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That Girl Radio

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Are you constantly daydreaming about the person you aspire to become? Do you crave the dream job, the ideal partner, and to feel the absolute best you've ever felt? Then you're in the right place. That Girl Radio is here to support and guide you on your journey to realizing your true potential. Here we don’t settle for mediocrity; we pursue "that" life you’ve always envisioned. Hosted by Rikki Lee, your that life coach and bestie, explores a wide range of topics, including personal development, spiritual growth, physical wellness, and mental resilience. Tune in to That Girl Radio with Rikki Lee every Sunday, and start making the positive changes that will help you transform into the best version of yourself. Your dream life is just one episode away. Subscribe now, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.


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Are you constantly daydreaming about the person you aspire to become? Do you crave the dream job, the ideal partner, and to feel the absolute best you've ever felt? Then you're in the right place. That Girl Radio is here to support and guide you on your journey to realizing your true potential. Here we don’t settle for mediocrity; we pursue "that" life you’ve always envisioned. Hosted by Rikki Lee, your that life coach and bestie, explores a wide range of topics, including personal development, spiritual growth, physical wellness, and mental resilience. Tune in to That Girl Radio with Rikki Lee every Sunday, and start making the positive changes that will help you transform into the best version of yourself. Your dream life is just one episode away. Subscribe now, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.



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The Pivot is Pivotal

When my phone met its sandy demise on the shores of Destin, Florida, it became a catalyst for a revelation about adaptability. This episode of That Girl Radio, which marks a joyous milestone of 100,000 downloads, is all about celebrating the pivot – how the unexpected twists can lead to saving grace, both in personal mishaps and our broader life journey. Join me as I recount the significance of flexibility after my beachfront blunder, and how my encounters with remarkable women on this brand trip reinforced my passion for content creation. It's a story of how patience, rather than haste, can sometimes shield us from stress and unnecessary costs, guiding you to apply this principle to various facets of your life. Shifting our perspective from what we lose to what we gain is a powerful form of alchemy that can bring peace and trust into our lives. As we explore this concept, I share a personal struggle with anxiety, and the strength I found in letting go of control. This talk is a heart-to-heart on how we can support ourselves with kindness and assurance, much like we would do for a dear friend. By the close of our session, you'll feel empowered to embrace your community, faith, and inner resilience as pillars of strength. And remember, our setbacks are often cleverly disguised setups for something bigger and better. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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Who's That Girl? Blake Lawren's Blazing the Path from Drafts to Destiny

Ever wonder what it takes to carve out a successful career in the glitzy world of beauty and fashion journalism? Blake Newby joins us on That Girl Radio to illuminate her path from uncertainty to industry powerhouse, revealing the turning points that defined her journey. She pulls back the curtain on the emotional whirlwind that comes with putting your work out there, finding purpose, and the strength that emerges from a community rallying behind you. Tackling the beast that is imposter syndrome, Blake and I get real about the high-pressure stakes of networking and the vitality of authentic connections. We reflect on how kindness and professionalism can launch you to new heights, while sharing anecdotes that underscore the value of a sterling reputation. Blake's narrative is a playbook on evolving career ambitions, balancing personal goals with professional strides, and why nurturing both aspects is crucial for a fulfilling life. To cap off, we take a joyride through Blake's upcoming plans, infusing our listeners with a dose of ambition to 'hit publish' on their dreams. The episode wraps with laughter and a shared excitement for what's next, assuring you that embracing new trends can be just as exhilarating as honoring your roots. Follow Blake on Instagram Follow Blake on TikTok Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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Just Hit Publish

