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The Rollback Show

Arts & Culture Podcasts

The worlds FIRST underground car culture radio. We interview the people you never thought you would hear from... TUNE IN!


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The worlds FIRST underground car culture radio. We interview the people you never thought you would hear from... TUNE IN!



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What if a teenage passion project could outshine high-performance cars in the pit? Today, we're revving up with Donardo, also known as "the kid in the tundra," who has taken the takeover scene by storm since he was 14. Hailing from Miami, Donardo shares the remarkable tale of building and customizing his Toyota Tundra with his dad. This isn't just any truck; it’s a beast that can hold its own against top-notch performance vehicles. Tune in as we discuss his adventures through various terrains, the unbreakable bond with his team, and the sheer joy of creating unforgettable events for fans and fellow enthusiasts alike. We also hear from the Dogtown crew, who celebrate Donardo's exceptional skills and hint at exciting future collaborations. Feel the thrill of drifting and the camaraderie of the automotive world in our vibrant discussion. We explore transitioning from trucks to other high-powered vehicles, the adrenaline-pumping joy of bumper car activities, and give a special shout-out to Walls for his outstanding sportsmanship in drifting. Relive past pit experiences, from overcoming the challenge of a trailer stuck in the mud to freestyle driving that electrifies the crowd. Join us as we celebrate the exhilarating group activities, the joy of meeting new faces across states, and the excitement of making each event a memorable spectacle. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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E Inna Hellcat + Mali Inna Z + Musty Boyz



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Ever found yourself marveling at a 17-year-old's ability to reign in the raw power of a car with the finesse of a seasoned pro? LSAPJ, a driving sensation from Jacksonville, joins us to discuss his meteoric rise in the youth car culture scene. From his ownership of a vehicle at such a young age to the vibrant discussions of swinging into the spotlight within three months, we uncover the significance of community influence and his responsible approach towards transforming risky street takeovers into legal, celebrated events. It's a talk that drives home the importance of keeping the culture alive and kicking, responsibly. Shifting gears, we address the delicate interplay of family upbringing and street culture, exploring how the former can steer youth away from the lure of illegal fame and towards constructive avenues for their passions. We touch upon the powerful impact of family support and how it can open doors to careers, sponsorships, and education, all while indulging in the love for cars. Amidst these earnest conversations, we also throw in a light-hearted debate over the top car "swingers," a testament to the diverse and rich tapestry of regional talents within the car community. In the homestretch of our episode, we buckle up for the essence of competition, safety protocols, and life lessons that the pit teaches us. The raw talent of drivers like City Boy and the admirable sportsmanship of Morax remind us of the spirit and camaraderie that fuel car culture. We wrap up reflecting on respect, growth, and the transitioning roads to independence. It's a narrative that accelerates beyond just engines and octane, into the very heart of what drives us towards success and the thrills of life, both behind the wheel and beyond. Join us for a ride that's as enlightening as it is exhilarating. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Have you ever witnessed a sky bursting with $600 worth of flowers? That's the kind of magic Donny Darko, our up-and-coming drone pilot from Texas, captures—propelling the drone scene to astonishing heights. We're amping up for this Saturday's event, eager to see Donnie's drones dance through a floral explosion. It's not just about the spectacle; it's a testament to how far Donny has soared since he took his first flight, inspired by mavens like Leon. The episode transports you back to the charged energy of Chicago's Mexican Independence Day, exploring how drone videography isn't just a hobby—it's a canvas for our most vivid expressions and exhilarating experiences. Remember the House of Power? We sure do, and so does Mo Rags—our behind-the-scenes hero who might not always step into the spotlight but deserves a standing ovation. We're pouring one out (figuratively, of course—safety first!) for those who've left a mark on our journey, including my boy sosa. Here's to the laughs, the near misses, and the hard-earned wisdom on knowing when to say when with the bottle. This episode doesn't shy away from the darker side of the car scene either; we confront the viral mishaps head-on and grapple with the anti-takeover bunch who've seemingly traded their wild days for wagging fingers. Strap in as Leon joins us for a rip-roaring chat about our car community's evolution, from the days of unbreakable bonds to the more tense crossroads we find ourselves at now. We're waxing nostalgic about the times when unity was our engine, and our shared hope to throttle back to that place of mutual respect and undiluted joy. And don't you worry—the Roll Back Show's revving up, promising an event you won't want to miss. With Donny Darko in the mix, you can bet your bottom dollar it's going to be an electrifying ride. So buckle up, kick back, and let the good times roll, because we're all in this together, sharing the passion that fuels our souls. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Mamba Ssita

