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Creative Space Mastery Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

The show about how to establish a framework to get your creative practice going bringing in consistent creative productivity. I invite artists, and all types of creators and trailblazers to hear about a practical process, metaphors and examples to achieve Creative Space Mastery.




The show about how to establish a framework to get your creative practice going bringing in consistent creative productivity. I invite artists, and all types of creators and trailblazers to hear about a practical process, metaphors and examples to achieve Creative Space Mastery.





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Episode 12 - The Gift and Curse of the Mission Compass

This episode is about what it means to have something inside you guiding you to a creative desire all the time, and how to deal with this constant demand that lies within. Stepping into the mission, aligning the mission-compass with your day-to-day life and work life, and stopping the tug of war that makes you feel as if you are wasting your time whenever you are not creating. Finding peace with the creative gift you were given to bear in life.


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Episode 11 - Resistance is Futile

Art resists being finished, the fear of completion is intrinsic to the process. This can translate into a strange sort of procrastination, where you get distracted and there is a huge effort required to start a project. However, Resistance can manifest itself at any point of creation, and it is different from lack of inspiration. This episode is about strategies and mental awareness around resistance and how to face it and brave it, breaking through and managing creative productivity beyond resistance.


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Episode 10 - Mixing it Up

Mixing it up, and being inventive in the way you go about your creative practice is an ideal way to spark new ideas and stimulate different parts of your brain, or make your soul vibrate in different manners. Independent of where the new vibrancy comes from, mixing it up brings creative flow and new life to projects. There is a balance to be observed, and there are many ways to mix it up. This episode is to give you ideas and spark insights into ways to innovate your creative practice.


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Episode 9 - We are not Alone in the Cosmos - Surround Yourself with Inspiration and Support

Your inspiration will not only bring ideas to you, it will bring people, courses, councillors, supporters, and psychologists, it will show you the means and the helpers. The ones who can save your life many times over along the way. Finding knowledge, it doesn't matter where, will connect you to the way of finding new opportunities and many avenues for creativity. You must only keep your critical mind about you and make sure you separate what's worthy of your time from what is not. All knowledge is interconnected. Find about the ingredient that cannot be left out, and some ideas of where and how you can find support for your creative process.


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Episode 8 - Creating an Impermeable Membrane - Protecting Yourself from Others

This episode is about creating an impermeable membrane, protecting yourself from others, which is much harder, than protecting your creative time from yourself. This should happen through establishing boundaries, from setting up rules and explaining them to people in your life as often as necessary, with Love and kindness. Hear about the way people resist these boundaries and how to overcome this resistance and make them respect your creativity. We also talk about being present and what you will take out of the creative time to offer as a bargain for your loved ones and work life. With it all, you will know how to protect your creative heart.


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Episode 7 - Protecting your Creative Time from your Rabbit Holes

In this episode, we are talking about setting rules for yourself to protect you from falling down rabbit holes and losing your creative time unproductively. People have weak links, things they lose themselves into, and time has run away from them when they see it. This is how to set yourself up to be productive during your creative practice.


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Episode 6 - The Art of Having Fun Doing Whatever Crap You Want

There are people becoming famous writing things without ever editing one line, musicians making music by blowing on a flat piece of glass, artists enthralling a whole Sydney Opera House with two pieces of rope with pebbles on their ends; if that is possible for them, it means you can have fun doing whatever you want. We often stop ourselves in our creativity because we want to be good, or perfect when neither is required, making an impact for us, and enjoying the process are the only valid metrics we should focus on. Listen to case studies and examples and understand that we we free to create whatever we want and quality is not a requirement.


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Episode 5 - Chaos Under Management

What do you do when you are hit by a crisis, how to keep functioning, and keep being a creative being, amid complete chaos? Devise a plan to Manage Chaos. Learn what is to ride the lows gracefully, applying what I call the law of the minimum effort wisely. What to prioritise and how to take the opportunity to re-examine the way you do things when you get out of crisis. Listen about how to get organised when you have too much inspiration, and how to manage energy not tasks.


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Episode 4 - The Ducks of Inspiration

Inspiration is a wild animal, it flows where it wants, it does what it feels like, it guides you unwaveringly to what's truly a passion for you. It cannot be told what to do, doesn't follow directions, doesn't understand shoulds or necessities. This episode explores what are the ducks of inspiration, this following to where the wild animal inside is pointing, and separating what are external voices within rather than your own desires.


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Episode 3 - A Professional While it Lasts

Treat your creation time with respect. Pretend you are a professional at what you want to do. Give yourself quality time, as you do at work. You don't need to overstep any limits, just be fully present in the moment of creation, giving it your full engagement. In this episode I'll give you some examples of when my creative practice gained a new level, when I could take one writing day per week, but also what it was when I was not working and when I was working full time.


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Episode 2 - To Bravely Declare Your Passion

You have set up time to create, now you need to be brave and tell yourself and others what is it you want to achieve with your creative time. With boldness, so you stop wasting time with uncertainty. Declare what you know, even if it isn't much. Find what you want to know from what you loved doing since you were a child. I recount my own stories and how I found my passion, how I had to be brave and admit to myself that my storytelling was not leaving me alone.


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Episode 1 - What is this Creative Space to Master?

How many creators, inventors, entrepreneurs, coders, parents, artists and trailblazers have a desire to create something but don't know where to start? Well, you start by establishing a space for inspiration to come and protecting this practice. I call this, the Creative Space. Hear what is the concept of Creative Space, what is involved in it, and understand that perfection isn't a requirement. Hear how I have established my creative process and examples of time commitments I have given to it. Start thinking of your process, where you can start. Make a commitment yourself. Start today.


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Episode Zero - About this Podcast and Podcaster

In this episode, I will tell you what brings me here, why I'm creating this podcast. What is to have stories and a desire to create pounding inside your chest... Following, I will explain what the show will be about, the creation of Creative Space Mastery, the concept of opening a space for creativity to come through. Who is the podcast for? Who can create something? Can you start right now? You will find some answers. Lastly, I will give you a bit about who I am, what I have learnt about the creative process, and that if I can do it, most people can. In this show, you will hear about how to establish a framework to get your creative practice going bringing in consistent creative productivity. I'm Tania Crivellenti, an author who has been on the storytelling path for 20 years now, in joy or in chaos, and I'm able to be productive every week. I invite artists and all types of creators and trailblazers out there to hear about a practical process, metaphors and examples to achieve Creative Space Mastery.
