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Science Fiction 101

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Exploring science fiction from all angles - covering the past, the present and the future! We cover science fiction books, film, TV and other media. And we talk about classic or "golden age" SF alongside modern SF, using our "past/present/future" angles. Your hosts: Phil Nichols of the Bradburymedia website, who is also know for the Bradbury 100 podcast and the Bradbury 101 Youtube channel; and Colin Kuskie of the Take Me To Your Reader podcast. Both Phil and Colin love adapted science fiction, so you can be sure we'll always be talking about film versions of books.


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Exploring science fiction from all angles - covering the past, the present and the future! We cover science fiction books, film, TV and other media. And we talk about classic or "golden age" SF alongside modern SF, using our "past/present/future" angles. Your hosts: Phil Nichols of the Bradburymedia website, who is also know for the Bradbury 100 podcast and the Bradbury 101 Youtube channel; and Colin Kuskie of the Take Me To Your Reader podcast. Both Phil and Colin love adapted science fiction, so you can be sure we'll always be talking about film versions of books.



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Cracking Sci-Fi! (episode 51)

We once claimedTintin: Destination Moon was science fiction, because an animated white dog accompanied an animated human to the moon on a rocketship. Now we outrageously extend the concept as we explore the sci-fi worlds of another animated dog/human partnership: Wallace & Gromit! If you've been living in another solar system these past thirty-six years, you may not be aware of these plasticine pals, but it's our job to bring you up to date as we examine the SF chops of every one of the Wallace and Gromit movies, coming bang up to date with the Oscar-nominated recent releaseVengeance Most Fowl. For more information on everything covered in this episode, head to the shownotes on our blog:


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Analog Solutions (episode 50)

It's another one of our (made-up) time-honored traditions: reviewing a current science fiction magazine. We usually do this once a year, to keep on top of current SF trends - and also to compare & contrast current magazines with the SF magazines of the past. Last time, we went back 50 years to review ANALOG. This time, we're bang up-to-date (almost) with a very recent issue of the same magazine. Analog is the longest-continuously-running SF magazine, having been around under various titles since the 1930s! What will make of Analog's longstanding reputation for "hard SF" ? How does the magazine stack up against its wholly online competitors such as Clarkesworld and Uncanny? How does it stack up against its former self? No quiz this time, but we finish off with our usual round-up of recommendations of past/present/future science fiction. For full shownotes, check out our blog at:


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In Days of Old (episode 49)

In time-honored tradition, for our December episode we go hurtling back in time to review a science fiction magazine from the past. Get your flares, platform shoes and ghettoblasters ready as we head back to...November 1974. We're picking on Analog magazine, just because we've never reviewed it before. And it's only the longest-continuously-running SF magazine in existence. It started in 1930 as Astounding Stories, was renamed Analog in the 1960s, and continues under that name to this day. As we join it in 1974, it's in the early years of the editorship of Ben Bova, and is beginning to modernise. If you'd like to browse through the issue with us, you can download it as a PDF from this link. And don't forget the shownotes, which you can find at


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Uniquely Portable Magic (episode 48)

It occurred to us that although we have discussed many specific books on the show, we've never devoted an episode to the idea of the book - those papery, texty things that Stephen King has described as "uniquely portable magic". So in this episode, we address the various ways in which books can be enjoyed and consumed, and discuss ten (or eleven) questions on the subject of books. We also have a book-adjacent quiz, and our usual round up of recommendations of past, present and future SF. For links and shownotes, check out our web page:


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Let's Go Ape (episode 47)

It's fifty years since the TV series of Planet of the Apes debuted, enlivening the childhood of millions around the planet of the humans. Phil and Colin enjoyed the show as kids, but now undertake a celebratory rewatch, reviewing the adventures of Virdon (the blond one), Burke (the dark-haired one), and Galen (the hairy one). We also have a Planet of the Apes quiz, and our usual round up of recommendations of past, present and future SF. For full show notes, check out our blog at


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Conventional Wisdom (episode 46)

August 2024 saw the World Science Fiction Convention, held in Glasgow, Scotland. Phil stayed at home, but intrepid traveller Colin crossed a continent and an ocean to experience his first Worldcon. Find out how he got on - and how Phil and Colin somehow managed not to meet, despite both being in England at the same time... Also in today's show, a special quiz from friend of the podcast Peter Kuskie (last seen in episode 11), and our usual round up of all good things science fictional. For more details, and links to items mentioned in the pod, look for the shownotes at:


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Zenna's People and Pauline's Lizzie (episode 45)

The first women to appear (as "soloists") on the ballot for science fiction's Hugo Awards were Zenna Henderson and Pauline Ashwell, in 1959. (Catherine L. Moore had appeared on an earlier ballot, but for a collaboration with Henry Kuttner.) Fearing that Henderson and Ashwell might be drifting into obscurity, Colin and Phil set out to review their Hugo-nominated novelettes: Zenna Henderson's "Captivity" - find it here: Pauline Ashwell's "Unwillingly to School" - find it here: We also have the obligatory fiendish sci-fi quiz, and our usual round-up of recommendations of past/present/future SF. For full show notes, check out our blog -


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Hugos Where I Goes (episode 44)

We're back - and it's the time to review this year's Hugo-nominated short stories! The Hugos are the awards given by members of the annual World Science Fiction Convention (whose numbers this year will include our very own Colin, who will be attending the worldcon in Glasgow). Also in today's episode, we have a quiz. Sort of. See if you can get it before Phil has a clue what's going on... And there's our usual round up of SF past, present and future. For the full show notes, check out our blog:


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Triffids, Cuckoos and Lichen: John Wyndham (episode 43)

