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Let Love Begin

Arts & Culture Podcasts

This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the recovering broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm with or without a partner. The purpose of this podcast is to help YOU heal, open your heart, and let love begin so YOU can thrive and taste all that life has to offer. As someone who lost years to grief, I know the value of unpacking and shifting through our pain to break through and reach new places in our mind and outlook. Each episode will provide insights around a specific topic so that you can pick and choose depending on where you're at in your journey and what can be applied to your life. Sometimes we don’t need an elaborate lesson; it can be just a few words of comfort or listening to someone else’s story to show us that it's possible. Our goal is for you to wake up every day excited about the possibilities and loving the skin you’re in — not just because of the way you look, but because you’re living your healthiest life, mentally and physically, and being the best version of yourself with or without a partner.


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This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the recovering broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm with or without a partner. The purpose of this podcast is to help YOU heal, open your heart, and let love begin so YOU can thrive and taste all that life has to offer. As someone who lost years to grief, I know the value of unpacking and shifting through our pain to break through and reach new places in our mind and outlook. Each episode will provide insights around a specific topic so that you can pick and choose depending on where you're at in your journey and what can be applied to your life. Sometimes we don’t need an elaborate lesson; it can be just a few words of comfort or listening to someone else’s story to show us that it's possible. Our goal is for you to wake up every day excited about the possibilities and loving the skin you’re in — not just because of the way you look, but because you’re living your healthiest life, mentally and physically, and being the best version of yourself with or without a partner.



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Understanding Why Some Loves Are Harder To Let Go Of

Did you know that there are scientific reasons why certain loves are more challenging to move on from? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, who are ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Lindsay Weisner, a clinical psychologist, host of the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast, and co-author of the book, Ten Steps to Finding Happy. Join us as we explore the intricacies of love, breakups, and the psychological factors that contribute to why some relationships are harder to let go of than others. From coping mechanisms to debunking misconceptions about recovering from heartbreak, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for anyone dealing with the complexities of love and loss.


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How An Abandoned Wife Can Learn To Trust Again

Are you feeling lost and heartbroken after being left by your spouse, making it hard to trust again? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, who are ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we speak with Vikki Stark, a family psychotherapist with over thirty years of experience. She is not only an expert in divorce recovery, and the author of Divorce: How to Tell the Kids, Runaway Husbands, and My Sister, but she is also someone who has experienced wife abandonment. Tune in to receive practical advice and strategies for coping with feelings of injustice, rebuilding trust, and gradually opening up to new connections, while prioritizing self-care and growth.


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3 Questions To Ask Before Deciding To End A Relationship!

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads in your relationship, wondering whether or not it's time to leave? It's a tough decision that many of us face at some point in our lives. This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, who are ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Lindsay Jernigan, a licensed clinical psychologist and master therapist with a wealth of experience in emotional resilience, relationships, and personal evolution. Tune in to gain clarity and understanding about your relationship journey. Whether you're seeking to improve your current relationship or contemplating a new chapter away from it, Dr. Jernigan's wisdom will inspire and empower you to make informed decisions for your emotional well-being and happiness.


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The Unconscious Ways You Might Be Blocking Intimacy

Are you feeling stuck in your relationship, unable to reach the level of intimacy you are really looking for? Perhaps unconscious factors are hindering your ability to connect with your partner on a deeper level. This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, who are ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we speak with Sandra Harewood, a Soul-Centred couples therapist, counselor, and Jungian Shadow Work coach. Tune in to shed light on the unconscious barriers to intimacy and relationship dynamics and discover practical steps to foster true connection with your partner.


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Understanding Narcissistic Abuse and Trauma Bonding

Are you struggling to break free from the grip of narcissistic abuse and trauma bonding? Have you found yourself questioning your own reality and judgments because of constant gaslighting and emotional manipulation? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, who are ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we speak with Tanya Wilson, a compassionate and experienced psychotherapist, dedicated to helping individuals recover from narcissistic abuse. Tune in to learn the common signs of narcissistic abuse, how trauma bonding develops in the context of narcissistic relationships, and the steps people can take to begin the process of healing and recovery.


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Gaslighting: What Is It And Is It Happening To Me?

Are you unsure if you're experiencing gaslighting in your relationship? Wondering how to regain your self-esteem and self-worth after emotional manipulation? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, who are ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we meet Dr. Amelia Kelley, a trauma-informed therapist and author of Gaslighting Recovery for Women: The Complete Guide to Recognizing Manipulation and Achieving Freedom from Emotional Abuse. Join us as we explore the insidious nature of gaslighting, how it manifests in different types of relationships, and practical strategies to heal and reclaim your self-worth.


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Breakup Recovery: When Does Sadness Become Depression?

Ever questioned whether your post-breakup sadness is becoming something more? Feeling stuck in the grief process unable to move on? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. In this episode, we're speaking with Dr. Deborah Serani, a renowned psychologist, esteemed professor, and award-winning author with over 30 years of experience in the field of mental health. Join us as we explore how to recognize when sadness becomes depression and how to take positive steps toward healing.


