The Taproot Therapy Podcast -

The Taproot Therapy Podcast -

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Hosted by Joel Blackstock and Alice Hawley, the Taproot therapy podcasts discusses trauma and depth psychology and the implications of psychology on art and design. We dabble in neuroscience, brain based medicine, Jungian psychology, and various modes of artistic expression and healing. ------ Based in Birmingham Alabama, Taproot Therapy Collective is the premiere providers of therapy for severe and complex trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression. We provide EMDR, brainspotting, ETT, somatic, and, jungian therapy as well as QEEG, brain mapping and neurostimulation. Website: The resources, videos and podcasts on our site and social media are no substitute for mental health treatment. Please find a qualified mental health provider and contact emergency services in your area in the event of an emergency to a provider in your area. Our number and email are only for scheduling at Taproot Therapy Collective are not monitored consistently and not a reliable resource for emergency services.


United States


Hosted by Joel Blackstock and Alice Hawley, the Taproot therapy podcasts discusses trauma and depth psychology and the implications of psychology on art and design. We dabble in neuroscience, brain based medicine, Jungian psychology, and various modes of artistic expression and healing. ------ Based in Birmingham Alabama, Taproot Therapy Collective is the premiere providers of therapy for severe and complex trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression. We provide EMDR, brainspotting, ETT, somatic, and, jungian therapy as well as QEEG, brain mapping and neurostimulation. Website: The resources, videos and podcasts on our site and social media are no substitute for mental health treatment. Please find a qualified mental health provider and contact emergency services in your area in the event of an emergency to a provider in your area. Our number and email are only for scheduling at Taproot Therapy Collective are not monitored consistently and not a reliable resource for emergency services.




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🗿The Birth of Architecture: Neolithic Psyche

[caption id="attachment_5359" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] "Dolmen de Menga entrance: Massive stone portal of 6,000-year-old Neolithic tomb in Antequera, Spain."[/caption][caption id="attachment_5354" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] "La Peña de los Enamorados: Distinctive mountain face aligned with Dolmen de Menga, resembling human profile."[/caption] Key Ideas: Adventure Time with My Daughter My daughter Violet likes the show Adventure Time. She loves mythology, creepy tombs, long dead civilizations and getting to be the first to explore and discover new things. I took my 6-year-old daughter to the Neolithic portal Tomb, or Dolmen, Dolmen de Menga in Antequera, while on a trip to Spain. This ancient megalithic monument, believed to be one of the oldest and largest in Europe, dates back to the 3rd millennium BCE. It is made of 8 ton slabs of stone that archaeologists have a passing idea of how ancient people moved. It has a well drilled through 20 meters of bedrock at the back of it and it is oriented so that the entrance faces a mountain that looks like a sleeping giant the ancient builders might have worshiped. All of this delighted my daughter. The dolmen's impressive architecture features massive stone slabs, some weighing up to 180 tons, forming a 25-meter-long corridor and a spacious chamber. Inside, a well adds to the mystery, possibly used for rituals or as a symbol of the underworld. What's truly fascinating is the dolmen's alignment with the nearby La Peña de los Enamorados mountain. During the summer solstice, the sun rises directly over the mountain, casting its first rays into the dolmen's entrance, illuminating the depths of the chamber. This astronomical alignment suggests the ancient builders had a sophisticated understanding of the cosmos. According to archaeoastronomical studies, the Dolmen de Menga might have served as a symbolic bridge between life and death, connecting the world of the living with the realm of the ancestors. The solstice alignment could have held great spiritual significance, marking a time of renewal, rebirth, and the eternal cycle of existence. Sharing this incredible experience with my daughter and witnessing her awe and curiosity as she felt the weight of boulders that men had moved by hand, is a moment I'll treasure forever. I reminded her that every time she has seen a building, be it a school or a sky-scraper, it all started here with the birth of architecture, and maybe the birth of something else too. Thinking about prehistory is weird because thinking about the limits of our human understanding is trippy and prehistory is, by definition, before history and therefore written language, meaning we cant really know the subjective experience of anyone who was a part of it. Talking to a child about the limits of what we as a species do or can know are some of my favorite moments as a parent because they are opportunities to teach children the importance of curiosity, intuition and intellectual humility than many adults never learn. Watching Violet contemplate a time when mankind didn't have to tools or advanced scientific knowledge was a powerful moment when I saw her think so deeply about the humanity she was a part of. What the Invention of Architecture did to Psychology Anecdote of the Jar by Wallace Stevens I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill. The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air. It took dominion everywhere. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird or bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee. Prior to the advent of architecture, the world was an undivided, seamless entity, with no clear boundaries between human habitation and the natural environment. The construction of dolmens and other architectural structures shattered this unified perception, creating a new paradigm in which humans...


