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Command Center

Arts & Culture Podcasts

This is a podcast that delves deep into some of the most popular, and lesser known video games of the past. Play along with three completely unqualified gamers as we explore the nuances of a different title each month. More than just another review, this is an analysis of the development process, level design, story, game-play mechanics, legacy and more. Join us as we break down a game from inception to completion as well as its impact on the industry as a whole.


United States


This is a podcast that delves deep into some of the most popular, and lesser known video games of the past. Play along with three completely unqualified gamers as we explore the nuances of a different title each month. More than just another review, this is an analysis of the development process, level design, story, game-play mechanics, legacy and more. Join us as we break down a game from inception to completion as well as its impact on the industry as a whole.







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We are Daniel, Nate, and Jay; and we are here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to listen to our podcast? "No!" says the man in Washington, "I'm pretty sure at least one of them is a socialist." "No!" says the man in the Vatican, "They are an affront to God." "No!" says the man in Moscow, "They poke fun at King Putin." We reject those answers; instead, we chose something different. We chose the impossible. We chose...Command Center. A podcast where the gamer would not fear the censor. Where the conversation would not be bound by petty morality. Where the boys would not be constrained by deadlines and episode release schedules. And with the click of your mouse, Command Center can become your podcast as well. Now, would you kindly be sure to like, rate, and subscribe?


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Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a roller coaster "malfunctioned" and sent a load of people flying off the end of a track at mach 2? Have you ever wanted to take all those whiney, problematic people in your life and drown them in a lake? Have you ever wondered what V-sync could do to enhance those nights you spend alone? Well wonder no more, we cover all these topics and more in this months episode as we revisit a game from our childhoods. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 was a staple in my CD-ROM tray back when I was a youngin' and looking at it with fresh 30-something eyes was painful at times, but definitely worth the ride. And after all is said and done, stay tuned to find out what game we'll be playing for next months episode so you can play along and join in on the discussion!


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Return of the Obra Dinn

After a holiday hiatus the boys are back! We took a little time off because of some real world events and of course the holidays, sorry for not giving a heads up ahead of time but, as they say, shit happens. Hopefully you guys played Return of the Obra Dinn like you were supposed to because we are finally going to talk about it. Along with all the other games we got into during the break including Rimworld, Read Dead Redemption 2, Jedi: Fallen Order, and more. And don't forget to listen till the end to get the skinny on what our next game will be, it's the first game we are playing by request and we're pretty excited about it!


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Wasteland 2

Yes this episode is quite late. No, we are not very sorry, chalk it up to just another 2020 woe. Good news is the world hasn't ended...yet. We aren't dealing with radioactive fallout, there aren't roving gangs of thugs, and most importantly we don't live in Arizona. Yes, that's right we played Wasteland 2 over the last month and have some hot takes on the importance of antacids and discourse on the finer points of Snake Squeezin'. Don't ask, just listen.


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Batman: Arkham Asylum

If you've got a thing for men in tights, deep baritone voices, hanging ominously from gargoyles, and capes, then I know of a great club down the street that yo-......wait, no, I know of a great game that you would love! BATMAN! Arkham Asylum was our homework for last month and some of us even went above and beyond to play some of the other games in the series as well. Tune in to find out what the boys thought of this 2009 Game of the Year and to learn how we managed to tie Woody the Woodpecker into an episode about Batman. It's easier than you might imagine. Plus get the skinny on what next months episode will be about!


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Halo: Combat Evolved

It's time to go back to a modern classic! Admittedly not quite a hidden gem, but with the Master Chief collection FINALLY being patched to the point of playable, the boys just couldn't resist. We'll see if this re-skin of a beloved game will be up to snuff for famously fickle gamers. Spoiler alert: Cortana is looking THICC, Sergeant Johnson was a named character in the game, and the three of us have no future in our budding choir careers. We're also super excited about the title we will be covering next month so listen through to the end so you can play along with us!


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Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Have you ever wanted to pilot your very own X-wing, A-wing, V-wing, chicken-wing? Well now is your chance with Rogue Squadron! You can even cruise through space, blasting tie fighters left and right in a purple convertible. No, seriously, that's in this game. Back from a time when cheat codes were all the rage and the Star Wars franchise hadn't been subjected to the prequels or (thank god) sequels yet. Join us as we chat about our experiences revisiting this game and stay tuned till the end to hear what next months game will be, we are really excited about this one!


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July 2020 Sitrep

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is well underway, but what else have the boys been dipping their toes into? Vats of Jell-o, Pools that are too warm, impressionist painting, among other things. OH! And Sea of Thieves, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Red Dead Redemption 2, Hearts of Iron 4 (again), and Fallout: New Vegas plus more. Hopefully this situation report will keep you held over until our next full length episode drops at the end of the month. Cheers!


