

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Discussing current events, controversial topics and rationalizing life events from an millennial perspective. Navigating wokeness and trying to save society.


United States


Discussing current events, controversial topics and rationalizing life events from an millennial perspective. Navigating wokeness and trying to save society.



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Are our personal friendships/Friendships in decay? Are they still as strong has they always been or has social media watered them down. Join us as we start season 2 of the S0S podcast!


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Coach Cugz joins us this week as we break down all things coaching related. Motivation, inspiration, fortitude, helping others and fitness! Check out what coach has to say and let us know what you think!


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In this weeks episode, we discuss the NPC (non-playable character) culture that has overtook our society. Complaining, ignorance, non- original thoughts and ideas and mainstream narratives. All wrapped into one episode. 🤯


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Food Poisoning- Truth behind food ingredients

We are joined by Leo's wife who is a certified Nutrition coach to go over the bastardization of our food ingredients and over all food supply. No doubt we are being poisoned by these ingredients. Join us for a mouthful as we deliver a full plate of info and spill the tea!


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Paying Attention

In this episode we discuss the value and importance of paying attention, where it originated and why it may cost more than you think. Are you paying attention? What if it cost you your life? Come check out our thoughts!


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UFO's and Aliens

Joined by Matt from TruistDesigns we go deeeeep into the conspiracy of Aliens and UFO's- whether they exist. We also talk about all the covert and secret Government projects and operations during this period


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Men vs Women: The Reconciliation?

Joined by guests Cindy and Jake, we go over modern dating, chivalry, lack of communication, unattractive behaviors and the abundance of weak men. Join as as we tackle all these issues and see if we can fix how men and women interact within our society!!!


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We're Under Attack- Men

We are joined by Alex in orser to discuss the blatant societal and cultural attacks on men. From so called toxic masculinity declining testosterone rates to the epidemic of weak men. Tune in to hear our opinions on all these topics and more!


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We're Under Attack- Women

Joined by Danielle, we evaluate the current landscape society has in terms of women's expectations. They wanted a war and they started a war. We tell you why it is important to fight back and why we should not fall for the mainstream narrative. You won't want to miss this one!


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Un-Real Estate

Along with our guest, Realtor Chris Conforti, we break down the latest issues with the housing market and what that means for future homebuyers. The latest mortgage act passed by congress is eerily similar to sub prime lending nearly 20 years ago 🤔


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Its Electric..... Vehicles!

We are joined by a local mechanic, Jimmy and Franz- an attorney. We discuss all the cons and perhaps a pro or two to the EV craze. A lot of digging was done not only by us, bur by these EV companies in order to bring you this episode! Please tune in to see what really goes on in making these vehicles.


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Who Has it Harder - Part 2 Women

Last week was all about the guys. This week we talk about the struggles women face day to day and are joined by our special guest Nicole. Join as as we break down some stigmas and stats associated with women in our current society and see the world through a woman's point of view.


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Who Has it Harder - Part 1 Men

In today's society we look through all the trials and tribulations that men face. Is it more difficult to be a man now then our parents generation? Is it harder to be a man than a women?? Is being a traditional man rooted in modern society a lost cause or should we stay true to our morals and beliefs? We provide the stats and you be the judge!


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It's All Downhill From Here...

In this episode we as millenialls discuss where it all went downhill. We pick the exact moment that sent out a ripple that had such profound effects it is felt today. A little nostalgia, simpler times, and when it all came to an abrupt halt. Tune in and let us know if you agree or disagree! You won't be disappointed 💯


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LOL! News

This week we discuss the insanely large amount of aid we have sent and probably will continue to send Ukraine. Of that wasn't bad enough we top it off with more LOL news and talk about the social security nightmare and legislation pushing back the retirement age simultaneously cutting benefits- cause LOL why not???


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Sports (Then vs Now)

This week we go to war against sports! We all love our sports teams. We all enjoy playing or watching them, but have sports got too soft? Has technology ruined or improved the game?? Are these athletes primadonnas? Join us as we discuss the landscape or professional sports!


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Hormones & PED's

Join us on this weeks episode as we talk about Hormones,steroids and other PED use from a societal stand point. The use among the youth trying to keep up with "influencers" to gaining an advantage in sports both in High School and Collegiate level to recreational use in regards to Aging and using it in an anti aging regimen!


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Balloons now trains. What will they come up with next. Join us as we go over another mistake or perhaps calculated plot to keep us off the trail. Hazardous material and the ultimate consequences we will face.


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Critical Thinking

Is critical thinking a thing of the past? Do we take all info and knowledge for granted? Are we too bombarded with news to stop and process it all? Is it just downright laziness?Come check out the Podcast and see what we have to say! Please share and subscribe for more!
