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Project Blue Book Value

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Welcome to Project Blue Book Value! There are so many (alien) conspiracies out there and very little time to spend on them all. Don't waste your time looking them all up, let us do it for you! We can give you the proper Project Blue Book Value on the conspiracy and let you know if it is worth looking it up while you are bored at work.


United States


Welcome to Project Blue Book Value! There are so many (alien) conspiracies out there and very little time to spend on them all. Don't waste your time looking them all up, let us do it for you! We can give you the proper Project Blue Book Value on the conspiracy and let you know if it is worth looking it up while you are bored at work.



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Malmstrom & Norman Bergrun

We interrupt our regularly scheduled book interview to bring you a few fun topics. Adam takes you to Montana to explore the incident at the Malmstrom base. After that flight, it is time to head to the library to learn about a book telling us about what's in space. I think.


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How to Defend Yourself from Alien Abductions Pt. 4

We are still at it. Three more steps on How to Defend Yourself from Alien Abductions. This is marathon that we will complete! No quitters here as we bring you the knowledge you deserve. We are so close, you can feel the excitement.


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How to Defend Yourself from Alien Abductions Pt. 3

It is time to cover a few more steps on how to defend yourself from Alien Abductions. How deep will this rabbit hole go? Will Robin & Adam ever get to the final one? If you have used any of these techniques, we'd love to know how they worked out for you!


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How to Defend Yourself from Alien Abductions Pt. 2

Now that the Preface is out of the way, Robin can take us through the first three ways to defend yourself against Alien Abductions according to Ann Druffel. Buckle in for a long one folks! If you have used any of these techniques, we'd love to know how they worked out for you!


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Book Review: How to Defend Yourself from Alien Abductions Pt. 1

Robin has finished digging into a book and is making good on her promise to bring you our very first book review. It is none other than "How to Defend Yourself from Alien Abductions" by Ann Druffel. There is a lot of informaiton packed in this 260 page book that we felt it vital to report on it in multiple parts!


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Maury Island Incident/Stephenville, TX Lights

Welcome to another exciting episode where Adam takes you to two locations. First to the Pacific Northwest to look into the Maury Island Incident that may or may not contain sensitive subject matters. Then we fly down to Stephenville, TX to hear about something a little more recent with the lights they had. Keeping with the media-related fun times this season, Adam recommends two quick video games related to topics that have and haven't been discussed in previous episodes. Lastly, we introduce a new segment at the end that we are sure you will enjoy so don't miss it!


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Hessadalen & Min Min Lights/Nope Review

Adam and Robin are back with a brand new season! First we have Adam watching the Netflix movie Blasted, doing a mini-review, and looking into the real life phenomenon that the movie was inspired by. Then Robin brings on a guest (co-host Ryan from The Real Monster Is...) to talk about and analyze the Nope. Hope you enjoy this extra long episode to make up for the hiatus between seasons!


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Alien Implants Part 1: Origins

Join Adam and the mainly tangents on the adventure of discovering the first reporting of Alien Implants. There is some current event info in there two and of course talks about what you can look forward to in the next season in this season finale. Send us your Alien Implant stories to @PBBValue on social media accounts.


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Varginha UFO Incident & Magé, Brazil

Adam takes us to South America to take a look at what happened in 1996 with the Varginha UFO Incident. He then stays in Brazil to look at what happened in Magé and the lights seen in the sky. What is going on in that country?


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Graham Hancock/More Tactical Tim/Retired Richard

Adam unfortunately didn't deactive his Gaia account again and had trouble tracking down legitimate leads so he watched two episodes on Gaia. One about he thinks was supposed to be about technology of gods but the other was about time travel. But have no fear, the Gaia account has officially been deactivated.


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Robing has been dying to know some things about Ufology and how one becomes one. Get the details on this higher education opportunity! Adam brings supplies the current event that is fun. We expect to see some cards soon!


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Tactical Advisor Tim/Follow-Ups

Adam forgot to cancel his Gaia account so he watched some videos interviewing a man that goes by Tim, a Tactical Advisor. It is a long, strange journey that Tim via Adam takes us on. And then Robin has some fun follow ups to previous topics that you don't want to miss!


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David Adair

Let's go back to 1970-something, I think, to learn about David Adair. Adam shares what he has learned about this man, libraries, Nascar, interesting findings, numbers, and a lot more.


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War of the Worlds

Safe to guess that we all have at least heard of the War of the Worlds, but do you know what actually happened? Robin digs into this historic broadcast including the creation, the panic of the people, and more! Yes, there is War of the Worlds spoilers in this episode. Have you listened to the broadcast?


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Scott C. Waring & Movie Reviews?

Taking a look at some "current events," Adam has come across Scott C. Waring, his blog, and his evidence of life on other planets, the moon, and here on Earth. Let's see what this is all about before talking about some recent movies (Cosmic Dawn & Moonfall) and whether you should check them out or not. Appropriate denotation of spoilers are made.


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Pascagoula Abduction

Teased about it before, Adam is bring you another UFO sighting/alien abduction story but in the south! What happened with Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker at this incident and should we be worried? Have any UFO/UAP stories? Send them are way so we can take a look!


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NUFORC - National UFO Reporting Center

New Year/Episode brings a new current event and Robin diving into uncharted waters of NUFORC or the National UFO Reporting Center! What is going on with this Peter Davenport and this organization? How can this operation run?


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Jim Dilettoso

You loved him from the Phoenix Lights, but why is Jim Dilettoso such a big UFO advocate and what UFO incidents does he advocate for? Adam takes a dive into his background to see if it is the deep end for exploring or a kiddy pool to hit his head on!


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Phoenix Lights

Following one source of lights in the sky, we now head out to Phoenix, Arizona to explore more lights in the sky! Not actually explore, you know...internet research. What happened back then with all those mysterious lights that could be seen across state lines? Have you seen mysterious lights in the sky? Or are familiar with radar? Let us know about them!


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Terry Lovelace & the Incident at Devil's Den

Adam stumbled across an interesting testimony that made him want to learn more! A search for more information was made for this newly reported incident without having to read a book. It is out there if you look hard what did happen at Devil's Den? Join us to find out as well as one of our many tangents!
