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The Membership IQ with Sarah Sladek

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Membership strategy. How much do we really know about it? Membership is not a recognized subject of expertise. There are no degrees, defined requirements, career paths, educational tracks, or training programs. Membership organizations employ millions of people and generate billions in revenue, yet the strategies essential to membership engagement and growth have remained largely unknown, overlooked, guessed, or left to chance. Until now. The Membership IQ is a podcast dedicated to helping association executives and membership professionals adapt to change, create cultures of belonging, engage younger generations, and realize growth. Now you can get smart about what's actually causing membership disengagement and decline and learn the strategies key to success. Tune in to hear Sarah Sladek share research-based quick tips and join the global community of listeners dedicated to raising their Membership IQ! New podcasts added twice a month.


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Membership strategy. How much do we really know about it? Membership is not a recognized subject of expertise. There are no degrees, defined requirements, career paths, educational tracks, or training programs. Membership organizations employ millions of people and generate billions in revenue, yet the strategies essential to membership engagement and growth have remained largely unknown, overlooked, guessed, or left to chance. Until now. The Membership IQ is a podcast dedicated to helping association executives and membership professionals adapt to change, create cultures of belonging, engage younger generations, and realize growth. Now you can get smart about what's actually causing membership disengagement and decline and learn the strategies key to success. Tune in to hear Sarah Sladek share research-based quick tips and join the global community of listeners dedicated to raising their Membership IQ! New podcasts added twice a month.



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AI Won’t Save Your Association! | The REAL Fix for Membership Growth

In this episode of Membership IQ, tune in to learn why Sarah Sladek thinks “band-aids” like Artificial Intelligence aren't the key to membership growth.


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Cheers to Commitment! | Avoiding 'Hold My Beer' Leadership

In this episode of the Membership IQ, tune in to hear Sarah Sladek explain how cultivating a lackadaisical "Hold my beer" attitude within organizational leadership is dangerous. And why organizations should hold different expectations of their board, staff, and volunteers.


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Crisis Happens! | How to be an Umbrella for your Members

This episode of the Membership IQ, Sarah details her own personal and professional experience with “crisis mode”. She also shares how leveraging stakeholders can be the key to making it through the storm.


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I Was Invited To The White House! | Why Invitations Work

Welcome back! In this episode, Sarah shares her story of receiving an exclusive invitation to attend the Inaugural White House Business Leaders Summit! She had the opportunity to meet with senior Presidential advisors to discuss current issues businesses - especially small businesses, are facing today. Sarah has observed that after COVID-19, the exclusive invitation has been largely phased out and replaced by digital meetings. Learn how research highlights the importance of the invitation and how it can create unique value for your organization. After all, there is nothing more amazing than getting an exclusive invitation!


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The Greater Good in Membership

Join Sarah Sladek on this lively episode of The Membership IQ! Discover the emotional side of member engagement as Sarah shares her story of splurging on fabulous tortoise earrings and the buyer’s remorse that turned into a feel-good moment supporting a community cause. Learn how to elevate your association's marketing by highlighting the greater good your members contribute to. Packed with practical tips and engaging insights, this episode will inspire you to transform your approach to membership engagement and leave your members feeling proud and connected. Don't miss out on this fun and insightful conversation!


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Why Membership Declines and How to Bring Them Back

Welcome back to The Membership IQ Podcast! Get ready for an eye-opening episode where Sarah Sladek dives into the world of membership. Today, things look a bit different—Sarah’s got her shirt and earrings on backwards, all to emphasize a critical point. Introducing her new book, The Member Shift: Why Members Leave and the Strategy to Bring Them Back, Sarah shares why it’s crucial to rethink how we approach membership. Reflecting on the trends since 1994, Sarah discusses the decline in association membership and the urgent need for change. Tune in to discover strategies for revitalizing engagement and reversing membership declines. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion.


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Unlocking Membership Engagement - It’s NOT a Product (Season 2 Episode 11)

Join host Sarah Sladek on a journey to unlock membership engagement and understand the profound difference between treating memberships like mere products and recognizing them as emotional commitments. Through candid discussions and expert insights, we explore how membership isn't just a transaction but an opportunity to foster deep connections, a sense of belonging, and true ownership. Discover the power of emotional engagement and revolutionize your approach to membership, ensuring lasting retention and growth. Tune in to 'Unlocking Membership Engagement - It’s NOT a Product' and embark on a transformative membership journey like never before.


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Recession-Proof Membership: The 80% Difference (Season 2 Episode 10)

In this episode of Membership IQ, join host Sarah Sladek as she delves into the crucial topic of thriving through recessions within membership organizations. With her wealth of experience in working with associations, Sarah sheds light on the often overlooked 80% principle – a strategy that could make all the difference during economic downturns. She emphasizes the significance of focusing 80% of resources, time, and energy exclusively on members, fostering a strong membership culture and experience. By prioritizing members' needs and continuously providing value, associations can weather the storm of recessions and even see an increase in membership during crisis periods. Sarah's insights and practical advice on implementing a successful membership strategy make this episode a must-listen for anyone involved in membership organizations, whether they're currently facing a recession or preparing for the future. Tune in and get smart about membership strategies that stand the test of economic challenges.