Ever found yourself hovering over the 'publish' button, heart racing, mind swirling with what-ifs? That's the cliff edge where creativity meets courage, and on this episode of That Girl Radio, we're peeling back the layers of self-doubt and fear that often plague us as we stand on the brink of sharing our true selves with the world. Together, we navigate the journey of authentic expression, confronting the giants of misunderstanding and the incessant quest for perfection that can paralyze even the bravest of souls. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a call to action—an empowerment session to help you break the chains of inner criticism and societal pressures. It's time to step into the light of vulnerability and hit publish on your life's manuscript, knowing that every draft has the potential to inspire, connect, and resonate with others in ways you may never have imagined. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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It's Not Over

Have you ever been smacked with a 'no' that felt like the end of your dream quest, only to realize it was just the beginning of a different path? That's the heart of this week's supplement on That Girl Radio, where we dissect the beauty of resilience in the pursuit of dreams. Join me as we sift through the good, the 'God things,' and the downright gritty truths of chasing what sets our souls on fire. This episode takes more than just a leap of faith; it dives deep into the spiritual pool where we find the courage to embrace patience and obedience to a higher calling. Sharing personal stories of when 'good' opportunities weren't quite right, I bare my soul about the kind of fulfillment that comes not from material success but from aligning with God's plan. There's a joy that comes from walking a path paved with purpose, and I'm here to walk you through the highs and lows of what it means to live a truly blessed life. The conversation turns to a heartwarming tale of a swimming lesson that taught more about bravery than strokes and kicks. Just as I helped young Barbara find her courage in the water, I'm here to remind you that with a little irrational faith and a community of support, you, too, can navigate through life's storms. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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Move In The Spirit, Not In Silence

Ever chuckled at the irony of 'moving in silence' while broadcasting every step on social media? That's just one of the playful paradoxes we're unpacking on That Girl Radio. We're dissecting the Biblical blueprints of transformative storytelling. With a blend of humor and candid reflection, I'm opening up about the delicate dance of maintaining authenticity on my platform, all while threading the needle between hard-earned success and unwavering faith. Strap in for an empowering ride as we champion the notion of 'Moving In The Spirit.' It's all about breaking molds, voicing our dreams with conviction, and leaning into faith for life's fulfillment. As a woman of color, I resonate deeply with the pressure to play small – but not today. I'm sharing heartfelt anecdotes and inviting you to leave your indelible mark confidently. This episode is a clarion call for all, especially women of color, to take up space unapologetically, allowing our individual stories to inspire and testify to the vibrant tapestry of grace that weaves through our lives. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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Who's That Girl: Jenna Klopfenstein's Guide to Unlocking Your Next Level

Discover the keys to unlocking your mental edge and personal growth with Jenna Kloppenstein, a coach who embodies the transformation from high-level athlete to an empowering guide for others. Our conversation takes you on a journey through the crafting of morning rituals that launch your day into a trajectory of success, the balancing act of being an attentive parent and partner, and the inspiring tales of individuals who've bravely reshaped their lives. Jenna's unique blend of sports discipline and medical expertise fuels her passion for fostering change and unlocking the potential within us all. Feel the burnout creeping in? Let's navigate the transitions that come with it and the pivotal moments that beckon us toward a life more aligned with our deepest desires. I get personal about my evolution from orthopedic PA to someone who chases fulfillment, with an emphasis on cherishing time above all else. We discuss the bold moves made by those who dared to follow their bliss, serving as a reminder that it's never too late to seek out joy and satisfaction in our endeavors. Wrapping up, we delve into the actionable steps that can catapult you into the life you imagine for yourself. With insights on committing to your growth journey and the tools for intentional living, such as time blocking, we set the stage for a life that's not just about achieving but thriving. Join us as we examine the power of non-negotiables in daily life and invite you to the transformative Next Level U Live event, where leaders come together to supercharge their mindsets in a community of visionaries. Jenna Kloppenstein's perspective is not just thought-provoking—it's a catalyst for the change you've been waiting for. Follow Jenna If you're interested in stepping into your next level, grab a ticket to Next Level You LIVE in Columbus, Oh April 19-20th Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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Become A Bare Maximum Babe

