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Kendall Bookworms

Arts & Culture Podcasts

A podcast where two brothers discuss books that they love and the occasional book that missed the mark. We will deep dive into our thoughts about the books along with the themes and book group discussion points that we find pertinent. All the books will be spoiled; you have been warned.


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A podcast where two brothers discuss books that they love and the occasional book that missed the mark. We will deep dive into our thoughts about the books along with the themes and book group discussion points that we find pertinent. All the books will be spoiled; you have been warned.



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Bonus Episode; Another Fan Recommendation, Beyond the Wand

Today we have another fan recommendation! Sadly, it was a bit of a miss for Joe and Alex this time. Listen to how the brothers discuss how they are such book snobs that they couldn't get into something as interesting as a celebrity memoir. They do have a good time discussing it none the less. And they hope that they get more recommendations in the future. So don't feel shy giving us more books to read! Our next regularly scheduled book is going to be out June 5th. It is the children's book The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. So make sure that you have subscribed and get the updates on whatever podcast app that you use, so that you don't miss it. We hope that you enjoy this episode. You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; We are also finally getting onto YouTube. You can find our channel at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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The Liar Book Discussion

Welcome to our latest episode. For this month, Alex and Joe read a strange novel by one of Joe's favorite people of all time. We read The Liar by Stephen Fry. This is kind of a spy novel but not. It is also a coming of age novel, but again not. One thing that it is, is funny. Or at least Joe thinks that. Give us a listen to find out why Alex thinks otherwise. And see who you agree with by reading along with us. Next month will be another of Alex's picks. The critically acclaimed children's novel, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. That will be out June 5th. And don't forget to tune in on the 20th of every month for our bonus episodes. The one this month will be another fan recommendation. Excitement! Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; And now we have a Facebook Page. Check it out at; We have also started publishing all our audio files onto YouTube. If you would rather listen from there, the link is at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; Alex and Joe read a fan suggestion, The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

Hello all! Today's bonus episode was a fan suggestion. This super fan had the request that we read a lost classic called The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread by Don Robertson. This story is one of the novels that got the great Stephen King interested in writing. Give it a listen to see what two lesser known brothers think of it. Our next regularly scheduled book is going to be The Liar by another great Stephen. Stephen Fry that is. It will be out May 5th, so make sure you remember to give it a download so that we know that you guys are listening. We hope that you enjoy this episode. You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; We are also finally getting onto YouTube. You can find our channel at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Book Discussion

This month Alex and Joe discuss another controversial book. Today we are talking about The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. We don't delve too deeply into the controversy about the author, as neither of us looked too hard into it. It didn't really have much to do with the assigned reading. What we do discuss though, is how much we both enjoyed rereading this fun little story about an Indian leaving the reservation. We hope you get something out of this discussion also. Next month we will be reading The Liar by Stephen Fry. This is a Joe pick. It is a bit more of a complicated reading than this months read. But Joe believes a good change of pace. We will see what Alex has to say about that. And don't forget to be on the lookout for our "bonus" episode. We put those out on the 20th of every month. These are book discussions that are generated by other people. Some books we end up loving. Some we don't. Most of them we haven't read before, so it is always an exciting adventure for Joe and Alex to dive into none-the-less. Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; And now we have a Facebook Page. Check it out at; We have also started publishing all our audio files onto YouTube. If you would rather listen from there, the link is at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; Valliant Women with Becky Guest Hosting

For National Women's Month, we have a special book for everyone. Becky joins Joe to discuss the book Valliant Women by Lena Andrews. It is about the women that helped win World War Two; the brave women that broke tradition to assist our Soldiers and Marines and Navy in whatever capacity that they could. Becky gets her heckles up and Joe makes sure to needle her when appropriate. This one will teach everyone a lot of nearly forgotten and lost history. We highly recommend that people check this book out. Becky skipped a lot of the book, so more information can be delved into reading this one. Our next regularly scheduled book, The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, will be out on April 5th. So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it. We hope that you enjoy this episode. You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; We are also finally getting onto YouTube. You can find our channel at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Lamb Book Discussion

This month Joe and Alex discuss the book, Lamb, the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. This was Joe's pick. As he says, one of his top 5 books of all time. This is a controversial book about the "lost years" of Jesus and how he developed his teachings. A perfect book to read leading up to Easter this year, so you can really piss off your overly religious relatives as the heathen that you are. Also, Alex says like, like a million times. I had to give up editing them all out, otherwise I would still be working on that. If any of you are listening through Spotify, throw out a comment letting us know how many Alex still said in this podcast. Guilt him a little into trying to talk like an actual adult again please. Next month we will be discussing another controversial book. Alex is having us read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Our bonus episode this month, we will be joined again with everyone's favorite guest host, Becky. She will be doing a special talk on strong women in World War 2 as an homage Women's Month and all those women in our history that have sacrificed to get us to where we are today. Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; And now we have a Facebook Page. Check it out at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; Becky talks about two retellings of Cinderella

