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Discussions On Psychoanalysis

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Every month we try to offer a good enough, candid and open discussion on different aspects of psychoanalysis. We invite our audience to share with us their comments and questions by writing to us discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter https://twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/user-296153775 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/discussions-on-psychoanalysis/id1454139315


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Every month we try to offer a good enough, candid and open discussion on different aspects of psychoanalysis. We invite our audience to share with us their comments and questions by writing to us discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter https://twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/user-296153775 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/discussions-on-psychoanalysis/id1454139315



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#50 On Using Psychoanalysis in an Institution

Dear Listener, In this episode, your hosts continue to dwell into Grégoire's past at l'Ecole Expérimentale de Bonneuil. The main question will be: how to use psychoanalysis in an institution? [01:10] Intro [07:11] Relating [13:17] Institution éclatée [shattered institution] [19:26] Psychotic societies allergic to psychosis [20:55] How to treat people? [26:03] Working at night [28:43] The intensity of working with psychosis [36:22] How was it psychoanalysis? [40:10] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#49 On Working with Children with Psychosis

Dear Listeners, In this episode, we discuss Grégoire's experience working with children and teenagers with psychosis, autism and severe borderline features. This episode focus on the activity Grégoire created with a fellow intern, Sandie Lalouette, for a very regressed teenager, Louice. [0:36] Intro [04:25] My work with kids [08:24] What the kids had in commun [10:03] Don't attack the symptoms [11:00] Inspiration [15:19] Creation of La Nouba [19:07] Choice of songs and frame [26:10] Negative reactions [29:06] Intern's role [32:00] Evolution of the frame [33:40] The Playlist and holding the frame [37:50] Psychoanalysis in such a frame? [44:11] Working with psychosis with your body [47:20] Ending and addons Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#48 On How We Try To Justify Our Presence

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing different aspects of how we end up trying to justify our presence as clinicians. [0:22] Intro [05:49] How do we know if an intervention was needed? [08:23] The impossibility of case presentation [11:46] To present to defend (psychoanalysis)? [14:11] Do we want to be well analyzed? [19:07] Tension btw what we said and "should have said" [23:05] To trust the process [33:37] Anxiety to justify our presence and fees [36:26] Understandable interventions Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#47 On How to Keep the Psychoanalyst Alive

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing what could and should be done to keep the psychoanalysts alive, not just physically, but also mentally. [00:31] Intro [03:22] How do we keep a sense of purpose? [06:49] Managing life expectations [10:38] "Temps FIR" [12:57] How to not feel depleted? [21:17] To stay in a position of uncertainty [26:50] Location and convenience [34:02] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#46 On How to keep Psychoanalysis alive

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts have a discussion on how to keep psychoanalysis alive. [04:06] Psychoanalysis in literature [05:10] Definition of life [08:33] Younger patients [10:04] Adapt the way we welcome patients [13:19] What are we adapting to? [16:57] Something of the social rules [20:15] Evolving without betraying [23:44] Magical & religious thinking [24:52] Cut the BS [27:37] How far do we change psychoanalysis? [32:55] Psychoanalysis in a society Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me Twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#45 On What is and is not Psychoanalysis

In this episode, your hosts are trying to get a better sense of what is and what is not psychoanalysis. [00:24] Intro [03:52] What are we keeping alive? [06:21] 3 fold answer [06:58] Narcissistic needs [15:59] Psychoanalysis as a movement and a state of mind [24:09] Can we work with everybody? [27:40] The question of 3 times a week [33:20] Tension between Institutions and creativity [45:13] What is not psychoanalysis? [54:56] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#44 On Death Anxiety and our Shared Reality

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your host and our special guest Tenille Blair Neff conclude their discussion on death anxiety. Little note: for a sustainable, local, organic and psychoanalytic honey: http://www.ohhoneyapiaries.com/ [0:22] Intro [07:42] Are we referring to aggression too quickly? [13:01] What to do about our shared humanity? [23:44] What about the analyst envy of patients' youth? [28:21] A look back at the first episode difficulties [35:04] Death Anxiety in a psychoanalytic training? [42:41] Tenille's vignette [45:19] Ending Thank you Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#43 On Death Anxiety - The Influence of Cultures