We're back, with an episode about the great British SF writer John Wyndham. On many occasions we've found ourselves talking about his books - such as The Day of the Triffids and The Midwich Cuckoos - but now we attempt to do them justice with a closer look. For the full show notes, visit our blog at


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Off On A Tangent - more interview fun with award-winning novelist Robert J. Sawyer (episode 42)

Time for another regular episode of the podcast, and this time we have more interview goodness from the Hugo- and Nebula-winning SF writer Robert J. Sawyer. We had so much fun talking to Rob about his new novel The Downloaded (see episode 40) that we decided to gather up the more general parts of our discussion into a separate segment. So here you will hear talk of Planet of the Apes, science fiction conferences, and much much more. We also have a mostly Star Trek quiz, but with a few Star Wars questions thrown in to trip Phil up. And the usual recommendations of past/present/future SF. For more detail, check out the show notes at:


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A Festival of Sci-Fi (bonus episode!)

This is a bonus episode of Science Fiction 101, in which we abandon our quizzes and throw our past/present/future items out the window, and just give you a straightforward interview. It's all about staging a science fiction film festival! Our guest is Russ Repp, who is responsible for the mammoth, eight-week, science fiction film festival currently happening in Portland, Oregon, in the city's remarkable OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). Russ talks us through the history of the festival, and lets us in on the secrets of how a sci-fi film festival is programmed. Full information on the OMSI Science Fiction Festival (which continues until late May 2024) can be found here: Even if - like Phil - you're nowhere near Oregon, this is still a fascinating tale of how a festival is put together. Next episode, we'll be back to our usual format, but we hope you enjoy this little bonus!


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Download and Chill with Robert J. Sawyer (episode 40)

Time for a new episode of the podcast. This time Colin and Phil meet the Hugo- and Nebula-winning author Robert J. Sawyer, to discuss his new novel The Downloaded. You may recall we reviewed the Audible Original full-cast audio version of The Downloaded a couple of episodes ago (you can find it here). We were keen to find out how the book version differs from the audio version, so we invited Rob onto the show to discuss. And what a discussion it is! Also in this episode, we have listener responses to our "to be a fan" episode, and our usual ramble through the past, present and future of SF. For the full show notes, check out our website at


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To Be (or not to be) A Fan (episode 39)

Are you a science fiction fan? Possibly, or why else would you be listening to this podcast? Phil and Colin ponder what it means to be a fan, and whether there are are specific rules for entry into fandom. We also have our usual quiz, and our past/present/future discussion. For full show notes, check out our website at


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Mind-Body Problem (episode 38)

In this episode, we review The Downloaded, the new novel by multi-award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer. It's an "Audible Original", meaning that it's been published first as an audiobook - and not just any old audiobook. This has Oscar-winner Brendan Fraser as one member of a full cast. We also have a quiz and our usual run-through of recommendations of past, present and future SF. For more info, check out our shownotes at


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Entering the Uncanny Valley (episode 37)

It's that time of year where we take a current science fiction magazine and review it from cover to cover - as something of an antidote to what we did last episode (which was to review an old magazine from the 1960s New Wave). This time we work through one of the most successful of the current magazines, the multiple award-winning Uncanny. If you want to read along with us, you can find the entire issue (no. 55) online for free at the official website, here: Check out our full show notes on our blog,


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Riding the New Wave (episode 36)

It being the end of the year, Colin and Phil continue their annual tradition of travelling back in time to read an old science fiction magazine. This time, they stop off in 1968 - the height of the "new wave" in science fiction - and pick up an issue of New Worlds magazine from December 1968. If you'd like to read along, you can find a PDF of that magazine here, courtesy of the Luminist website: And if you'd like to join in our 1960s science fiction movie quiz, you'll find that on Youtube, here: For more info on all the items mentioned in today's show, check out the full show notes at


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Hugo ShortsList (episode 35)

Colin and Phil review the short stories nominated for this year's Hugo Awards. As the World Science Fiction Convention is in China, this year's shortlist includes a number of Chinese stories! We also have our usual run through of past, present and future science fiction. Check out the full show notes on our blog - - and check us out on Facebook.


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Desert Island Books (episode 34)

We realised one day that we'd talked about our "desert island movies" and "desert island TV" choices, but not considered our BOOK choices. Time to rectify that oversight! We discuss four types of book: science fiction novels; science fiction short story collections/anthologies; books which are SF-adjacent in some way; and books which have nothing at all to do with SF. You're bound to recognise some of these, but we might have a few surprises or obscurities. Listen and find out! And don't forget to let us know about your favourites - by leaving a comment on our blog at ⁠⁠⁠⁠, or by finding us as Science Fiction 101 Podcast on Facebook.


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Who Too (episode 33)

Phil and Colin like nothing more than a compare-and-contrast, so they return to Doctor Who to review an episode typical of the modern era. How does a Hugo Award-winning episode starring David Tennant stack up against the William Hartnell original episode (reviewed last time)? We also have our usual past/present/future round-up. For the full show notes, check out our web page at


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Here's Looking at Who, Kid (episode 32)

This year, the long-running SF series Doctor Who is sixty years old - so Colin and Phil turn back the clock and watch the very first episode of the series, from 1963: "An Unearthly Child". Phil's first proper Doctor was the third one, played by Jon Pertwee, although he has vague recollections of the second doctor (Patrick Troughton). On the other hand, like many Americans, Colin first knew of the show from the Tom Baker years. What will they make of the gruff, original Doctor portrayed by William Hartnell? We also have our usual skip through past, present and future science fiction. Check out our show notes at
