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Choose Your Attitude

Arts & Culture Podcasts

The Choose Your Attitude® podcast is a source of inspiration and motivation for many, fueled by real stories from real people who have struggled with real challenges. Each podcast — and show guest — reminds you that no matter the challenge, you hold the power of perspective, allowing it to shift your attitude from being held down by the impossible to being propelled with the possible. No struggle is too big to impact the small choice you make of your attitude on how you approach it, all in turn creating a life you choose to live!


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The Choose Your Attitude® podcast is a source of inspiration and motivation for many, fueled by real stories from real people who have struggled with real challenges. Each podcast — and show guest — reminds you that no matter the challenge, you hold the power of perspective, allowing it to shift your attitude from being held down by the impossible to being propelled with the possible. No struggle is too big to impact the small choice you make of your attitude on how you approach it, all in turn creating a life you choose to live!





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Podcast Episode 023: Coloring Today Pretty with Stephanie Feger!

In this episode we're interviewing Stephanie Feger, an author who blends her passion for helping others, with her communication and marketing skills. Stephanie uses her amazing skillsets as a way to provide unique coaching and consulting for both authors and entrepreneurs. Stephanie's coachings are customized to meet the needs of the specific group she's working with, leaving attendees with meaningful and tangible ways to live a life guided by perspective. Feger dives into how things truly do happen at the right place, right time, and most importantly, for the right purpose. Here's our chat. Support the Show.


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022 : Marcie Keithley & the Shoebox of Purpose

We all have secrets. Truths that are too painful to face. Marcie J. Keithley, Author of "The Shoebox Effect: Transforming Pain into Fortitude and Purpose," knows this all too well as she, herself, attempted to put all of her past worries into a proverbial (and literal!) shoebox. Just waiting for the time when she would have the strength to examine and process them. The reality, though, is that the only way to move forward in life is to face your past head on. Her book chronicles her journey of opening her "shoebox" and learning how to navigate loss, grief, divorce, death, adoption, and all of life's adversities, and transform them into fortitude and purpose. An accomplished professional, speaker, writer, and emotional resilience coach, Marcie is amazing guest to have on any podcast. Full of hope, even in the face of challenge. She has made it her life's mission to be open and honest with her personal story, in hoping to give others the permission release their own pain that they carry, and move forward with purpose. Here's our chat. Marcie Keithly @TheShoeBoxEffect Poem Referenced in Podcast: Choices By Marcie J. Keithley If you were given a second chance To step back into time And change a wrong and make it right I wonder what you’d find. For God has chosen a special path For all of us you see. Would you correct the mistakes you made? Or would you let them lbe? As I look back on my own life The choices that I made Were ones that help me grow up strong None were made in vain. Regardless whether wrong or right Each one helped me to see That only when we fail to choose Our lives can never be. You have a choice to start each day With happiness and joy. Or you could choose to stay in bed Depressed, removed and void. You have a choice to share your life With friends and family. Or hide away within yourself And miss your destiny. You have a choice to take a chance Or let it walk on by. But you will never taste success Unless you reach and try. For failures teach us many things And are not meant to be. A way to give up on a dream And hand away the key. So when you choose, choose carefully And look within your heart.. For only when we fail to choose Our lives can never start. Support the Show.


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021 : Kevin Briggs & the Power of Perspective

Part 2 of 3: In the second episode of our three part series, (the continuation of episode 20) we speak to Kevin Briggs, the police officer from Kevin Berthia's Golden Gate Bridge story. Trigger Warning: This episode speaks on suicide. Support the Show.


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Podcast Episode 020: Step Out of the Darkness and Into the Light with Kevin Berthia

Episode Trigger Warning: Suicide. If you or someone you know needs direct help, please reach out to: National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255 (TALK) --------------------------------------- In 2005, Kevin Berthia was challenged to his core mentally, physically and emotionally. His entire life buckled into one moment, and thought there was no other choice but to head to the Golden Gate Bridge...and jump. He was desperately looking for someone to ask him what he was doing, someone to listen, acknowledge, anything. Kevin made it all the way to the bridge, walked to the middle, climbed over the railing and just as he made the decision to release, he heard a voice that saved his life. It was Kevin Briggs, a police officer. Briggs listened to Berthia for 90 minutes. Unwinding and unloading his entire life to the first person who gave him a real moment to speak and share, for the first time in a long time. Those 90 minutes of shared time and perspective saved Kevin Berthia's life, and changed it for the better. Literally. Here's our chat. Video Resources: Kevin Berthia Ted Talk Kevin Berthia - GoalCast Video Choose Your Attitude Podcast - YouTube Channel YouTube Link of this Episode Kevin Berthia @_grateful Kevin Berthia Foundation This podcast is made possible by the support of viewers like you! If you are feeling generous, and love what you are hearing, we encourage you to share, comment, like us. And if you feel encouraged, support us at Support the Show.