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts and Tenille Blair-Neff continue to discuss the subject of death anxiety with a focus on how cultures will influence how we can think (or not) about it. [0:20] Intro [3:03] Freud, DA and beyond the fantasy [05:20] DA and death drive [09:02] How can we work with DA? [14:01] Privacy & Secrecy [15:40] Influence of the culture [17:21] Religion and multiples denials [21:27] Distortion through happiness [24:19] Should we celebrate death? [28:17] Freezing the psyche [30:28] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#42 On Death Anxiety - The symbolic & the Reality

Dear Listeners, We welcome again Tenille Blair-Neff for a series of three episodes on Death Anxiety. In this first episode, we will try to address how only taking death anxiety on the symbolic side can miss important part of what patients might express. [00:22] Intro [04:24] When we start thinking about the reality of death anxiety [06:59] How working on the symbolic can be a defense [08:43] How to address DA without being too depressing to be useful? [12:03] Know Thyself VS I am what I am [13:50] How does DA impact how we work? [15:24] Termination VS real death [22:45] "How are you?" [24:24] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#41 On What We Decide To Question

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts try to understand what we decide to question; what are our blind spots and how to address them in our clinical work, etc. Of course, there are many things we unknowingly forgot to question during this discussion, but such is our human condition. [0:23] Intro [2:25] Should we try to explore our own decision to question one thing or another? [7:38] Questioning the urge [13:20] Internal Dialogues [19:14] The themes we address or not [30:47] Tolerating the lack [36:56] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#40 On How We Met Psychoanalysis

Dear Listeners, In this episode your hosts talk about how they met psychoanalysis and what they appreciated about it. Thank you for listening! [0:22] Intro [03:04] Edgard's discovery of psychoanalysis [06:09] Grégoire's discovery of psychoanalysis [17:21] Edgard's choice [19:06] Psychoanalysis in a University [22:52] Choosing NPAP [24:14] Clergy & recognizing the missing [28:18] Bonneuil [30:07] Normal & Pathological continuity Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#39 On How we Interact

Dear Listeners, In this episode we try talk about how impossible it is to interact with our patients without closing doors, how it can be beneficial but can also hurt the process. [0:22] Intro [04:13] Hu Hum or not Hu Hum] [07:23] Masochism [09:50] Leaving space to the ambivalence [12:26] How do we need to assume? [15:45] Support & Anxiety [18:06] Impossible to reach a satisfactory result [22:02] Wanting psychoanalysis to be complete [25:11] Holding patients [29:59] Learning to be vulnerable [35:40] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#38 On Questioning our Patients

Dear Listeners, In this episode, we try to question how we interact with our patients, and more specifically how aggression can be at times expressed despite our conscious best intentions. This podcast, recorded a few months ago, is dedicated to our dear friend and colleague Peter Jaegerman who died recently. [0:28] Intro [02:02] How can we know that we are not attacking our patients? [4:58] How much do we rely on transference and counter-transference? [14:29] Does the analyst have a transference toward patients? [16:22] Virtue signaling? [18:33] Resistance and ambivalence [21:52] Aggression through agreement [29:37] The risk of oversimplifying the experience of our patients [38:33] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#37 On Questioning Our Place

Dear Listeners, This month we are trying to question our place as analysts in a therapy: how do we know what we know is correct? Where do we speak from? And where do patients speak from? Happy Holidays! [0:20] Intro [03:30] What do we do? [14:53] Where do we position ourselves? [20:48] Are we splitting? [29:00] Where do patients come from? [33:10] How to know when we are in the wrong? [35:34] Issues not explored by societies [40:10] Ending Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315