Rev up your engines and buckle up for a pulse-quickening journey through the heart of car swinging culture. Our latest episode throws you right into the passenger seat with Mamba SSita, the adrenaline-fueled icon of tire smoke and friendly rivalries. Mamba takes us for a spin through his Bay Area roots to his weekend pilgrimages across the car community landscape, giving us the raw, unfiltered story of thrills, skills, and the brotherhood that fuels his passion. As we zigzag from Texas to Ohio and Chicago, Mamba names the legends like City Boy and Big Red he's itching to challenge, all while painting a vivid picture of the scene's camaraderie and high-octane excitement. Transitioning from the street's call to the embrace of legal pits, we acknowledge the evolution of car culture—a shift that's been both necessary and community-building. Remembering the electric nights and the rush of the chase, we also don't shy away from the past's inherent dangers. Now, as legal events unite gearheads and novices alike, the episode takes you into the heart of this transformative era. We share stories of unity and escape found within the roar of engines and the camaraderie at legal events from Texas to the upcoming pilgrimage to the vibrant streets of New Orleans, proving that the love for cars transcends all boundaries. In the final stretch, we pop the hood on the car meet experience with tales from our diverse ensemble of enthusiasts. From a late-blooming gearhead who mastered her 350Z's manual transmission to the burgeoning Ohio car scene, we celebrate each unique journey. We chat about Ohio's vibrant community and give a nod to the finesse required to master the art of driving Vs, with the promise of taking our show on the road. Join us as we gear up for a cross-country trek to spotlight California's and New Orleans's rich car cultures, paying homage to our crew and collaborators who keep the community's heart beating strong. It's a drive you won't want to miss, filled with the unbreakable bonds forged on the open road. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Strap in tight—this episode’s a wild ride through the heartbeats and burnouts of the car community, with the unapologetically fierce self-made queen 2ssCrazyDes of the South's car scene steering the conversation. She takes us from her chrome-rimmed Tahoe days to sliding Camaros, painting a vivid picture of life in the fast lane. You'll be riding shotgun as she recounts an exhilarating journey of transformation, spotlighting the generational shifts in car culture and the contrast of police attitudes towards our need for speed from yesteryear to the present. Navigating the twists and turns of the drifting world isn't for the faint-hearted, especially if you're a woman with rubber to burn and something to prove. Our guest shifts into high gear, tackling the trials and triumphs of standing out as a female slider among a sea of petrol-heads. With raw honesty, she shares her experiences from intimidation to empowerment on the track, celebrating the influential women who've left skid marks on her life and honoring a lost peer whose legacy fuels her drive. Finally, we cruise into the essence of what makes the car community tick—camaraderie, quirky traditions, and the memories we create along the way. You'll feel the pulse of our shared passion from Mardi Gras in Texas to the vibrant meets in NOLA, as we spotlight the community's unwavering support and our everlasting pursuit of carving out spaces for legal racing. It's about the legacy we're building, the dreams we're towing, and the little ones we're inspiring to one day take the wheel. Join us on this joyride where the bonds forged under the hood are just as precious as the horsepower they harness. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Poseidon + PoppaPoseidon + EinnaHellcat (Part 2)

Strap in, fellow gearheads, as we reminisce about the roar of engines and the warmth of community that lit up our Christmas charity event. Poppa Poseidon dropped in with a sleigh full of laughs, while the group delved into the spirit of giving at the boys and girls club, proving that horsepower and heart can indeed share the same lane. Joining me, with their wild tales and roaring rides, are Jenny, Poseidon, Ian the Hellcat, and Matiz, who bring the rubber-burning epics of highway donuts and the camaraderie that fuels our car meet convos. The car scene isn't just about the gleam of chrome and the scent of burning rubber; it's a canvas where punctuality paints as broad a stroke as philanthropy. We tackled the tough topics head-on — the pressing need for creating a positive impact and dealing with the changing dynamics that threaten the inclusive, family-friendly environment we all cherish. From the buzz of tandem sliding to the serious side of unsanctioned races, our discussion peeled back the layers of what it means to be a responsible enthusiast in a world where the line between thrill and threat is as thin as a finish line. Cap off your listen with a high-octane chase through our most heart-thumping stories, from high-speed getaways to the laugh-out-loud reflections of late-night drive-through runs and gas station camaraderie. It's the raw, unfiltered buzz of the street life, where every meetup writes a new chapter in our collective journey. So, if the sound of a supercharger sends shivers down your spine, or if you find a sense of identity in the rumble of a V8, you're in the right place. We're just a play button away from sharing the bond that ties us all, where every curve in the road brings us closer together, one mile at a time. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Diego + OFF.JDV

