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Podcast by sevenism





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Clear lake ripple

guitar lost in echo. glacial warmth. a soundtrack to the tenderness of wolves by stef penney


Pídele al anfitrión que permita compartir el control de reproducción

Tendentious xrpt (disquiet0241)

http://llllllll.co/t/foreground-effect-disquiet-junto-project-0241/4134/4 full track https://hearthis.at/sevenism/tendentious/ i used acidrack and pressed the same key over and over again. i had a heap of fx in ableton - ddly>podfarm2>feed me back>six string ambience>loop slippery lots of echo, distortion .. 6 string ambience mulches things up a bit.. loop slippery added that beat perfect project for me - i'm always adding way too much fx


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Promoted Soundcloud Track (disquiet0240) excerpt

https://archive.org/details/sevenism-PromotedSoundcloudTrack https://hearthis.at/sevenism/promoted-soundcloud-track/ this is called 'terraform' but it amused me to put that as the title since you can only listen to the full piece on hearthis or archive.org description here: http://llllllll.co/t/music-that-emerges-from-a-drone-disquiet-junto-project-0240/4027/13?u=sevenism


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Sound Of Waterfall (abridged) Naviarhaiku134

made from samples of wooden wind chime, flexatone, violin and flute this is an excerpt, please visit https://hearthis.at/sevenism/wfl/ to hear the full piece | | | Sound of waterfall in the night. I don't see it, but feel its freshness. DEADLINE: 3rd August Poem by Ertore José Palmero Picture by argonath1 - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud OR send privately the track's URL to Naviar on Soundcloud - When you upload your entry, please make sure "Naviarhaiku134 - Sound of waterfall" is included in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set it as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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lament for phased out groups (pt 2) (disquiet0239)

petition to save soundcloud groups: https://www.change.org/p/soundcloud-tell-soundcloud-to-keep-groups-on-their-platform i'm quite angry that soundcloud are getting rid of groups. i've noticed their gradual disregard for the community here as they've become another shill for corporate pop (remember when they did soundclouder of the day?). i've cancelled my subscription to pro, so that won't auto-renew at the end of the year. no doubt my account will be blocked until i delete 3 hours of music. this is just mangled cello samples. rather than lament a discontinued piece of software, i'm lamenting the inevitable death of soundcloud. RIP. done another recording here because i forgot to add phasing to this version https://hearthis.at/sevenism/soundcloud-lament2/ and also to direct people away from sc ///// Disquiet Junto Project 0239: Code Requiem The Assignment: Compose a short composition in memoriam for a piece of recently deceased software. Please note the instructions below, in light of SoundCloud closing down its Groups functionality. Project Steps: Step 1: Compose a short composition in memoriam for a piece of recently deceased software. Five More Important Steps When Your Track Is Done : Step 1: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud (this task will continue until the August 22 sunsetting of that service). It’s here: https://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Step 2: This is a new task, if you’ve done a Junto project previously. In the comment field to the track mention @disquiet. This will ping me to add the track to a playlist. More on this 239th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Compose a short composition in memoriam for a piece of recently deceased software” — at: http://disquiet.com/0239/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/


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lux (disquiet0238)

went obvious with this : fingers on a digital piano had my moto g phone on some cushions on a table right near the piano speaker had a digital dictaphone near the keys , picking up all the incidental sounds crossfaded from equipment/performance sounds to pure piano. i wanted a sense of the piece coming into focus - as i continued improvising there was a sense of where it was going.. and that idea of being influenced by all the incidental sounds, the cars going past etc. (apologies to people who actually can play the piano - i just like to pretend) |||||||||||||||||||||| . . . Disquiet Junto Project 0238: Magnifying Contact The Assignment: Record a piece of music, emphasizing the sounds of production over the music itself. Project Steps: Step 1: Record a short piece of music. When recording the music, use additional microphones to capture the process itself: your fingers on strings, touching keyboard and screen surfaces, clicking on laptop keys, etc. Step 2: When the piece is fully recorded, create a mix that makes the “performance” sounds slightly either equal to or slightly more prominent than the performance itself. Three More Steps When Your Track Is Done : Step 1: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud. It’s here: https://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Step 2: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process. Step 3: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants. Deadline: This project was posted in the morning, California time, on Thursday, July 21, 2016, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, July 25, 2016. Length: The length is up to you. Between one and three minutes seems about right. Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this project, and be sure to include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated. Title/Tag: When adding your track to the Disquiet Junto group on Soundcloud.com, please in the title to your track include the term “disquiet0238.” Also use “disquiet0238” as a tag for your track. Download: It is preferable that your track is set as downloadable, and that it allows for attributed remixing (i.e., a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution). Linking: When posting the track, please be sure to include this information: More on this 238th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Record a piece of music, emphasizing the sounds of production over the music itself” — at: http://disquiet.com/0238/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/