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Failure... *Soooo* Delicious!: Embracing Innovation in Associations (Season 2 Episode 9)

Welcome to "Failure... *Soooo* Delicious!: Embracing Innovation in Associations," the Membership IQ podcast hosted by Sarah Sladek. In this unscripted and authentic show, Sarah explores the power of failure and how it can drive innovation and growth within associations. Join her as she shares personal anecdotes, including a personal conversation with an association CEO, and discusses the benefits of taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Get ready to mix up a steaming hot bowl of failure and uncover the hidden opportunities it holds. Bon appetit!


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Breaking Barriers: The Path to Inclusive Associations (Season 2 Episode 8)

Join Sarah Sladek, recently recognized as a Woman Who Advances Associations, as she delves deep into the challenges of discrimination, from gender to age, and explores the progress made so far. From outdated bylaws to personal experiences, she uncovers the need for true cultural change within associations and go beyond token recognition. It's time to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion in every aspect and at every level of your organization. Tune in to gain insights, challenge norms, and embark on the transformative journey toward a truly inclusive society.


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Global Challenges, Shared Solutions (Season 2 Episode 7)

Join host Sarah Sladek on an insightful journey as she explores the impact of globalization and technology on membership associations on this episode of the Membership IQ podcast. Discover how associations worldwide are facing similar challenges, from engaging younger generations to addressing the workforce crisis. Through compelling anecdotes about her experiences in Holland and the lessons learned from the beloved Stroopwafel, Sarah emphasizes the need for associations to adapt and modernize in a rapidly changing marketplace. Gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to meet the expectations of members in an interconnected world. It's time to step up, break free from outdated models, and shape the future of associations.


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Ghosts and Legends (Season 2 Episode 6)

Join Sarah Sladek on the Membership IQ podcast, where you'll learn how to improve your membership game. From overcoming fears and obstacles (such as Sarah's first time snorkeling) to achieving success, she shares her expertise and insights to help associations and organizations reach their full potential. Tune in to hear about the Ghosts and Legends exercise, best practices, and inspiring stories of membership triumph.


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Pins and Ribbons and Certificates, Oh My!: Creating a Culture of Recognition (Season 2 Episode 5)

In this episode, Sarah talks about how membership has evolved over the years and how recognition plays a crucial role in it. She shares her own experience of receiving a pin for her 10th anniversary of membership, which made her think about the lack of outreach by the association towards its members. Tune in to learn more about the importance of recognition and how it can impact membership! #MembershipIQ #Recognition #MembershipEvolution


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Embrace Change, or Be Left Behind (Season 2 Episode 4)

We are in an era of disruption. Our models, hierarchies, and practices are being called into question because there is a call for change. Our world is becoming more individualized, more diverse. In this week’s episode of the MIQ, I’m sharing best practices for how your organization can embrace change in this fluid environment. Visit us at


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Gen X Marks the Spot! (Season 2 Episode 3)

In my work as a researcher and consultant, I’ve found that nearly all associations have struggled to attract Gen-Xers. To understand why we need to look at how this generation came of age and what they value most. In this week’s episode of the MIQ, I’m sharing three ways to start engaging this generation and the important role they play in your organization’s future. Visit us at


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Forecasting for the Future: How to Prepare for (and Embrace!) Change (Season 2 Episode 2)

How do you approach change? With acceptance - or something quite the opposite? In this episode of the Membership IQ podcast, Sarah Sladek uses the weather as a metaphor for the many unexpected, uncontrollable changes that occur in our lives. She reminds her audience that resistance to change is not only futile but creating a culture of resistance also creates many problems within the organization. To optimize your association’s forecast, it’s time to accept change! Visit us at


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Messaging That Matters to Your Members (Season 2 Episode 1)

Messaging matters! In this week’s episode of the Membership IQ, Sarah Sladek explains how some associations are giving members and prospective members the wrong impression. Drawing upon her work as a former journalist and member strategist, she shares examples of messaging and marketing tactics that tend to backfire - and which ones work effectively! Sladek reminds her audience of association leaders they are always on stage, representing the association's membership and brand. Visit us at


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New, Now, Next: A Successful Strategy for Membership Growth (Season 1 Episode 27)

As the expression goes, “hindsight is 2020.” We’ve learned a lot in the past few years about how to pivot, but has it informed what your association is doing to plan ahead? In this week’s episode of the Membership IQ, I share a valuable exercise that has helped countless organization leaders improve their overall vision. You’ll learn how, with a few simple steps, you can be better prepared for what lies ahead and be the go-to resource for your members. Visit us at


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Modernizing Your Mentality: Advocacy and Superheroes (Season 1 Episode 26)

As an association leader, advocating for your organization is one of your top priorities. What many associations don’t realize is that advocacy as we once knew it may not be as effective anymore. Young people today are approaching problems as social entrepreneurs, building a following through grassroots activism, social media, and online platforms. Not all heroes wear capes, and your NextGen members are truly the unsung heroes of your operation. As such, they should play an integral role in your advocacy efforts - listen in to this week’s episode to learn how you can leverage their superpowers! Visit us at


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Elevate and Appreciate: Creating the Perfect Membership Experience (Season 1 Episode 25)

Many association leaders don’t realize it, but being mindful of your members’ experiences is the secret to growing your community. This week, I’m sharing five key ways that your association can curate a unique, memorable membership experience that will make your organization stand out in the marketplace, attracting members that will continually reinvest in all you have to offer. Visit us at
