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A show about the monster among us, around us, and in us.





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The White Wolf of the Hertz Mountains

Written by Henry Colburn in 1839, this short story is a near perfect rendition of folk belief in Werewolves put to pen.


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All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve, the night the dead wander the earth. Traditionally it was believed the spirits of dead relatives returned. Some to do penitence, some to say goodbye to loved ones, and some... Some returned for vengeance. Barmbrack Bread Recipe https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017907-barmbrack-irish-sweet-bread Best Colcannon Recipe https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/colcannon THE very best Soul Cake Recipe!...


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A select reading of the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe, to get you through while we are traveling without internet


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Believing is Seeing

What is the Nature of perception? How does it relate to reality? And are science and magic the similar than we understand?


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Seeing is Believing Part 2(of 2)

The year was 1971, Puharich had been studying Extrasensory perception now for around twenty years, and when he heard of Uri Geller, he took the first flight he could to see for himself, the man who could predict the future and move matter with his mind. When he went to that night club in Tel Aviv he was not sure what to expect, but his hopes were high. And Uri did not disappoint. Coming on stage, he announced his first demonstration would be what he called “eyeless sight”. Music by Kevin...


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Seeing is Believing Part 1(of 2)

Remote viewing was made popular by the recent phenomenal Netflix series, Stranger Things. Which by the way, you can get all your information on at Stranger Things Talk Podcast hosted by friend of the show Michael Whitney. Cough! In the first season we find the lead character, Eleven, able to find, hear, and see members of the Soviet Union Leadership behind the iron curtain, by being given only a picture of person in question. Music by Kevin Macleod https://soundcloud.com/kevin-9-1...


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In October of 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland while shooting a documentary. A year later their footage was found. So opens Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez’s masterpiece sleeper hit, The Blair Witch Project. Little do people know, that The Blair Witch Project was actually inspired by a real legend, of a real backwoods area, which is said to be cursed for hundreds of years. It is known locally, as Dudleytown. Music by Kevin Macleod...


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Carmilla Part 2(of 2)

Carmilla Part 2 out now! Years before the publication of Dracula, the 19th century swarmed with delectable Vampire fiction that rivaled Stokers great work. Saved by and today recounted in remembrance of, the Right Rev. Montague Summers. Music by Kevin Macleod https://soundcloud.com/kevin-9-1 "Shadowlands 1 - Horizon", "Shadowlands 2 - Bridge", "Shadowlands 3 - Machine", "Shadowlands 4 - Breath", "Shadowlands 5 - Antechamber", "Shadowlands 6 - The Pit", "Shadowlands 7 - Codex" Kevin MacLeod...


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Carmilla Part 1(of 2)

Carmilla is an fictional Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula by 26 years. It was saved from the obliteration of time by the legendary Montague Summers. It is very accurate to the source material, the likes of which was drawn the Dom Augustine Calmet and even taking its ending from a real life Vampire case. Part 2 up in two weeks. Music by Kevin Macleod https://soundcloud.com/kevin-9-1...


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Mans best Fiend

The small market town of Bungay in the UK is today a quite respite from the common bustle of the outside world. And as with any old town, it has its ghosts, whispered about in passing stories. Signs in the towns center put it on display and wind vines display its form. That of a large black dog, with crazed eyes, mangy hair, and a long black tail. It is known locally, as Black Shuck, and one Sunday in August of 1577, it came to call on the church goers of Bungay. Music by Kevin Macleod...


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The Watseka Wonder

Demonic possession often takes a lethal overtone in many cases, the more playful sort of possession has been known among fairy spirits and those of the elemental or deamon type of creatures talked about before in previous podcasts. These possessions are often much more obscure, like the fay themselves, they seem more interested in trickery, confusion, and misguiding.140 years ago however, in the little town of Watseka, something happened that would cause it to be remembered forever after, as...


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Everyone has bad dreams, there’s no denying. And others have dreams that feel like they are real, and upon waking have difficulty distinguishing between dream and wakefulness. Vivid as they are, their effect eventual fades with the forceful gravity of reality. But what do you call a dream that incorporates reality? What do you do when autonomous elements within the dream seek to harm you? What do you do when the Nightmare is real? Music by Kevin Macleod https://soundcloud.com/kevin-9-1...


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Echoes Through Time Part 2 (2/2

This week we continue the story of the Cameron family's strange experiences while living at the house on Rose Tree Lane, otherwise known as the Heilbron Manor. After learning to live with the haunting's, they begin to discover the dark history of the house and the many souls it has claimed through the years. From hidden crypts to secret rooms, the mystery of Heilbron seems to be more than just disembodied spirits. #Ghosts #haunting Music by Kevin Macleod https://soundcloud.com/kevin-9-1...


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Echoes Through Time Part 1 (1/2)

“No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under the conditions of absolute reality; even Larks and Katydids are supposed by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. Within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there,...


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Those Who Have Gone Before

Were in the past we have dealt with manifestations of creatures in the liminal spaces of reality, here we disembark from the human world with all its mystery and wonder and look up to heaven, or down into the depths of Hell. And there is no better guide for us on this journey than the Warrens. With the recent passing of Lorraine, it is perhaps most fitting that we should explore the subject of Demonology, as seen by the 20th century’s most famous demonologists. They often found themselves...


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Here There be Monsters Part 3: At the Hand of Destiny

Whispers are heard of such creatures that exist as some kind of manifestation of our psyche. Practices today still produce the strange results of our fore fathers manifesting incorporeal beast which are encountered today, if only we would look in the right places. Research on hallucinogenic substances such as DMT and Psilocybin Mushrooms have recorded multiple people who insist they have encountered intelligence's which were wholly outside themselves. Extreme seclusion practiced by some...


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Here there be Monsters Part 2: The People of Peace

Balquhidder has always been seen as a “Thin Place” as the Celts say, were the boundary between Heaven and Earth is naturally not as robust as the rest of the world. All of this Rev. Kirk likely knew when he wrote his second book, for which he would be better remembered Today. The Secret Commonwealth, which weaved together strange tales of a race of people who once dwelt beside mankind. A magical and noble people, who lived in the hills and trees of the wood, and under the mounds of the...


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Here there be Monsters Part 1

Fixed the media issues and republished. Like many of our subjects, obscured by media, Hollywood, and modern fantasy, fables of the dragon languish behind fictional depictions of physical manifestations of fire breathing winged serpents, most are content to regurgitate Tolkien like fairytales. The Dragon of folklore is a far richer and vibrant creature. For instance, two troupes normally follow the dragon where ever he is found around the world is that he is prone to be found around water...


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Ep. 9 - Here there be Monsters Part 1

Like many of our subjects, obscured by media, Hollywood, and modern fantasy, fables of the dragon languish behind fictional depictions of physical manifestations of fire breathing winged serpents, most are content to regurgitate Tolkien like fairytales. The Dragon of folklore is a far richer and vibrant creature. For instance, two troupes normally follow the dragon where ever he is found around the world is that he is prone to be found around water rather than to breath fire and if slain,...


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Chasing Tales

Our venerable for bearer Rev. Montague Summers eagerly devoured the subject of the European Werewolf in a single manuscript, and much of what we now recount and know of the subject is from his delicate mind. He studiously pointed out that the origin of the shapeshifter is nothing new, it existed from the dawn of creation, and as we will see, existed even to this day. He saw the creature as he saw the world, a direct dichotomy of good and evil, black and white. The Shapeshifter was one who...