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MIDI Sans Frontières

squarepusher + sevenism - midi sans frontieres (unity fade) done an album of mixes here https://sevenism.bandcamp.com/album/midi-sans-fronti-res this is a modified version of one them. i've listened to loads of the remixes - some great stuff out there - but somehow i havent listened to the original yet! (i like to start playing with samples before i listen to them)


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Half Moon Hanging (Naviarhaiku132)

tried to get a tone that was both dense and delicate; misty hiss ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽ Half moon hanging. Sky cover blurring the edges. Summer nighttime, misty DEADLINE: 20th July Poem by Glenn Sogge https://www.facebook.com/ComposerSogge Picture by Happy Yoga https://www.flickr.com/photos/happyyoga/607204584/in/faves-cryxuss/ - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/groups/naviar-laboratory - When you upload your entry, include "Naviarhaiku132 - Half moon hanging" in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set it as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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wide open (disquiet0237)

was shortening some tracks on soundcloud to make space... as it happened i had some 10 second excerpts so used them. did the fading live to make it more interesting. then unsurprisingly i didnt like the track (given that i was shortening tracks i wasnt too fussed about) so i tried again with some loops from the juno project, didnt like that either tried again with excerpts from one of my versions of midi sans frontieres run through the mangle. was ok but a bit muddy. then i thought i'll go a bit recursive and just lump these 3 tracks together and fade in between them as instructed nearly didnt upload, but, well, here you go abcdefghiabcdefghiabcdefghi Disquiet Junto Project 0237: Combination ABCs The Assignment: Build a 90-second composition from three 10-second segments. Project Steps: Step 1: Record three 10-second sound elements. Keep in mind that they will be layered subsequently in various combinations. You might find it useful to set one or more of the elements to loop naturally after 10 seconds, but you might also enjoy the seam where a given loop begins again. Step 2: Label the three 10-second sound elements A, B, and C. Step 3: Create a 90-second track of the following sequence of standalone and combined elements: A, B, C, A+B, A+C, B+C, A+B+C, A+B, A. Step 4: Your track is complete. However, you may opt to go back in and adjust transitions and add effects. Three More Steps When the Track Is Done : Step 1: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud. It’s here: https://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Step 2: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process. Step 3: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants. Background: This project is partially inspired by the recent book Dramaturgy in Motion: At Work on Dance and Movement Performance, written by Katherine Profeta. In the book, Profeta notes A/B/A as a structure for contemporary dance choreography. It’s a structure I’ve noted, as well, as being perceptible in contemporary electronic music, especially drone-based music. This project is a step toward seeing what the A/B/A structure might sound like when a third element, C, is added. Deadline: This project was posted shortly before noon, California time, on Thursday, July 14, 2016, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, July 18, 2016. Length: The finished track should be 90 seconds long. Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this project, and be sure to include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated. Title/Tag: When adding your track to the Disquiet Junto group on Soundcloud.com, please in the title to your track include the term “disquiet0237.” Also use “disquiet0237” as a tag for your track. Download: It is preferable that your track is set as downloadable, and that it allows for attributed remixing (i.e., a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution). Linking: When posting the track, please be sure to include this information: More on this 237th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Build a 90-second composition from three 10-second segments” — at: http://disquiet.com/0237/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/


