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The Adventures of Indiana Jim

Arts & Culture Podcasts

A lighthearted look at life at the intersection of creativity, entertainment and technology from one of the singular personalities in podcasting. Indiana Jim covers the art and craft of writing Science Fiction and Fantasy, genre movie and TV opinion and analysis, book reviews, free speech and ethics in the age of Social Media, and an everyman’s perspective on developments in technology. Starting as a regular “voicemailer” to the pioneering podcast ‘Slice of SciFi’, and contributor of comedy to ‘Michael & Evo’s Wingin’ It’, Indy goes back to the earliest days of podcasting, before the days of the brands and big media companies. He was a finalist in 2009 for a Parsec Award, given annually at Dragon*Con for excellence in genre entertainment podcasting, for his full-cast fan Audio Drama Star Wars – Codename: Starkeeper. He is also an author of Science Fiction and Fantasy and erstwhile Gaming YouTuber.


New Albany, IN


A lighthearted look at life at the intersection of creativity, entertainment and technology from one of the singular personalities in podcasting. Indiana Jim covers the art and craft of writing Science Fiction and Fantasy, genre movie and TV opinion and analysis, book reviews, free speech and ethics in the age of Social Media, and an everyman’s perspective on developments in technology. Starting as a regular “voicemailer” to the pioneering podcast ‘Slice of SciFi’, and contributor of comedy to ‘Michael & Evo’s Wingin’ It’, Indy goes back to the earliest days of podcasting, before the days of the brands and big media companies. He was a finalist in 2009 for a Parsec Award, given annually at Dragon*Con for excellence in genre entertainment podcasting, for his full-cast fan Audio Drama Star Wars – Codename: Starkeeper. He is also an author of Science Fiction and Fantasy and erstwhile Gaming YouTuber.





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The Future of Indiana Jim and the Podcast

Debating the usefulness of the Indiana Jim brand, and the potential future of my podcasting endeavors. Please listen and then let me know what you think about the possibilities! Email me at indianajimpodcasts at gmail dot com or tweet at me on Twitter (if you’re still there) at


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Babylon 5 and The Wheel of Time – Reboots and Reimaginings

In this episode, I wax nostalgic about the first time I read through The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, and how it inspired me to take my writing seriously. Also a bit of discussion about J. Michael Straczynski’s recent announcement that Babylon 5 will be getting a reboot,... Click here for more.... →


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Moron Imposter Syndrome – Listener Feedback

In this episode we have moron imposter syndrome (see what I did there). I have some audio feedback from longtime listener and friend of the show, Amy Bowen! She has some really nice comments about the format and value of my little podcast, and I really appreciate it! This serves... Click here for more.... →


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It’s About Time – NaNoWriMo Day 14

Day 11: 822 words Day 12, 13, 14: Meh I’ll explain–and I’ll use small words, so that you’ll be sure to understand, you warthog-faced buffoon. This is a bit of a long one, but it’s all about how we choose to spend our time. In the course of doing NaNoWriMo,... Click here for more.... →


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Status Report – NaNoWriMo Day 9 & 10

Day 9: 165 words Day 10: 1,679 words Total: 13,548 (Pending Day 11 finish) Pace Deficit: 4,778 Just a quick episode to let you know what’s been going on, why I haven’t been able to get episodes out on the daily.


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The Problem With Romantic Comedy – NaNoWriMo Day 7 & 8

Day 7: 1,403 Words Day 8: 1,487 Words Total: 11,150 Got a little closer to the regular pace today. In this episode, what kept me from an episode yesterday, and behind the scenes on the story! I introduce some genuine conflict to the romance angle, and rant about how romantic... Click here for more.... →


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I Deleted the Sex Scene – NaNoWriMo Day 6

Day 6: 849 new words, 114 net gain Total: 8,260 words Yes, I cut the sex scene because it was an obvious tonal mismatch with the voice of the piece. This discussion is about the difference between an obvious cut and self-editing or tweaking your prose or tinkering with the... Click here for more.... →


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Constraints on Creativity – NaNoWriMo Day 5

Day 5: 1,761 words Total: 8,146 words I got back up over the daily goal and halved my deficit in the benchmark total. I was totally caught off guard by what became the perfect opportunity for a sex scene and I just went with it! It was pretty liberating but... Click here for more.... →


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Be Kind to Yourself – NaNoWriMo Day 4

Day 4: 1,314 words Total: 6,385 A short episode tonight, but an important word about taking care of yourself when unforseen things come up.


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Priorities and When You Get Stuck – NaNoWriMo Day 3

Day 3: 1,618 words Total: 5,071 I’m just 48 words below the average daily target, but I wanted to at least get to 1,600 words and get to watching those dang election returns! Also, cramming the last day of Apex Legends Season 7, so sue me. Tonight I talk about... Click here for more.... →


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When Romance Invades – NaNoWriMo Day 2

Day 2: 1,712 Words Total: 3,453 Words In today’s update, so far I’m staying on pace over the 1,666 average daily goal. I read for you what amounts to the first chapter of the work, to give you a taste of the voice I couldn’t describe in yesterday’s episode. Then... Click here for more.... →


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NaNoWriMo Day 1 – The Writing Crusade Daily

Day 1: 1,741 Words Starting what I hope will be a daily podcast, where I give my numbers for the day, the challenges I am overcoming, and how the story is taking shape!


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Reviewing The Social Dilemma and Apple’s Dumb Event

I finally watched The Social Dilemma, after talking about it last week, and boy howdy! What a film! It is incredibly well-made and stays absolutely on-topic. It goes into great detail about how Social Media platforms influence not only our thinking but also our behavior. You must watch this as... Click here for more.... →


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My Twitter Dilemma and my COVID Experience

Why am I even on Twitter? This isn’t the first time I’ve asked myself this question, but for the first time I’m actually considering leaving. Why did I get on the platform to begin with, and why am I still here? A brief overview of the problem with Social Media... Click here for more.... →


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What I Want to Do With My Life

I finally have clarity on what I want to do with my life, so I jumped behind the microphone to let you know what that is! I define another breakthrough I’ve had since the last time I recorded an episode, and then I talk a little bit about trying on... Click here for more.... →


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What I Want to Do With My Life

For years I wondered what I wanted to do with my life. Why did God put me on this earth? I finally have clarity on what I want to do with my life, so I jumped behind the microphone to let you know what that is! I define another breakthrough... Click here for more.... →


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How to Know You’re Not a Star Wars Fan

How do you know you’re not a Star Wars fan? You are in the greatest era of Star Wars content ever fathomed and all you do is find stuff to complain about. Today I want to talk to you about fandom, and not just Star Wars fandom but fandom in general.... Click here for more.... →


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Life is Great and Getting Better Every Day

An update on an even fresher perspective for the podcast! I just got back from attending the Free the Dream conference in Franklin, Tennessee, hosted by Cliff Ravenscraft. It was a great time for my wife and I to connect on some common ground. Also, I started a new book... Click here for more.... →


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Top Ten Unsung Movies

If you’ve listened to my podcast for any length of time you’ll know that I’ve wanted to get back to the geek in ArchGEEKologist for some time now. I wanted to do list of top ten films, but not just my top 10 favorite films, which I may get to... Click here for more.... →


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Six Big Lessons on Limiting Beliefs From The Big Leap

When I read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks last year there was a lot of new information to process, and the ramifications of learning it were unclear to me then. As I’ve moved on from the sea change in my life that I talked about last week, I looked... Click here for more.... →