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Podcast Episode 019: GMadison Brings Power to Perspective in "Invincible"

GMadison is a world renowned dancer, choreographer, and instructor. His work has been seen on some of the largest stages in the world and he just finished up touring with Mariah Carey this last year. Most recently, GMadison and his wife, singer & songwriter Chenelle, put together a beautiful and inspiring music video for Chenelle's song "Invincible," which focuses on how society has grown accustomed to labeling individuals before anyone even understands someone's true perspective. We all have different journeys of course, and throughout our lives, certain experiences and events can unfortunately become triggers for us. It could be anything from racial divides, sexual harassment, or a myriad of other experiences and traumas. GMadison and Chenelle encourage others to stop and listen, understand before judging, and only then can we truly uncover and comprehend someone's perspective. Here's our chat. GUEST INFO: INVINCIBLE Music Video : @GMadison4 | @ChenelleWorld | Support the Show.


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018 - Marc Ginsky COO of the CF Foundation

My guest today is Marc Ginsky, The Cystic Foundation's Chief Operating Officer. On this episode we talk about the amazing research the CF Foundation is currently collecting, the community the Foundation has created, the lives it's currently saving, and the amazing lessons learned from working with such an amazing organization. Here's our chat. @CF_Foundation Foundation Links: About CF – Learn more about cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. Our Mission – The CF Foundation will not stop until CF stands for Cure Found. Path to a Cure – The most important work in CF is still ahead. Learn more about the research we are funding to reach treatments for all and eventually a cure for cystic fibrosis. Get Involved – There are so many ways that you can get involved with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Attend an event, donate your time, or donate to the cause so we reach a cure for cystic fibrosis. Find Your Chapter – Find your local CF Foundation chapter and learn how you can get involved in your community. Tomorrow’s Leaders – Join Tomorrow’s Leaders, the CF Foundation's young professionals group that provides opportunities to connect with others, learn and grow personally and professionally, all while making a difference in the lives of those living with CF. Advocate – Volunteer advocates drive our legislative and regulatory agenda forward at every level of government. Together, we are improving access to high-quality, specialized care so people with CF can live longer, healthier lives. Support the Show.


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017: Branden McWilliams - Ninja Warrior First, Cystic Fibrosis Warrior Second

Branden McWilliams has Cystic Fibrosis. He's also a Ninja Warrior. Literally. As in incredible athletes who combine obstacle course training with elements of gymnastics & parkour. You have to have incredible strength, problem solving-skills, endurance, stamina, impulse control, and confidence. And interestingly enough, despite his CF, Branden is one of the only athletes to reach the end of the obstacle courses and hit the final red button. Being diagnosed with CF at a young age, he was challenged finding a way to stay focused, and decided instead to reject the limitations that come with CF. In this episode not only do we talk about the many trials and tribulations with having Cystic Fibrosis, but we also speak on the limitations it creates for men when attempting to have kids, speak on the side effects of the new drug Trikafta, and everything in between. Here's our chat. You can follow Branden and his Ninja Warrior journey on instagram : @Cystic_Ninja Support the Show.


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016 : Ryan McElmon Talks Adrenaline

Adrenaline junkie Ryan McElmon competes as a downhill skier, but enjoys mountain biking as a hobby. At only 22 years old, Ryan has had memorable and exciting experiences, learned many lessons, and accomplished triumphs some will never grasp in their lifetime. The biggest lesson he's learned and instilled in others is overcoming fear. Ryan mirrors Choose Your Attitude's mantra/motto by constantly trying to conquer the hunger of being uncomfortable or fearful, and is always chasing the next big trick/task he's set for himself. Here's our chat. Ryan McElmon : @Ryan_McElmon Support the Show.


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015 : A Legacy Life - Another Conversation with John Sardella

John Sardella is back! In this episode, John Sardella, author of "A Journey Without a Map" sat down with us again and is our guest for episode 13. In episode 13, we touched on the topic of legacy, and opened up the conversation to a vulnerable place as John shared what he wanted on his gravestone. Thinking about death seems to always have a dark tone, but the idea of the legacy we leave behind can be a really beautiful thing. It's a powerful and helpful stepping stone on our journey that allows you to find a deeper meaning for your time on earth, cherish the memories you've created, and reevaluate your choices. John agreed wholeheartedly. Here's our chat. John Sardella : Support the Show.


