

Arts & Culture Podcasts

我们恋物,也喜欢历史,这些毫不起眼的极为珍贵的物件,来叙说这座浮城的故事。 ”当物件有了故事,它就不在是身外之物“ 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与 我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 Supported by: National Heritage Board The views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the National Heritage Board and/or any government agencies.




我们恋物,也喜欢历史,这些毫不起眼的极为珍贵的物件,来叙说这座浮城的故事。 ”当物件有了故事,它就不在是身外之物“ 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与 我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 Supported by: National Heritage Board The views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the National Heritage Board and/or any government agencies.





它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:卓宜丰| 教师 物件:唱片和卡带 从事华文教学的卓宜丰是音乐发烧友,20年来购买和收藏了不少华文流行音乐的卡带、CD和黑胶唱片。 他最难忘的莫过于八九十年代香港流行歌曲的唱片,看着这些封面,听着这些歌曲,消逝的日子尽在眼前。 这些在新加坡、港台购买的老唱片,不只满足了七八十年代成长的年轻人的娱乐需求,各派作词人创作的歌词也给予他们学习中文的机会……虽然卓宜丰是福建人,但也通过听粤语歌,学会了粤语,也多了一个接触粤语文化的窗口,丰富了他对中文的想象。 Chinese teacher Tok Gee Hong is a Chinese pop music fan with a large collection of vinyl records that he has built up over the past 20 years. The albums that have left the deepest impression on him are those of Hong Kong pop music from the 1980s and 1990s. Looking at the album covers as he listens to the melodies is enough to take him back to days gone by. Tok’s collection is made up of records he purchased in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Not just nostalgic gratification for those born in the 70s and 80s, they are also a pleasurable way of learning Chinese through song lyrics. Tok is Hokkien, but managed to learn Cantonese through listening to Cantonese pop, learning about the culture and enriching his understanding of the different dimensions of the Chinese language. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:黄伟玲 | 公关从业员 物件:三寸金莲 一双超过百年历史的三寸金莲,来自黄伟玲的曾祖母,虽然她没见过这个传奇女子,但通过这双鞋子,她也认识了当时女子的命运和韧性,每一步都走得漂亮而艰辛。 听家里的亲戚说,曾祖母还曾经是番禺的粤剧名伶,唱作俱佳,她很难想象裹着小脚的曾祖母是如何做到那些高难度的动作。 本期的《物说新语》,我们邀请黄伟玲来谈谈这双三寸金莲,和她从来没见过的亲人。 A pair of lotus shoes for bound feet that has been around for over a hundred years belonged to Wye Leng Wong’s great-grandmother. While she has never met this legendary matriarch in person, the shoes provide some clues to the fate of women at the time, and their resilience. Every step taken in those shoes might have been pretty, but definitely painful. Wong’s elder relatives said her great-grandmother was a celebrated Cantonese opera actress in Panyu, in southern China, known for her excellent voice – Wong finds it hard to imagine how her great-grandmother would have been able to execute the highly demanding physical movements while performing with bound feet. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Wye Leng Wong comes on to talk about the antique lotus shoes and their wearer whom she has never met. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:孙耀瑜 | 设计师 物件:铅字 致力于推广活板印刷的孙耀瑜,在被我们遗忘了的铅字里,寻找它们曾经被书写过的记忆。 这些铅字的存在也透露了新加坡曾经有过一段风光的出版历史。 人和物品之间也讲求缘分,他和这批来自《南洋商报》的繁体铅字的相遇颇为曲折,跨越了几十年的历史,本期《物说新语》,我们就邀请孙耀瑜来谈谈这些铅字背后的故事和它们所能叙说的已经消亡了的活版印刷史。 Designer Sun Yao Yu has dedicated himself to promoting traditional letterpress printing, recovering the memories created by lead type that have been forgotten. Their very existence points to the fact that there was once a thriving publishing scene in Singapore. Fate has a hand even in the relationship between people and objects. Sun came upon a set of lead type from the Nanyang Siang Pau through a convoluted series of events spanning decades. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Sun recounts the story of how the typeset came into his possession, and the history of this now-defunct printing method. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:陈安顺 | 美术教育者 物件:峇迪印模 新加坡在1970年代有过蓬勃的峇迪布工业,甚至出口到国外。 从事美术教育的陈安顺,童年充斥着浓郁的烧蜡气味和峇迪布的华丽斑斓。她在父亲的峇迪布料厂里经常看到来自印尼和马来西亚的蜡染师傅用巧手制造出各种细致图案的峇迪印模,让她在潜移默化中对也对手工艺是特别着迷。 当峇迪布工业走入黄昏,峇迪印模成了堆积尘埃的废铁,陈安顺仍不舍得丢弃这些精致的印模。她把印模镶嵌在木桌或茶几中,为昔日的工具打造第二个春天。 Singapore had a thriving batik industry in the 1970s, and was even an exporter of the patterned fabric. Art teacher Tan Ann Soon’s childhood was filled with the scent of burning wax and the vibrant colours of batik dyes. Getting to see batik masters hailing from Indonesia and Malaysia at work making batik stamps with elaborate motifs by hand at her father’s batik factory led to a deep passion for the art. Even after the industry went into decline, leaving the intricate batik stamps to collect dust, Tan was still reluctant to part with them. She embedded the stamps into wooden table tops and coffee tables, giving new life to the disused tools of yesteryear. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Tan Ann Soon discusses the glories of the local batik industry in an era past. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:Aidli Mosbit | 表演艺术教育者兼剧场工作者 物件:马来乐队旧唱片 1960年代新加坡的少男少女大量吸收了西方流行乐的养分。当时的马来青少年尤其喜爱摇滚乐,纷纷组乐队玩音乐。他们的音乐在西方摇滚的基础上加入了富有本地特色的马来旋律和唱腔,在新马流行音乐史上留下了精彩的篇章。 本地表演艺术教育者兼剧场工作者Aidli Mosbit的父亲就参与了这段马来摇滚乐的辉煌时代。他与四个朋友组成了Les Kafilas乐队,从甘榜走上舞台当起摇滚歌星,出过好几张颇受欢迎的唱片,还写过一首关于红山剑鱼传说的歌。 Local pop music was heavily informed by Western pop in the 1960s. Many Malay youths in Singapore were crazy about rock ’n roll, and back then, almost all of them wanted to join a band in their kampong, which they saw as a step towards the ultimate dream of becoming a rock star. Theatre practitioner and educator Aidli Mosbit’s father was one such kampong mat rocker. He formed a band with a few good friends, which toured Singapore and Malaysia. They incorporated the influences of Western rock music with Malay folk melodies and unique vocals, and even wrote a song based on the legend of the swordfish of Bukit Merah. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, we look back on this rollicking chapter of our past. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 翻译:林菀雯 配音:赵琬仪 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:Zuzanita Zakaria | 领导力导师 物件:妈妈的食谱 Zuzanita Zakaria的母亲为了解决每天家人的三餐问题,数十年来守在收音机旁拿着记事本手抄电台播音员分享的食谱。这本母亲一笔一划记录下来的甜酸苦辣咸,不仅填饱了家人的胃,也在他们的味蕾上留下了不可磨灭的家的味道。 特别的是,早期她母亲都用爪夷文抄录电台广播节目分享的食谱,到了后期,食谱改用我们现在熟悉的马来文拉丁字母,食谱来源也从电台节目扩大到报章简报。 For help with cooking three meals a day to feed her family, a Malay mother sat by the radio, pen and paper in hand, over decades, carefully jotting down recipes shared on radio programmes. The lines of words conscientiously jotted down helped fill her family’s stomachs, and also capture the memories left on their taste buds. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, leadership coach Zuzanita shares the Jawi recipe book passed down by her late mother and the tastes of home. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 翻译:林菀雯 配音:符秀娴 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:洪伟喜 | 文字工作者 物件:缝纫机 母亲的缝纫机在自由撰稿人洪伟喜的心中占据着重要的位置。