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The MikeWitmer Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Welcome to the MikeWitmer Podcast, hosted by Mike Witmer, talking about anything of relevance in the world. He’ll take you anywhere within reason while also giving you reviews and his opinions on different subjects, from TV shows and movies. To even diving down into some different food and drink reviews and so much more. He’ll even dive into the world of travel, anything from Disney and Universal Studios to the beach. If there’s anything he deems important and/or interesting to talk about he will be there to discuss it. You never know what will peak his interest each episode. So, come along and see if Mike has what it takes to make a successful podcast page!


United States


Welcome to the MikeWitmer Podcast, hosted by Mike Witmer, talking about anything of relevance in the world. He’ll take you anywhere within reason while also giving you reviews and his opinions on different subjects, from TV shows and movies. To even diving down into some different food and drink reviews and so much more. He’ll even dive into the world of travel, anything from Disney and Universal Studios to the beach. If there’s anything he deems important and/or interesting to talk about he will be there to discuss it. You never know what will peak his interest each episode. So, come along and see if Mike has what it takes to make a successful podcast page!



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Episode #21: Summer is the Best Season

I am back with episode #21 of my solo podcast series. In this one, I give some updates to my channels and what to look forward to. Next, I give some life updates, from dog sitting when a dog goes after a toad. As well as, recapping my Memorial Day weekend, celebrating both my nieces birthdays. Lastly, I discuss why nothing beats a relaxing summer weekend. Come along and see how I am doing this week!


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Episode #20: I'm Hitting My Podcast Goals

I am back with episode #20 of my solo podcast series! In this one, I recap Mother's Day weekend, meeting up with friends and more. Next, I give more life updates, how I spent time at the King of Prussia Mall, getting Korean fried chicken and hitting up Shake Shack. Lastly, I give some updates to both the podcast and YouTube channels, as well as plans in the works for the YouTube page. I also give an update to my year long goal for 2024. Come along and hear what's going on in my life this week!


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Episode #19: Car Troubles While Dog Sitting

I am back with episode #19 of my solo podcast series! In this one, I give some updates to both my podcast and YouTube channels, with some trouble being able to record some videos over the past week. Next, I discuss how ended up with a random dead car battery, spending the past weekend dealing with fixing it. Later on, I discuss how I had fomo when it came to my family going out to California and hitting up Disneyland, which gets me on a tangent about theme parks and water parks. Lastly, I discuss how dog sitting in that time went, all while dealing with car troubles. Come along and hear how I am doing this week!


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Episode #18: Curbing My Enthusiasm

I am back with episode 18 of my solo podcast series! In this one, I am giving some updates on the channel, and what I have in the works, with a couple Witmer's Updates on the YouTube channel. Next, I discuss some life updates, how I celebrated Easter, seeing both my nieces over that time, and how I have become my nieces favorite uncle. Later on, I discuss how my parents, sister and older brother are going out to California, hitting up Disneyland and feeling jealous and fomo over their trip. Lastly, I have a Witmer's Critique on the final season and finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Come along and hear how I am doing this week!


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Episode #17: My Anniversary in Podcasting

I'm back with episode #17 of my solo podcast series! In this one, I'm celebrating my six years in podcasting. Starting it off, I give some updates on the podcast, things I have planned going forward to the YouTube page. Later on, I give some life updates, my plan to try and stay in shape and stay motivated. Lastly, I talk about my six years podcasting, how I got into podcasting, what I enjoy about it, and even things I've learned along the way. Come along and hear what I've been up to the last couple weeks!


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Episode #16: True Detective and Life Updates

I am back with episode #16 of my solo podcast series! Starting this one off, I'm giving some slight life and podcast updates. The majority of the episode is my review on "True Detective: Night Country". I give my overall thoughts on the season as a whole, how the performances were and how well it relates to the previous three seasons of True Detective. At the end, I give a ranking to the four seasons. Come along and hear how I am doing this week!


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Episode #15: Annoyances With Life at Times

I am back with episode #15 of my solo podcast series! In this week's episode, I start off sharing how I wish it would stay a consistent warm weather. After, I spent the past day shoveling snow and wanting that spring like weather back. Following that, I give an update on an Underachievers Podcast, and how I accidentally deleted an episode and couldn't get it back, which put me in a bit of a crappy mood. I also give an update on my goal of the year of posting more content on this page. Which, leads me to talking about my recent visit to the Exton Square Mall and how it's fallen. Come along and hear how I am doing this week!


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Episode #14: It's Frigid and Some Life Updates

I am back with episode #14 of my solo podcast series! In this one, I discuss a mini technical issue I had in the previous episode. This again, gets me talking, about my goal of getting more content on these channels and doubling the podcasts, I do. Next, I talk about some life updates, and what I have been up to since my last podcast. From my brother visiting with my eight month old niece and watching the NFL playoffs, to celebrating a very late Christmas at my grandmas. Lastly, I discuss how it has been freezing out lately and the two times it snowed in the past week, and how I feel about cold weather and winter. Come along and hear how I am doing this week!


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Episode #13: First Podcast of 2024

I am back with another solo podcast! Starting it off, I talk about how it's almost my birthday, how I feel about being 28, and how quick these last few years have been. Next, I go to talking about this channel, and a New Year's resolution I have this year, to expand the channel more, both audio and video wise. My hope, to at least double the amount of solo podcast throughout the year. Lastly, I recap my holidays, talking about how I celebrated Christmas and low-key New Years having to watch my dog. So, come along and hear my first podcast of 2024!