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entry for ambient online osd42 http://www.ambientonline.org/forum/showthread.php?4606-One-Sample-Dare-42 this track is only made from a sample of the entrance to a bike trail at a national park https://soundcloud.com/ao_onesampledare/one-sample-dare-42-sample-file one for the headphones, lots of quiet detail (testing out my new akg headphones!) did a lot of twisting and mangling in audacity, not sure i can remember everything track 1: denoised, echo and delay, then reversed more echo and delay, reversed back. track 2: denoised sample reversed blurred in paulstretch, echo tracks 3 - 5: harmonics at 440 hz and 660 hz, pitched down 6c, octaves adjusted in real time (paulstretch standalone) 6: 1-5 mixed down pulled into live run through dimension expander, ambience .1, subtle chorus. rerecorded in audacity with tracks 1-6 7: track 6 run through crazy ivan track 1B: oh also, i got bits from track 1 and pitchshifted and paulstretched them (like the bike)


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Fall Into Deep Space (naviarhaiku131)

drone made from outro of last disquiet track tumbling down atonally / brief reprise . Fall into deep space, tumbling down to sleep, remember to wake. DEADLINE: 13th July Poem by Ruben Gabriel http://ruben-gabriel.tumblr.com/ Picture by NASA https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasamarshall/27675607556/in/faves-105336072@N02/ - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/groups/naviar-laboratory - When you upload your entry, include "Naviarhaiku131 - Fall into deep space" in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set it as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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juno radiostorm (disquiet0236)

https://hearthis.at/sevenism/juno-radiostorm-disquiet0236/ i wanted to capture that strangeness of audio recordings from spacecraft. i was playing in acidrack pressing random a lot. main melody is when i came across a tone i liked, wanted it slow and morse like. the rest of the sound is from mashing the rest of the recording into itself the morse tone is from the ableton test tone. mightve been doing dashes not dots, not sure. photo is from https://www.flickr.com/photos/gsfc/28000029525 and juno slapped on, bit of noise added. ♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃♃ Disquiet Junto 0236: Hello Jun(t)o The Assignment: Say hi to the Juno Spacecraft by embedding Morse code in an original composition. In this project we’re going to send a friendly signal to the NASA probe, the Juno spacecraft, that just entered orbit around Jupiter. Well, we’re going to compose such signals. Sending them is a separate endeavor. We’re going to build on the “Say ‘Hi’ to Juno” endeavor, which had thousands of ham operators sending a message to Juno during its five-year voyage. The “Say ‘Hi’ to Juno” message was Morse code for “Hi” — that is, four dots followed by two dots (…. ..). Step 1: Listen to the Morse code for “hi” (four dots followed by two dots) on repeat for a short time. Step 2: Create an original musical composition that in one or more ways interpolates that Morse code. Step 3: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud. Step 4: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process. Step 5: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants. Deadline: This project was posted in the late morning, California time, on Thursday, July 7, 2016, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, July 11, 2016. Length: The length is up to you, though around one minutes seems about right. Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this project, and be sure to include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated. Title/Tag: When adding your track to the Disquiet Junto group on Soundcloud.com, please in the title to your track include the term “disquiet0236.” Also use “disquiet0236” as a tag for your track. Download: It is preferable that your track is set as downloadable, and that it allows for attributed remixing (i.e., a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution). Linking: When posting the track, please be sure to include this information: More on this 236th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Say hi to the Juno Spacecraft by embedding Morse code in an original composition” — at: http://disquiet.com/0236/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/ More on the Juno Spacecraft technology at: http://spaceflight101.com/juno/spacecraft-information/ More on the “Say ‘Hi’ to Juno” ham operator project here: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/video/details.php?id=1263


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Mountain Chimes (NAVIARHAIKU130)

oh i really tried to get this as the 777th track in the naviar haiku.. even held off uploading last night! oh well. [[edit: it is showing as the 777th track somehow, yay! edit edit: no it's back to 778. fucking soundcloud..why do i pay to use this terrible site?]] found some beautiful sounding wind chimes at the weekend and they were marked up at the wrong price so got a right bargain they've got a lovely cold mountain sound.. i just recorded gently moving the windcatcher and blowing it mistily! added a duplicate layer, more blurred and low end for that lost feel |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| in the mist lost on mountain temple bells DEADLINE: 6th July Poem by Angelee Deodhar http://www.worldhaiku.net/poetry/eng/india/a.deodhar/a.deodhar.htm Picture by Nonac_Digi https://www.flickr.com/photos/nonac_digi/11214642176/in/faves-105336072@N02/ - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/groups/naviar-laboratory - When you upload your entry, include "Naviarhaiku130 - in the mist" in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set it as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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double rainbow (disquiet0235)

there was a huge double rainbow yesterday (one of the layers in the image) and i wanted to represent the blurred colours/layers in this track with lots of echo delay reverb. i rolled a 4 for 4 minutes length. i rolled a 6, 1 so 7 sections. and a 3 for 3 layers. one layer was guitar. i played the guitar with one hand while rolling the dice with another, playing the notes that i just rolled. if i rolled the same number then i'd switch to plucking both strings simultaneously. layer 2: i turned layer 1 into midi with amazingmidi and pulled that into live using a concert strings instrument and more fx layer 3: pulled layer 1 into the mangle and let that run for 4 minutes then blurred that into itself. in the last minute it kind of resolved itself - i kept rolling ones, sixes and fours. this was meant to be a demo practice to see if it worked (i was gonna change the tuning) but i liked how it turned out. kind of ignored the sections, but just had it in mind to change the playing a bit every 30-40 seconds so there'd be about 7 sections ⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄ Create a piece of music based on a structure determined by the roll of a single die. This week’s project requires one die (that is, singular of dice). These are the steps: Step 1: Roll one die to determine the length of your piece in minutes. Step 2: Roll two dice to determine the number of sections to your piece. Their length should be equal. Step 3: For each section roll one die to determine the number of layers. Step 4: For each layer roll one die to determine the number of different notes played. A note is only played once per layer, but it can be held for as long as desired within that section. Step 5: Bonus: Create additional dice-based rules and mention them in the notes associated with your finished track. Step 6: Create an original piece of music based on the result of Step 1 through Step 5. Step 7: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud. Step 8: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process. Step 9: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants. Deadline: This project was posted in the early evening, California time, on Thursday, June 30, 2016, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, July 4, 2016. Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this project, and be sure to include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated. More on this 235th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Create a piece of music based on a structure determined by the roll of a single die” — at: http://disquiet.com/0235/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/


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I saw wildflowers (Naviarhaiku129)

distant chatter, hot air, rising flowers. ...... I saw prisoners Sowing wildflowers By the road today. DEADLINE: 29th June Poem by Geoffrey Wilson Picture by Dmitry Chizhov - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud - When you upload your entry, include "Naviarhaiku129 - I saw prisoners" in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set the track as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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telechir x petemaskreplica x Dave Dorgan - Three Hex Unearthing (sevenism refit) (disquiet0234)

