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Do Something More

Arts & Culture Podcasts

This is a service-oriented podcast where we highlight the helpers who inspire us all to do something more. We 'highlight the helpers' and tell the inspiring stories of others (individuals, organizations, and nonprofits) who have found unique ways to give back to their communities. And we inspire listeners to 'do something more' with simple ideas on how you can serve, volunteer and make a difference. Weekly interview and solo episodes hosted by Melissa Draper. You can contact Melissa at Follow the podcast on Instagram @dosomethingmore.podcast


United States


This is a service-oriented podcast where we highlight the helpers who inspire us all to do something more. We 'highlight the helpers' and tell the inspiring stories of others (individuals, organizations, and nonprofits) who have found unique ways to give back to their communities. And we inspire listeners to 'do something more' with simple ideas on how you can serve, volunteer and make a difference. Weekly interview and solo episodes hosted by Melissa Draper. You can contact Melissa at Follow the podcast on Instagram @dosomethingmore.podcast



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62. Vaughn Kimball and Being a Volunteer Coach for Kids Sports Teams

Vaughn Kimball is my older brother…but he’s also had a lot of experience working with youth through work and also a variety of volunteer roles and opportunities. For this episode I asked him if he could talk about being a volunteer coach for kids sports teams. He shares a lot of good advice and encouragement for anyone that’s ever thought about wanting to be a coach for their kid’s teams. I also love the ‘why’ he shares at the end. That yes, it’s fun competing and learning a new sport, but most of all he has cherished the opportunities to really connect with kids, help build their confidence and self-esteem, and let them know that they have the capacity to learn anything and do good in the world. This episode originally dropped on May 9, 2023…and I wanted to share it again because I know there are many good coaches out there (and potential good coaches too!) who are making a difference for kids in many ways. Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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61. Why Doing Service While On Vacation is a Great Idea and Simple Tips to Make it Happen

Summertime for many of us also means vacation time! In this episode I’m sharing some of my own reasons for why service on vacation is a great idea. I also have some simple tips for how you can make service happen: some of them you can do with little to no planning, and some take just a little planning. I hope after this episode you can see how easy and fun it can be to incorporate service in your travel plans. Links mentioned in episode: Just Serve Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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60. Meg Busing with 'Midwest You Can Foundation' and Creating Empowerment and Community for Individuals Navigating Epilepsy

When she was a freshman in high school, Meg Busing was in a tragic car accident with some of her friends. She ended up with a traumatic brain injury and as a teenager had to learn how to navigate life with a distinct set of new challenges. She was able to successfully graduate high school, but a few years later in college, she had her first seizure and was diagnosed with epilepsy. She managed to achieve her dream of graduating with her degree in nursing, but then a few years later during a pregnancy her seizures increased and she had to pull back on her nursing career. This was when she decided to start her nonprofit, the Midwest You Can Foundation. The goal of her foundation is to create community and empowerment for those living with epilepsy. One of the purposes of the Midwest You Can Foundation is to run a yearly summer camp for kids with epilepsy. Meg wants these kids to experience for themselves the power and confidence that can come with reminding yourself of what you CAN do. Their slogan is ‘with epilepsy, too many days are filled with reminders of what shouldn’t be done, we’re on a mission to change that.’ Listen to the podcast to hear more of Meg’s story and journey, to learn about the summer camps she runs and the good experiences kids and parents have had with them, and also hear some sweet encouragement from Meg for anyone that might be living with epilepsy or helping their child navigate it as well. Links mentioned in the episode: Midwest You Can Foundation Website Midwest You Can Foundation Instagram Midwest You Can Foundation Facebook Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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59. Jen Simonic and Masey Kaplan with 'Loose Ends' and Matching Crafters with Projects People Have Left Unfinished Due to Death or Disability

Jen Simonic and Masey Kaplan are both crafters at heart and have been friends for over 30 years. After having their own experiences with finishing crafting projects for other friends and loved ones who had passed away, they started tossing around the idea of a nonprofit where they could create a community of crafters who would be available to finish projects families and individuals would like finished that their loved ones had started. Now their nonprofit, Loose Ends, has a community that spans 64 countries and over 24,000 people. Their mission is to ease grief, create community, and inspire generosity by matching volunteer handwork finishers with projects people have left unfinished due to death or disability. I loved talking with Jen and Masey and hearing the obvious passion and joy they find in the work they do with their nonprofit. They share some great stories of some of the projects they’ve seen people finish, and the real sense of community and even lifelong friendships that are formed in the process. This episode will give you a new found appreciation and love for all the crafters in your life and it’s also a good reminder of the real sense of belonging that can be found when people serve and create together. Links mentioned in the show: Loose Ends Project Website Loose Ends Project Instagram Loose Ends Project Facebook Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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58. Celebrating Mothers and the Good Work They Do