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014 : HALT - Dr. JD Hasenbank talks Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, & Tiredness

In this episode I sit down with Dr. JD Hassenbank, Muscle Magician, who's main mantra is move better, hurt less. In our current situation in 2020, there has been a lot of mental taxation to overcome. While we all constantly monitor and navigate our stress levels, Dr. Hassenbank provides us with some mental exercises to help us process all that's going on using the HALT process. Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, Tiredness, or H.A.L.T. As we try and conquer the current times, we hope his words alleviate tension and stress. Here's our chat. JD Hasenbank : @Drhasenbank Support the Show.


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013 : A Journey Without a Map with John Sardella

Today, my guest is John Sardella, author of A Journey Without a Map. I had the chance to read his book, and was taken aback by how parallel his journey was to my own. His wife endured seven years battling cancer, and experienced the difficulties of loving someone who is dying. When we sat down to chat, the comfortability in our similarities was astounding. As a lacrosse coach instructor, and a former principal, he brings an amazing outlook on life, even when navigating loving someone with a disease. You come to realize very quickly how both fragile and precious our lives really are. Here's our chat. Support the Show.


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012 : Sober Life with Ashley Rhyner

Life is a difficult journey. We of course all strive to live our best life, however, it isn't always perfect. When we grow up, we sometimes fall into difficult choices/circumstances. In high school, I had the privilege to go to school with a beautiful human being that has been through some turbulent times. Ashley Rhyner experienced her parents splitting, her father coming out as a gay man, and her step dad passing of cancer. As a young girl, the process was extremely difficult, and in trying to find strength in such a difficult set of circumstances, she fell into 10 years of hard drugs and alcohol. Ashley is a prime example of why we must not look at circumstances and judge the people experiencing them, but instead, take a deeper look into their crisis, and help them heal. Today Ashley is three years sober, and now is a mentor for many others going through the same struggles. It's all perspective. Ashley’s heart and attitude for life made her the perfect guest, and she constantly inspires me to this day. Here's our chat. Ashley Rhyner : @Rottenharls23 Support the Show.


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011 : A Toast to Change with Erin Gruwell

Have you heard of the term six degrees of separation? The idea is that all people are six or fewer away from each other. Back in 2006 I was on a flight from Spokane to Seattle, Washington and sat next to an extraordinary human. Like most flights, if you're sat next to someone friendly, you eventually chit-chat and have a brief encounter with them, and I was lucky enough to be sitting next to a woman who shared she was headed to her movie premier in Seattle. I later found out that she was Erin Gruwell, the dedicated teacher known best from the famous film "Freedom Writers." To my surprise, "Freedom Writers" became a big blockbuster with lead actress Hilary Swank at the helm. The movie is about a dedicated teacher (Hilary Swank) in a racially divided Los Angeles school with a class of at-risk teenagers deemed incapable of learning. Instead of giving up, she inspires her students to take an interest in their education and planning their future. She assigns reading material that relates to their lives and encourages them all to keep journals. Those journals not only formed a movie, but formed the Freedom Writers Foundation. Erin Gruwell, that dedicated teacher, was that amazing inspiring lady that sat next to me on that flight in 2006. "Freedom Writers" became a movie I adored. As Choose Your Attitude Podcast formed, and we reached out for guests, Erin Gruwell was at the top of the list. We reached out to Erin a week prior to the George Floyd protests. It was like fate set us up to connect, and discuss the current situation. Here's our chat... Message form Erin Gruwell: "I was humbled by Nicholas and Brianna’s tragic story of love and loss, so it was my honor to take part in the Choose Your Attitude Podcast. Brianna’s story is heartbreaking, but can act as a guide for anyone looking to create their own destiny. Nicholas’ determination to turn his pain into purpose proves that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit cannot be broken." Erin Gruwell : @FreedomWritersFoundation Support the Show.


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010 : Let's Talk About Racism

After the horrible events of George Floyd and then the protests following, I reached out to Bryce Smith, a friend of mine, to help try and create a deeper understanding of racism, and where as a white man I could/can do better. I was taken back when he confronted me for reaching out, but as I listened to Bryce wholeheartedly, it was then made clear to me Bryce's frustration and hurt. Something I could never truly comprehend as a white male. We had many conversations regarding current events and racism, and as our talks continued, we felt it was important to make it an episode in our podcast and share what we were unpacking, discovering, and coming to realize. We discuss with another guest (and friend!) Ben Valdez about breaking down the construct of racism and our current status, today. Here's our chat. Bryce Smith : @BryceWillardSmithe Ben Valdez : @Ben.Valdez.5249 Support the Show.