Remember that time when the screeching sound of tires and the smell of burnt rubber wasn't just a scene from a movie, but our reality in the heart of Ford City? Strap in and join me, The Hood Florist, along with Diego and JDV in his drop-top Mustang, as we relive the glory days of Chicago's underground racing scene. We tackle the age-old question: What does it truly mean to be a drifter? It's not all about donuts, folks. We get real about car control, share an inside joke about JDV's infamous 'wall kiss' that never was, and even leave our signatures on the table – because let’s face it, we're all about making memories that stick. Get ready to laugh and clutch your pearls as we share tales from a date night that took a high-octane turn. Pour one out for our dearly missed comrade who embraced the race scene with as much enthusiasm as we did. And, oh, the shenanigans! From finding out how a fried tire, lost keys, and too much drink can lead to a morning scramble for survival, to celebrating the heroes who always have our back – shoutout to Xica, Snow, and Cake – this is an episode packed with the kind of chaos that only true friends can bring sense to. Tune in for an episode where the only thing faster than our cars is the wit we bring to the table. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Dan Franklin + Metal Militia M.C.

When the neon glow of the city lights meets the roar of engines, it's not just about horsepower—it's about heart. Join me, The Hood Florist, and my esteemed guest D. Franklin, the founder of Metal Militia Motor Club as we navigate the twists and turns of car culture, from the adrenaline-fueled underground takeovers to the community-forging power of organized car meets. Daniel brings a wealth of experience, from his roots in the scene influenced by his mechanic father to his pivotal role in steering enthusiasts towards more respectful gatherings that pay homage to our shared passion while prioritizing safety. This episode throttles up a conversation that's turbocharged with stories of evolution within the car community, where the rubber of personal anecdotes meets the road of broader cultural shifts. We share the visceral experiences that underpin our love for the scene and the sobering moments that have redirected our course. You'll ride shotgun as we reflect on heart-wrenching tragedies, the dynamics of car clubs, and our personal journeys that drive the quest for a space where enthusiasts can converge safely and legally, away from the city's watchful eye. Amid the growl of engines and screech of tires, there's a symphony of community and connection waiting to be heard. We don't just shine a spotlight on the high-octane thrill of takeovers; we illuminate the power of the car community to rally around good causes, support local businesses, and build bridges over the divides that can stall the wheels of progress. From my own experiences with law enforcement to Daniel's admirable efforts in activism, we put the pedal to the metal on discussions that could shape the future of our culture—one where respect, collaboration, and diversity aren't just buzzwords, but the fuel that drives us forward. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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JusttNick + Nxventura + Vroom

Step into the dynamic world of car meets with Vroom, the sharpshooting sensation who's turning heads and challenging stereotypes. As a woman dominating the scene, Vroom story is just the beginning of a thrilling ride through the history and heartbeat of local car culture. Join us in paying tribute to legends like Bobby of the 312 crew and celebrating the extraordinary figures, like Papa Poseidon, who fuel the community's soul with their unwavering support. From the charged atmosphere of Christmas meets to the arresting story of Varglo's graffiti encounter with the CPD, we explore the threads that weave together the tapestry of this vibrant scene. The episode is a candid snapshot, capturing the essence of community unity, the respect owed to photographers, and the shared frustrations when art is co-opted without credit. Our conversation traverses through laughter and nostalgia, heartfelt stories, and the palpable energy of the streets that we all treasure. We round off with a dive into the gravity of our passion, examining the nuances of car takeovers, the troubling rise in reckless behavior, and the role of law enforcement in shaping community dynamics. With insights on the VVS game , and reflections on safety and crime in the district, this episode is not just a discussion—it's an homage to the culture that drives us. Tune in for an authentic glimpse into the multifaceted world of car culture, where every anecdote and opinion fuels the engine of our collective story. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Remember the days when shifting gears on the open road was the only therapy you needed? Our latest episode transports you back to that era, while cruising through the ever-changing landscape of car culture in Chicago. From the tight-knit camaraderie of events like Chicago vs. Everybody, to navigating the tricky dance with law enforcement, we cover the full spectrum of what it means to be part of this pulsating community. We open up about our personal journeys with classic cars, like the '72 Cutlass, and the deep connections we've forged with these mechanical marvels. As night falls and the White Castle parking lot lights up, we swap stories of the vibrant late-night scene, balancing our passion for cars with the dynamics of relationships. We shine a light on the importance of safety, respect, and the need to protect the integrity of these gatherings from those who would disrespect them. The episode also takes a turn towards the more serious issues of violence and conflict resolution among the youth, emphasizing the power of community and strength of character over the persuasion of carrying a weapon. Join us along with the crew from BNoise TV as we recall the skillful showmanship of legendary drivers like the 350Z master and share laughs over tire-changing escapades gone awry. We pay homage to influential figures like Smurf, whose legacy continues to shape the scene, and discuss the dreams of creating a safe, legal space for enthusiasts to thrive. So, buckle up, because this episode is an epic ride through the heart of car culture, capturing the essence of why we love this community so fiercely. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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As the roar of a Cadillac CTS-V echoes through the streets, we catch up with V1.Moore, a pioneering woman whose love for cars is as undeniable as her skills behind the wheel. Today's journey takes us from the nostalgic influence of her grandfather to the adrenaline-fueled world of legal car events, as V1 shares her evolution from a Mustang aficionado to a Cadillac devotee. She's not just any driver—she's making history in the US swing scene, pushing boundaries and setting pulses racing. Grappling with the challenges of being a female in a male-dominated sport, she maneuvers through jealousy and drama with the grace of a seasoned drifter, leaving her mark on the tarmac and inspiring others to chase their passions. Amidst the symphony of revving engines, we celebrate the diversity of the local car crews, where SRTs and Challengers reign supreme yet Cadillacs and G8s carve their own path. We reminisce about the legends who've left their tire tracks on our hearts, now vanished from the limelight, and pledge to keep their stories alive. This episode isn't just about horsepower and high speeds—it's a glimpse into the life of a dedicated female driver, balancing the thrills of the chase with the warmth of family during holidays, and dreaming of coast-to-coast car scene explorations. Strap in for an exhilarating ride as we revel in the plans for an LS engine swap and the balletic precision of an angle kit, promising to bring a fresh wave of joy to the scene. With a heartfelt thanks to V1, we shift into neutral, already eager for the next time we reconnect on this automotive odyssey. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Zuzu + Super61

Every week, the scent of burgers mingled with burning rubber as White Castle became our sanctuary—a church where the sermon was the rev of an engine and the congregation, car enthusiasts with gasoline pulsing through their veins. Gather round as OGs Zuzu and Super61 roll back the clock to when the streets were our playground, and the cops kept their sirens silent for the sake of peace. In this nostalgic joyride, we swap tales from the pulse-pounding car meets that shaped our lives, sharing the rush of learning to swing steel beasts with finesse, and the indelible mark these nights left on our souls. Then, we gear up for a throwback to the days of Super Mall and Cook Brothers, where the asphalt witnessed more drama than a daytime soap. Laughter, adrenaline, and the occasional moment of solemn reflection color these stories, like the unforgettable run-in with a brave (or perhaps foolish) cameraman. Join us on this trip down memory lane, where the lessons learned in the fast lane still reverberate in our hearts, steering us through life long after the rubber cools and the engines quiet. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Plum Snow

When was the last time you found yourself immersed in the raw, engine-revving ecstasy of car culture? The Rollback Show is back, igniting the airwaves with legendary Plum Crazy Snow and the ever-insightful 312 Jenny by my side. Together, we cruise through the streets of memory lane, unpacking tales of the pre-pandemic car meets that defined an era, and revving up the laughter with Snow's PornHub license plate saga. From the poignant homage paid to Smurf's legacy steering us toward legal, drama-free gatherings, to Jenny's candid take on life's highs and lows, this episode is a wild ride through the heart of Chicago's car scene. We don't just talk about cars; we live and breathe them. This episode shifts into high gear, exploring the underbelly and exhilaration of Chicago's car modifications, the trailblazing female swingers commanding the 'Queen of the Pit' title, and the uproarious challenges our engines face. Safety isn't just a buzzword here—it's a pulse point, as we steer the conversation toward the changing landscape of car meets, where the rubber of integrity meets the road of community spirit. We dissect the dynamics between enthusiasts and law enforcement, sharing insider advice for hosting epic meets while keeping the unpredictable elements in check. Hit the clutch on camaraderie as we floor it towards the shared aspirations within our community. We ignite discussions on the swinging community's top drivers, their throttling antics, and the joyous nostalgia of car enthusiasts' memories. Reflecting on the power of legal takeovers and the family bonds strengthened at events, we reveal how the car scene can serve as a launchpad for professional opportunities, from drifting to photography. Throughout, we underscore the essence of spreading love, fostering positive influences, and the transformative power of genuine passion, proving our commitment to the community extends well beyond the sparkle of the showroom. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Poseidon + PoppaPoseidon + EinnaHellcat (Part 1)

Grab your keys and rev those engines, because we're about to hit the open road with car enthusiasts EinnaHellcat and Poseidon. This role-back spin on the classic talk show format takes you on a high-speed chase through the world of burnouts, racing, car meets, and the adrenaline-fueled culture that surrounds it. Our pit crew is a father-son duo with a shared love for roaring engines and drifting tires. They drive us through their first encounters in the car community, their stance on safety measures, and a few white-knuckle behind-the-wheel experiences. We switch gears midway to explore the rich history and cultural influence of Midwest drag racing and the rise of drifting as not just a thrill-seeking hobby, but also a lucrative career. We'll cruise through stories of their experiences, talk about safety measures in the pit and share some fireside tales of the spectator experience. As we approach the finish line, the conversation takes a serious turn, shedding light on their participation in the protests ignited by the tragic demise of George Floyd. As we park it for this episode, we tune into a heartfelt discussion about respect, loyalty, and accountability in the car culture. Our guests weigh in on feuds within the scene, the power of connections, and the sportsmanship of friendly competitions. We also explore the world of chair making and express our support for local businesses such as Hood Florist. So, buckle up and join us for a journey through the world of cars and the community that fuels it. Your pit stop for all things car culture is just one play button away. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Chicago Explicit + Makashotit

Are you ready to join us on a trip down memory lane? Relive our favorites from climbing buildings in CP area, hanging out at Lumber, and feeding our hunger at Lawrence's. With our guests Chicago Explicit and Makashotit, nostalgia takes the front seat as we reminisce about our long-standing involvement in the scene. Oh, and trust us, you wouldn't want to miss out on the hilarious repartee despite a few technical glitches. We've got more in store for you, as we plunge headfirst into the adrenaline-pumping world of car takeovers. Remember Chicago versus Everybody Part 1? We do too, and we've got some crazy stories to tell! From the pulsating atmosphere to the imminent dangers of being caught off guard, we cover it all. Of course, we don't forget to discuss safety, which is paramount at these high-octane events. You'll also find us musing over the impact of rail videos, the thrill of out-of-town events, and our close shaves with the law. Towards the end, it's honesty hour as we dissect the current state of the car community. From the experiences of the participants to the repercussions of illegal activities, we don't hold back. We understand the importance of community support, organization, and a positive mindset, and that's exactly what we stress upon. As we sign off, we invite you to join us in our quest for change, one episode at a time. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride! Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Rollback Show will be at Texas House of Power 12/16/23

THE ROLLBACK SHOW WILL BE DOING INTERVIEWS AT TEXAS HOUSE OF POWER DECEMBER 16th 2023! Ever wondered how to add a dash of spontaneity to an event while ensuring its success? Picture this: interviews in cars and trucks during the Texas House of Power event. It's a wild idea, but that's exactly what we're planning. We're bringing a different twist to our coverage, one that promises to be full of excitement, potential "bad decisions", and a lot of laughter. With our host, Nick, bringing in his unique, creative photography skills, we're all set to make this event a memorable one. And let's not forget about our group chat shenanigans and our hilarious initial meeting with Nick. We're more passionate than ever to provide a platform for people to share their stories and experiences. We're all about adding value to the attendees' experience, and ensuring their narratives are heard. Let's pack our bags and get ready for THOP. Discussing the anticipation of our meet-up in Texas, the conversation covers the importance of stocking up on liquor (don't forget the Sunday liquor store closure in Texas) to the guest's first-ever flying experience for a previous event. The itinerary includes adventures in different states and countries, wild car stunts, and favorite spots during the lockdown. Yes, we've got big plans, and they include an exciting trip Texas House Of Power. So, buckle up and get ready for a journey that's full of laughter, reminiscences, and planning for the future. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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Rio + 392Manny

Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride; an episode that takes you from the early days of the 312 crew to the chaos and camaraderie permeating the current car culture. As your hosts, Hood Florist and Jenny, we invite you to join us alongside Rio and 392Manny, as we traverse through the controversial split of the 312 crew and Lil Bobby, the monetary pursuit-induced decline of the car scene, and our favorite memories from car meets. As we skirt around the pitfalls of unresolved beef and accountability within the community, we keep the vibes light-hearted and humorous. Taking a closer look at the changes in the car scene, we draw on the experiences of Rio and 392Manny to unravel the complexities of this subculture. From the heady days of takeover meets to the influence of Strictly Sideways, we offer first-hand accounts of the scene's evolution. We'll discuss the impact of money-driven motivations and the shift toward chaos, but it's not all doom and gloom; we'll also touch on camaraderie, unity, and some downright hilarious stories from car meets. As we shift gears to more serious topics, we tackle issues of unresolved beef within the car scene and highlight the importance of accountability for preserving unity. And of course, no episode is complete without a dive into car swinging and some light-hearted banter about appearances and possible family ties. So, if you're keen to hear about all things car culture, including Mexican holiday car meets, don't hit the brakes just yet; we've got plenty more to share. This episode is packed with passion, humor, and a whole lot of love for cars. Don't miss out; stick with us for this enlightening journey through the world of car enthusiasts and crews. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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ShotByE + LeonDavinci

Discover the profound journey of ShotByE, a rising star in the media industry, as he navigates his way from being a rookie to crafting a niche in the world of car photography and videography. ShotByE spills the beans about kickstarting his career with a drone and shooting his first event, eventually escalating to handling expensive gear with finesse. Davinci gives insider tips for DJI users and immerse yourself in an exciting dialogue about the essence of resilience, the role of mentoring, and the exhilarating experience of capturing life from an innovative lens. Our conversation takes an interesting detour into the nuances of car photography and videography, along with the thrill of drifting across various cities. We crack the code on transforming passion into profit and elucidate the legalities involved. But it doesn't end there! Davinci also shares some essential advice for filmmakers on maximizing the potential of their cameras and carving out a unique portfolio. Dive into the exciting world of FPV drones and travel experiences, as ShotByE gives a sneak peek into his challenging yet triumphant journey. In the final leg of our engaging chat, we place a spotlight on the paramount importance of safety and responsibility at car events. ShotByE and LeonDavinci underlines the need for vigilance, particularly in high-risk zones such as Chicago, and imparts wisdom on handling public recognition and personal safety. We scrutinize the concept of media responsibility, emphasizing the need to blur out certain elements during event coverage. As we conclude, we pay homage to the vibrant drifting culture in Chicago and California, hinting at a potential yearly showdown. Join our enlightening conversation for a fresh perspective on the thrilling world of drifting and car photography. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates


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MrGotdamnit x Demontime.Mo x SRTWRLD

Get ready for some real talk with our special guest Mr. God Damn It, as we embark on an engaging ride through life’s unfiltered experiences. Buckle up as we explore his unique persona and the roots of his passion for cars, a topic that not only binds us but has also shaped our lives. Mr. God Damn It takes us on his journey from owning his first car to becoming a Hellcat owner, revealing how his experiences have transformed his perspective on life. Remember the thrill that came with your first car? We do, and we’re here to share our own experiences and dream car journeys, alongside Mr. God Damn It and Moe. We discuss the exhilaration of speed, illuminate the importance of responsibility behind wheels, and the impact car culture has had on our lives. Buckle in as we recount wild experiences, high-speed chases, gas station donuts, and the suspenseful encounter with a mysterious orange Hellcat. As the conversation shifts gears, Mr. God Damn It provides a raw account of his life's adventures from his early years in the Bahamas to facing love and betrayal. He reveals how these experiences have propelled him to strive for more, offering a compelling narrative that goes beyond the realm of cars. So, tune in for a candid discussion about life, growth, and turning dreams into reality. Support the Show. Follow our instagram for more updates