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Emotionally Naked Dating: Navigating The Modern Dating World with Lisa Shield

Are you tired of the same old dating advice? Are you a woman over 35 who's navigating the modern dating world and facing unique challenges? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Lisa Shield, a love, dating, and heart-opening expert with nineteen years of experience. Lisa has a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a certified life and relationship coach who also trained with Don Miguel Ruiz. Join us as we explore the concept of getting emotionally naked – being authentic, open, and vulnerable in your dating journey.


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The Break-Up Effect: Grieving The Life You Thought You Might Have

Are you struggling to move on after a breakup because you can't let go of the future you envisioned with your ex? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Dale Hicks is an experienced counselor and therapist who discusses strategies to process the loss of dreams, plans and hopes for the future with your former partner. Join us as Dale provides guidance on setting boundaries through difficulties such as family pressuring you to reunite, dividing friend groups, and coping healthily with intense emotions.


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Can I Transform My Current Relationship with Dr. Julie Shafer

Have you ever experienced feelings of resentment, isolation, and frustration in your relationship, hoping for a healthier connection? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted, ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Dr. Julie Shafer, a Portland psychologist who has helped hundreds of people improve their relationships and lives through her down-to-earth, personal style. Today, we discuss the key principles for creating meaningful connections, fostering self-awareness, and cultivating compassion for both yourself and your partner. Join us in this journey of feeling seen, heard, and understood within your relationships.


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Age-Gap Relationships: Is Age Just A Number with Dr. Sarah Hill

Are you a single woman dismissing potential lovers just because of their age? Are you using age as an excuse to not date, meet new people, or give love a second chance? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Dr. Sarah Hill, an award-winning research psychologist and professor with expertise in women’s health and sexual psychology. Today, we discuss the benefits, challenges, and misconceptions associated with age-gap relationships. Join us to learn more about why age is just a number when it comes to love.


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The Unloving Things We Do When We’re Scared with Dr. Erica Goodstone

Have you found yourself behaving in unloving ways in your relationship to keep a partner, to feel loved and accepted, only to feel frustrated? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Dr. Erica Goodstone, a Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Today, we discuss what love is and isn’t so that we can begin to trust our own sense of what we truly desire and ultimately behave in ways that attract it.


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How To Maintain Boundaries While Keeping An Open Heart

Are you ready to stop people-pleasing and putting your needs last in all of your relationships? Have you set boundaries before but failed to communicate them or implement them? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Marla Martenson, an award-winning author, spiritual life coach, matchmaker, energy healer, and intuitive reader. Today, we discuss how having boundaries improves your life, makes you healthy, creates better relationships, and makes you confident while not settling for less.


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How To Keep An Open Heart When Dating Exhaustion Sets In

Is the pressure to find ‘the one’ stealing the joy and fun out of dating? Are you experiencing early signs of swipe fatigue? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Julia Bendis, a third-generation matchmaker, author, and relationship and dating educator, specializing in intimacy, dating, and relationship coaching. Today, we’ll discuss how to date, set boundaries, and recognize when exhaustion is kicking in, so we can learn to recharge, regroup, and keep our hearts open.


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Post-Breakup Blues - Where Are All The Good Partners?

Are you questioning why you should try dating when you are only attracting the wrong kind of people? Have you convinced yourself that all the good people are taken? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the recovering broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Charlene Byars, a relationship expert, and dating and love coach. She is also a certified empowerment coach through the S.W.A.T. Institute. Today, we discuss empowering techniques on how to approach dating to attract and find the right partner.


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The Role Trust Plays In Our Ability To Love Again

Are you in an unhappy relationship, or feeling that your partner is pulling away from you due to your needy, suspicious, or controlling tendencies? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Kiri Honey, an educator, biz owner, wife, and mother, passionate about empowering mums with the tools they need to have stronger relationships than they did before having kids. Today, we discuss how an affair was the catalyst for Kiri to transform her life and rebuild trust within herself and her marriage and find the ability to love once more.


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Perception Vs Reality: How To Make Sense Of The Breakup

Is the perception of the break-up not matching the reality of what actually happened, keeping you stuck and unable to move on? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Elizabeth Overstreet, a relationship coach, and love strategist who helps her clients prepare for, find, and nurture healthy relationships. Today, we discuss how during a breakup choosing to focus on reality, rather than perception, can help us heal and move forward.


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Letting go is a process, but how do we start?

You finally recognize that holding on to past memories of what the relationship was, the pain, and limiting beliefs are not serving you. You are ready to let go with an open heart, but.. how do you start? This is Let Love Begin, a podcast for the recovering broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm for life. Meet Jill Sherer, a TEDx speaker, author, influencer, blogger, coach, and founder of Let Go For It℠. Today, we discuss how women can let go of what’s holding them back - so they can embrace the big wild love that’s waiting for them out there.


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Welcome to The Let Love Begin Podcast!

Dealing with heartbreak? Seeking to heal and open your heart again? This one's for you! Introducing the Let Love Begin podcast, a podcast for the recovering broken-hearted ready to heal and reclaim their enthusiasm with or without a partner! Join host Talia from Rebel Love on a transformative journey of healing, self-discovery, and finding love again. 🌟 Our NEW TRAILER is out now! Get a sneak peek into the powerful conversations, heartfelt stories, and expert insights that await you. It's time to let go of the past and embrace the love-filled future you deserve!