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SUPPORT US : Choose Your Attitude Apparel - SHOP NOW

Are you looking for some much needed motivation? Maybe a new way to feel inspired? We know that life is tough but, so are you! Finding that perfect shirt you’ve been dreaming of is a tough journey, but we have you covered. That’s why we are here with Choose Your Attitude Apparel! Wear it with confidence and remind yourself you are choosing a way to success! It is a constant reminder that you can share with others! Join the Choose Your Attitude community and share an attitude of style that others will want to be a part of. Get yours now at Support Us and Shop Now! If you would like to be a sponsor, or know someone who would like to be, email us at Support the Show.


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Choose Your Attitude : Podcast Intro 2.0

Hope you guys are excited as we are! Season 2 comes with a new feel, a new approach, and a whole new set of episodes. Hold on to your attitudes, got a new life we are creating here and couldn't be more excited to have you apart of the journey! We are in this together! Season 2 Includes: Episode 10 - Sept 20 : A talk about racism with friends Episode 11 - Sept 27 : A toast for change with Erin Gruwell Episode 12 - Oct 11 : Sober life with Ashley Rhyner Episode 13 - Oct 25 : A journey without a map with John Sardella Episode 14 - Nov 8 : HALT - JD Hasenbank talks Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, and Tiredness Episode 15 - Nov 22 : A life with legacy - Another conversation with John Sardella Episode 16 - Dec 6 : Downhill skier Ryan McElmon talks adrenaline of life More to come... Support the Show.


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Choose Your Attitude Podcast : Intro 2.0

We are super excited to announce Season 2 Episodes coming soon! With Season 2 we are taking things up a notch with larger guests, deeper topics, and bigger conversations! Subscribe now to be notified as soon as the new episodes hit! In addition to the podcast channel, we are excited to be releasing the YouTube Video channel of the podcast very soon as well where you can watch the interviews in addition to just audio. As always send us your feedback, suggested guests, or topics! We want to...


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The Uncomfortable Truth About Privilege

In this episode, we're focusing on all things privilege. Hate is our defense mechanism, to help us retreat back to feeling safe and comfortable, because we may not understand something completely. Love and understanding takes work, trust, vulnerability, learning, the ability to step outside your comfort zone in order to grow and build. Love is the greater reward here. There is no easy way to build trust, without an extreme amount of empathy, compassion, and challenging yourself to learn...


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009 : Innovating to Conquer Cystic Fibrosis

In this podcast we sit down to chat with Martin Devlieger, an adventurer at heart. Martin has Cystic Fibrosis. Instead of letting CF hold him back, at a young age he innovated. Today he's the inventor of the Monarch Airway Clearance System, a life vest that provides a touch of independence for the patient, while helping vibrate the mucus build up in a CF patients lungs. His simple invention gave him the freedom he needed to adventure life without being anchored to his Cystic Fibrosis. With a simple choice he created life of freedom and adventure, all by taking an upper hand over CF. Today, he lives his life, constantly taking adventures in his beautiful backyard in Crowsnest Pass, in Alberta, Canada, all because of the CF Life Jacket he created. Here's our chat. Follow Martin through his journey at: Instagram: @cf_adventurelife RECORDED: April 28 2020 Podcast Email: Podcast Website: Support and donate to the Show: FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: @ChooseAttitudeCreateLife Instagram: @ChooseAttitudeCreateLife Support the Show.


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008 : Happy Birthday, Brianna

It's been three years since May 7th, 2017, when Brianna passed. As a way to come together celebrate her birthday on May 11th, and support her and her family's efforts to continue the Poulsbo CF Walk, her family talks about all things Brianna, how as a family they overcame the obstacles that cystic fibrosis introduced, and Brianna fought her best to live. Through Brianna's life she was a role model, inspiration, and leader to so many, including her family. As an advocate for Cystic Fibrosis through many efforts, her family has committed to the yearly walkathon for Great Strides, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Poulsbo CF Walk. Here's our chat. FAMILY: Jim Oas: Father Valarie Oas: Mother Kristen Johnson: Sister Justin Oas: Brother Please help Brianna help share her fight to make CF Stand for Cure Found and donate to her family's walk: Facebook: Instagram: RECORDED: April 25, 2020 (Audio Only) Podcast Email: Podcast Website: Support and donate to the Show: FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: @ChooseAttitudeCreateLife Instagram: @ChooseAttitudeCreateLife Support the Show.