她小时候母亲为了帮补家用,在家里从事缝纫女装的工作,一边照顾小孩。“我小时候的衣服都是妈妈做的,因为我小时候很瘦,脚很细长,买不到合适的衣服,上中学后,长得很高但腰围很细,外面都找不到衣服。我妈从来不问我想要做怎样的衣服,都是她帮我决定的。” 这台老缝纫机不只是母亲填补家用的赚钱工具,也是母爱的多重象征。 Freelance writer Ang Wei Hee counts a disused sewing machine among her treasured possessions. It’s clear in her mind that without it, she would not be where she is today, and that life would have been much more challenging. Money was tight in Ang’s childhood, so her mother taught herself how to sew to make ends meet. The years have added more dimensions to this utilitarian object, transforming it into a symbol of a mother’s love. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Ang Wei Hee tells us about the sewing machine and the threads of a mother’s love. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:叶孝忠 | 出版人 物件:咖啡店云石桌 作家兼出版人叶孝忠家里有一张云石桌。从他懂事开始,这张桌子就一直跟着他和家人。他父亲在1950年代从中国福州来到新加坡,当时已经有不少福州人在这里从事咖啡店生意。父亲刚开始在福州人的咖啡店帮忙冲洗痰盂。这些痰盂就放在这类云石咖啡桌子下。在积累了足够的经验和能力后,父亲开始经营自己的咖啡店。 这张云石桌子是开咖啡店的父亲买的。它给叶孝忠带来了许多美好,甚至也有不美好的回忆。“我们一家人在父亲开的咖啡店里吃饭的时候都是使用这张桌子的,看到它总能让我想起以前一家人吃饭的美好时光。有很多比较个人的回忆也都发生在这张桌子上,比如我中学时开始创作写稿,都是在这张桌子上。我记得有次吃饭时被父亲骂,我就坐在桌旁边哭边扒饭,那是很小的时候的事,但我记得很清楚,虽然已经忘记了为什么被骂。多年以后,当我看着这座桌子,感觉好像它也默默的见证了我的成长,我的快乐和不快乐。” Owning an object that’s like an old friend by your side, silently keeping you company seems like a really good idea. Publisher and author Yap Seow Choong knows what it’s like: he has a marble top table that holds a multitude of personal memories, taking pride of place in his home. This pretty yet durable item was once ubiquitous in old kopitiams. But for Yap, the table is special because of the family stories and personal memories it evokes. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Yap tells us the story of the table, and the history of local kopitiam culture. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:Nurai'sha Bte Hassan | 补习老师 物件:Proton Saga 汽车 补习老师艾莎(Nurai’sha Bte Hassan)特别钟爱她的马国产Proton Saga汽车。艾莎在15年前考获驾照后就毫不犹豫地选择买这个品牌的汽车。这个决定主要受她表姐影响。表姐就是开这个品牌的汽车,说它性能好、引擎可靠。独立聪明又时髦漂亮的表姐,是艾莎从小到大的榜样。这辆车不但为她解决了许多生活上的需要,也象征了她作为一个现代回教女性的独立和自主。 There’s a special place in the heart of educator Nurai’sha Bte Hassan for the red Malaysian-made Proton Saga that has been by her side through many life events. As a child, Nurai’sha had seen her cousin driving the same model, as she grew into a new generation of independent and confident Muslim woman. On passing her driving test in adulthood, Nurai’sha knew exactly which practical no-frills car she wanted to drive for her life’s journey, towards the places she wanted to go. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 翻译:林菀雯 配音:符秀娴 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:张喜春 | 中医师 物件:马华词典、马来班顿诗集 资深中医师张喜春当初从中国福建永定移民来新加坡,在惹兰加油的甘榜开中药行,除了给华人把脉抓药,也给马来人看诊。早期为了能和来中药行问诊的马来人沟通,他每天翻阅马华词典自学与人体健康有关的马来词汇。后来他还进一步开始阅读附有中译的马来班顿诗,走进马来诗歌的瑰丽花园。50年过去了,他至今仍延续着这个习惯,每天花10分钟翻阅马华词典。一本1960年上海书局出版的马华词典象征了像他那样早期移民到新加坡的华人为融入新加坡社会所做的努力。 Experienced TCM physician Chong See Choon is a keen learner. When he first set up a Chinese medicine hall in a village in Jalan Kayu, he began leafing through a Chinese-Malay dictionary every day to learn Malay in order to communicate with Malay patients from the kampong. After more than five decades, he is still studying the language, flipping through the dictionary daily whenever he has free time. Learning Malay not only helped with communication at work, it also introduced him to the splendid world of Pantun – a form of Malay poetry. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:黄瑞迎(Cynthia Wee-Hoefer)| 前媒体工作者 物件:母亲的峇迪纱笼 过去从事时尚刊物出版的黄瑞迎非常珍惜先母传下来的两块深蓝白色的印尼峇迪纱笼。 这种蓝白条纹的峇迪布料是娘惹在吊丧的时候穿的,布面上有十分独特和抽象的图案。母亲在35年前突然中风去世,享寿71岁,和现在的她同岁。“这些峇迪布料应该有超过100年了。虽然颜色还保存得很好,但毕竟是见证过时间的物件,自然有点破损,这才真实。我很喜欢这些布,因为它们代表了陪伴我成长的娘惹文化。” The most valuable objects found in the home of Cynthia Wee-Hoefer, who has vast experience working in publishing and news, are two century-old batik sarongs. Despite some wear and tear, these sarongs once worn by her mother are imbued with memories of childhood. They remain much cherished for their symbolism and are reminders of the Peranakan culture she grew up with. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 翻译:林菀雯 配音:赵琬仪 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:杨善才 物件:第一套自己出版的书 厚重的纸本书,曾经是一代新加坡人的精神粮食。早年因家贫没机会接受教育的杨善才,就是通过在书店里打工到经营书店和出版,改变了自己的命运。他从1950年代开始陆陆续续收藏新加坡的教科书、儿童书籍和连环图,至今收了三万多本。 其中他觉得最有意义的是他在自立门户后出版的苦儿系列。“那是80年代,这套书原本来自中国,后来在香港出版。我把这套来自香港的书改为简体字,卖得很好,毎一册的销售都有超过1万本,大概三块钱一本。这是我第一次做出版,利用自己在书局里学会的技能,第一次做就十分成功,这在某个程度上给我对文化事业很大的信心。” Thick, weighty books used to nourish the minds of Singaporeans. Yeo Oi Sang, who had been deprived of educational opportunities because of poverty in his early years, was able to turn things around for himself through working in a bookshop, advancing through the ranks to become a bookshop manager, and then moving into publishing. The most memorable books for him was a series of children’s stories about orphans, the very first titles put out by the publishing house he set up, which were also well-loved among readers. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Yeo Oi Sang talks about the popularity of the series, and the impact it had on his publishing career. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆 。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:Tharmendra Jeyaraman | 中学老师 物件:印度米糕铜蒸器 中学教师Tharmendra Jeyaraman的传家宝是一个专门用来做印度蒸米糕的铜蒸器。它随母亲从南印度来到新加坡,并在她生活最低点的时候为她带来了希望与寄托。如今他继承了母亲的铜蒸器,每当看见发酵的米和豆在蒸器里升华为松软可口的蒸米糕,一阵暖意即上心头,再简单的日子也可以变得丰盛美好。 In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, the story starts with a brass steamer used to make idli, an Indian steamed cake. Secondary school teacher Tharmendra’s mother came to Singapore in 1966 from South India. She came from a poor family and the only dowry they could afford was the brass steamer. Today, Tharmendra has inherited the brass steamer. Every time he sees the fermented rice and beans transform into delectable cakes in the brass steamer, he feels warmth in his heart, knowing that even the simplest days of our lives can be wonderful and rich. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 翻译:林菀雯 配音:林方伟 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆 。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:赖永成 | 退休人士 物件:锡盘 赖永成不久前选择退休,结束位于樟宜村的杂货店。他在进行清货时,找到一些欧式锡盘。这些欧式碗盘是赖永成过去在他的杂货店售卖的产品。杂货店位于樟宜村,这里过去住了许多英国人。他们住在附近的别墅和洋房,而赖永成和家人则住在甘榜,杂货店就开在甘榜的木房子里。1973年,政府清除樟宜村的甘榜,他们一家也搬进了组屋。他们住楼上,楼下就是家族生意新西亚百货商店(Sincere Departmental Store)。 随着网购越来越普遍,物流越来越便利,消费者淘外国货变得轻而易举,零售业也大受冲击。在樟宜村开杂货店的赖永成不久前决定结业,留下了一些过去店里售卖的漂亮欧式杯子碗盘。 