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Wildcatdojo Conversations

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Karate is for everyone. So, join us each week for a 20 to 25 minute conversation on all types of subjects. We go from managing the distractions of daily life, through martial arts history and people, and common sense concepts to add to your self defense armor. Plus we have interviews and so much more. After spending over 40 years discussing life's challenges in a dojo, (both as a student and as a teacher) I decided it would be fun to share the conversations with everyone. And it is! We're having a great time with our guests each week thinking, talking and very importantly sharing a laugh or two along the way.


United States


Karate is for everyone. So, join us each week for a 20 to 25 minute conversation on all types of subjects. We go from managing the distractions of daily life, through martial arts history and people, and common sense concepts to add to your self defense armor. Plus we have interviews and so much more. After spending over 40 years discussing life's challenges in a dojo, (both as a student and as a teacher) I decided it would be fun to share the conversations with everyone. And it is! We're having a great time with our guests each week thinking, talking and very importantly sharing a laugh or two along the way.







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The Authors of One of Our Most Read (and re-read) Karate Books

Sensei Lydia joins in this week to talk about John Corcoran and Emil Farkas - the authors of The Overlook Martial Arts Dictionary and the book Martial Arts Traditions, History, People. We covered so much information in this episode. Somehow we got to Ninja - and of course - we did an episode on that. Here's a link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/4401074 And we also mention the episode we did on Fumio Demura. Listen here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/5982394 Btw - I did compare the publishing company of my copy of the Traditions book to Sensei Jackie's - she was right - they are different publishing companies and were printed 10 years apart! Thanks Sensei Jackie. Well - I bet you remember that the link below is there so you can support the show - if you have an extra minute and an extra buck! Thanks in advance. Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan

Geraldo returns today to talk about a maxim we attribute to Grandmaster Peter Urban. Geraldo was on 6 months ago, when we discussed note taking in karate. Here's a link - in case you missed that episode. https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/14235323 Today the conversation ranges from how many famous people have said the phrase to long term planning to doing kata in the dojo. We did an entire episode on kata last year. Here's a link jic: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/13912400 Thanks for being part of the conversation. If you have time and are so inclined - help out with a small donation here: Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Bad Ass Queens from Britain

What fun we had learning about Queens that fought in Britain with our guest Shihan T.D. McKinnon. Shihan has been on many times. Just last November we discussed Kata with him. The episode I want to tag here is the one where he talks about life as a bodyguard. Listen - if time allows: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/12796037 This is not our first time talking about the history of women who fought. We did one back in 2020 about 2 Ferocious Women. Check it out here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/3227506 We also mention that one of these queens fought against the Romans. Well, we did 2 podcasts of the Roman Warriors. Here's one of them: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/10465420 And btw if you have a minute, please support us using the link below. Thanks! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Finally We Tackle the Letter F

Sensei Jay joins the conversation today as we tackle Focus, Fighting Spirit and Fuki Bari (Looking it up? Type in Fuki Bara). What fun! Join us by listening and letting us know your thoughts. We can't talk about focus without bringing up Kimi. We did a whole episode on that. Here's the link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/8501411 And while we were there we talked about makiwara training. So, of course I had to tag that episode here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/8708384 That ought to keep you busy. But, hey, if you still have time and a little money- please support us using the link below. Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Audie Murphy: The Most Decorated Soldier of WW II

We're joined by Sensei Jay on our first in a series of episodes about people who have seen war and lived to tell about it. Today it is Audie Murphy. One of the things I wanted to look up and add to the recording was the definition of a military campaign. Since I missed that moment, I'm adding it here. There could be one or two of you who are like me and have heard the term but never thought about it's meaning, here is what I found: A military campaign is a large scale, long duration military plan that is usually part of a larger war. So, now we know. On to our guest; Sensei Jay is the beginning and end voice on the podcast (Thank you Sensei). He's been on many times. I am tagging one of his first episodes below. In it we take a look at a specific katana called the Masamune Katana that has been lost for over 75 years. Here's the episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/5050196 Check out the links below for different ways to help support the show. Thank You! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Goals, Journeys and being Human

Today Sensei Jackie and I discuss how to get out of our own way - mostly mentally - in a world full of distractions and with a brain that likes to push us around. It is much funnier than it sounds .We touch on aging. So for those of you that missed the aging episodes, here's a link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/11508081 And you have to touch on meditation to tap into self-control and center yourself. We've done a few episodes on this subject. Here are a couple. In 2020 we did a 5 minute short on how to meditate. Here's the link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/2567317 And we've done a few episodes about the power of the big, deep breath. Here is one we recorded with Sensei Melissa: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/12326414 If you haven't checked out the content on YouTube yet (I've been uploading old episodes). Here's the 5 min short on that platform: https://youtu.be/Vm_kUn2HWak?si=SbuWY197Jd1sEdf- And jic you haven't seen it already, scroll another 1/2 inch and donate to help support the show. Thanks! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Female Ninja - Did They Exist? I Hope So

