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She Show Videos: After Dark

Adult Content

SEX. That's our content. Not the act of sex or even the visual of sex, just the idea of sex. Apparently, that is enough to make people uncomfortable. But why tho? A recent study showed that nearly 97% of adults have engaged in sex, and I know without confirmation that everyone is thinking about it... so what's the issue? Why is the notion of sex still so taboo- it's 2024 folks. Let's talk about it! As two self-proclaimed vanilla-bean women navigating life as best friends and future lovers, we are on a joint mission to 'Normalize Sex Talk' and learn about all the things. Sexuality, kinks, fetishes, intimacy, pornography, unique sexual lifestyles... nothing is off limits! We are seeking guests who will share their experiences and educate us on the ins and outs (get it?) of all things sex. Hit us up! PS- you can find and interact with us on all the socials!!


United States


SEX. That's our content. Not the act of sex or even the visual of sex, just the idea of sex. Apparently, that is enough to make people uncomfortable. But why tho? A recent study showed that nearly 97% of adults have engaged in sex, and I know without confirmation that everyone is thinking about it... so what's the issue? Why is the notion of sex still so taboo- it's 2024 folks. Let's talk about it! As two self-proclaimed vanilla-bean women navigating life as best friends and future lovers, we are on a joint mission to 'Normalize Sex Talk' and learn about all the things. Sexuality, kinks, fetishes, intimacy, pornography, unique sexual lifestyles... nothing is off limits! We are seeking guests who will share their experiences and educate us on the ins and outs (get it?) of all things sex. Hit us up! PS- you can find and interact with us on all the socials!!



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Saying No to Sex (Politely)

She Show Videos: After Dark is back for another episode... after an unplanned and months long hiatus from the audio world!? Thanks for your patience #shesquad! This episode centers around the topic: Saying No (Politely). Inevitably, sex will be offered, presented, or suggested to you during a time when you just aren't up for it- for whatever reason. When that time comes (no matter how frequent or sparse), what is a polite way to decline the proposition? Are there alternatives or tactics to this tale of polite rejection? Listen to us discuss the subject and share your thoughts with us! After nearly 3 years of pedaling our wares on other social platforms and battling against censorship, demonetization, and limited viewership on account of our "risqué" content... we have finally jumped into the wide world of podcasting! Thank you for having us. If you missed our first few episodes- go check those out. In just a few episodes, you will get a telling taste of what our friendship dynamic looks like. Best friends for 20 years who just want to NORMALIZE SEX TALK. Growing, learning, and laughing together until the end of time... and hopefully beyond. Make sure to follow us on our socials and share us with your friends--- we appreciate you and welcome to the #shesquad! If you want to be a guest on our show, have topic suggestions, or just want to connect... email us at Find and interact with us on all the socials!! Check out our Amazon Collection: Thanks for listening, xoxo Britany & Elizabeth (B&E)


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What Makes Sex Worth Having?

She Show Videos: After Dark is back for another episode! After nearly 3 years of pedaling our wares on other social platforms and battling against censorship, demonetization, and limited viewership on account of our "risqué" content... we have finally jumped into the wide world of podcasting! Thank you for having us. If you missed our first few episodes- go check those out. In just 3 episodes, you will get a telling taste of what our friendship dynamic looks like. Best friends for 20 years who just want to NORMALIZE SEX TALK. Growing, learning, and laughing together until the end of time... and hopefully beyond. This episode features a discussion around the topic: What Makes Sex Worth Having? Is sex always worth having? What motivates us to engage in sex? What motivates YOU to have sex? Will we still be interested in sex when we are elderly? Must an elusive Triple-O be experienced to qualify the encounter as 'worth it' every time? Listen to us banter about the topic and share your thoughts with us! Make sure to follow us on our socials and share us with your friends--- we appreciate you and welcome to the #shesquad! If you want to be a guest on our show, have topic suggestions, or just want to connect... email us at Find and interact with us on all the socials!! Check out our Amazon Collection: Thanks for listening, xoxo Britany & Elizabeth (B&E)