Join me this week as we pilot through the art of becoming a 'bare maximum babe', where going above and beyond becomes your new norm. Together, we'll unearth the philosophy of setting personal thresholds that align with the results you truly desire. It's not just about meal prepping versus takeout; it's about infusing your life with actions that spark vitality and satisfaction. We'll navigate the nuances of matching your energy with your ambitions, and how shedding the comfort of minimal effort can liberate you to thrive. In the spirit of playing to your strengths, this episode is your invitation to leverage what makes you unique. Forget the comparison game and focus on your innate abilities. Discover how superheroes from the Hulk to Iron Man harness their gifts to surmount life's obstacles. I'll share why embracing initial discomfort can pave the way to incredible feats and how centering on your 'superpowers' is key in tackling challenges. Plus, keep up with my journey and the candid behind-the-scenes from my final semester in college by subscribing to my YouTube channel where I just dropped my first vlog of the year. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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Who's That Girl: Brittany Antoinette's Blueprint to Being Well in Business

Welcome Brittany Antoinette, the founder of The Idea Girl and Not so CEO as she joins us on That Girl Radio to celebrate Women's History Month in our series "Who's that Girl." Brittany unpacks her entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing the synergy between gratitude, meditation, and journaling to create the perfect storm for both personal and professional growth. Her daily routines set a powerful precedent for a conversation swirling with the importance of self-care, discipline, and how learning French dances into her vibrant lifestyle. Brittany and I waltz through the evolution of our careers, reflecting on the shifts from fashion to brand design and from freelancer to founder. She reveals the strategies she's adopted for personal balance and wellness, noting the vital role of practices such as meditation, journaling, and maintaining physical health for mental clarity. The conversation pivots to the empowering tale of Brittany's The Idea Girl, emphasizing the crucial role of community in her success and the importance of setting boundaries, seeking internal peace, and the transformational journey from a freelancer to a CEO. As we wrap up, our discussion crescendos with empowering dialogues on building wealth, navigating burnout, and the art of creative inspiration. Brittany's poignant account of her company's challenges and triumphs underscores the importance of sound management and the value of learning from failure. We close with an exploration of community building, designing a life that mirrors one's creativity and spirit, and how personal connections can be the bedrock of professional growth. Tune in to an episode that offers powerful stories, strategies for self-care, and the inspiring journeys of women crafting their own unique paths. Follow Brittany Follow The Idea Girl Follow No So CEO Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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It's Time to Hit Reset or Refresh

Feeling stuck in a rut? Struggle no more, as this episode is your ticket to pressing the reset button on your life. With my patented Sunday reset day and a life-changing quarterly audit, complete with the Venn diagram exercise from my Be MindfullJournal, I'll guide you on how to take stock and make the necessary tweaks—or sometimes a complete overhaul—to live the life you've always dreamed of. This isn't a mere checklist; it's about taking radical responsibility for the direction your life is heading and ensuring you're on the path to joy, growth, and fulfillment. Transform your living quarters into a sanctuary that mirrors your essence and supports your peace of mind. I'll share with you my own rollercoaster journey through numerous moves, and how I've crafted spaces that truly resonate with my identity, as seen in my viral TikTok and YouTube transformations. Discover how an environment that aligns with who you are can significantly enhance your well-being, and learn why orderliness and style are more than just vanity—they are vital commitments to a lifestyle that lifts you up every single day. I'll recount how shifting from superficial tidying to embracing the 'reset' has not only decluttered my space but also my mind. It's surprising how simple changes like reorganizing a closet or opting for ambient lighting can transform your space from chaos to comfort. For those feeling the burden of disarray, I'm here to share practical steps to start with manageable updates that can dramatically boost your mental clarity and personal productivity. So come along, and let's spark joy and functionality in our homes, reflecting the ever-evolving journey of our lives. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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That’s Not Your Friend