In a shop crowded with antiques, an exquisite vintage European tin plate takes us back to the faraway British colonial era. Shop owner Lye Wing Seng was born and bred in Changi Village, and took over the Sincere Departmental Store (closed in early 2023) from his father. Before Singapore’s independence, a large number of British troops were still stationed in Changi Village, and this little provision shop specialised in imported European sundry goods, catering to the British army families living there. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Lye Wing Seng shares his childhood memories from this extraordinary period in history. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者 :李国梁 | 文史工作者 物品:邮票 一张张的邮票,是窥视世界和自己的一个小窗口…… 本地文史作家李国梁收藏的两组邮票,一组来自中国、一组来自世界各地,前者是中国和新加坡两地情的一座桥梁,后者则开启他对世界的想象。 这些邮票的取得十分有趣,也不费李国梁一分钱,一些现在已经成为集邮市场的抢手货,但李国梁从未想要卖掉它们。本期《物说新语》,我们邀请李国梁来谈谈这些让他认识自己和世界的邮票。 Stamp collections provide a glimpse of not just the outside world, but also what’s inside of ourselves. Historian and author Lee Kok Leong has two stamp collections: one consisting of stamps from China, and the other from the rest of the world; the former is a sentimental bridge between China and Singapore, and the latter a portal for his imagination about the world. All of the stamps came to Lee through myriad interesting ways, all for free. Some of the stamps have become highly sought after on the philatelic market, but it has never crossed his mind to sell them off. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Lee Kok Leong chats with us about the stamps that opened his eyes to both himself and the world. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:陈婉琴 | 小学教师 物件:瓷碗 几个毫不起眼的碗,来自童年的老厝。在不断汰旧换新的时代,教师陈婉琴现在家里还在使用童年的瓷碗,或许因此她对老家的记忆才不曾消失或模糊。 在乌敏岛的老厝里度过无忧无虑的童年,后来因为要继续升学,举家就搬迁至本岛,但父亲还保留了山芭里的老厝,虽然已经闲置,但一家人还是偶尔会回去乌敏岛叙旧及打扫老房子等。 本期的《物说新语》,我们邀请陈婉琴谈谈这些看起来极其平凡,但对她来说意义非凡的老碗。 In an age where constant upgrading seems to be the norm, teacher Tan Woan Chyn has hung on to the same ceramic bowls that held the meals of her childhood. She still uses them, and this has helped keep the memories of her hometown fresh in her mind. Tan’s happy childhood was spent in a kampong house on Pulau Ubin. The family had to move to mainland Singapore for her education, but retained ownership of their old family home in the village. Although it was left standing empty most of the time, the family still returned from time to time to clean up - and reminisce about the happy moments they spent there. The seemingly nondescript bowls had come from this house too, following her into adulthood. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:林子惠 | 前播音人 物件:“丽的呼声”扑满 前资深播音人林子惠见证了新加坡广播电台的演变。她是前新加坡广播电台第三广播网以及后来的 933醉心频道 的DJ和第一任节目经理,也是本地新摇发展的重要推手。她主持的《龙虎榜》曾经是许多人每个星期天必听的节目,更是流行歌曲的时代指标。 林子惠与广播电台的缘分来自家里的一个黑箱子。她小的时候很好奇黑箱子怎么会传出人的声音,后来她自己走进了黑箱成为了箱子里的人。 本期的《物说新语》,林子惠会分享她的广播之路和新加坡电台过去50年的改变。 Veteran broadcaster Lim Cher Hui witnessed first-hand the evolution of local broadcasting. Having been a DJ with the former Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) Radio Three as well as its successor YES FM93.3, she also played a pivotal role in the development of Xinyao - local Mandarin folk songs. Lim was the host of the Mandarin Top of the Pops programme Long Hu Bang, once compulsory weekly listening for a huge swathe of the population on Sunday, as well as a harbinger of pop music trends in Singapore. Lim Cher Hui’s passion for radio started with a black box at home. As a young girl, she had wondered why human voices came out of a black box – little did she know she would grow up to enter the box herself. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Lim Cher Hui talks about her broadcasting journey and the evolution of the nation’s broadcasting landscape over the past 50 years. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:吴伟才 | 画家、作家 物件:孭带 作家兼画家吴伟才走过千山万水,却没有忘记最初给过他温暖的一条孭带。 这条制作精美,有超过70年历史的手工孭带,绣上各种漂亮,寓意吉祥的图案。他出生后,照顾的佣人就用这条孭带背着他到左邻右舍串门子。 祖母和他说,广东人有一个习俗,一定要保留自己的孭带,这是保护过他的东西,留下来也会保佑他的成长…… 本期《物说新语》,我们邀请吴伟才来谈谈他和这条孭带的缘分。 Author and artist Ng Way Choy may have travelled extensively around the world, but he has never forgotten the baby carrier that he was ensconced in all those years ago at the start of his life. The beautiful hand-woven sash is more than 70 years old, embroidered with pretty motifs that are supposed to bring luck. After Ng’s birth, his nanny carried him slung on her back in the sash as she went about her business around the neighbourhood. His grandmother had told him that it was a Cantonese tradition to retain the sling used to carry one as a baby, and it would serve to protect him as he grew up. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Ng Way Choy tells us about the baby carrier and what it means for him. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:张旗闻 | 收藏家 物件:日据时代的人口普查表格 人在战争里的命运,往往是不由自主,一张薄薄的纸,也能牵引出家族绵长的故事。 会走路的博物馆(D'Walking Museum)的策展人张旗闻最独特的收藏,来自家族成员,是一张日据时代的人口普查表格。表格上看似冷冰冰的文字和数字,对张旗闻而言,透露了不少珍贵的信息。 本期《物说新语》,我们邀请张旗闻一起来分享小小纸张里的秘密和奥妙。 In times of war, one’s fate tends to be out of one’s hands, and a flimsy piece of paper can provide a lead to a family’s long and convoluted story. For Dan Teo, founder and curator of D’Walking Museum, the one historical item which means the most to him came from a member of his clan – a census form dating back to the Japanese Occupation. The letters and numbers on the piece of paper may be cold and lifeless, but for Teo, they contain a lot of valuable information. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Dan Teo reveals the fascinating stories and secrets this piece of paper holds. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。




它们的故事,我们的回忆。 新加坡是个善变的城市。我们也许无法保存这个城市的建筑街景,但走进新加坡人的家里,你一定能找到一些有故事的个人收藏,而这些物件往往也折射出新加坡一代代人的生活印记。 这一系列播客节目《物说新语》,我们找来20名各种族、各行各业的新加坡人,在每一集节目中与我们分享一个私人物件背后的故事,拼凑属于我们的回忆。 受访者:苏章恺 | 通俗文化研究人 物件:小报 一张张随手丢弃的报纸,记录了一个时代的风花雪月…… 为了研究本地早期娱乐文化,通俗文化研究人苏章恺,大量收集和阅读了五六十年代的报章和杂志。五十年代蓬勃的小报生态,反应了过去小市民的情趣,和城市国家不堪回首的发展历史。 当时为了争夺读者的眼球,不少报章杂志逾越道德底线,以现在的标准来看依旧是十分大胆的。 本期的《物说新语》,我们邀请苏章恺,由这些泛黄的报章,遥远的文字,找出时代走过但被人遗忘了的足迹...... Copies of unwanted old newspapers chronicle the ebb and flow of bygone eras. For his study of local culture and entertainment, pop culture researcher Su Zhangkai amassed – and pored through – an extensive collection of newspapers and magazines from the 1950s and 60s. The vibrant Chinese tabloids of the 1950s reflected the lives and interests of ordinary citizens of the time, and also recorded grimier chapters of history in the development of our city state. To vie for more readers, many newspapers and magazines stooped to sensationalism, crossing the lines of social morals. Even by today’s standards, they were pretty shocking. In this episode of The Objects that Made Us, Su Zhangkai uncovers the forgotten footprints of time found in faded newspapers. 制作团队 项目策划:沈帼英、叶孝忠 剪辑:王铭炜 编写音乐:陈明文 脸书账号: 本播客系列《物说新语》由新加坡国家文物局赞助部分制作经费。