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Losing Our Virginity

She Show Videos: After Dark is back for another episode! After nearly 3 years of pedaling our wares on other social platforms and battling against censorship, demonetization, and limited viewership on account of our "risqué" content... we have finally jumped into the wide world of podcasting! Thank you for having us. If you missed our first couple episodes- go check those out. That audio sets the stage for what you are about to hear, and sheds a big 'ole bright light on the relationship that we share. Best friends for 20 years who just want to NORMALIZE SEX TALK. This episode features a discussion around Losing Your Virginity. When did we lose our V-Cards... how, why, and with any regrets to follow? Spoiler alert... NOPE. While the pressure, terror and immense shame of giving that treasured cherry away ate at us as teens, our adult hearts and the wisdom of our years has shed light on the fact that all of it was BULLSHIT. We share our thoughts on when the right time for our children will be and we welcome your thoughts as well! Make sure to follow us on our socials and share us with your friends--- we appreciate you and welcome to the #shesquad! If you want to be a guest on our show, have topic suggestions, or just want to connect... email us at Find and interact with us on all the socials!! Check out our Amazon Collection: Thanks for listening, xoxo Britany & Elizabeth (B&E)


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The Triple O: Out of Body Orgasm

She Show Videos: After Dark is back for another episode! After nearly 3 years of pedaling our wares on other social platforms and battling against censorship, demonetization, and limited viewership on account of our "risqué" content... we have finally jumped into the wide world of podcasting! Thank you for having us. If you missed our Pilot episode- go check it out. That introductory audio sets the stage for what you are about to hear, and sheds light on the relationship that we share. Best friends for 20 years who want to NORMALIZE SEX TALK. This episode focuses on our trademarked term.... The Triple O. Out Of Body Orgasm. The elusive noun that sets our cum bar so high, reaching it regularly is nearly impossible. The high that we continue to chase at every sex session we attend. The white pee generator that neither of us even knew existed until our 30s... The Triple O. Maybe this is what Eminem was really singing about when he said "knees weak, arms are heavy"? He forgot to mention blurred vision, temporary paralysis, slurred speech, minor convulsions... the list goes on and on. Join us to hear more! Special Shout Outs this week to: Haley Taylor Photography for snapping our cover art photo during a recent 'bestie seshie'. If you are in the Northeast Ohio area, get booked for your today! Tell Haley that She Show Videos sent you... see if you can get the family discount :) Caleb Feigles of the Making a Martini podcast for inspiring us to do more, be more, and learn more! Caleb has been a true friend and mentor to us from the very start... check him out (and hear us on a few episodes of his show) Make sure to check us out on all of our socials and share us with your friends! If you want to be a guest on our show, have topic suggestions, or just want to connect... email us at Find and interact with us on all the socials!! Check out our Amazon Collection: Thanks for listening, xoxo Britany & Elizabeth (B&E)


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Pilot: Meet Your Hosts

She Show Videos: After Dark is officially official!! After nearly 3 years of pedaling our wares on other social platforms and battling against censorship, demonetization, and limited viewership on account of our content... we have finally jumped into the wide world of podcasting! Thank you for having us. This pilot episode is just an introduction to us: Britany & Elizabeth. Two regular midwest women who have been best friends for over 20 years and who had never had a true orgasm until their 30s. Our interest is pure and our curiosity is peaked! Nothing but open minds, open communication, and open hearts from the host position on this show. We like to drink, vacation, and laugh- together. Always together. Special Shout Outs this week to: Haley Taylor Photography for snapping our cover art photo during a recent 'bestie seshie'. If you are in the Northeast Ohio area, get booked for your today! Tell Haley that She Show Videos sent you... see if you can get the family discount :) Caleb Feigles of the Making a Martini podcast for inspiring us to do more, be more, and learn more! Caleb has been a true friend and mentor to us from the very start... check him out (and hear us on a few episodes of his show) Make sure to check us out on all of our socials and share us with your friends! If you want to be a guest on our show, have topic suggestions, or just want to connect... email us at Find and interact with us on all the socials!! Check out our Amazon Collection: Thanks for listening, xoxo Britany & Elizabeth (B&E)
