibrational energies can either ensnare us or set us free, depending on our ability to recognize and transform them into joy and liberation. Throughout this episode, we traverse the transformative path of emotional awareness and self-empowerment. Karen encourages us to become present with our emotions, to sit with them and observe them without judgment as a means to catalyze change. We delve into the power of vibrational frequencies in shaping our life experiences and how they can help us attract what we truly desire. The episode is rounded off with a discussion on the union of music and emotional healing, and we peek into "The Seven Insights to Emotional Wellness," Karen's online course which promises to revolutionize how we deal with our emotions and guide us toward a state of emotional well-being. Join us on this journey as we learn to harmonize our inner frequencies and create a life resonating with happiness and health. Karen Fullerton in her own words Don’t give up. Spiral Up. Too many women and service-oriented entrepreneurs feel like giving up on their dreams. They lose faith in themselves because results aren’t equaling their efforts and burnout sets in. I know I did! I didn’t always integrate energy principles in my executive or entrepreneurial business career, even as a quantum energy practitioner. I’m not talking Law of Attraction or the power of positive thinking. In fact, these masculine principles are only half of the equation, and why I experienced entrepreneurial struggles. My determination and independent nature as a Gen Xer resisted anything other than the power of the mind as the only driver of success! Even with my 4.0 GPA in business and entrepreneurial mindset… It took the closing of my marketing business and filing bankruptcy before I allowed feminine energy principles, spirituality, and a bit of physics to co-create my strategy for my most fulfilling success: Founder of The Sergei Foundation—a nonprofit organization raising more than 1 million dollars to save the lives of more than 5,000 pets for lower-income families. Connect with Karen Fullerton on her website: on LinkedIn: by email: Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Karen Fullerton and many of our other wonderful guest speakers? Apply here: Here are a few keywords to help you find this episode faster: Emotional Scars, Quantum Energy Practitioner, Healing, Emotional Neglect, Self-Abuse, Invisible Wounds, Emotional Awareness, Vibrational Frequencies, Emotional Wellness, Music Integration, Emotional Healing, Self-Empowerment, Emotional Triggers, Mind, Emotional Roots, Self-Paced Course, Seven Insights, Transformation, Music, Nature, Gratitude, Wisdom, Emotional Well-Being


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S7E160 Breaking the Cycle of Violence and Finding Self-Worth with Jennifer Ramirez Solarte

When I came into contact with Jennifer Ramirez Solarte, whose strength emanates like a lighthouse guiding ships through stormy nights, her voice struck me. The silence that shrouds the topic of abuse was shattered as we choose to do on this show, revealing the path she bravely took from hell to heaven, and the beacon of hope her organization, &RISE, casts for women facing similar hardships. Our conversation passed by the harrowing landscapes of Jennifer's childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence, the kind that too many know yet too few speak of. She shared how these experiences informed the powerful mission behind &RISE, illuminating the critical steps involved in breaking the cycle of abuse and advocating for those still entangled within its grasp. Jennifer's story unfolded like a roadmap for transformation, marking each pivotal turn from recognizing toxic patterns to embracing self-worth and setting boundaries. Her narrative showcases her belief that our past doesn't have the final say over our future. She detailed the profound journey toward self-love, a destination reached through self-reflection, personal growth, and the art of flying solo to mend one's wings. As we discuss the chapters of her life, what emerged was the profound clarity that true, healthy relationships are a reflection of the love and respect we afford ourselves. Jennifer's voice, imbued with both vulnerability and valor, stands as an invitation to listeners to find their own courage, to speak out, and to join a collective journey toward healing and empowerment. Jennifer's bio Jennifer Ramirez is an author, entrepreneur, trauma life coach, reiki master, and speaker who is passionate about helping women live their best lives after trauma and abuse. She is the Founder of the nonprofit organization, &Rise, whose mission is to empower women to be the ultimate versions of themselves no matter their adversities. Jennifer has years of experience working with survivors and provides trauma-informed care to those she works with. Jennifer is a passionate advocate for all women and offers prevention education to help empower and educate women on healthy relationships, red flags, and healthy coping skills. Connect with Jennifer Ramirez Solarte by email: on her website of &RISE: on her Facebook page of &RISE: on her Facebook profile: (She got married in 2024 and changed her name from Ramirez to Solarte) Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Jennifer and many of our other wonderful guest speakers? Apply here: here are a few keywords to help you find this episode: Abuse, Domestic Violence, Endwise, Empowerment, Self-Love, Toxic Relationships, Healing, Advocacy, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health, Financial Education, Career Development, Boundaries, Manipulative Behavior, Self-Reflection, Healthy Love, Conflict Resolution, Self-Care, Fulfilling Relationships, Positive Impact, Uplifting Work, Dialogue, Resources.