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Episode #12: An Update on Life

For the first time in three months, I'm back with another solo podcast! In this one, I give some life updates and plans in the work for the podcast and YouTube channel for the next couple weeks. I follow that up with talking about the year anniversary since I was down in Disney World for 10 days. Talking how crazy it's already been a year, moments that stuck out and comparing relaxation at Disney and Universal compared to a beach trip. Lastly, I talk about the holidays, some traditions I have and more. Come along and hear how I am doing this week!


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Episode #11: Going on A Short Vacation

I'm back with another solo podcast! For this week, I discuss my upcoming trip to Ocean City, NJ for a week long trip. Discussing my intentions of capturing my vacation on the beach, board walk and more. Later on, I have a Witmer's Critiques on the Disney 100 Exhibition at The Franklyn Institute. Giving my overall opinions of the event and if it is worth going to. Lastly, I continue my talk on Ocean City and why I'm not the biggest fan of New Jersey beaches. Come along and hear what's going on in my life this week!


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Episode #10: Updates and Oppenheimer

I'm back with another solo podcast! In this weeks episode, I give some updates on life in the past few weeks. From seeing my nieces to having some relaxing decompressing weekends. Later on, I have a Witmer's Critiques segment on Christopher Nolan's new movie Oppenheimer. I discuss whether the movie is as good as everyone saying it is. What parts of the movie stood out to me and parts that I wasn't the biggest fan of. So, come along and hear how what I've been up to the past few weeks!


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Episode #9: Recapping My Holiday Weekend

I'm back with another solo podcast! For this weeks episode, I'm giving a quick update of how I celebrated the 4th of July. Starting it off, I share how I went out golfing with my dad and brother on the 3rd. Sharing how well I did, doing well with my irons and chipping but struggling when it came to putting. Then I have a minor bone picking with the golf course we played at and how bad their greens looked. Later on, I share what I did on the 4th itself, having a few people over, relaxing pool side. I also share why I enjoy those relaxing moments with a drink in hand. So, come along and hear what I did for the holiday weekend!


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Episode #8: I’m Finally Back!

I'm back with another solo podcast! In this one, I'm giving a bit of a lite update as to where I have been the last few months. Talking about my trip to Pittsburgh to see my sister, my brother having a baby and much more. Later on, I have a Witmer's Critiques segment in which I review Wes Anderson's "Asteroid City" giving my honest opinions on the movie and more. So, come along and hear how I'm doing this week!


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Episode #7: Easter and Life Updates

Mike is back with another solo podcast. It's another shorter episode this week. Mike shares what he's been up two in the few weeks since he last podcasted. Recapping his Easter holiday and spending time with his niece. Later on, he discusses some more theme parks as well as his intentions for his podcast and channel going forward. Come along and hear how Mike is doing this week!


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Episode #6: Just A Quick Podcast

In today's episode Mike is sharing some life updates. Starting it off, Mike shares how he plans to start getting more of a consistent schedule. Next, he shares some updates on his podcasts, from the solo podcast to the Underachievers Podcast and Witmer&Quake Podcast. Later on, he shares how he met up with Brian and Jeff over the weekend and a pub crawl he attended. Lastly, he shares what he has planned for upcoming podcast episodes and YouTube channel. Come along and hear how Mike is doing this week!


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Episode #5: Theme Parks and More Rankings

After about a month, Mike is back with another solo podcast episode! In this one he stays the same with his past episodes, talking Disney and other theme parks. Starting it off, he shares how he feels being 27. Later on, he asks the question can adults who aren't the biggest Disney, Universal or theme park fans can have fun at them? Lastly, Mike has another ranking segment, for this one he going back and updating his top five favorite rides in Walt Disney World. Come along and hear how Mike is doing this week!


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Episode #4: I Went to Disney World!

After his trip to Walt Disney World, Mike is back with another solo! In this episode, Mike is sharing how his trip went. Starting it off, he recaps the ten days he was down in Orlando. The nine days at Disney and the one day he went to Universal Studios. After recapping his trip, he goes into a review of Disney's Mickey's Very Merry Christmas party. What he did during the party? The many treats he had during the treat trails. As well as his overall thoughts on the party, and if it is worth it. Come along and hear how Mike's trip to Disney went!


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Episode #3: Tripping In Boulder

After many months off, Mike is finally back again doing a solo podcast! He starts off this episode talking, once again, about how he wants to try doing these solo podcasts on a more regular basis. Later on, he shares what he's been up to in the past few weeks, and sharing the trip he took out to Boulder, Colorado with his "Underachievers Podcast" co-hosts Brian Appleby and Jeff Quake. He shares what they did while in Boulder, from falling six times on a hike, to going on a nice long circle and everything else the guys go into. So, come along and he how Mike's trip out to Boulder, Colorado went!


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Episode #2: More Theme Park Talk

Mike is back, after a little time off from his last solo podcast! Starting it off, he discusses how he wants to try and do more frequent solo podcasts. How he lost an episode he did a year and a half ago from a site that no longer does podcasts. Lastly, he spends majority of this shorter podcast ranking his favorite Walt Disney World theme parks. Focusing mainly on the four major parks. So, come along and hear how Mike ranks Disney Worlds parks and his hope to get this solo podcast going again!