remix of some of my favourite pieces from last week: https://soundcloud.com/telechir/hexhead-disquiet0233 x https://soundcloud.com/petemaskreplica/unearthing-disquiet-0233 x https://soundcloud.com/davedorgan/three-artist-remix-disquiet0223 these, in turn, were remixes of these tracks: http://www.bumpfoot.net/bump207.html https://hazenetlabel.bandcamp.com/album/recombinations http://www.impulsivehabitat.com/releases/ihab113.htm @telechir 's track provides the backbone.. all i did was loop the beat, add a drop, + some reverb and delay in the second half. @petemaskreplica 's drone provides the whooshy hihatty sounds and horn.. i eq'd the low end a bit so it wasnt so clogged @davedorgan 's ambient piece brings in the bell sounds. i got some harmonics at 660hz and layered in some tonality too. mixximmixximmixximmixximmixximmixximmixximmixximmixxim Disquiet Junto Project 0234: Remix Ximer The Assignment: Make one track from three different netlabels, courtesy of a Creative Commons license. This week’s Junto project builds directly on last week’s, though you needn’t have participated in last week’s to join in this one. This week we’re remixing remixes. The remixes we’re remixing are the pieces that resulted from last week’s project, which involved taking three tracks from different netlabels and making one new track from them. Last week’s Junto project celebrated derivatives, as licensed by the Creative Commons. This week’s celebrates derivatives of derivatives. (Thanks to Audio Obscura, aka Neil Stringfellow, for proposing this week’s project.) These are the steps: Step 1: Select and download three tracks from last week’s project, Disquiet Junto 0233: https://soundcloud.com/disquiet/sets/disquiet-junto-project-0233 All the tracks in last week’s project were made from the first 30 seconds of three pre-existing recordings: “HNY” off the album Wormbole by ʞık (Karl & Karlik) on the Bump Foot netlabel, “Pepper Jelly” off the album Recombinations by Andre Darius and Riley Theodore on the Haze netlabel, and “Autista 3” off the album Autista by Pablo Reche on the Impulsive Habitat netlabel. Step 2: Extract the first 30 seconds from each of the three remix tracks that you selected in Step 1. Step 3: Create an original piece of work including that source material from Step 2. More on this 234th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Make a remix of three tracks of a remix of three tracks, courtesy of a Creative Commons license” — at: http://disquiet.com/0234/ Be sure to credit all the tracks (first and second generation) employed in your piece. More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/ i'd already done a rap mix of telechir's track (first time i've tried rapping: this is unlikely ever to see the light of day!) so it was good to work on it again


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Scott Lawlor - Evening Light (nox intempesta mix) (Naviarhaiku128)

full piece https://hearthis.at/sevenism/scott-lawlor-evening-light-nox-intempesta-mix-naviarhaiku128/ this is a collab/remix of scott's long piece https://soundcloud.com/sklawlor/naviarhaiku128-evening-light i make dark ambient music with scott as nox intempesta; this is our latest album: https://sevenism.bandcamp.com/album/archaeoacoustics https://scottlawlor.bandcamp.com/album/archaeoacoustics .............../ NAVIAR HAIKU Evening light sipping from the glassy rim of high moon DEADLINE: 22nd June Poem by SubtleSeas http://subtleseaspoetry.tumblr.com/ Picture by Raúl Santos de la Cámara https://www.flickr.com/photos/zero0112/3565724175/in/faves-105336072@N02/ - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/groups/naviar-laboratory - When you upload your entry, include "Naviarhaiku128 - Evening light in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set the track as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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ʞık x Andre Darius and Riley Theodore x Pablo Reche - wormhole mulch (disquiet0233)

https://hearthis.at/sevenism/k-x-andre-darius-and-riley-theodore-x-pablo-reche-wormhole-mulch-disquiet0233/ i love remixes.. i find the possibilities [paradoxically] greater than an 'original' piece. the first junto i did was the same concept, and i was really sparing on the fx there so i went the other direction here. -i recorded the 3 pieces playing in different instances of vlc and recorded that then reversed and added that -converted each piece to midi and recorded 30 sec's of those in 6 different instruments.. stretched to fit -ran the 30 second pieces through the mangle -adjusted the volumes of these 10 tracks into a pleasing* cacophony xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Disquiet Junto Project 0233: Netlabel (NND Remix) The Assignment: Make one track from three different netlabels, courtesy of a Creative Commons license. Seeing the “ND” tag on a netlabel release is a major buzzkill. The “ND” tag denotes a Creative Commons license that rules out creating derivative work. Fortunately lots of netlabels do allow for creative reuse, and this occasional series of collaborative remixes seeks to celebrate that activity, and encourage other netlabels to switch off the ND tag. Take “NND” to mean “not no derivatives.” Step 1: Download the three tracks that will provide source audio for this remix: Use the first 30 seconds of “HNY” off the album Wormbole by ʞık (Karl & Karlik) on the Bump Foot netlabel: http://www.bumpfoot.net/bump207.html Use the first 30 seconds of “Pepper Jelly” off the album Recombinations by Andre Darius and Riley Theodore on the Haze netlabel: https://hazenetlabel.bandcamp.com/album/recombinations Use the first 30 seconds of “Autista 3” off the album Autista by Pablo Reche on the Impulsive Habitat netlabel: http://www.impulsivehabitat.com/releases/ihab113.htm Step 2: Create an original piece of work including that source material. Step 3: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud. Step 4: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process. Step 5: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants. Deadline: This project was posted in the late morning, California time, on Thursday, June 16, 2016, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, June 20, 2016. Length: Length is up to you, though between two and three minutes seems about right. Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this project, and be sure to include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated. Title/Tag: When adding your track to the Disquiet Junto group on Soundcloud.com, please in the title to your track include the term “disquiet0233.” Also use “disquiet0233” as a tag for your track. Download: It is necessary that your track is set as downloadable, and that it allows for attributed remixing and attribution, per the Creative Commons license of the source audio. Linking: When posting the track, please be sure to include this information: More on this 233rd weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Make one track from three different netlabels, courtesy of a Creative Commons license” — at: http://disquiet.com/0233/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place on a Slack (send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for inclusion) and at this URL: http://disquiet.com/forums/ *not pleasing