After experiencing a painful breakup with a close friend, I learned some invaluable lessons about toxic friendship dynamics. In this heartfelt episode, I share my raw and emotional journey, delving into the seven archetypes of women who may appear as friends but act otherwise. We explore the importance of aligning actions with words and the difficult decision to love someone from a distance for our own personal growth. Join me as we navigate the complexities of friendships and discover how to surround ourselves with uplifting relationships that truly have our best interests at heart. Discover the difference between 'placeholders' and 'pillars' in our inner circle and learn how to cultivate relationships that plant seeds of purpose, encouragement, and confidence. Tune in for an empowering and heartfelt conversation about seeking and maintaining enriching relationships while staying true to our own journeys. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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You Are Made New

Have you ever found yourself standing at the foot of a mountain called 'Change', unsure of how to take that first step? As we reflect on the powerful lessons from our 31-day challenge, I invite you on a journey to declutter your life, both physically and mentally, while fostering a spirit of gratitude and joy from the moment you open your eyes each morning. There are no guests this episode — just us, our shared experiences, and a commitment to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, one sunrise at a time. So, come along as we redefine what it means to live with purpose. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: Sophisticated Is The New Sexy

Today, we're stripping away the high society clichés to reveal sophistication in its truest form – living with authenticity and purpose. Discover how embracing experiences over possessions, trusting your intuition instead of pleasing others, and cultivating self-appreciation rather than being ensnared by self-doubt, can transform you into the epitome of modern elegance. Listen in as we celebrate the art of personal standards and resilience, proving that age is no barrier to sophistication and that the real competition is the person in the mirror. In a world where self-critique often overshadows self-love, we'll discuss the transformative power of positive self-talk and the importance of rituals in nurturing well-being. We'll applaud the trailblazing women who've turned their dreams into reality, and how their stories inspire us to harness our own resilience. By the end of our chat, you'll understand why sophistication is the new sexy and how it's not about being stuck-up, but about shining brightly and lifting others as we climb. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: 8 Steps to Self Soothe and Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

As I navigate the twists and turns of managing anxiety, I've unearthed some life-altering strategies that I'm eager to pass along. Drawing from the wisdom of my mother, a seasoned therapist, I'll share the transformative power of positive affirmations and the courage to disrupt old patterns that hold us back from experiencing true freedom. Together, we'll venture beyond the glass box of anxiety, discovering how to face each day with a refreshed heart and mind. Our environments shape us, but we also have the power to shape them. I delve into the emotional landscapes of our lives, examining how we can sprinkle joy into the spaces we inhabit—be it at work or during a solitary date with ourselves. By embracing the beauty of our own company and fostering opinions untainted by the crowd, we can unlock a world of creativity and connection. From the simple act of touching grass to the bold steps of making independent decisions, I'll guide you on elevating your perspective and breaking free of your anxiety. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: Allow Me To Reintroduce That Girl

Chaos and comfort found a unique dance in the homes that raised me. Each house whispered a lesson, and through my tales of 11 childhood homes, I invite you to find solace in the symphony of life's imperfections. My story isn't just about the addresses that marked the chapters of a young girl's life; it’s a celebration of resilience, a testament to the power of transformation, and a thank-you note to the chaos that taught me to create harmony in the discord. As we journey through the rooms of my past—from Burkart, where a tumble down the stairs met with my first taste of growing pains, to Pleasant Ridge, where my voice found its melody—I share with you the choreography of turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Together, we'll laugh, maybe shed a tear, and certainly cheer each other on as we embrace the disarray that shapes us. No expert guests, just us and my story, raw and unfiltered, encouraging you to dance through your own mess and find the beauty in the mayhem. Let's raise a glass to the homes that built us and the messes that made us. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: The Intentional Bird Gets the Worm