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The Psychology of Technology in Film Making with Andy Philpo

🎥🎬 In this captivating podcast, Joel and Andy Philpo dive deep into the world of cutting-edge filmmaking and concert technology! 🎉🎸 From virtual production and LED walls to AI-assisted creativity, they explore how these advancements are transforming the entertainment industry. 🌟💡 Andy shares his insights on the democratization of creative tools and the potential for indie projects to achieve stunning results. 🎨💻 They also discuss the importance of immersion in storytelling and how technology can enhance the audience's experience. 🎭🎫 Join them as they ponder the future of AR/VR concerts, escape rooms, and the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. 🎮🔍 Don't miss this engaging conversation on the intersection of art and technology! 🎨🔧 #FilmmakingTechnology #ConcertTech #VirtualProduction #LEDWalls #AICreativity #IndieFilmmaking #Immersion #Storytelling #AudienceExperience #ARVRConcerts #EscapeRooms #InteractiveEntertainment #ArtMeetsTech #EntertainmentIndustry #Podcast


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The Psychology of Screenwriting with Chris Rogers

Chris Rogers, the visionary showrunner behind critically acclaimed series like AMC's "Halt and Catch Fire," Amazon's "Paper Girls," and Apple TV+'s latest hit, "Sugar." Join us as we explore Rogers' journey through the television industry and uncover the intricate psychology behind crafting compelling narratives for the small screen. Whether you're an aspiring screenwriter, a psychology enthusiast, or simply a fan of great television, this interview offers a rare glimpse into the creative process of one of today's most innovative showrunners. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of compelling storytelling and gain a deeper appreciation for the art and science of television writing. In this illuminating conversation, Rogers shares insights into the delicate balance of character development, plot progression, and thematic resonance that defines his work. We'll discuss how he taps into the human psyche to create relatable characters and emotionally resonant storylines that keep viewers coming back for more. #ChrisRogers #TVShowrunner #HaltAndCatchFire #PaperGirls #Sugar #AppleTV #AmazonPrime #AMC #TelevisionIndustry #CreativeProcess #Storytelling #StreamingPlatforms #WritersRoom #SciFiTV #PeriodDrama


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🗠💥Psychology of the American Nightmare in The Great Gatsby

In this episode, we embark on a captivating exploration of F. Scott Fitzgerald's timeless classic, The Great Gatsby. We analyze the novel's prophetic qualities, its commentary on the cyclical nature of history, and its profound insights into the human psyche. Through the lens of Jungian psychology, we examine the anima and animus archetypes embodied by Fitzgerald and his contemporary, Ernest Hemingway, and how their works reflect the eternal struggle between the intuitive and the assertive. We also discuss how The Great Gatsby serves as a powerful warning about the pitfalls of the American Dream and the dangers of becoming trapped in the past. Join us for this illuminating discussion on one of the most influential novels of the 20th century. #TheGreatGatsby #FScottFitzgerald #LiteraryAnalysis #JungianArchetypes #AnimaAnimus #AmericanDream #Modernism #Literature #History #Psychology #Podcast #iTunes #Spotify #Stitcher #GooglePodcasts #Subscribe The Expansive Decadent Ego of the Animus and the Introspective Bust and Decline of the Anima as Parts of Empire Cultures wax and wane. Empires that seem like part of the cosmos itself fall like gunshot victims into a pool or lines on a bar chart. It is the rare work that can speak to both the sparkle of spectacle and the timeless inevitable real it distracts us from. The Great Gatsby was an immediate success and then forgotten and then rediscovered. It was forgotten because the Jazz age was a, beautiful maybe, but still nearsighted dalliance. Fitzgerald was lumped in with all of the other out of date out of style gaucheness the book was mistaken as a celebration of. It was rediscovered because critics realized the book was like one of those sweetly scented break up notes that is written so beautifully that the dumped sod misreads it as a love letter and puts it with the other love notes unawares. The Great Gatsby was a warning; and you can only hear the warning after the fall. Perhaps half love letter and half kiss off, some part of Fitzgerald knew that his world was ending. The Jazz age was the parodos, or fun act of the ancient Greek tragedy where characters expound humorously against the chorus on the character faults that will undue them against the grinding unwinding of time. Ancient Greece and Rome look the same in the periphery and quite different in focus. Greeks sought to be ideal through archetype where Romans sought reality through realism. Greece, like F. Scott Fitzgerald, dealt in the realm of the anima - the passive, intuitive, and emotional aspects of the psyche. They were comfortable with beauty through vulnerability and had a poetic culture that celebrated poetic introspection. The Greeks were fascinated with the introspective world of the psyche, and their ability to express complex emotions and ideas through symbolic and mythological language. To them archetypes were like platonic forms, or perfect ideals, removed from time. [caption id="attachment_4983" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Ancient Greek Beauty[/caption] Rome, like Fitzgerald's contemporary Ernest Hemingway, was more closely associated with the qualities of the animus - the masculine, assertive, and imperialistic, aspects of the psyche. Roman culture was characterized by its emphasis on law, order, and external appearances of military might. It gave rise to some of the most impressive feats of engineering, architecture, and political organization in the ancient world. The Romans were known for their practicality, their discipline, and their ability to translate ideas into concrete realities. To Rome the aspirational and ideological only mattered in hindsight. [caption id="attachment_4984" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Ancient Roman Beauty[/caption] To a Greek one noticed the archetype or one failed to. To a Roman on created the archetype. Humans made things real or we didn't. Romans got credit for ideas in a way that Greeks didn't. To a Greek we were glimpsing the inevitable realms of the...


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The Illusion of Progress: How Psychotherapy Lost its Way

The Crisis in Psychotherapy: Reclaiming Its Soul in the Age of Neoliberalism" Summary: Explore the identity crisis facing psychotherapy in today's market-driven healthcare system. Learn how neoliberal capitalism and consumerism have shaped our understanding of self and mental health. Discover why mainstream therapy often reinforces individualistic self-constructions and how digital technologies risk reducing therapy to scripted interactions. Understand the need for psychotherapy to reimagine its approach, addressing social and political contexts of suffering. Join us as we examine the urgent call for a psychotherapy of liberation to combat the mental health toll of late capitalism and build a more just, caring world. Hashtags: #PsychotherapyCrisis #MentalHealthReform #NeoliberalismAndTherapy #TherapyRevolution #SocialJusticeInMentalHealth #CriticalPsychology #HolisticHealing #TherapeuticLiberation #ConsumerismAndMentalHealth #PsychotherapyFuture #CapitalismAndMentalHealth #DeepTherapy #TherapyAndSocialChange #MentalHealthActivism #PsychologicalEmancipation Key Points: How Market Forces are Shaping the Practice and Future of Psychotherapy The field of psychotherapy faces an identity and purpose crisis in the era of market-driven healthcare. As managed care, pharmaceutical dominance, and the biomedical model reshape mental health treatment, psychotherapy’s traditional foundations – depth, nuance, the therapeutic relationship – are being displaced by the imperatives of cost containment, standardization, and mass-reproducibility. This shift reflects the ascendancy of a neoliberal cultural ideology reducing the complexity of human suffering to decontextualized symptoms to be efficiently eliminated, not a meaningful experience to be explored and transformed. In “Constructing the Self, Constructing America,” cultural historian Philip Cushman argues this psychotherapy crisis stems from a shift in notions of the self and therapy’s aims. Individual identity and psychological health are shaped by cultural, economic and political forces, not universal. The rise of neoliberal capitalism and consumerism birthed the “empty self” plagued by inner lack, pursuing fulfillment through goods, experiences, and attainments – insecure, inadequate, fearing to fall behind in life’s competitive race. Mainstream psychotherapy largely reinforces this alienated, individualistic self-construction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and manualized treatment focus narrowly on “maladaptive” thoughts and behaviors without examining social, political, existential contexts. Packaging therapy into standardized modules strips away relational essence for managed care’s needs. Therapists become technicians reinforcing a decontextualized view locating problems solely in the individual, overlooking unjust social conditions shaping lives and psyches. Central is the biomedical model’s hegemony, viewing psychological struggles as brain diseases treated pharmacologically – a seductive but illusory promise. Antidepressant use has massively grown despite efficacy and safety doubts, driven by pharma marketing casting everyday distress as a medical condition, not deeper malaise. The model individualizes and medicalizes distress despite research linking depression to life pains like poverty, unemployment, trauma, isolation. Digital technologies further the trend towards disembodied, technocratic mental healthcare. Online therapy platforms and apps expand access but risk reducing therapy to scripted interactions and gamified inputs, not genuine, embodied attunement and meaning-making. In his book “Getting Loose: Lifestyle Consumption in the 1970s,” sociologist Samuel Binkley examines how the social transformations of the 1970s, driven by the rise of neoliberalism and consumer culture, profoundly reshaped notions of selfhood and the goals of therapeutic practice. Binkley argues that the dominant therapeutic model that emerged during this period – one centered on the...


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🎶✍️ The Psychology of Songwriting with Jefrey Siler

Buy the album Jefinently: Jefrey's Webste: On today's episode we have a very special guest - singer-songwriter Jefrey Siler, here to talk about his latest album "Jeffinently". Jefrey has been making waves in the music scene with his unique blend of folk, rock and soul. His introspective lyrics and heartfelt performances have earned him a dedicated following. In our conversation, we'll dive into the creative process behind "Jeffinently", Jefrey's musical influences, and the stories and experiences that have shaped his songwriting. We'll also discuss Jefrey's journey as an independent artist navigating the modern music landscape. To stay up to date with all of Jefrey's latest music and musings, be sure to follow him on social media at @jefreysiler and visit his website Patreon: Venmo: Soundcloud: Cashapp:$jefreysiler #JefreySiler #Songwriting #NewMusicFriday #IndieArtist #SingerSongwriter #FolkRock #austin #Storyteller #SongwriterLife #MusicMonday #IndieFolk #interview #newalbumsong #OriginalMusic #texasartist Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email:


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-/+ Healing the Modern Soul Appendix: Psychotherapy as Negative Space

This is the Appendix to the Healing the Modern Soul Series that you can find below Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email:


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🌐Healing the Modern Soul Part 4: Poetry of the Spheres

Healing the Modern Soul is a series about how clinical psychology will haave to change and confront its past if it is to remain relevant in the future. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Healing the Modern Soul Appendix "Spheres of the Self: Navigating Identity, Emotions, and Relationships in Therapy" Art: Are Everyone Stands Under His Own Dome of Heaven Anselm Kiefer German In this thought-provoking podcast, we explore the complex interplay between the self, emotions, and relationships through the lens of Peter Sloterdijk's spherology and the history of Western thought. Each episode delves into the ways in which individuals construct and inhabit their own "spheres" of meaning, and how these spheres shape their sense of identity, emotional experiences, and interpersonal dynamics. We examine how the binary opposition between the self and the other, and between reason and emotion, has influenced therapeutic approaches throughout history, and how contemporary theories and practices are challenging these dichotomies. Our expert guests, including therapists, philosophers, and cultural critics, offer insights into the fluid, dynamic nature of the self and the importance of recognizing the complex interplay between individual and collective spheres. Through case studies, personal anecdotes, and philosophical reflections, we explore how therapy can help individuals navigate the challenges of constructing and maintaining a coherent sense of self in an increasingly globalized, technologically mediated, and ecologically fragile world. We discuss the role of emotions, relationships, and embodied experiences in shaping the self, and how therapists can support clients in developing more flexible, adaptive, and inclusive spheres of meaning. Whether you're a therapist, a philosopher, or simply someone interested in the mysteries of the human psyche, this podcast offers a stimulating and accessible exploration of the complex dynamics of selfhood and relationality in the contemporary world. Hashtags: #spherology #selfhood #identity #emotions #relationships #therapy #philosophy #culture #poststructuralism #deconstruction #globalization #technology #ecology #embodiment #adaptability #inclusivity #Sloterdijk #binaryopposition #reasonandemotion #psychotherapy #sloterdijk #theory #philosophy #spheres #walterbenjamin #frankfurtschool #therapy #simulacrum #psychology #anthropology Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email:


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😱Suffering Without Screaming: Healing The Modern Soul Part 3

Healing the Modern Soul is a series about how clinical psychology will haave to change and confront its past if it is to remain relevant in the future. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Healing the Modern Soul Appendix The Role of Psychotherapy as a Third Space and Meaning-Making System Psychotherapy can be seen as a third space that exists outside of the dogmas of both science and religion, serving as a bridge between our medical and spiritual needs. In this space, therapists and clients engage in a process of meaning-making that allows the inner world and understanding of the self to better reflect the reality of the outer world. This process of meaning-making occurs through both conscious thought, which is aware of time and language, and implicit memory, which is only aware of our somatic and deep emotional cues that can only partially be known by the conscious mind. In this way, psychotherapy itself can be considered a kind of simulacra, a symbol that does not point to an original source of meaning, but rather serves as a guide to help individuals navigate their own unique experiences and challenges. Suffering Without Screaming In the first part of this series, we explored the concept of the modern world as a simulacrum, a copy without an original, and how this phenomenon is related to the increasing emphasis on hyper-rationality and objectivity in our culture. We also discussed how the work of philosophers and psychologists, as observed by Friedrich Nietzsche, can reveal their own fears and insecurities through their insistence on perfect logic and objectivity. In the second part of the series we discussed the need for a coherent sense of self in new therapy models and a dialectical relationship between the self and the world. William Gibson, Memory Palace When we were only several hundred-thousand years old, we built stone circles, water clocks. Later, someone forged an iron spring. Set clockwork running. Imagined grid-lines on a globe. Cathedrals are like machines to finding the soul; bells of clock towers stitch the sleeper’s dreams together. You see; so we’ve always been on our way to this new place—that is no place, really—but it is real. It’s our nature to represent: we’re the animal that represents, the sole and only maker of maps. And if our weakness has been to confuse the bright and bloody colors of our calendars with the true weather of days, and the parchment’s territory of our maps with the land spread out before us—never mind. We have always been on our way to this new place—that is no place, really—but it is real. The Simulacra Effect and the Disconnect from Felt Experience The simulacra effect, as described by Jean Baudrillard, is a result of our culture's increasing emphasis on hyper-rationality and objectivity. As we prioritize logical and rational thinking over subjective experiences and emotions, we create a world that feels hyper-real, yet simultaneously disconnected from our authentic selves. Nietzsche recognized this phenomenon in the work of philosophers and psychologists who claimed to have discovered objective truths through pure logic and reason. He argued that the more these thinkers insisted on their own rationality and objectivity, the more they revealed their own madness and disconnection from reality. In today's world, we find ourselves in a similar situation. On the surface, everything appears normal and rational, but there is an underlying sense of wrongness or disconnection that we struggle to articulate. This is because our culture has taught us to prioritize objective, rational thinking over our subjective, felt experiences. As individuals and as a society, we must reconnect with our felt experiences to recognize and address the insanity that surrounds us. This requires us to embrace our emotions, intuitions, and subjective perceptions, even when they seem to contradict the dominant narrative of rationality and objectivity. Psychotherapy, as a discipline, must play a...


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🍑Healing the Modern Soul Part 2: The Philosophy of Psychology

Healing the Modern Soul is a series about how clinical psychology will haave to change and confront its past if it is to remain relevant in the future. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Healing the Modern Soul Appendix The Philosophy of Psychotherapy The Corporatization of Healthcare and Academia: A Threat to the Future of Psychotherapy The field of psychotherapy is at a critical juncture, facing numerous challenges that threaten its ability to effectively address the complex realities of the human experience. Chief among these challenges is the growing influence of corporate interests and the trend towards hyper-specialization in academic psychology, which have led to a disconnect between the profession and its roots, as well as a lack of understanding of the physical reality of the body, anthropology, and the history of the field. In this article, we will explore the ways in which the corporatization of healthcare and academia is impacting psychotherapy, and argue that in order for the profession to remain relevant and effective, it must embrace a more holistic and integrative approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. This requires a renewed commitment to developing a coherent concept of self, a shared language and understanding of implicit memory, and a vision of psychotherapy as a means of empowering individuals to become more effective at being themselves in the world and, in turn, better at transforming the world for the better. The Corporatization of Healthcare and Academia The influence of corporate interests on healthcare and academia has had a profound impact on the field of psychotherapy. The pressure to maximize profits and minimize costs has led to a shift away from comprehensive diagnosis and towards a reliance on quick fixes like medication and brief, manualized therapies. This trend is particularly evident in the way that psychiatry has evolved over the past few decades. Psychiatrists used to spend an entire hour with their patients doing psychotherapy, but now the majority of the profession relies solely on drug therapy. In fact, a staggering 89% of psychiatrists used only drug therapy in 2010, compared to just 54% in 1988 (Mojtabai & Olfson, 2008). Patients are often left feeling frustrated and unheard, with many giving up on medication after their psychiatrist writes a script in the first and last five minutes of their first session. The same forces are at work in academia, where the cost of education has skyrocketed and the focus has shifted towards producing "products" rather than fostering critical thinking and innovation. Adjunct professors, who often lack the expertise and experience to teach psychotherapy effectively, have replaced tenure-track faculty, and students are graduating with a narrow understanding of the field that is ill-suited to the realities of private practice (Collier, 2017). The result is a profession that is increasingly disconnected from its roots and the physical reality of the body. Anthropology, humanities and the history of the profession, which offer valuable insights into the nature of the human experience and the evolution of psychotherapy, are largely ignored in favor of a narrow focus on cognitive-behavioral interventions and symptom reduction pushed largely to help psychopharm companies' bottom lines (Frances, 2013). The current academic publishing system is also broken. Academics work hard to come up with original ideas and write papers, only to give their work away for free to publishers who make trillions of dollars in profits while the authors get no compensation (Buranyi, 2017). Peers often cite papers to support their own points without actually reading them in depth. And the "best" journals frequently publish absurd psychology articles that would make you laugh if you said their main point out loud, but hide their lack of substance behind academic jargon (Sokal, 2008). Meanwhile, students spend years in graduate school being...


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💔Healing the Modern Soul: Finding Meaning in a World of Broken Images

Healing the Modern Soul is a series about how clinical psychology will haave to change and confront its past if it is to remain relevant in the future. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Healing the Modern Soul Appendix #nietzsche #jung #philosophy #adorno #walterbenjamin #frankfurtschool #simulacra #simulacrum #eikonosphere #psychology #anthropology Read the Longform Article on the Blog: Navigating Uncertainty, and Finding Meaning in a Fractured World Our era is characterized by the dominance of hyper-rationality and the relentless pursuit of objective truth, production, accomplishment and consumption. The human psyche finds itself adrift in a sea of fragmented images and disconnected meanings as the previous myths that used to give us purpose are exposed as hollow or erroneous. I see patients everyday that describe this phenomenon but not in these words. It is as if they are saying that they do not know who they are anymore. Not because they have changed but because all of the nodes and references points that used to contextualize their identity are stripped away or have been made foreign and incomprehensible. However the world still looks the same to them, despite its alienating effect. It is not the aesthetics of the world that are different, but the effect that it has on us. Because the world looks the same we feel crazy. Really it is our feelings telling us that the world is crazy even though it looks the same. Effective therapy in the modern world needs to get over its insecurities of feeling or looking crazy. If we don’t let ourselves as therapists admit to patients that we also feel in pain, that we also feel crazy from these same forces, then how can therapy do anything but gaslight our patients more. When I see the news I feel like I am on drugs, even though I am stone cold sober. I know that the people on tv do not believe the things they say and are not acting for the reasons that they tell me as a spectator that they are. I am not a politician or a god, I am a therapist. I am as paralyzed against these forces as my patients are and yet I must help them recon with them. I must help them reckon with them even though I do not know how to reckon with them myself. I didn’t understand it at first but have come around to the line of W.H. Auden that the Jungian analyst James Hillman liked to quote at the end of his life. “We are lived by forces that we pretend to understand.” -W. H. Auden Auden’s line highlights how the frameworks and philosophies we resort to for certainty and order are often little more than self-delusion. The grand meaning-making systems of religion, science, politics, etc. that have risen to such cultural dominance are but feeble attempts to exert control over the ineffable complexities of being. Yet we cling tenaciously to these conceptual constructs, these hyper-real simulations, because the alternative – admitting the primacy of ambiguity, contradiction, and the unfathomable depths propelling our thoughts and actions – is simply too destabilizing. The simulacrum proliferates these hyper-rational facades and simulated realities precisely because they defend against having to confront the “forces we pretend to understand.” The philosopher Jean Baudrillard’s concept of the simulacra, or a copy without an original – a realm where simulations and representations have become more “real” than reality itself – aptly captures the sense of alienation and dislocation that pervades contemporary culture. In this world of surfaces and appearances, the depth of human experience is often lost, and the quest for authentic meaning becomes increasingly elusive. Appearance of the Unreal The simulacrum is a conceptual framework proposed by the philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard in his book “The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact” (2005). It refers to the realm of images and representations that have become detached from reality and taken on a life...


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👨‍⚕️James Waites on Physician and Healthcare Burnout

Schedule with James here: See James on Psychology Today: In this podcast episode, we sit down with James Waites, a Birmingham-based mental health professional who specializes in helping physicians, healthcare workers, and executives overcome burnout and complex trauma. James shares his unique perspective on the challenges faced by these professionals and offers practical strategies for improving mental well-being and resilience. Our conversation with James Waites delves into the systemic issues within the healthcare industry that contribute to burnout and compassion fatigue among medical professionals, including excessive paperwork, insurance hurdles, and bureaucratic red tape. Throughout the episode, James explains his unique approach to helping clients cope with burnout. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and processing symptoms, redefining passion, setting healthy boundaries, and redirecting energy. The discussion also touches on the complex underlying factors that often contribute to high achievement and burnout, such as childhood trauma, ADHD, and complex PTSD. James shares his plans to incorporate cutting-edge techniques like brain spotting and systemic trauma therapy into his practice to better serve his clients. The conversation also explores the challenges of treating children in dysfunctional family systems, the role of spirituality in therapy, and the subjective elements of psychology that are crucial but difficult to quantify. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more engaging discussions on mental health, personal growth, and well-being. You can also find us on YouTube, where we share exclusive content and in-depth interviews with experts in the field. The Toll of High-Stress Careers: James discusses the immense pressure that physicians and executives face in their demanding roles. He highlights how long hours, complex responsibilities, and the need to anticipate and analyze complex systems can lead to burnout, fatigue, and mental health challenges. James shares stories from his experience working with clients across various sectors of healthcare and business administration, providing insight into the unique struggles they face. A Holistic Approach to Care: James outlines his dual-pronged approach to helping clients combat burnout and improve overall well-being. He explains how he combines evidence-based mental health interventions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices, with practical solutions tailored to the specific contexts of medicine and business operations. James emphasizes the importance of addressing systemic factors that contribute to burnout, in addition to providing individual support and symptom management. Trauma-Informed Care for Complex Cases: The conversation delves into James's extensive training and experience in treating complex trauma and dissociative disorders. He discusses how unresolved traumatic experiences can manifest in dissociative symptoms, even among high-powered executives and healthcare professionals. James explains his trauma-informed approach, which includes creating a safe, validating space for patients to process traumatic memories and develop internal communication and collaboration between dissociated parts. Serving the Birmingham Community: As a Birmingham native and graduate of the University of Alabama, James has been dedicated to serving the local community's mental health needs since 2015. He shares his passion for helping young adults, couples, academics, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers overcome complex trauma and combat burnout. James reflects on his experience working with med students, residents, social workers, and front-line staff at UAB Hospital, and how this has shaped his compassionate, client-centered approach. The...


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⚚ Wounding the Healer with Brittainy Lindsey

Join Brittainy's substack here: We Talk with with Brittainy Lindsey, a former therapist turned mental health writer, about the systemic issues plaguing the mental healthcare industry. They discuss the challenges faced by therapists, from inadequate training and lack of mentorship to exploitative practices and unsustainable working conditions. Brittany shares her experiences and insights on how these problems impact both therapists and patients, and offers ideas for potential solutions. Joel also shares his own efforts to create a more equitable and sustainable model for mental health practices through his collectively-owned clinic, Taproot Therapy. They explore the importance of empowering therapists, fostering collaboration, and staying curious about innovative treatment approaches like brain-based therapies. While acknowledging the darkness in the industry, Brittany emphasizes the need for hope and the potential for positive change if mental health professionals can unite and advocate for better systems. She encourages listeners to stay passionate and keep shining a light on the fixable problems in mental healthcare. Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email: #MentalHealthcare #TherapistBurnout #SystemicIssues #InnovativeTherapies #BrainBasedTherapy #EmpoweringTherapists #CollectivelyOwned #SustainablePractices #MentalHealthAdvocacy #TherapistTraining #Mentorship #EthicalPractice #HopeForChange #UniteForMentalHealth #TaprootTherapyPodcast Chapter Markers: 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:27 Brittany's background as a therapist 00:09:11 Challenges for early career therapists 00:18:30 Flaws in the mental healthcare system 00:30:32 Therapist exploitation and burnout 00:40:46 Innovative therapy approaches 00:44:53 Taproot Therapy's collective ownership model 00:52:56 Unethical practices and lack of oversight 00:57:57 The need for curiosity and collaboration 01:00:20 Brittany's hopes for the mental health field 01:04:04 Encouraging the next generation of therapists


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Taproot Therapy Collective Podcast Promo

This is an clip from our Cults and Conspiracy Theories series that is only uploaded so that podcast libraries, like Spotify and iTunes, can use a clip of the podcast trailer. For more info on the podcast visit: Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email:


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☯️Cults, Conspiracies, and the Quest for Meaning: A Psychological Perspective

The episode emphasizes the importance of addressing systemic issues that contribute to the rise of cults and conspiracy theories, rather than simply dismissing adherents as crazy or stupid. By understanding the psychological inevitability of these phenomena, we can work towards creating a society that fosters authentic growth and actualization. 🌱 #CultPsychology #ConspiracyTheories #SelfActualization #UnconciousMind #SystemicIssues #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #CharismaticLeaders #FalseEmpowerment #IntuitionAndMeaning #AuthenticGrowth #PodcastInsights #MentalHealthAwareness #SocialCommentary #PersonalDevelopment #HumanPotential Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2nd Floor | 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: 205-634-3647 Web: Email: Taproot Therapy Collective 2nd Floor | 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: 205-634-3647 Web: Email:


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🛕James Maffie on Aztec Philosophy, Mythology and Metaphysics

Read More of Dr. Maffie's work on Aztec Culture Here: Watch The video Interview Here: Dr. James Maffie, author of "Aztec Philosophy," shared his insights into the complex and fascinating world of Aztec metaphysics. Dr. Maffie explained that the Aztec worldview centers around the concept of "teotl," a constant energy in motion that permeates all aspects of the universe. This energy manifests in three primary patterns: "olin" (bouncing, oscillating motion), "malinalli" (spiraling, twisting motion), and "nepantla" (back-and-forth, weaving motion). These patterns are evident in various facets of Aztec culture, from art and architecture to rituals and social interactions. Dr. Maffie emphasized that understanding these fundamental concepts is crucial to grasping the Aztec perspective on the interconnectedness of all things. One of the key points discussed in the interview was the role of sacrifice in Aztec culture. Dr. Maffie clarified that sacrifice was not merely a means of appeasing the gods, but rather a way for the Aztecs to participate in the cyclical process of life and death. This understanding of sacrifice as a necessary part of the cosmic balance sheds light on the Aztec worldview and their relationship with the divine. Dr. Maffie also touched on the importance of spoken words and the use of psychotropic substances in Aztec spiritual practices. The Aztecs believed in the power of language to transmit life energy and communicate with divine forces. Additionally, the use of substances such as peyote and Jameson weed facilitated oracular conversations with the gods, allowing the Aztecs to seek guidance and enlist the cooperation of other-than-human persons in their endeavors. Throughout the interview, Dr. Maffie provided a wealth of information on Aztec philosophy, dispelling misconceptions and offering a nuanced understanding of their worldview. He also shared details about his upcoming works, which will explore topics such as the Aztec skull rack as a cosmic maize field and the living nature of images in Aztec codices. This interview serves as an excellent introduction to the complex and often misunderstood world of Aztec philosophy. Dr. Maffie's expertise and engaging explanations make the subject accessible to a wide audience, inviting readers to delve deeper into this fascinating aspect of Mesoamerican culture. #AztecPhilosophy #JamesMaffie #Teotl #AztecMetaphysics #Olin #Malinalli #Nepantla #AztecCulture #AztecArt #AztecArchitecture #AztecRituals #AztecSacrifice #LifeAndDeath #CosmicBalance #AztecWorldview Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email:


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🪞🔀When the Inner World Mirrors the Outer; with Julian Walker of the Conspirituality Podcast♻️

Julian Walker, one of the trio that makes up the Conspirituality Podcast, delves into the intersections of yoga, meditation, psychadelics, psychology, science, and culture, offering a critical lens on the blend of conspiracy theories with spirituality. His background, originating from Zimbabwe and South Africa and transitioning to Los Angeles since 1990, enriches his exploration of New Age spirituality, cult dynamics, and the psychological underpinnings of yoga and meditation practices. Alongside co-hosts Derek Beres and Matthew Remski, Walker dissects the dangerous confluence of New Age cults, wellness frauds, and conspiracy theories through the Conspirituality Podcast, aiming to dismantle the exploitative narratives that merge spiritual beliefs with paranoia. Julian Walker's Projects and Contributions: Conspirituality Podcast: Co-hosted with Derek Beres and Matthew Remski, this platform critiques the merger of conspiracy theories with spirituality, focusing on its impact on public health and the exploitation of spiritual beliefs. The podcast is a blend of journalism, cult research, and philosophical skepticism aimed at understanding and addressing the cultic dynamics within the yoga, wellness, and new spirituality realms. Conspirituality Podcast Writing: Walker is an avid writer, contributing to platforms like Elephant Journal and Medium. His articles delve into cults and gurus, spiritual bypassing, the neuroscience behind yoga practices, and the impact of quantum pseudoscience in New Age circles. His thoughtful explorations contribute significantly to the discourse on spirituality and wellness. Julian Walker on Medium Yoga and Teacher Training: Beyond his critical work, Walker is deeply involved in the practical aspects of yoga and meditation. He conducts yoga classes and teacher training programs in Los Angeles, embodying the practices he often scrutinizes in his writings and discussions. This hands-on experience enriches his critiques with practical insights into yoga and meditation. Bodywork and Dance Facilitation: Walker extends his expertise to bodywork and ecstatic dance, offering a holistic approach to wellness that integrates physical movement with psychological and spiritual health. His Dance Tribe events in Los Angeles are a testament to his commitment to exploring the healing aspects of movement and dance. Explore Julian Walker's Work: Conspirituality PodcastJulian Walker on MediumFreedom Becomes You The art work behind Mr. Walker was made by Benjamin Cziller @ Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email:


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🎭🕯️Understanding Cult Dynamics with Dr. Janja Lalich

We dive deep into the world of cults, charismatic leadership, and the psychology of influence and control with renowned expert Dr. Janja Lalich. Dr. Lalich, a professor emerita of sociology and a celebrated author, shares her invaluable insights drawn from decades of research. We explore the mechanisms that cults use to attract and retain members, the impact on individuals, and the process of recovery for those who leave. Whether you're a student of psychology, a survivor of coercive control, or simply fascinated by the complexities of social groups, this episode offers profound insights into the human condition. About Our Guest: Dr. Janja Lalich is a globally recognized authority on cultic studies and high-control groups. With a rich academic background and personal experience in a high-control group, she brings a unique perspective to her research and writing. She has authored and co-authored several seminal books on cults, including Cults in Our Midst and Escaping Utopia, focusing on the structure, tactics, and psychology of coercive groups. Her work extends beyond academic circles, providing support and resources for survivors and their families. In This Episode, You'll Learn: Resources Mentioned: Dr. Janja Lalich's Official WebsiteDr. Lalich's Books on AmazonRecovery Resources for Ex-Cult Members Connect with Dr. Janja Lalich: Dr. Janja Lalich Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email: Hashtags:


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Micronutrition and Supplements at Taproot Therapy Collective809c1

Hardy micronutrition refers to the study and application of micronutrients that are essential for the robust health and well-being of living organisms, particularly humans. Micronutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, play a crucial role in various bodily functions despite being required in small quantities. These nutrients are vital for growth, disease prevention, and the overall functioning of the body's systems. They are especially significant because the human body cannot synthesize most of these elements, making it essential to obtain them through diet or supplements. Hardy micronutrition emphasizes not just the presence of these nutrients in a diet, but also their bioavailability and balance, ensuring that they can be effectively absorbed and utilized by the body. The concept of hardy micronutrition is grounded in the understanding that a deficiency or imbalance in these micronutrients can lead to a range of health issues. For example, a lack of vitamin D can lead to bone problems, while insufficient iron might cause anemia. Therefore, this field focuses on identifying and addressing gaps in micronutrient intake. This is particularly relevant in the modern world where dietary patterns have shifted, often leading to an inadequate intake of essential nutrients. Hardy micronutrition also plays a significant role in addressing specific health conditions and life stages, such as pregnancy, aging, or chronic illnesses, where the demand for certain micronutrients may increase. In practical terms, hardy micronutrition involves a multifaceted approach that includes dietary assessments, education, and sometimes supplementation. It advocates for a balanced and varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, as these are natural sources of essential micronutrients. In cases where diet alone is insufficient, supplements might be recommended. However, the field also stresses the importance of not over-consuming certain micronutrients, as this can lead to toxicity and other health issues. Overall, hardy micronutrition underscores the importance of a nuanced understanding of micronutrients in promoting and maintaining optimal health.


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🪷🧘Interview With Matthew Remski of the Conspirituality Podcast

The term 'cult' often conjures sensationalist imagery and extreme behavior. However, a closer examination reveals a more complex relationship between cults, capitalism, and societal norms. This article delves into this interconnection, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of cults beyond their sensationalist portrayal. The Cult-Capitalism Nexus The rise of figures like Keith Raniere of NXIVM has drawn public attention to cults. However, the fascination with such figures often overshadows similar practices in mainstream capitalism, exemplified by figures like Jeff Bezos. The cultish behaviors in corporations and the glorification of billionaire CEOs reflect a concentrated, localized form of capitalism, challenging the distinct boundary between cults and corporate culture. Cults often attract individuals in marginalized and vulnerable circumstances. Rather than addressing the societal failures contributing to these vulnerabilities, such as inadequate social services, the sensationalism around cults tends to ridicule and stigmatize their members. This approach diverts attention from the systemic issues at play, including the deep-seated inequalities perpetuated by capitalist structures. The Role of Media and True Crime The portrayal of cults in media and true crime documentaries often parallels the narrative strategies employed in cop dramas, reinforcing certain stereotypes and ignoring the broader context. This trend reflects a cultural tendency to oversimplify complex social phenomena, ignoring the underlying economic and power dynamics. The methods employed by cult leaders like Raniere are not significantly different from those used by some corporate leaders. This similarity suggests that the techniques of control and exploitation in cults are derived from the worst aspects of predatory capitalism. Such parallels necessitate a reevaluation of how society perceives and addresses the concept of cults. The discourse around cults often fails to address the deeper issues of power dynamics and economic exploitation inherent in our societal structures. By focusing on sensationalist aspects, we overlook the ways in which cult-like behaviors are embedded within and reflective of broader capitalist practices. A more critical and nuanced understanding of cults can shed light on these intertwined societal issues. Today we delve deep into the fascinating intersections of spirituality, wellness, politics, cults and conspiracy theories. Today, we're exploring the intriguing world of Matthew Remski.' Matthew, a former yoga teacher turned cult dynamics researcher, has been at the forefront of unmasking the often hidden connections between spiritual practices and conspiracy theories. In this episode, we'll dive into Matthew's journey, his insights into how spiritual communities can become breeding grounds for conspiracy theories, and his efforts to promote critical thinking and psychological safety in these spaces. Check Out The Conspirituality Podcast: Check out Matthew's Site: Check Out Matthew's Podcast: Hashtags: #Conspirituality #SpiritualWellness #Cults #YogaCommunity #CriticalThinking #SpiritualJourney #ConspiracyTheories #WellnessCulture #Mindfulness #PsychologicalSafety #SpiritualInsights #CultResearch #TrueCrime #SpiritualPractices #MentalHealthAwareness Website: Podcast Website: Podcast Feed: Taproot Therapy Collective 2025 Shady Crest Drive | Hoover, Alabama 35216 Phone: (205) 598-6471 Fax: (205) 634-3647 Email: 🌐 Website: 🎥 Check out the YouTube: 🎙️ Podcast Website: 🔊 Podcast Feed: 🏢...
