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Arts & Culture Podcasts

Please join me as I analyze and deconstruct gaming culture as a person of color AND the culture writ large as it pertains to us. The landscape is a little different when you're not the status quo. Oftentimes we as people of color are left out of these games and society in general, and certainly left out of the conversations concerning them. While this is a gaming focused podcast, one cannot extricate the politics that impact our everyday lives from the phenomena we experience in the gaming world, and as a result we must engage, analyze and deconstruct all facets of this to better understand it. So come along with me on my journey to have these very necessary conversations and analysis not only in the gaming sphere, but within our place in this culture.


United States


Please join me as I analyze and deconstruct gaming culture as a person of color AND the culture writ large as it pertains to us. The landscape is a little different when you're not the status quo. Oftentimes we as people of color are left out of these games and society in general, and certainly left out of the conversations concerning them. While this is a gaming focused podcast, one cannot extricate the politics that impact our everyday lives from the phenomena we experience in the gaming world, and as a result we must engage, analyze and deconstruct all facets of this to better understand it. So come along with me on my journey to have these very necessary conversations and analysis not only in the gaming sphere, but within our place in this culture.



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It'll Just Go Away

Covid/Trump update Then we get into a dissection of some sandbox games i've been playing. Discussed: protests, trump, covid, Snowrunner, Outward.


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They Doth Protest

We talk about the recent bouts of protests, abolishing police, then go on to talk about tRump and Covid. Strap in. Next time will be Last of Us Part 2 discussion.


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Covid Update

Oh geez. We talk Trump, and his covid response. At some point we also talk about Final Fantasy and No Man's Sky.


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Mook's Cranny

We talk a lot about Animal Crossing so grab some tea and sit back .


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Trump Crossing-19

We talk old white dudes, OLDER white dudes, and viruses and then fictional debt repayment.


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Hey Pokemon, Let's Not

I whine like a petulant child about things I take issue with on the internet. Discussed: Pokemon DLC, Dreams PS4, and Youtube culture. All music courtesy of me.


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Mook's 2019 GoTY

yea i'm late, so what?! Also some of these games didn't even come out this year. Hey, no ones here for my hot-takes! Spoilers for Control


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After Trump

Sorry I haven't posted an ep in a while I've really been struggling mentally. Unfortunately this episode does not tackle anything gaming related, so it is purely a political episode. I will be back to form...at some point. We talk about The impeachment inquiry, the reality of it, and what we need to really be preparing for. Lastly we talk about what to do AFTER Trump. All music by me. (Mook the Arrogant) https://soundcloud.com/user-955757371


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Illegal To Be Black

We tackle the impact of the lynching of Atatiana Jefferson. I fumble the ball(lol sports) through the Hong Kong protests. We finish impressions on Borderlands 3 design and execution. I talk about Indivisible, Sinking City, and BRIEFLY Outer Worlds. Spoilers and Content warning. All music courtesy of Nihilore!


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Grief and Borderlands

Hey all, sorry I missed the month of September. But we are back here today to talk about a lot of important stuff. We discuss Tekashi69, Botham Jean,the whistle-blower complaint and I think maybe I mutter something about Borderlands 3 in the end. (spoiler and content warning) All music courtesy of Nihilore!


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Let's Talk Mordhau

We talk about Mordhaus and it's problematic community. We delve into America's gun problem and a little proud boy rally in Portland. Leave a review on itunes, it really helps out! Get in touch with me thegamingabstract@gmail.com All music courtesy of Nihilore under the creative commons license.


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Hey, welcome back. I'm back. We talk about Nintendo Lite, Pokemon, Bloodstained, Dragon Quest Builders, and uh oh, Evangelion. Low key episode, grab a coffee or a tea and sit back.


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Willie McCoy

I cover the execution of a young black man at the hands of law enforcement. I didn't want to do this. I never want to do this.


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Narrative Design in Gaming Culture (Naruto)

I take a deep dive into the cultural zeitgeist that was Naruto once upon a time. I have decided over the past two months to go back and actually read the Naruto Manga, and to no ones surprise, it's pretty garbage. However, it did get me thinking about the state of narrative design in all media. This week, we deconstruct Naruto, what works, and what mostly doesn't, the representation of People of color, and black people, women, and the over-arching narrative pitfalls. This is a long one,...


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Cultural Entitlement

Welcome to season 2 of The Gaming Abstract! What a month or so. I talk about some personal stuff, not a lot, then I get right into the things that matter, GAME OF THRONES. Also I discuss other controversies surrounding the sonic movie and how these are all somehow connected. Some spoilers, and talk of entitlement of course.


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DMC5 - Do Better

First I make an elaboration of my artistic vision argument from last weeks episode, I felt I didn't address it in a meaningful manner. Secondly, I address the controversy around Devil May Cry's voice actors. Pretty solid episode, we touch on so much you can call us Joe Biden. IM SORRY.


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"EZ" Mode

I get to the nitty gritty on the "easy mode" arguments and how we end up speaking over and for people with disabilities. Grab a coffee or some tea, sit back and engage.


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Pokemon Gun and Bullet

I attempt somewhat of a palette cleanser in this episode, and If I do say so myself, I royally screw it up. At least for the first 20 or so minutes. We talk about new Zealand, Anthem, Division 2 and of course, the new Pokemon game. As a person of color, we are inextricably linked to the politics of living, so forgive me. Otherwise, grab a coffee, some tea, and join me.


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Uh Oh, Anthem

I talk briefly about a game I am in no way qualified to talk about, and then get into Early Access culture, and the culture of toxicity that emerges from our intense desire to revel in another's misery. I top it all off with an anecdote about the Robert Kelly Trial. Grab a coffee, or a tea, sit back, relax and engage.


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"Social Justice Warriors"

We are deconstructing this term today, and the type of people who have co-opted it, and now use it to diminish, disparage, and dehumanize the very people who have paved the nation for the liberties they now enjoy. We deconstruct a specific Youtuber who exemplifies all the problems we see with the alt-right, and their dangerous ideologies, and rhetoric. You're going to need a cup of coffee, or a glass of tea for this one.