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Of Free Verse (Naviarhaiku127 - Ink-black birds scatter)

full track hear: https://hearthis.at/sevenism/of-free-verse-naviarhaiku127-ink-black-birds-scatter/ created a really windy chain, wanted a dark thinness. birds really hidden/dispersed in this played computer keyboard as midi controller by typing out the haiku ('writing lines..') Ink-black birds scatter, Writing lines of free verse Across a paper sky. DEADLINE: 15th June Poem by Frank Jaspers http://frank-jaspers.tumblr.com/ Picture by Sean Nash https://www.flickr.com/photos/nashworld/26404283711 - Upload your track to the Naviar Haiku group on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/groups/naviar-laboratory - When you upload your entry, include "Naviarhaiku127 - Ink-black birds scatter" in the title. - Please use a Creative Commons license for your track and set the track as downloadable should you wish to be included in the podcasts. For more information visit http://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku


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Crimson Sky (disquiet0232)

https://hearthis.at/sevenism/crimson-sky-disquiet0232/ (full piece) i do a lot of this. gave myself some extra constraints.. didnt use a noise gate or any limiting so if it went mental i'd have to deal with it on the fly. i wanted to get it so there was a complicated rhythm, bass, and mid/hi melody. recorded first go, came out ok. all done in podfarm.. synth mods, wah, delays, reverb etc .. 20 modules across two fx chains maglmmagkamgdkfadmsgdvblmbfbl;s,;s,bldf';.s'dFB:d.b';db# Disquiet Junto Project 0232: No Input The Assignment: Record a piece of music exploring the concept of “no-input mixing.” This week’s project explores the concept of no-input mixing. For background, including a tutorial, this Synthtopia article, summarizing more detailed coverage by the Department of Performance Studies at Texas A&M, might prove useful: http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2014/10/27/no-input-mixing-tutorial/ Step 1: Read up, if it’s not already familiar, on the concept of “no-input mixing,” which involves creating feedback by taking the output of a mixer and plugging it into the input of the same mixer, thus exposing and building on inherent (i.e., noisy) sonic properties of the device. Step 2: Experiment with no-input mixing. Step 3: Record a short piece of no-input mixing music. Step 4: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud. Step 5: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process. Step 6: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants. Deadline: This project was posted in the afternoon, California time, on Thursday, June 9, 2016, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, June 13, 2016. Length: Length is up to you, though between two and three minutes seems about right. Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this project, and be sure to include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated. Title/Tag: When adding your track to the Disquiet Junto group on Soundcloud.com, please in the title to your track include the term “disquiet0232.” Also use “disquiet0232” as a tag for your track. Download: It is preferable that your track is set as downloadable, and that it allows for attributed remixing (i.e., a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution). Linking: When posting the track, please be sure to include this information: More on this 232nd weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Record a piece of music exploring the concept of ‘no-input mixing.'” — at: http://disquiet.com/0232/ More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://disquiet.com/junto/ Join the Disquiet Junto at: http://soundcloud.com/groups/disquiet-junto/ Subscribe to project announcements here: http://tinyletter.com/disquiet-junto/ Disquiet Junto general discussion takes place at: http://disquiet.com/forums