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Grim Fandango

Aye dios mio! The boys tackled the cult classic Grim Fandango last month. But more than that, we got into the gritty details of Bill Shaver's life, the finer points of the decline of adventure PC games, and the lasting impact that the game made on the PC gaming scene. But don't let that distract you from the fact that It's a game that came out back in 1998 when undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted 16ft through an announcers table.


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June 2020 Sitrep

What have the boys been playing? Not what we are supposed to be playing. Some of us just can't get enough SimAnt and are hopelessly addicted. But seriously we want to play SimAnt. Someone request it so I have an excuse.


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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

Comrade reporting! This month we tackled Red Alert 2 and had a special guest, our 4th member of the Command Center crew, Nick! Some of us *cough*Daniel and Jason*cough* are notoriously terrible at RTS's and some others *cough*NICK*cough* are really good so we get the entire spectrum of analysis. Whether you serve the Soviet Union or Allies, there's good fun to be had by all. Be sure to check our YouTube for our sub-par video recording as well and join us next month for the next installment!


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May 2020 Sitrep

This is our first mid-month update. From here on out we will be doing a quick 15 minute situation report on the 15th of every month. We'll talk about what games we are playing (other than our book club game), gaming news, completely unrelated subjects, and whatever else bounces into our extremely scatterbrained minds. Also be sure to check out our brand new YouTube channel at Nobody asked to see our faces but now you will be subjected to them. Enjoy....or don't. Whatever. Loveyoukbye.


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Diablo 2

It's our year anniversary episode! Yes, it was delayed. Yes, we were lazy and recorded it a few days late. And yes, my hard drive failed a few hours after recording which delayed it even further. YET, alas, using some shady hard drive recovery software I found in the bowels of the internet I was able to retrieve it for your listening pleasure! Come along with us as we celebrate our year on the airwaves and play one of Blizzard's finest games of all time. Stick around till the end to get the skinny on some exciting new announcements about the future of the podcast and of course, the next game we will be covering next month. Keep gaming, gamers.


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Sid Meier's Pirates!

Ahoy ye scurvy landlubbers! Set your sights on the open sea and take a trip of adventure with the boys in the Command Center. Sid Meiers is known most for Civilization, but he has dipped his toe in many waters, including the Carribean. This month we took on his try at a pirate simulator and had a hell of a time with it. We also are pretty excited about next month's episode which will be our 1 year anniversary of broadcasting. We picked a great game for you all to play along with so don't miss out and don't forget your dramamine!


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System Shock 2

System Shock 2 is a cult classic, beloved by gamers far and wide. It influenced a ton of games since its release in 1999 but does it hold up to today's standards? The boys try to figure that out in this month episode as well as discuss the minutia of "goat spreading". Don't ask, you don't want to know. But DO listen.


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X-COM Series

Have you ever wanted to play a game that was so good you hate it? Have you ever felt compelled to play it for a podcast episode and then spend an inordinate amount of time talking about it? Well...We did! Spanning the time from 1996 to 2016, X-COM has pretty much always been around, and it offered a great opportunity to compare old vs. new. We did it. Ad nauseam. JOIN US!


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Kerbal Space Program

More boosters! More struts! NO! WAIT! EJECT EJECT EJE-......*Revert to launch* Why wait for Elon to take us to Mars when you can do it yourself right now from the comfort of your own sad basement apartment? 2020 is finally here which means we are that much closer to the release of Kerbal Space Program 2. With this in mind, the boys decided to revisit an old favorite. If KSP teaches us anything, it's that there is a silver lining to any failure...EXPLOSIONS! YAYYYY!!


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Payday 2

Want to re-live Point Break but without the rad 90's aesthetic and dramatic firing of a pistol into the air while screaming in rage? How about giving people Italian jobs? Already seen Ocean's 11, 12, 13, 25, 20k? Well do we have the game for you! Payday 2 was last months homework and the boys have some strong feelings about it. We are also super excited about next months title so don't miss out.


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Homeworld Franchise

ReZOURCERS under attack! Episode 6 see's the boys tackle a few games that have a cult following, and even a long awaited 3rd chapter coming out in 2020. Homeworld was a groundbreaking 4X RTS that revolutionized the genre. We laughed, we cried, we even held each other tenderly. You won't want to miss this one.


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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

HOLD IT! Break out those DS's, Switches, GBA's, or PC's, the boys had a run at Ace Attorney this month. We spent way too much time and an embarrassing amount of hair gel trying to get our hair as sufficiently spikey as Phoenix Wright's, and hopefully you did too! Enter a world of courthouse drama and anime sweat beads in this trilogy of games and find out what game we are tearing up next month.