Finally we talk Female Ninja. We're joined by Sensei Lydia, so the conversation is fun and often off topic. Here's a few things we managed to talk about other than these awesome women. Back in 2020 we tackled the subject of Ninja. Here's a link, in case you missed it: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/4401074 The conversation also turned to one of our many favorite weapons - fans! Here is the episode we did on that: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/13396539 And finally, we mentioned I have no idea how??) the episode we did on the movie 3 Ninjas. We did that with our movie friend, Sensei Ben. Here's the link https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/12974175 If all that doesn't keep you busy, take a minute to help support the show by clicking the link below. Thanks! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Experience - The Good, the Bad and The Funny

We're joined by our old friend Darlene today, to discuss a quote about experience as a teacher....It relates to us at all ages and stages of life. For example we talk about the fact that a decade ago I created 3 songs for my Pre K students. One was called "Think Before you do it." Sensei Jackie brought it up so I'm tagging it here: https://youtu.be/34tyQbcSfeI?si=n2F2DXxU53EWAsuT Did that make you laugh like crazy? If you like this subject, you can check out our episode on consequences: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/12439186 Do you have a few minutes to donate a few bucks below - We thank you! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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The Naval War College; The Oldest of the War Colleges

A year ago, we did an episode on the National War College (there's a link below, of course). Finally, we're following up with another episode. This time on the Naval War College. It's true we learn about the history, founders, and famous graduates. But seriously - how did we laugh this much! After you listen you can send us some advice on how to be more serious! Or you can click these links and listen to more shows. Here is the link to the National War College: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/127501 I love that this episode got us to discuss Military Clergy. That gives me the opportunity to tag the interview we did with our friend Sensei Rebekah, also from the military and also in the clergy. She is amazing: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/10974172 On top of all that, strategy came up in this episode. (As it often does.) So....another opportunity to link one of our episodes on strategy. Here ya go: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/6639256 Now it's time to remind you to look down a few spaces. See and click the support the show link. We are grateful for your thoughtful support. Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Time Isn't Always on Our Side- An Archived Episode

In this episode, from Jan of 2020, we're visited by our friend and student Alex. Somehow we get into Mad Libs and Yes it IS an on line game now. Full time listeners may remember that we use months with 5 weeks to share archived episodes. If you likethese old episodes, I'm in the middle of uploading them to YouTube. Check other episodes (with slide show) here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wildcatdojo See ya next week! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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An Interview: Sensei Jackie is on the Hot Seat

Finishing our trilogy on interviewing your 3 hosts - we finally talked Sensei Jackie into hers. This one includes stories from 'back in the day' and fun thoughts right now. She tries to turn the tables on us a few times by mentioning our interviews. So here are links - in case you missed them. Here's Landyn from back in January: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/14230334 And mine was in Aug. of 2023: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/13436455 She also mentions Sensei Jay (the voice of our intro and exit). He's been on the show many times. One of my favorites is when he talked about his dad's military life. Here's that conversation: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/10656980 Maybe this episode sparks your interest so much that you'd like to make a small donation. Thanks in advance and here's a link: Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Finishing our Discussion of Some Guidelines from Grandmaster Urban

Glad you could be here as we finish our discussion of some words from Grandmaster Urban's book The Karate Dojo. We started last week. (If you missed that episode I tagged the link below). We share information from 2 fine martial artists. This week we read a note sent to me by Master Robert Lasorsa. Coincidentally, we did an episode on a saying he is famous for. Here's a link to that episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/11610212 There is so much going on in this episode. One thing is that we refer to how often our episodes are dedicated to character development. So much so, that our first episode was on it! We reran that episode in January of 2022 - jic you missed it: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/9867755 Since this is all about Grandmaster Peter Urban's writing, I thought it would be fun to offer you the chance to hear more: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/2196104 Thank you for making it this far down the show notes! Read on for the link to "support the show and know that it is appreciated. Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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More Excellent Adventures with the book - The Karate Dojo

Welcome to our 4th (or 5th?) journey into the content of Grandmaster Peter Urban's book The Karate Dojo. Obviously, we love this book. Today, with Sensei Rob Carbone, we're discussing some lines on (or about) page 77. We hope that you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording. (Btw- this ended up being 2 episodes - we'll finish the conversation next week!) The subject of kata came up - how could it not? And Sensei Jackie remembered that a few years ago Sensei Carbone gave us a video of a kata he built. Haven't seen it? Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VETT9qnJoYo We first tackled this book with 2 episodes on Grandmaster Urbans Guidelines For Self-Analysis. Here's a link to the first one: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/2196104 It's difficult to talk about karate without bringing up the elements. That is another subject we've done several episodes on....Here's the one on Fire/Speed: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/4966106 Thanks for checking us out. Maybe take a minute (& a buck or 2?) to support us using this link: Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Female Warriors / Mythology - Amazon Warriors

Ryan joins in , as he always does, while we laugh and learn about the Amazon Warriors including of course, Wonder Woman. We covered a lot of ground here. Let me start by saying I did look up images of Batman and Wonder Woman (per Ryan's suggestion) and wasn't shocked or insulted... Meanwhile, this episode got me to thinking about the first time Ryan brought us a Myth. We learned about Sun Wu Kong. I've included it here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/11213311 Also, while editing, I thought about some of our first episodes on female warriors. Here's one from 2020 with just myself, Sensei Jackie and Landyn: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/3227506 If you enjoy listening, and have the time - click the link and help support the show. I always send a personal thank you, because it is seriously appreciated: Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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Helluvan Episode - Mail, Start Stories and More

The name says it all! Sensei Randy joins in to help us carry the episode along. We hear how Steven and Sensei Jerri got into karate. And we hear from Hanshi Malanoski, Shihan Mckinnon and Sensei Rob C. with great letters. All these people have been on before. Let's start with Steven. He was a guest when we talked about Gichin Funakoshi: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/4133990 And Sensei Jerri was on when we discussed fans as a weapon: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/13396539 We met Shihan McKinnon through an interview: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/8625686 We've known Hanshi Malanoski for many years, but it was a real coup when we finally got to interview him. (It was actually 2 interviews!) This is the first one: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/9551496 If all that hasn't kept you busy, you can listen to the episode we recorded with Sensei Rob Carbone. It is about Gogen Yamaguchi: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/8980304 if you read these notes regularly, you know that below is the link to support the show. Any help is appreciated. Thanks for even considering it! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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The First of Our Kurosawa Series: The Hidden Fortress

Sensei Baier joins us today to discuss the classic film The Hidden Fortress. I'm sure you must have heard that this movie was the inspiration for the first Star Wars movie. There is a lot more to say. A couple of notes: Sensei Jackie mentions the theme from The Magnificent Seven. I did search and listen and it's worth the 5 minutes it takes - in case you're just hanging. We also mention a John Ford film called The Quiet Man - It starred John Wayne, not Jimmy Stewart. Oops! I'm tagging in our episode on Samurai for 2 reasons. First This movie is set in feudal Japan so it's a nice fit. And second, I just uploaded this to YouTube where you can watch a slide show while you listen....check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alL0rdYItJ8&list=PL8yjid6UVm3vLNWctaWCsYOGbRoz50hDj And of course, we'd certainly appreciate if you have a moment to click the below link and support the show. Thanks in advance. Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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We Interview Thelma - She Received Her 5th Degree Black Belt at the Age of 90!

Today we offer you a can't miss episode. We interview a fabulous, lovely, deadly 90 year old woman. I really don't need to say a lot more - Thelma and her family will fill in all the details. Enjoy a fun ride! There wasn't any mention of other episodes. So, there's nothing to tag. But you can look up old interviews or any other of the 220 episodes we've covered. We appreciate, if time allows, if you click the link below and support the show. Thanks! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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The Book of S.E.T. by Master J. Kelljchian - A Book Review

The Book Crew is back with another book by our instructor Master Kelljchian. There was so much to say about this book that I had to cut 5 minutes and move it to the Stories and Bloopers reel! But we cover plenty - Including the fact that Master Kelljchian talked a lot about the elements. Therefore it's no surprise that, on this podcast, we've done six episodes on them. If you search, you can find them all between June and September of 2020. I'll tag the first and the last one below. Here's the first one! https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/4212377 And here's the last one: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/5364853 A quick reminder that you'll see a "support the show" link below. Have a minute and a dollar? Click and support! Thanks!! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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We talk Renshi, Ryogan Tsuki and more

Sensei Jerri joins us today as we try our hand at another episode of words from The Overlook Martial Arts Dictionary. This week it's the letter R. While discussing different ranks, Grandmaster Urban's book The Karate Dojo came up. We did a few episodes on this great book. Here's a link to one of them: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/2196104 We also discuss Jiguro Kano, the founder of both Judo and the inventor of the modern day ranking system. Here's one of the episodes about him: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/10515380 And finally, we discuss eye pokes. (How did we get there?) We mentioned eye pokes in a recent episode with Shihan T.D. McKinnon. The day we were recording, I thought it happened in a wrestling episode. Oops, it actually came up in his body-guarding episode. Here's the link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/12796037 Thanks for considering supporting our work with a small donation. Here's the link: Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.


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History: Higaonna, Miyagi, Goju Ryu - There's a Story Here

Today the show is jam-packed. We visit the lives of both Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi, the naming of Goju Ryu Karate... And - dot matrix printers, the 1990s, and more. It's jammed with information and the usual fun. At one point we mention that our friend Max (a black belt in USA Goju Federation) has been on a couple of times talking about his journey with Buddhism. Here is his first appearance back in 2020 https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/4029077 And he was on again last year, teaching us a little about the 8 Fold Path: https://www.buzzsprout.com/477379/9823335 As always I'll mention that I love feedback, so send some our way. And if you're so inclined support us by clicking the link below. Thanks! Support the Show. We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.) On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly) https://www.youtube.com/@wildcatdojo9869/podcasts And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html . And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link: https://honor-athletics.com/ Thank you for listening.