This episode isn't just about getting up before runrise; it's a deeper exploration into crafting a morning routine that transcends the pursuit of hustle culture's badge of honor. We'll unpack the beauty of grace-filled mornings, where the pursuit of progress trumps the illusion of perfection. Together, we'll learn how initiating our day with mindful practices like prayer and affirmations can lead to a life that feels productive and profoundly satisfying. Join me in redefining what it means to rise and shine as we tailor our mornings to be the cornerstone of a well-lived day. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: 9 Steps to Trust the Process

Let's unravel the art of trusting the process and dismantle the myths of grind culture. Discover a pathway to a life that's both purposeful and joyous, grounded in the belief that stability and rest are not only possible in our hustle but essential. We'll traverse the wisdom of Psalm 125:1, learning that an unshakeable life is anchored in trust in the Lord. Prepare to adopt a growth mindset, manage your perceptions, and fully engage with the present, as these steps guide us toward patience and faith in our personal and professional growth. Experience the rhythm of life's seasons and grasp the power of radical self-responsibility. By sharing personal anecdotes, I'll show you how single-minded focus and celebrating the minutiae of success can lead to exponential growth. We'll confront adversity head-on, understanding that it is not an impediment but a catalyst for resilience. You're invited to join this narrative that champions taking sabbaticals for creative rejuvenation and encourages you to step toward your dreams boldly. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: It's Okay Not to Be Okay, But It's Never Okay To Give Up On Yourself

It's with a sincere heart that I return to you after a brief hiatus, a testament to the juggling act of senior year.At the crossroads of student leadership, internships, and meaty agency projects, the art of balance becomes more than just a concept—it’s a daily practice. In this candid conversation, I extend my apology for the brief silence and invite you to walk with me through the peaks and valleys of personal growth. Shifting gears, we’ll reflect on the notion of destiny and the importance of embracing our roles with courage and tenacity. Together, we'll uncover the silver linings in life's trials and the importance of perseverance, not just for self-fulfillment but as an homage to the grand design that shapes our journey. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: Being a Favored Girl Ain't Fair

Ever feel like some people just have all the luck? I'm not just talking about good fortune; I'm talking about living with intention and being able to distinguish between opportunities that are merely attractive and those that are divinely appointed. Get ready to tune into your own frequency of favor and learn how to be poised for when God's call arrives in your life. This episode is a heartfelt call to amplify your life's blessings through a combination of deep spiritual connection and humility. We'll discuss the transformative power of being a vessel of favor, not just for ourselves but for those around us and our communities at large. Expect to leave this episode with affirmations that will strengthen your sense of favor and encourage you to shine your light as a beacon of positivity. Whether you're in search of personal enlightenment or looking to uplift those around you, this conversation is your invitation to a life where blessings and purpose meet in perfect harmony. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: Promise Is In The Wait

Have you ever found yourself pacing the floor, waiting for that one email or phone call that could change everything? We're talking about the heavy cloak of anticipation, and let me tell you, it's not just about killing time—it's about enriching every moment with patience and faith. So, sit back and get ready to discover how your mindset in these suspense-filled intervals can be the magic ingredient for the success you crave. In this heartfelt discussion, we strip away the frustration of the waiting game and replace it with a spirit of resilience. I'll be sharing tales from my own life where faith and a supportive community became my lifeline. We'll explore how embracing the waiting seasons with grace can sculpt us into living testaments of our deepest desires and dreams. It's not just about enduring; it's about thriving in the uncertainty and coming out stronger on the other side. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal


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JanYouary: Ask, and You Shall Receive

We're not meant to walk our paths unaided, and sometimes the guidance we need comes from a simple prayer. In today’s episode, we unravel the serenity that accompanies surrendering our challenges to God, as exemplified by the scriptures in Philippians 4:6-7. Prepare to be inspired by tales of opened doors and broken protocols, all stemming from the courage to ask and the faith to believe in divine intervention. Support the Show. Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode. Follow That Girl Radio Follow our host Rikki Lee Ready to plan that life? Grab a digital That Life Planner Ready to build that savings? Grab a That Life Financial Planner Love to journal? Grab the Mindfull Journal
