Eish, how do we say this?
Arts & Culture Podcasts
Listen, life is tricky. We're just two friends recording our thoughts as we navigate through adulthood. You think it, we'll try to say it. New episodes published every other Wednesday :)
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Arts & Culture Podcasts
Listen, life is tricky. We're just two friends recording our thoughts as we navigate through adulthood. You think it, we'll try to say it. New episodes published every other Wednesday :)
Roles in our relationships - Part 2
From touching on our different roles with those closest to us and how those have evolved in part 1, we now take the discussion into whether our change comes with acceptance from those we love and where we think we're mostly ourselves, with the different types of relationships we have. This of course helped in our self awareness as well as new discoveries about each other. Nothing heavy, just a conversation that has fostered our understanding of one another. Do enjoy:)
Roles in our relationships
We relate to different people in different ways. As we grow older, our understanding of our roles evolves - so the ways we show up in them will ultimately change. In this episode, we take a look at the relationships we've formed throughout our lives and how our thinking and approach to them has shifted. This is only part 1! We hope you enjoy :)
What makes you happy?
The topic of 'Happiness' is a very broad and layered one. We don't have all the answers to what exactly it is, but we do know what makes us feel good! In this week's episode, we keep it light and talk about the small things we do to put ourselves in a better mind state. We're not saying they solve all our problems, but they sure do make us feel better - even if it's for a minute. Do go ahead and press play!
We're back & looking back
We are back! We've definitely been away for a while, but all with good reason! In our comeback episode, we take time out to hold ourselves accountable, reflect and fill you in on how Q1 went down.
Mind Dump: The work life
In this unplanned episode, we dump all the things that have been running around in our minds. We didn't know it would, but the world of work took centre stage. Please do press 'play' to hear how we've transitioned, what we still struggle with and what we keep learning.
Drawing the Map
In this week's remotely recorded episode, we discuss goals. Considering the time of the year that is, most of us have probably set these up already. So we took a moment to delve into the importance of having goals, the role that goals have played in our lives and we get to share some of our own personal goals. We also touch on why we started our podcast and our hopes for the journey. PS: Please excuse all technical difficulties
Success is...
The world we live in has set us to believe that success can be tied to money, status or power only. However, it may mean being excellent at what you've set for yourself (to achieve). So, in this week's episode we take a look what success means for us, how that definition has evolved as we grow older and what are some ways we celebrate our successes, big or small.
Thanks, I guess
In this episode we discuss our relationship with gratitude and some of the factors that feed into us forgetting to be grateful for what we have at times.
Welcome, welcome... welcome!
This is a brief trailer of what you can expect from our podcast! Please do give us a listen and engage.