It’s Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday here in the United States…so this episode is dedicated to all the good women out there and the good service they do with their own families and those around them. First, I'm sharing some pretty personal thoughts about a conversation I had years ago that gave me a shift on my motherhood and navigating the challenges of life. And I’m also sharing a fun poem I wrote a few years ago that highlights all the good daily work Mother’s do. My goal is that when you hear it, it makes you smile. Listen to the podcast to hear more and don't forget to share it with a good mother you know! Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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57. Melanie Rodger with 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep' and Providing Remembrance Portraits to Parents Experiencing the Death of a Baby

Melanie Rodger lost her first son just 32 hours after his birth when she was 20 years old. That loss prompted her to want to seek community and not feel alone as she navigated the grieving process. During that time, she learned about 'Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep', a nonprofit that provides remembrance portraits to parents experiencing the death of a baby. Melanie had known she wanted to be a part of other families' stories in a way that others had been there for her, and when she was ready she started volunteering for 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep'. She has served as a dispatcher to help find photographers for families, as a photographer herself, and now also works for 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep'. This episode is definitely a tender one as Melanie shares her own experience of losing her baby boy, and what it’s like being a photographer for others experiencing their own losses. She talks about the especially vital role their organization played during the pandemic, providing many family members with the only way they were able to see and remember these babies through the pictures they took. She shares how it’s an honor to be invited into these spaces with families and I appreciated the beautiful advice she gave at the end saying that ‘you should never let the fear of emotion stop you from helping and being part of somebody else’s story.’ Links mentioned in the episode: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Website Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Instagram Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Facebook Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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56. Krysti Wright with 'Stitching Hearts Worldwide' and Providing Service Opportunities to Create Handmade Items for People in Need

Several years ago Krysti Wright felt nudged to more intentionally start using her gifts and talents to make a difference in the world. She had always loved doing long-arm quilting and decided that was where she could make her contribution. She started off with a small group of women who worked together making and donating quilts to different causes. But then she started having other groups reach out to her who wanted to help or needed service projects to do, and that’s when she realized what her real role was. Now her nonprofit, Stitching Hearts Worldwide, provides service opportunities for individuals, groups, and businesses wanting to help those in need. They provide the necessary tools and materials to make handmade essential items for people in local communities and and all over the world who suffer from natural disasters, human injustices, or other unforeseen tragedies beyond their control. As Krysti says so perfectly in this episode…it’s not always about how many projects they produce, but more about the many people that are getting the opportunity to serve. I loved this interview. There were a few technical difficulties when we recorded, but thankfully Krysti’s complete genuineness and caring heart come through. Listen to this episode and be inspired by her story and get the reminder of how powerful it can be to create and serve with other people. Links mentioned in the episode: Stitching Hearts Worldwide Website Stitching Hearts Worldwide Instagram Stitching Hearts Worldwide Facebook Talk by Cheryl A. Esplin that Krysti mentions in the episode Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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55. 5 Tips to Help You Make Time for Service and Volunteering

Time! We all wish we had more of it! Especially when it comes to serving and helping others, many of us feel we wish we had time to do more of those good things we’ve felt inspired or nudged to do. In this episode I’m sharing some of my thoughts on time and submitting the idea that we are more in control than we think. I talk about the famous ‘Good Samaritan’ study done back in the 70s that looked at this concept of serving others and time, and I’m sharing 5 tips to help inspire you on how to make time for service and volunteering in your life. Email for thoughts and feedback: Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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54. Janelle Christensen with 'Family Haven' and Working to Prevent and Treat Child Abuse by Providing Support and Healing to Families

Janelle Christensen has been involved with Family Haven in a myriad of ways for almost 15 years and right now she serves as the Director. On this episode of the podcast she shares how Family Haven fulfills its primary purpose of preventing and treating child abuse. What impressed me in this interview is Family Haven truly believes in coming at this sensitive issue from all sides. First by empowering families and giving them the tools they need to be healthy and succeed, through things like parenting classes and providing child care that parents can access for any reason. They also provide therapy and treatment so those who have experienced abuse or families trying to break generational cycles can find the hope and healing they need. The powerful message I took away from this interview is that no family or child needs to walk the road of life alone. Whether it’s getting help and support for the current season you’re in, or finding healing from past experiences, there is help and hope to be found and it is places like Family Haven that work hard to provide that for their community. Links mentioned in the show: Family Haven Website Family Haven Instagram Family Haven Facebook Family Support Centers across Utah National Family Support Network Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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53. Brady and Andrea Murray with 'Rods Heroes' and Inspiring Families to Answer the Call to Adopt Children in Unique Circumstances

Brady and Andrea Murray are the parents of 11 children, 7 of them they adopted into their family. Their journey with adoption and their passion for advocating for children began after their first son was born with Down syndrome. Soon after that, they became aware of the fate that many children born with Down syndrome around the world face of being abandoned or left in orphanages. That fueled their idea to create a nonprofit to help many of those children find families and homes. The mission of their nonprofit now is to inspire families to answer the call to adopt children with Down syndrome or other unique circumstances, and they call their nonprofit Rods Heroes. This was an inspiring episode! Brady and Andrea are very honest about some of the realities of adoption and the feelings they’ve experienced along the way with their journey, but they also share the light, hope, and joy in bringing children and families together. Listen to the episode to learn more about their nonprofit, some of the programs they do to further their cause, and the many miracles they’ve seen along the way. Links mentioned in the episode: Rods Heroes Website Rods Heroes Instagram Rods Heroes Facebook Rods Heroes App Brady and Andrea's Podcast 'See the Miracle' Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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52. Happy Birthday to the 'Do Something More' Podcast

This week the podcast is celebrating one year! I am so proud of putting out an episode each week for one whole year. I also am so, so grateful for every guest that graciously gives of their time to come on the show, and each person that downloads, follows, or shares. This episode is a fun one celebrating the podcast...I'm sharing some fun stats, talking about some favorite episodes, and answering some of the questions I regularly get about the podcast. Give it a listen to learn a little more about the behind the scenes and celebrate! Links mentioned in the show: Samsung Mic (what I use to record) Alitu (what I use to produce the podcast) Buzzsprout (my host) Email with questions, feedback, or comments: Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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51. Kristen Carr with 'People Helping People' and Teaching Low-Income Women How to Gain Good Employment

‘People Helping People’ is a non-profit organization that likes to say they are often in the business of building confidence. They help primarily women and single mothers gain and keep good employment so they can provide for themselves and their families. My guest on the podcast this week Kristen Carr is the Community Outreach Coordinator, and she shared that many of the women and single mothers that come into their program have gone through hard and traumatic experiences. But through the mentoring and coaching those women receive at People Helping People, they learn to see the talents and skills they already have to offer, and build on those as they seek to gain meaningful employment or start a career. This organization truly believes that one of the best ways to help children and families out of poverty, is to empower women and give them the confidence and skills they need to be successful in the workforce. Listen to the podcast to learn more about People Helping People and also hear some great stories of women who have found success through their programs. Links mentioned in the episode: People Helping People Website People Helping People Instagram People Helping People Facebook Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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50. Tallia Feltis with 'The Neighborhood Art Center' and Providing an Engaging Space for Kids to Create Art

Tallia Feltis was raising her young kids in Provo, Utah when she realized they needed an accessible and affordable place they could go to create, explore, learn and try new things. She decided to be the one to create that community space, and the Neighborhood Art Center was born. Tallia’s taken her passions from visiting other Children’s Museums around the country and seeing what her own kids enjoyed doing, and she’s put all of those ideas together into one engaging space for children and families. In this episode she walks us through their different stations at the center, and also some of the different classes and community activities they provide. One thing I was so impressed with is how hard Tallia has worked to make the Neighborhood Art Center an accessible place for all by doing things like keeping their prices low, having a pass families can check out at the local library, and even providing scholarships for their art classes. This podcast will make want to go and create something fun with the kids in your life! But it will also inspire you to see how anyone can truly see a need in their community and work hard to fulfill it. Links mentioned in the episode: The Neighborhood Art Center Website The Neighborhood Art Center Instagram The Neighborhood Art Center Facebook Utah Nonprofits Association PDF file of steps to form non-profit Children's Museum of Pittsburgh Children's Museum of Manhattan Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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49. Using Service to Help You Manage Your Mental Health

Anxiety and depression have been a reality for me like they are for many others. In this episode I share what I’ve learned about the nature of managing my own mental health, and one way of doing it is to find regular things I put in my daily life and routines that help me navigate those challenges and keep moving forward. I share why I truly believe service can be a great thing to incorporate when someone is wanting to improve their mental health. I also give some concrete ideas anyone can use to find ways to put service into their life, even when they might be struggling. I feel passionate about this topic, and that might come through on the episode. :) Service is cool guys! It really can do good things not only for those who are receiving it, but those who make an effort to give it too. Links mentioned in episode: JustServe Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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48. Wendy Osborne with 'Tabitha's Way' Food Pantry and Helping People Through Tough Times by Providing Temporary Food Assistance

Wendy Osborne was working in a corporate career when she found herself on a spiritual journey and felt inspiration come that she needed to open a local food pantry in her community. She decided to name the pantry ‘Tabitha’s Way’ after a story from the Bible about a woman who provided food and clothing to the needy. That was in 2010, and now their pantry operates out of three different locations in Utah County, serving thousands of people each month. I learned a lot in this interview! It was fascinating to learn the logistics of the ways a food pantry works and how they fill in the gap of taking surplus from businesses and organizations in the community and distributing that to those in need. I loved hearing the stories Wendy shared about families and individuals they’ve served. At the end of the episode, she shares her thoughts about how food insecurity is a problem that can be solved by everyone in the community working together. Listen to the podcast to learn more about ‘Tabitha’s Way’. You might also feel inspired for how you can help people in need of food assistance in your own community. Links mentioned in the show: Tabitha's Way Food Pantry Website Tabitha's Way Food Pantry Instagram Tabitha's Way Food Pantry Facebook Urban Institute Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook Do Something More YouTube


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47. Ivan Gonzalez with 'Best Seat in the House' and Providing Joy and Fun for Children Experiencing Difficult Times

Several years ago, Ivan Gonzalez wanted to throw himself a birthday party. But it was a little different than your typical party. At this party he wanted to invite children and families going through hard times, whether it be because of poverty and finances, or because of a medical diagnosis, or special needs. After having a great time watching these kids be able to experience true joy for the evening, Ivan decided to plan another event and then another, and that’s how his non-profit ‘Best Seat in the House’ began. And now not only do they put on these fun events for families and children, but they have branched out to find tickets and opportunities for kids to visit different events and venues in their community that they otherwise would never have the chance to experience. Even though they regularly see kids who are battling hard things, Ivan’s non-profit is really all about joy and the idea that every child should have the opportunity to experience those simple fun and joyful moments, no matter what their current life situation is. Listen to the podcast to learn more from Ivan and also here some great stories about the kids they’ve been able to serve. Links mentioned in the show: Best Seat in the House Website Best Seat in the House Instagram Best Seat in the House Facebook Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook


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46. 3 Ways You Can Use Service to Improve Your Relationship With Your Spouse

On this episode I'm sharing 3 simple ways anyone can use service to strengthen, boost, or improve their relationship with their spouse or significant other. And of course, I share a few stories about me and my husband! At its core, service is an act of love. It naturally brings good feelings with it and helps us feel connected to those around us, whether we are givers or receivers of that service. And in my opinion, there's no better way than to use all those benefits that come with service to strengthen the relationship that means the most to us. Listen to the podcast to hear my ideas! I would love to get feedback from anyone that uses these and finds them to be beneficial for their own relationship. Links mentioned in the show: 5 Love Languages JustServe Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook


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45. Dorthy Haskell and Helping Children and Teenagers Navigate Emotions with Equine Therapy

Dorthy Haskell has loved horses all her life. After receiving some training and working with adults as a certified clinical hypnotherapist, she decided to combine her lifelong love of horses with her skills and training, and now serves children and teenagers with her equine therapy practice. I loved this episode because like any good therapist, Dorthy left me feeling enlightened and encouraged with reminders on how anyone can navigate the challenges of life and emotions that come with them. She talks about how this works in her practice and what it looks like, and also shares some inspiring stories of some of the clients she’s had the privilege to assist on their journey. Listen to the episode to learn more and at the end I also give a shout out to therapists for the good work they do as they use their profession and training to serve and assist so many. Dorthy's email if you would like to get in touch with her: Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook


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44. Brent Crane with the 'Food and Care Coalition' and Serving the Homeless Population

Brent Crane has been with the Food and Care Coalition for 35 years, so he has a lot of experience and expertise to share when it comes to serving and helping the homeless and those in poverty. On this episode he starts off explaining how the Food and Care Coalition began as a truly grassroots movement, the ways they collaborate with other organizations to help meet their clients needs, and of course he shares some great stories that truly illustrate the good their organization is doing, as well as the volunteers and donors that work with them. After this interview, I felt so inspired to act on ideas I’ve had for ways me and my family can serve and help in this area, and Brent gives a lot of good ideas too. Give it a listen and you might hear something that inspires you to want to serve as well. Links mentioned in the episode: Food and Care Coalition Website Food and Care Coalition volunteer coordinator email: volunteer@ Food and Care Coalition Instagram Food and Care Coalition Facebook Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook


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43. Embarrassing Moments Can Be An Opportunity to Speak Up and Serve Someone

We've all had that moment when we've come home from work or a party or other social function...and realized we had something in our teeth, or our fly was down, or there was some food dribbled on our shirt...or whatever it might be! In that moment we wonder how long we walked around like that and maybe might have even wished someone would have spoken up and let us know. On this episode I'm sharing my opinion that being courageous enough to be that someone to speak up in the middle of another person's embarrassing moment can truly be an act of service. And of course...I had to share one of my most embarrassing moments and how grateful I was for the kind individual that spoke up and said something to me. Listen to the podcast to hear my story and also get a gentle reminder that we truly can make a difference with our positive words. Follow the podcast on social media: Do Something More Instagram Do Something More Facebook