In this bonus episode, Becky was kind enough to join Joe again and discuss some fairytale retellings. Becky picked out two of her favorite childhood retellings, The Talking Eggs by Robert D. San Souci and Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters by John Steptoe. Becky has lots of questions about why we retell so many fairytales, and why so many are based on women. We would love to hear back from all of our listeners on their theories. At the end of this podcast, Joe's mic apparently decided to stop working correctly, and he was completely oblivious to it while it was happening. We apologize. We are trying to figure out what is going on. So please bear with it. We promise we have been better about catching it in other episodes. You can listen to the Myths and Legends Podcast episode that Joe mentioned about the Russian version of Cinderella at; Our next regularly scheduled episode will be Lamb by Christopher Moore. So stay tuned for that bag of fun. We hope that you enjoy this episode. You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts. We are also finally getting onto YouTube. You can find our channel at;


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Gone Baby Gone Book Discussion

This month Alex and Joe discuss the book, Gone Baby Gone by Denis Lehane. This is a crime thriller that takes place in '90s Boston. Both of us reflect on those simpler times and the tropes that these kinds of books loved to throw around back then. One thing that we had to keep reminding ourselves of, no cell phones. Oh how times have changed. Our next book we will be discussing will be Lamb by Christopher Moore. It is a controversial book and one of Joe's all time favorites. So we hope you read along with us for this one. As we know you all are doing anyways... Right? And don't forget to come back on the 20th for our next bonus episode. Joe promises that it is not a repeat of last months. No sexy talk at all. Other than whatever Becky jokingly says anyways. Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; And now we have a Facebook Page. Check it out at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; Stuffed with guests Becky and Megan

In this episode we have two very special guests today. Both our wives, Becky and Megan are here to discuss a book that Alex is calling the greatest classic since Gilgamesh and Joe thinks it as the dumbest thing ever written... We are talking about the book, Stuffed by Sylvia Morrow. 87 pages of pure hell. About a sentient pillow. And the love making that ensued. This is a smut book of the most embarrassing kind. And yes there are tentacles. Alex does believe that this podcast may be even better than the book. And he loved the book... Warning, this episode is meant for adults only. If you are under 18 please politely fuck off and listen to one of our other episodes. Our next episode is thankfully a normal book. We will be reading and discussing Gone Baby Gone by Denis Lehane. So please don't give up on us now and check that episode out when it gets posted. You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Stiff Book Discussion

This month Joe and Alex discuss the book Stiff by Mary Roach. They are joined by their favorite returning guest host, Becky. This was one of Becky's favorite teenage books. Yes, she is a little strange. But we all still love her. We talk about everyone's favorite subject, death. And more importantly, what to do with your body after you are no longer residing in it. Joe was shocked that he was the only one in the group that had thought about how they would like to be buried. Our next book that we will be discussing is Gone Baby Gone by Dennis Lehane. A fast paced mystery thriller that takes place in Boston. We would love to know how you want to be buried or have done to your cadaver. So let us know. You can email, comment or DM us at a variety of different locations that can be found below. And don't forget to keep your eyes out for our bonus episodes that get posted on the 20th of every month. This month's is going to be something that has scarred Joe deeply... Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; And now we have a Facebook Page. Check it out at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; Becky gives a talk about the book Peak

In this bonus episode, Becky has returned once again to discuss the book Peak by Roland Smith. She gives an in-depth overview of the book and gives us some of the prompts that she would give her middle school students. Joe and Becky discuss some of the ins and outs of climbing Everest. Neither of us are experts on the matter, so we apologize for all the details we got wrong. Our next episode will be the normally scheduled read along book with Alex and Joe. And who knows, Becky may be joining us again. We will be reviewing Stiff by Mary Roach. We hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bull Book Discussion

This month Alex and Joe discuss the Greek myth retelling, Bull, by David Elliot. It is a different kind of book. Completely told in poetic prose. The author is a local (to us) author that Alex was lucky enough to meet once. Listen to him geek out about this epic tale that looks at an old favorite from the point of views of some of the more minor characters and antagonists. Our next book is going to be Joe's pick. We will be reading Stiff; The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach. Becky will also be joining us at the start of the new year, since this was one of her favorite books from back when she was in high school. Also listen to our up coming bonus episode, where Becky leads a discussion with Joe on a book that she teaches in her classroom, Peak, by Roland Smith. All bonus episodes will be posted on the 20th of the month just as the regular feed episodes are always posted on the 5th of the month. So keep your eyes peeled for new episodes. Please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; And now we have a Facebook Page. Check it out at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; An Author Interview with Troy Farkas and his Book Surrender

Alex and Joe interview their first author! Local author Troy Farkas who recently published his debut self-help novel Surrender, A Guide to Living Your Best Life in Your Twenties was kind enough to sit down with us and discuss his book and his philosophy on life. If you are interested in buying this local (to us) author's book, you can find it at any bookstore or online. Amazon link below. If you would like to follow or contact Troy you can through his Instagram account @troy_farkas or find him on his YouTube page, He also has a podcast called The Found Generation, where he talks with friends and gives his thoughts on life in his twenties. Our regularly scheduled show, like always, will be on December 5th, where Alex and Joe discuss Bull by David Elliot. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! If you liked this episode and want more, let us know. We can be reached at: Our Instagram is; Our website is at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Night Watch Book Discussion

