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Prose and Cons

Fantasy & Science Fiction Podc

This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction: Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. Our first anthology is available now! "The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection". Find it in ebook or paperback: Reach out to us at:




This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction: Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. Our first anthology is available now! "The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection". Find it in ebook or paperback: Reach out to us at:



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Absolute Prose Highlights: How to Break a Story

Some lovely new discussions are on the horizon as the team has been quite busy off in the writing world. In the time being, Phoenix has selected one of his favourite episodes; if you're in the early drafting stages or the developmental stage of your manuscript, this is definitely worth a listen. Why can't we just give our character a magic wand and be done with it? Nothing says we can't, but will it be good? Or will it completely ruin the story? In this episode, Ally, Matan, Phoenix, Paddy, and James look at all the ways to rip, tear, break, and shatter a story. We get into all sorts of stuff, such as: - Shock factor done well vs. done not so well. - How to create meaning and avoid making things feel meaningless. - James's tenuous relationship with vomit zombies. A special shout-out to "Cardinal West" on YouTube for his amazing analysis of Zuko's story from Avatar the Last Airbender. Patrick Rothfuss, if you're listening, small trigger warning for you on this one. You're great, but a little bit of blood was drawn. Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Absolute Prose Highlights: All Storytelling is Wrestling

We're back with another Absolute Prose classic episode: Ally's sensational "All Storytelling is Wrestling" ep! WrestleMania 39 was on the horizon, and the producers here at Precipice Fiction Inc. felt it was time to unleash Ally's true form on the world. A writer behind the keyboard, a slayer in the analysis of storytelling tools used in the WWE, Ally leads a willing, yet maybe slightly nervous, team into the unknown world of wrestling in this special extended episode—Ally had a lot to say, Phoenix took notes. We went over: Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Writing Techniques

James, Matan and Alex sit down to answer the the question what are their favourite techniques - both to read and to write. Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Film and Multi-media Madness: Precipice Interview with Alexandria Burnham

Hot take time! Get ready for your exclusive guided tour through Ally’s career as a writer, what got her started, what she’s up to, and what’s coming next. For anyone pursuing a career in film or finding an identity as a multi-media writer, you’re sure to find some excellent nuggets in this one. STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 0 TODAY, 90 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Books That Blew Our Minds

Have you ever read a book that completely rocked the axis on which you read and consider literature? Well, here's four of them! Today, Alex, Paddy, James and Matan recount four books that have changed them as readers and writers. Please be aware there are significant spoilers for the following books: Never Let Me Go - Kasuo Ishagura The Girl With All The Gifts - M. R. Carey Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand Wolf Hall (the trilogy) - Hilary Mantel So if you haven't read these books, do yourself a favour and go out and read them before listening to this episode. Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Why characters need to fail (before they can soar)

Counterintuitive as it may seem, sometimes our protagonists need to fall flat on their face and fail. After all, what's an epic journey without setbacks? In today's episode, Matan, Ally and James examine character failure and why it's often so necessary for an effective story. Join us as we explore the why's and how's of failures, what makes a story's failure effective (and what can make it ineffective), and round it all out with the mighty Game of Fails! STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 0 TODAY, 90 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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The Hero's Journey

Follow the white rabbit. To where is it hippity hoppiting? Through the mono-myth we go, Where all threads are spun. Sorry, I don’t know what came over me just then. Anyway, welcome to Prose & Cons! On today’s episode, Paddy takes James, Alex, and Ally through the Hero’s Journey (name used in a gender-neutral context), the map over which it’s said that all stories are written. Whether you’re entirely unfamiliar with it or have heard of it but don’t know the exact breakdown, they’ve got you covered, going through, step by step, and looking at how it applies to some popular titles such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and, primarily, The Matrix. Some highlights: If you have any questions, or maybe have interest in hearing a breakdown of the 17-point hero’s journey, let us know by following the link below. STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 0 TODAY, 90 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Mail time! Ask Us Anything (Pt. 2)

Part two of our vaunted Mailbag episode! This part definitely occurred on a different day and we're certainly not all delerious from three hours of podcasting. So enjoy this entirely hinged and sane second part of our mailbag episode! STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 1 TODAY, 90 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Mail time! Ask us anything (Pt. 1)

And like Christmas, it's finally here! The long-awaited Precipice Listener Questions episode, where we huddle around the ol' Precipice mailbag and draw out your letters, answering questions on writing, editing, publishing, collaboration and more. We had so many that we've decided to make this a two-parter, so stay tuned for Mail Time pt. 2! Got a question you'd like to send us? Shoot it through via the contact link below, and let us know if you'd be ok with us reading it out on the next mailbag ep! (Be sure to let us know if you're ok with us using your real name, or give us a fun pseudonym to use instead.) Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Avatar: Original vs. Netflix

Netflix's live-action reimagining of the beloved series Avatar: The Last Airbender is fresh out of the stables, which leads us to the question: how well does the new version hold up? Today we examine this adaptation of a classic series: narrative, character, translation of setting, the nature and purpose of action scenes - nothing will go unexamined! Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Non-linear Narrative

And then James said, “I think that’s it.” And we all said our goodbyes. But for this to make sense, let’s go back a bit, back to the beginning. In this episode of Prose and Cons, James, Alex, and Phoenix talk about non-linear storytelling—stories where the end is the beginning or sometimes there are new beginnings that come in the middle. They'll talk through numerous examples as well as touch on some traps to watch out for if you yourself are planning on telling a story this way. If you want to look into some of the books and things talk about, they are as follows: STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 1 TODAY, 89 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Absolute Prose Highlights: Imposter Syndrome

This marks the 6th and final episode of our Absolute Prose run. This final highlight selection was made by – last but not least – Phoenix. Imposter syndrome is something that has plagued more or less everybody at some point in their lives in some form or another. If you've not felt it, that's fantastic – keep doing what you're doing. If you have felt it, you are far from alone. This is one of the things that a writing group, or community in general, can help a lot with. Kick back and enjoy our little sharing circle. After all, sometimes we feel like pro(se), and sometimes we really do feel like cons. Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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The Precipice crew -- and nearly a full house too -- get back to basics, talking about the specifics of how we use language to convey meaning in our work. I'm talking all the hits: metaphor, simile, alliteration, personification. How can you make the most of the basic building blocks of text to the greatest effect in your work? Stick around and you'll find out. STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 5 TODAY, 88 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Absolute Prose Highlights: Critiquing Critiques

Here's we revisit an old episode where we take a look at some classics of writing advice and really break them down. If you're new to writing and just getting back some advice for the first time, it's a great place to start. Enjoy! Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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How To Write Comedy

Three authors walk into a podcast... BA DOOM TING! That's right today we're talking about comedy and where to find it's beats. What makes something funny? Is it the straight man and the wildcard? Is it finding humour in the mundane? Is it simple contrast? ...Yes! Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Absolute Prose Highlights: The Great Precipice Villain Draft

Today's classic episode is our deep dive into all things VILLANOUS! A great villain is a wonderful thing, and some of the most classic, memorable characters in fiction have been baddies. But what makes a villain tick? What makes a villain effective as a character? And why did Alex think he could nominate a hotel as one of his picks in the Great Precipice Villain Draft? The answer is he can't; nominating a hotel is cheating. Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Building tension with Clocks and Guns

Ever written a story that feels flat? Or maybe doesn't quite feel like it's going anywhere? Ever struggled with a story's end or big climax? Today on the pod we have a pair of excellent techniques to help you build tension, work towards the climax, and keep your story moving in an exciting direction. Special thanks to Chuck Palahniuk for the inspiration for this episode. Check out his blog at STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 1 TODAY, 83 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Absolute Prose Highlights: Creativity

This is a rerun of Ally Burnham's fascinating look into what makes the creative mind tick and how to give it a bit of a kickstart if you're feeling stuck. This was a popular episode among the Precipice crew so if you haven't heard it, it's worth a listen! Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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(Un)disputed Classics

One of the very best ways to improve your own writing is to read the classics - those works of literature that, despite being written decades (or even hundreds of years) ago are still read, resonant, and selling copies in the 21st century. In this episode of Prose and Cons, we give you our personal favourite classic works: books that have both stood the test of time and taught us to write better. STEPHEN KING REFERENCE COUNTER: 1 TODAY, 82 TOTAL Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:


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Absolute Prose Highlights: The House of the Dragon

For those of you who haven't been listening for long, this is a rerun of one of our classic episodes. Ally's pick for a rerun is our House of the Dragon episode. Here we take a look at the first episode of the HBO adaption of George R. R. Martin's Fire and Blood. Some of us know a lot about it and are keen to share that knowledge, some of us are just along for the ride. If you've never heard us before, this is a good place to start and if you have, here's a little time capsule back six months. Enjoy! Contact us at: ============================================= This is Prose & Cons - a podcast for emerging writers, by emerging writers. Because sometimes we feel like pros, and sometimes we feel like cons. Brought to you by Precipice Fiction. Six Writers. Six Worlds. Alexandria Burnham, Paddy Boylan, Alex Eldridge, Matan Elul, Phoenix Raig and James Healy. The New Mythic: A Sci-Fi & Fantasy Collection - Available now in ebook or paperback: Website:precipicefiction.comYouTube:
