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Accent That

Arts & Culture Podcasts

International speakers sharing Pop Culture and how it defines and affects communication. Humor and high interest. Does language affect culture, or does culture affect language?


United States


International speakers sharing Pop Culture and how it defines and affects communication. Humor and high interest. Does language affect culture, or does culture affect language?



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Encore Does Accent create culture or does culture create accent part two

Join us as we continue our discussion about accent and culture with the experience of Jeff Yamada.


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Encore "Hot Spot" of U. S. Accents

We will explore and dialogue about the influences of New Orleans accents. Join us with a message or call in as we begin our series about the Hot Spot of United States accents.


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Encore Does Accent create culture, or does culture create accent? E1

Tune in as I discuss the idea of accent creating culture or culture creating accent with our guest Jeff Yamada. Jeff gives us a perfect example and experience of globetrotting and experiencing different cultures and accents. Join in via the call line (866) 472 - 5788 or message @AccentTalk. Let us know your idea about the subject, and your experience in different environments. Enjoy and experience the show, Accent That!


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Encore Accent Families Episode One

Our guest Clemance will join us to share her experience and knowledge of Kinyarwanda of Rwanda East Africa. Call in or message in as we explore the similarities and differences of the many official languages of Africa.


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African language families

We will explore Afrikaans and Kinyarwanda and trivial information about them.


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Accent Families Episode One

I will explore the accents and culture of Afrikaans. Join in with your experiences, and knowledge of the many accents of Afrikaans.


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Encore: Perfectly Understood and Perfectly Misunderstood at the Same Time

This first episode will help understand what accents are and how we get them. And, combined with episode two, will tell us the influence and interpretation we get from accents. My guest is Hsieh Lichi, also known as Shelly. Shelly is an expert in accent, language, and culture. Who will be joining Accent That for two episodes.


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Perfectly Understood and Perfectly Misunderstood at the Same Time part 2

We will continue our interview with Hsieh Lichi, also known as Shelly and conclude our discussion and information on the influence of accents and how we perceive them. Particularly two different languages of Mandarin (Asian) and English(American) and how the accents work together and apart. And finally, the utilization of Hollywood and Social Media to frame our perception of these accents and who they represent. Tune in and join in, at 12:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Eastern 1(866)472-5788 and Welcome to: Accent That!!