This month Alex and Joe discuss the absolutely hilarious book, Night Watch, by Sir Terry Pratchett. In this episode, Joe reads far too many quotes and gushes about how much he loves this book. Alex makes fun of his older brother for this shameful display of feelings while continuously repeating how this book is well done. Our next book is going to be a personal favorite for Alex. Bull by David Elliott. Elliott is a New Hampshire resident, so please help support him by buying this book if you are able. It is a little harder to find, but if you are willing to shop for it on Amazon, here is a link; Keep your eyes out for more bonus episodes. We are trying to up our production and get you guys more content if you want it. This book marks the halfway point for our first season of book reviews. As we said, please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; Hopscotch With Adam

In this bonus episode, Adam joins us against his will. He suggested this book, Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar. Alex and Joe do their best to describe this book to Adam, since Adam did not do his reading assignment. This book is interesting because there are multiple ways to read it, and Alex and Joe compare notes on the ways that they read the book. At times Adam even gets excited and joins in on the conversation. The next book for the normally scheduled show will be Night Watch by Terry Pratchett. If you liked this episode and want more, let us know. We can be reached at: Our Instagram is; Our website is at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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John Dies at the End Book Discussion

This month Alex and Joe talk about the hilarious horror novel, John Dies at the End, by Jason Pargin aka David Wong. In this book Alex and I try to tackle the craziness of the storyline. Honest. It's all over the place. We share our different theories on the many plot holes and strangeties (yes I know that is not a real word). Joe even gets Alex to pause and think deeply on the title. Our book for next month is on of Joe's picks, Night Watch by Sir Terry Pratchett. A comedy that takes place in the fabulous Disc world. Don't worry if you haven't read any of the other books, Pratchett does an amazing job making each and every book a stand alone book for ease of access for new readers. Keep your eyes out for more bonus episodes. We are trying to up our production and get you guys more content if you want it. As we said, please help us grow this podcast. The more listeners we get the more we can do. While Alex and Joe love talking books it is nice to know we aren't the only two out there blathering into the universe. If you would like to get ahold of us you can at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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Bonus Episode; A Lesson on Genres By Becky

This is our first bonus episode. I am proud to have Becky come back on and give us a rundown on the different genres in books and talking about some of her favorite books in these different genres. No Alex this episode, hope people aren't too disappointed. I apologize about the audio in some areas. Alex is the sound tech guy, and this being Joe's first solo gig, there were some technical difficulties. Also, as this is Becky's first episode, please be kind to her as you all were to Joe and Alex in their first episodes. We all promise, we will get better with time. The next book for the normally scheduled episode will be John Dies At The End by David Wong (Jason Pargin). We look forward to hearing from our audience for that book when the episode drops. If you liked this episode and want more, let us know. We can be reached at: Our Instagram is; Our website is at; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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The Winter People book discussion

This month Alex and Joe talk about one of Joe's picks. We talk about The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon. In this discussion we talk about zombie children and their peculiar tastes in human brains, McMahon's deft ability to create solid, complete characters that are interesting and complex, and how the author keeps the common genre of thriller/horror fresh and fun. A big difference from Joe's last pick. I apologize for the constant squeaking and creaking chair noises. We tried to record in a new location, and it didn't work out quite as well as we hoped. Next month will be in a better location. The book that Alex picks next month is going to be the hilarious, over-the-top, horror novel... John Dies at the End by David Wong (or Jason Pargin if you are buying a new copy). Joe also announces that they will begin posting Bonus Episodes. So keep your eyes peeled and subscribe so you don't miss out. With these bonus episodes, we would love to answer your questions or read your comments. Give shout outs to our listeners, so get in contact with us. Looking forward to hearing from you. You can contact us at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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A Clockwork Orange book discussion

This month Alex and Joe talk about the classic, A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess. In Alex's pick, we discuss many deep and scary topics, such as ultra-violence, free will, and child rape. So pull up your socks and be prepared to be horrified. In all seriousness, this conversation may trigger some people and is not appropriate for children. So be careful where you listen. Our book for next month is going to be Joe's choice. Something a little lighter. He has picked, The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon. Let us know what you think about the book and our conversation. You can reach us at; Our Instagram is; Alex has some self-published books. You can find those at; This podcast is hosted by podbean. Please check us out there and like and comment either there or where ever you listen to you podcasts.


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The Butcher and the Wren Book Discussion

Woof. This month Alex and Joe are talking about the book, The Butcher and the Wren by Alaina Urquhart, with guest visitor Rebecca. In Joe's pick, we discuss what makes this book such a disaster. Alex also dreams up a little competition that the three of us partake in. Come join us tear this book apart and try to figure out how Alaina could have made this a compelling book if she had only talked to us first. Maybe. Let us know if you agree with us or if you disagree with us in our assessment, and if you listen to Alaina's podcast, Morbid. You can reach us at or find us on @kendallbookworms on instagram. Hope you enjoyed the show. Next month we will be discussing Alex's pick, the classic, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Alex's self-published book can be found at:
