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Roll Call -with Kurt Caceres

Arts & Culture Podcasts

From the producers and creator of "What's Your Name Again?", comes a comedic, yet riveting and controversial dive into obscure, mainstream, and relevant topics everyone wants to learn about, but are scared to talk about. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, brings on rare and exclusive guests who take us inside places most have never experienced. No rules. No Filters. Truth for it's own sake, through in depth storytelling, raucous laughter and emotional accounts from individuals who've taken the most extreme risks, overcome intense challenges and walked the line of near death experience.


United States


From the producers and creator of "What's Your Name Again?", comes a comedic, yet riveting and controversial dive into obscure, mainstream, and relevant topics everyone wants to learn about, but are scared to talk about. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, brings on rare and exclusive guests who take us inside places most have never experienced. No rules. No Filters. Truth for it's own sake, through in depth storytelling, raucous laughter and emotional accounts from individuals who've taken the most extreme risks, overcome intense challenges and walked the line of near death experience.



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THE WILL TO SURVIVE - with Dyana Carmella - Part II

She evaded Wolves, stayed clear of Grizzly Bears, endured the most extreme of weather and landscape conditions. Dyana Carmella joins America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, to complete her emotional and inspirational journey through 1200 miles and 71 days solo on the Pacific Northwest Trail. Though she doesn't want her mother to hear this, she now admits that she should've died multiple times. The power of the human spirit is greater than we even know until we are tested and have no option to fail. We are so used to our comfortable first world life, with all the amenities, that we are never faced with the obstacles that will truly show us the great feats that humans are capable. Once you tap into your potential, you will never fear anything again. She found her appreciation for simple things like food, at one point in her journey having ran out and forced to starve and only live off wild berries in the middle of nowhere. She reminds us that we don't need much to live a happy life. On the contrary, its the gluttony and over indulgence that actually makes us unhealthy and unhappy. Mother Nature is real, her energy omniscient and power unwavering. Once you become one with that source, it will change your life forever. My recent short film on solo exploring I did in partnership with Chaco and Women Who Explore: Video of "Goodbye Letter to the PNT". (This sums up the hike in about 3 minutes) Same letter but in writing: Link to an Essay I wrote on the reason I did the PNT. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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WALKING with the GRIZZLY - with Dyana Carmella - Part I

Have you ever camped in the woods? Not in an RV or hotel, but down and dirty in a tent? Most people would have trouble for one night. Dyana Carmella did it alone, for 71 days and 1200 miles, through uncharted wilderness. She shares her emotional and inspirational story with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres. Living with Grizzly Bears, Wolves, Snakes and other wildlife. Overcoming the most extreme and unexpected weather conditions, from flash floods, snow storms and lightning. She hiked the Pacific Northwest Trail, one of only 20 people to do it that year, one of only 3 women that year, and she was the only to do it solo. There is no trail. No map. Just using an old fashioned compass and navigating with the stars, she tells us that the girl she was when she started, is not the woman she is now once she completed. She is quick to say that humans when forced to face fear, with no other option, will find things deep inside themselves they never knew possible. Humans will find what we are truly capable of. "Imagine what you could accomplish if fear wasn't an option", says Dyana. Everyday we often times choose the path of fear and run the other way, but Dyana didn't have that choice, and Mother Nature put her to the highest of tests. Three times she remembers wanting to quit more than any other, pushed to the brink of exhaustion, as close to death as is humanely possible. Knees filled with fluid and swelling from to many days of walking, her feet rotting from weeks of moisture, she is about to face one of the biggest feared regions of the journey, "The Lions Head Bushwack". More from Dyana: My recent short film on solo exploring I did in partnership with Chaco and Women Who Explore: Video of "Goodbye Letter to the PNT". (This sums up the hike in about 3 minutes) Same letter but in writing: Link to an Essay I wrote on the reason I did the PNT. Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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NUMB - with Rafael Davila - Part II

Rafael Davila was found in the gutters of a back alley street in Washington D.C., by his two young children. He had hit rock bottom, didn't have the balls to take his own life, didn't want to feel anymore, hoping for an accidental overdose. He had lost his father years prior, and now his mother was dying of cancer. Rafael lays it all out for America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, and shares his rollercoaster ride through addiction and to recovery. Some say addiction is genetic, but his twin brother never fell into it. Others say it's all about environment, but they were raised by a loving mother in an affluent middle class suburb. Rafael tells us without hesitation, the main reason people fall into drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. It's a simple emotion that we all have to cope with and deal at points in our lives. But why does it take some, when others find a way to break free? This is the true story of a man who saw the end of his life, was ready to no longer feel, but then found the light and now is a daily servant to help others be saved from their own demons. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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SURVIVING ADDICTION - with Rafael Davila - Part I

Rafael Davila and his twin brother grew up in a middle class suburb of Detroit, raised by a single mother. They didn't grow up in poverty or lacking love, their mother was a school teacher who provided all they needed. However, Rafael shares with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, how drug addiction can hit anyone, regardless of color, financial status or education. He started hanging with the wrong crowd and to overcome his insecurities, he fell into a life of drugs. His Mother, desperate and helpless, contacted their father, whom they had never met, and he entered into Rafael's life for the first time at 16 years old. He was beginning to build a relationship with his father, which helped him shake his substance addiction. They were becoming a real family, his father now being Grandfather to Rafael's two children. But then the tragedy of 9/11 arrived, and his father just so happened to be a paramedic in lower Manhattan. Though his father survived this historic catastrophe, he lived with PTSD and himself fell into a life of addiction to morphine and other drugs. One day he slammed to much and overdosed. Rafael spiraled from losing the father he had just met for the first time in his life. He ended up in the streets and gutters of Washington, D.C., a raging drug addict, barely holding on to life. Until his two children found him on the street, and the look on their faces changed his life forever. xx Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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WHO ARE YOU? - with Ellie Shoja - Part II

Ellie Shoja makes us think about our own consciousness and discusses with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, our decreasing inability to communicate with one another and be comfortable in our own skin. We are becoming to reliant on our devices to be our representative and we feel safer using a cartoon avatar as our spokesperson instead of being who we truly are. Ellie is no stranger to personalities and identities, she spent much of her childhood in refugee camps and on the run with her father who was an international con man. She had to speak different languages, claim different countries of origin and put on a false mask at a moments notice and play a character who she was not. It got to the point where she no longer remembered her true self. Is that happening in our society today? We are choosing to be someone we are not, because we feel it's safer and we will be more accepted. But is this a dangerous pattern that is taking us down the wrong direction? XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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"MY FATHER was an INTERNATIONAL CON MAN" - with Ellie Shoja - Part I

He was charismatic, highly intelligent and extremely resourceful. But he also had a dark side. Ellie Shoja joins America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, to share her journey as a young girl living under the reign of a certified International Con Man. Her and family were always on the run, from city to city, country to country, hideout to hideout. Changing names, identities, countries of origin and trying to keep one story straight as opposed to another. This was no life for a young 12 year old girl, and the trauma it's done to her the rest of her life is one she has worked daily to overcome. Having spent months in a refugee camp after her father was finally caught and arrested, her mother found a way to escape and they were able to flee to the sovereignity of the United States of America. Author, motivational TEDx speaker and life coach, "Shoja" is here to share her true story right out of a Hollywood movie. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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THE ESCAPE - with Jeremy Gilbreath - Part II

Prison and being behind bars can mean much more than a physical incarceration in a jail cell. Jeremy Gilbreath takes us through the series of life events that helped him create his own prison, in his mind. After decades experiencing abuse as a child, he shares with Kurt Caceres, for the very first time, how it effected him decades later as an adult, and how he tried to kill himself twice and almost over-dosed on drugs numerous other. Child abuse is an epidemic much greater than anything our society deals with, and the worst part about it, all the victims are innocent. If the victims are lucky enough to escape the life and stay alive, they must endure a lifetime of PTSD and trauma inflicted by the adults who put them there. Jeremy tells us how he escaped the abuse, but then continued to abuse himself, desperately seeking love, he found nothing but despair and darkness. Fortunately for him, salvation came in the least expected way, and helped change his life forever. He is one of the lucky ones. This is his story. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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IN THE SHADOW OF A TYRANT - with Jeremy Gilbreath - Part I

He tried to take his own life, drank away most of the prime years of his youth, and caused unintentional heartbreak to so many around him. But was it his fault? Jeremy Gilbreath sits for the first time and shares his gut wrenching life story, exclusively with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres. Growing up watching his parents fight daily, not with words, but with fists, choke holds and beatings. Then when he came of age, the beatings were redirected towards him and his siblings. His father was a Vietnam veteran who had never experienced abuse himself as a child, but came back from the war a different man. No one knew what happened to him over there, but the tyranny he rained upon his family was never ending. Thousands of children experience this same abuse daily, and the cycle continues. But somehow Jeremy found salvation in empathy, standing up to the bullies growing up, standing up for the underdogs, instead of himself passing on the tradition of violence. Now with children of his own, this is the true real life story of a man who grew up in the shadow of tyranny. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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FAST & FURIOUS NEIN! - The Never Ending Saga

With the long awaited release of Fast & Furious 9, America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, brings on one of the franchise biggest fans, to debate it's place in cinema history, and if it even deserves a mention. With names like Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Ludacris, John Cena, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Kurt Russell and Charlize Theron, it has no shortage of blockbuster Hollywood names. But are celebrities enough to give a film respect? Why 9 films? Will it ever end? What about the script? Character development? Substance? Story? Quality acting? No one is disputing the global draw of the fan base and it's multi-billion dollar revenue stream, but is that great film making? Is this a film that will be taught decades from now in film school or will it be used as an example of what "not to do"? There is great debate between success in any profession and the quality of it's output. Is the future of film trending towards big budget blockbusters, or can our youth still handle story driven, complex character arc and brilliant acting, for the next generation. Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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RED FLAGS - Proceed with Caution

If people came with a warning sign, what would be yours? America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, tackles the modern day question about Red Flags and it's effect on romantic, friend and work relationships. We have all been hurt, let down or backstabbed by someone close to us at least once. But could we have avoided that pain ahead of time? As we get older we start to learn how to see the warning signs in advance. Experience shows us personality traits in others that we could not see in our youth. When do we reveal to much about ourselves to others and how deep do we analyze and question someone new in our life? Is it better to dive right in haphazardly into every new relationship or proceed with caution and scrutinize every word or action others make? There is a list of the most popular Red Flags to look for in others, but they are also subjective to each individuals tastes and dislikes. What are you willing to tolerate and what exactly can you absolutely never have in your life? XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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HAND JOB - The Art of Communication

All humans use their hands to communicate, whether they are aware or not. No one ever talks with their arms hanging stiff at their sides with no movement, it just doesn't happen. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, helps us understand the true meaning of communication through our hands and our ability without the use of words and language. Have you ever given anyone the "bird"? Pointed at someone to get a "point" across? Waved your hand as a greeting? Well chances are you use an array of hand gestures everyday and according to studies from the people who run TEDx talks, those who use their hands more, have better communication skills. But be weary, not all gestures are international. In many other countries outside the United States, what is used in America would be considered offensive and even punishable by jail time, torture or death. Homo Sapiens were communicating through hand gestures and common grunts thousands of years before the first words were ever used. Our closest primate relatives still use this technique to communicate today. So what are your favorite hand gestures? Which do you often use more than any other? Well it's time you figured that out. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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Rewind It!!! SMH! Dial the Number! LMFAO! These are all mainstream terms, but one is a sentence and the other a jumble of letters called an acronym. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, takes us way back to where many old sayings originated that are still used today. The millennial culture uses these terms without knowing from where they derived, all as they've fused the use of shorthand and acronyms into our daily language. The problem is that no one is writing letters by hand anymore. Now everyone just texts. To save time, people no longer write full sentences, they communicate through phrases of letters that now have become another form of the language. WTF? Is this a problem for the future of communication? Will future generations lose the ability for proper grammar and sentence structure? Is this the segue into a possible scenario of human interaction through mental telepathy? Well let's not get ahead of ourselves, though nothing is ever out of possibility. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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VAN LIFE - Nomad or Journeyman - with Kevin Burke

The film Nomadland won a total of 5 Oscars at the Academy Awards in 2021. Best Picture, Actress, Director, Screenplay, Cinematography and Editing. However, America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, had already talked about "Van Life" with Journeyman, Kevin Burke, a year before the record setting night Chloe Zhao won the historic award. Kevin lives by the motto "Once in a Lifetime", and the lyrics from this song by the Talking Heads. He said Van Life is a lifestyle, he meets new people everyday from all walks of life. "I'm not a Nomad, I'm a Journeyman", says Kevin, "Nomads are more transient, a Journeyman possibly has a family and even a place to call home". This lifestyle is not for everyone and takes a certain person to withstand the hardships of life on the road. There is a deep sense of connection to nature and the universe, full of discoveries and new experiences. Many make this transition to disconnect from the "grid", to live an inexpensive life of travel, see the world, meet new people, or even be alone. There are over 7 Million Van Lifers traveling across the country, staying anywhere from campsites to parking lots. It is a gritty, yet fantastic life of spiritual awakening, that happens when one disconnects from the grind and daily rat race of our commercialized society. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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EMBARRASSED AS F*CK - Everyone is Looking at Me!

We all get embarrassed, no one is immune to humiliation and self-doubt, that is part of being human. However, many things that make us blush are unnecessary and the only one laughing at us, is ourselves. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, takes us down a comical path to figure out the most embarrassing things one must purchase as consumers in a commercialized economy. The line is building behind you at the market, people are getting restless, your palms are sweaty, heart beating, and everyone is watching as the cashier lifts your item to the sky and announces on the P.A., "Can I get a Price Check?". What was supposed to be a top secret reconnaissance mission to the store in pure anonymity, now has turned into a public spectacle. Even those who purchase online may not realize that companies like Amazon keep a history of our purchases that can come back to haunt us when we least expect it. What do we do? Shop in disguise? Send someone else on our errands? Run and hide? XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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RELATIONSHIPS & COLOR THERAPY - with Michele Harper - Part II

Michele Harper sits one last time with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, to delve deep into helping us traverse relationships and the method behind color therapy. But first she gives us tools to help those that battle daily with anxiety and depression. She says that "the key to helping a person is to be a friend, non judgemental, if they are going to sit there in that mindstate, well then I'm going to sit here with you". As long as we are breathing and our hearts are beating, there is always a chance for change. She describes why musicians, creatives and athletes are big fans of hypnosis, because they visualize in their mind with repetition, what they need to do, and they perfect their respective art form. However, visualization works both ways, whereas one can also manifest negative thoughts into reality. Finally, she helps us understand why our relationships fail and how to find the remedy through treatments such as color therapy. The vibrations of the color improve your mood and overall health. Colors are made of reflected lights that hit our retinas as the wavelengths vibrate. Our brain interprets these wavelengths, which ultimately makes our perception of color as a physical and sensory experience. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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BREATH. FOCUS. HYPNOSIS - with Michele Harper - Part I

Michele Harper is a Hypnotherapist, Holistic Aesthetician and Spiritual Coach who sits with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, to help us discover and understand our own personal powers, on our way to ultimate transcendence. Most have only heard this word in relation to the 2014 Johnny Depp film of the same name. However, when she starts talking about ANTS(Automatic Negative Thoughts) that steal our mind, she instantly gets everyone's attention. With terms like past life regression, color karma and transgressional therapy, she takes us on a journey that rides the line between meditation and hypnosis. She says many of her clients are creative minds, whom are the first to fall into depression because when they feel their creative flow blocked or lost, they no longer feel valid or good enough. So often people spiral because they feel they haven't achieved their dreams, but who has set the bar for those dreams? Society? Naysayers? The idea of money? Anyone can still achieve their dreams and still not find monetary wealth, for dreams are not measured by finance, but by personal happiness and achievement. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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QUORA - Should You Believe Everything on the Internet?

What has over 300 million users and is worth over $2 Billion dollars? If you haven't yet heard of it, America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, introduces us to the world of Quora. What is Quora you may ask? Well, it's just that, a question and answer universe where anything goes. The most obscure, abstract and outlandish questions are asked and users answer with facts, fiction and opinions. Many answers are based off research, expert opinion, experience and science. However, a majority of the answers make for a comical look into the minds of people and how they interact on the internet. You may ask "why not just use Google to find your answer?". Well, Quora has a ranking system based off the validity of the question and the accuracy of responses. Just like everything online these days, from Instagram to TikTok, IMDB to Reddit, everything we are doing is being ranked, rated and judged by the trolls that live on the internet. These days we can find answers to anything online with a simple search, but proceed with caution, should you believe everything you are being told? XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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HOT DOGS or LEGS - Social Media Validation

TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. The standard from which all things are measured, including validating ones purpose in this world. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, attacks with force, the toxicity surrounding our obsession with social media and it's dangerous and utterly annoying habits. You ever posted your legs on the beach? The plate of dinner you made this evening? Selfie of you working out? Like anything, the key is moderation, but to many have been sucked into the belief that they must constantly post self serving and deceptive images in order to feel good about themselves. The problem is that the youth are being swayed into thinking that this is the bar for which all things are measured, and if they don't receive enough hearts, emojis or thumbs up, then they are worthless. This is a dismal future we need to quickly address, or we will create a society of selfie robots who will no longer be able to connect with others on the human level. It doesn't help that influencers are receiving multi-million dollar sponsorship contracts and celebrities are getting 14 million likes per post. It is a false sense of how others are living and makes the rest feel inferior and without validation. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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THE ONE NIGHT STAND - Proper Etiquette

Everyone has heard the term, "One Night Stand". Not everyone has experienced one, and most don't know the proper etiquette involved. America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, brings in a panel of female and male experts to talk about terms like "walk of shame", "beer goggles", "hookup" and "ghosting". Now with modern day dating apps, it is easier than ever to find someone willing to have one dirty night at the click of a button and swipe of a profile. It is a global phenomenon where only 2 of the top 10 cities on the planet with the highest rate of one night stands, are in the United States. People do it for "sport", "loneliness", "intimacy" or just "raw hardcore sex". But how should it be approached? What is the etiquette involved in regards to safety and an exit strategy? The difference between someone you've never met or a casual acquaintance. Do you exchange information post coital? Get up and run before the crack of dawn? How do you get a clinger to leave? In the end, most prefer a "sure thing", but until you find that special someone and are out testing the waters, know the proper etiquette before you set out on your next conquest of adventure. XX Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:


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WHAT'S YOUR WHY? - with Jozanne Marie - Part II

Jamaican born, Jozanne Marie, returns again with America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres. She was a prisoner of child abuse from the age of 10 to 16, until she escaped to live homeless on the streets. At the time of this recording she said that Child abuse is reported every 10 seconds. 5 to 6 children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect. In an era where we are concentrating on the wrong pandemics, child abuse always gets forgotten in favor of priorities with political and corporate agendas. Jozanne was 1 of 50 women thought leaders chosen across the United States to be a TEDx speaker. She asks the question, "What's your Why?". We truly are all here for a purpose, but most don't realize and go through their lives oblivious to the bigger picture. Jozanne knows she went through the hardships as a child so that she could be an advocate and help the youth of the world escape from abusive situations. She got her start doing "spoken word", a form of performance poetry, with it's foundation in New York. She has since helped young correctional male inmates write a project, where Michelle Obama invited them to perform at the White House. Jozanne is the true immigrant story, coming to America and contributing to it's growth and wealth through service to humankind. Please Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email: Youtube Channel: Host Instagram: Podcast Instagram: Podcast Twitter: Podcast Facebook: Producer: Website:
