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Discover, celebrate & share Hungarian heritage!



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Hungarian Egg Decorating Workshop

Hi there! Today on the podcast we are going to talk about our upcoming online Hungarian Egg Decorating class. If you love folk art or you just love art in general, you probably just want to sign up and be a part of the fun! You don’t have to have Hungarian heritage to enjoy it! Easter is coming up at the end of this month. Eggs have long been a part of the celebration! Have you wondered about egg decorating and the history behind it? We’ll talk all about it in our upcoming Hungarian Egg Decorating Workshop! You can take […]


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A Survey of Hungarian Folk Music

Hello! It’s Liz and today on the podcast we are going to talk about our upcoming Survey of Hungarian Folk Music class, stay tuned! Check out our full list on upcoming online classes HERE! We are super excited about our A Survey of Hungarian Folk Music class offered through The Hungarian Store and it starts on March 4th so hurry up and get registered so you can be a part of the fun. Here is the link to register. Zina and I have been discussing a class like this for the last couple of years and, finally, the time has […]


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A Survey of Hungarian History

A Survey of Hungarian History Class Register Here! Today on the podcast I am talking about our upcoming Survey of Hungarian History class. Stay tuned to learn more about it Hi it’s Liz and welcome to this episode of the Hungarian Living Podcast. When I visit Hungary, I love hearing about the history of the medieval castles, the mansions and palaces, and the traditions and festivals that celebrate everything under the sun. Even though I have visited Hungary multiple times, I feel like things are just starting to sink in. When I am working on genealogy and wondering why my […]


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Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling Workshop: Recording your family’s story for future generations How can we share our treasured memories with future generations? Hi, it’s Liz and today we are talking about our upcoming storytelling workshop: recording family memories for the next generation. You have the memories all sitting in your mind. Sometimes you speak them aloud and sometimes you don’t. But, whether you want to believe it or not, there will come a day when you will unable to speak your family stories. Let’s preserve the most important ones so they are available to family members for generations. — This is the goal […]


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Family Favorites Recipe Workshop:Collecting Recipes for the Generations

Hi, it’s Liz –welcome to The Hungarian Living Podcast. Today our topic is about family recipes and how to pass them along. If you haven’t noticed, life is flying by. I am in my late 50s and I am really starting to think about what information I am leaving behind for my family. What are the important things to share? Have I shared them in a way that makes it easy for them to access? We have a basement wih lots of boxes full of documents and important information. And while that is its own project, what I am talking […]


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Valentine Freebie

Today on the podcast I am going to tell you about a freebie you don’t want to miss out on Hi! It’s Liz! And We’ve got a quick bonus episode for you – If you know us, you know we love to find fun ways to encourage you as you share your Hungarian heritage with the ones you love. And, with Valentine’s Day coming up, we thought we would share a little bit of Hungarian love with you! if you enjoy Hungarian folk art or you are playing around with the Hungarian language and you want to add something fun […]


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What is Hungarian Living?

What is Hungarian Living? On this episode of the podcast I am going to explain a bit about the concept behind the phrase Hungarian Living and why we use it. Hello! It’s Liz and today we are talking about the term “Hungarian Living”. Why we use it, what we mean by it, and why you might want to endeavor to add more Hungarian Living you’re your life! A little bit about my background. All of my great grandparents came from Hungary and three of my four grandparents were born there. Maintaining a connection to their Hungarian heritage was very natural […]


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Regions of Hungary: Treasures of the Countryside

Regions of Hungary: Treasures of the Countryside Hello! Hello! We will be doing a series of free online travel webinars. Have you registered yet? More details on this special opportunity coming up in this episode! Hey – It’s Liz with The Hungarian Living Podcast. If you are new around here, welcome. And if you have been here for the previous 88 episodes Thank you for hanging with me! Our topic today is our free Regions of Hungary: Treasures of the Countryside online Travel Webinar sessions. We will be doing two in January and two in February and we would love […]


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So you want to learn Hungarian!

So, you want to learn Hungarian? I don’t want to scare you away from this exciting challenge! Coming up in this episode of The Hungarian Living Podcast are some things you want to think about as you consider studying Hungarian. Welcome to The Hungarian Living Podcast. Yep, it has been a bit since we have released a new episode. We added so many new things to our Hungarian world over the last several years – which has been amazing and fun. And, we have more Hungarian projects coming up this year. So, we are excited. And we are also trying […]


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Let's Meet in Budapest

We’ll post the show notes soon!


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On the Road Getting to Hungary

After not traveling to or from Hungary since December 2019, I was pretty sure I had forgotten all my little tricks and tips for traveling. So, really, up until the last minute, I was adjust and readjusting what I was carrying along for the plane, what I was checking and all that stuff. I think I did ok. I arrived in one piece


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Our Tours to Hungary in 2024

If you have other areas of Hungary to visit on your mind, or you want a private tour, let’s talk! We know that sometimes our tour dates to not necessarily align with your available dates for travel. For example, maybe you are going on a cruise and your final stop is Budapest. You can extend your trip for a few days and we can find you a driver/guide who can get you to those important areas of Hungary you would like to visit. We can take care of all of those details and you can have the fun!


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On the Road New Jersey

We will be doing several podcasts on some of our road trips because we normally take quite a few of them and we always learn so much when we do and we thought it would be fun since summertime is typically the season for road trips!


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Our tours to Hungary and Transylvania

Hey there! You are listening to the Hungarian Living podcast where we explore all sorts of things that revolve around Hungarian heritage. Today we are talking a bit about tours to Hungary and Transylvania and, specifically, our tours to Hungary and Transylvania through our other business, Magyar Living Tours, so, stick around. Since we have […]


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Celebrate the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 9 Bonus

During the Christmas season in many families in Hungary, the Bethlehem players visit the homes of relatives and friends, bringing to them the story of Christmas. Each boy and girl has a special part in re-creating the Bethlehem scene.


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Celebrate the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 8

Tasting Hungarian food, hearing the Hungarian language, learning about Hungarian history or seeing Hungarian folkart patterns can spark curiosity and questions about heritage. You don’t have to know any of these things perfectly yourself to encourage others! When you share something that interests you, your excitement might draw others in. And from there you might find that it leads to an interest and from there you might find that someone becomes enthusiastic about discovering more.


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Celebrating the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 7

Episode 80 This is part 7 of the icipici series of Celebrating Christmas with Hungarian Style on the Hungarian Living Podcast. Food traditions are always important around the holidays. This episode has an observation and a little bit of encouragement to continue cooking Hungarian food and teaching others how to do it, too! Have you […]


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Celebrating the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 6

I encourage you to bake some of these cookies and invite some friends or cousins over for an adult mézeskalács decorating party. Of course, the kids can be a part of this too, but, sometimes its nice to have some mulled wine and have a creative party with some adults you enjoy spending time with!


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Celebrating the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 5

You might want to start a tradition of having palacsinta on Christmas morning or the day after Christmas or whenever you have special guests visiting from out of town. As far as I am concerned, palacsinta is good for any time!


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Celebrating the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 4

I grew up hearing lovely Christmas carols in Hungarian. I am sure hearing the sounds of Hungarian — and repeating them — has helped me in my pronunciation as I have been more intentional about learning Hungarian in the last several years. I am thankful my mom played these songs during the Christmas season every year. Hearing the songs brings back some nice memories.