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#36 On Questioning Theories

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts are discussing the necessity and difficulties to question theories in our daily practice. Thank you for listening. Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315 [0:18] Intro [3:26] Is it always bad to not adopt the beliefs of our time? [11:41] How, What & Why [18:19] Can we know the why of everything? [24:13] Are the new developments always better? [29:37] Psychoanalysis as a disruption [31:29] How do we distinguish what to keep and what to change? [36:55] Ending


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#35 On Neutrality & External Discourses

Dear Listeners, In this episode your hosts question how psychoanalysis interacts with societies, and how psychoanalysis can help us get a better sense of some unspoken nuances in the social discourse. Thank you for listening. Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315 [0:22] Intro [03:36] Hetero-normative [08:45] Psychoanalytic terms "normalized" in society [12:19] What does gay/straight mean? [20:11] The struggle with identity politics [22:01] Is castration inherent to psychoanalysis? [25:09] Distinction between differences and values [28:46] From the patient to the social [32:10] Question of what and how [37:30] What and when we don't question as analysts [39:36] Ending


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#34 On Neutrality & Analysts' beliefs

In this episode, your hosts continue their discussion on different aspects of neutrality in psychoanalysis. After a few general comments, we will address the balance between leaving all doors open and taking a stand, how some themes attract complexity, and when resistances can be at the disservice of both patients and analysts. Thank you for listening. Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315 [0:21] Intro [01:48] Some general comments [05:58] Balance btw leaving all doors open and taking a stand [15:45] Some themes attract complexity [25:19] Resistances at the disservice of both patients and analysts [30:26] The weight of public beliefs [36:48] When the discussion becomes too concrete [39:35] Ending


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#33 On Neutrality & Sensitive topics

Dear Listeners, In this episode, your hosts engage in a discussion on how to think about a required neutrality and the inevitable opinions a psychoanalyst is going to have on certain topics. The discussion might sound less directed as usual because it was so. Thank you for listening. Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315 [00:17] Intro [03:23] What is "neutrality" in practice? [06:16] Benevolent neutrality [11:20] Intervention & neutrality [18:47] What about the analyst's beliefs? [22:00] How do we work with socially sensitive issues? [27:00] The therapeutic alliance [33:09] Psychoanalysts aligning themselves to the beliefs of the time [37:53] Ending


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#32 On Building One's Own Practice - Concrete expenses

Dear Listeners, In this 3rd and, most likely, last episode on how to build one's own practice, we talk about the very concrete expenses one has to go through to start a practice. Most of this discussion does not apply if you only want to work remotely. Special Thank to our dear friend Tenille Blair Neff for joining us once more! Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315 [0:21]Intro [03:27] NPI Number [04:09] An Office [12:41] A Professional Chair [21:38] A Desk [22:41] A Couch [27:11] Pillow(s), Rug, Shelves, Printer, Coat Hanger, Hand table [29:51] Lights in the office [31:41] Computer related Items [35:02] Insurances [37:05] Arts [38:32] Office and Practice Management [42:00] Ending


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#31 On Climate Change with Susan Kassouf - Traumatized sensibility and denial

Dear Listener, In this episode we continue our discussion on climate change with Susan Kassouf. We talk about traumatized sensibility, a concept important to Susan, about narcissism and castration, how the planet can hide the civilization, and the need to develop a new language to think climate change in psychoanalysis, and much more. A difficult but needed discussion as the magnitude of the threat of climate change is hard to grasp for many. Share with us your comments or questions directly at discussionsonpsychoanalysis@pm.me or on twitter twitter.com/DiscusOnPsycha Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/249668092601494/ SoundCloud @user-296153775 iTunes podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disc…is/id1454139315 [02:25] Traumatized sensibility [07:14] How do we help patients to get there? [10:30] Narcissism and castration [14:21] Thinking positively [16:50] Can a planet hide a civilization? [20:08] The problem with symbolic thinking [23:23] A new language [25:00] The power structure [30:58] The unthinkable pollution and resources [35:51] What about the training? [41:26] Ending
