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the CANDYcolored studio of oil painter katrina berg

Arts & Culture Podcasts

life is sweeter in candy color! {} hi! i'm oil painter, katrina berg. welcome to my midway, utah studio, where i'll serve up a palette of support, hope and love, with a side of realness! as a mother of 5 (3 teenagers & 8-year-old twin boys), i know that life is rarely easy and jolly...but savoring the sweet moments gives us the strength we need to find peace, growth, and fulfillment along our journey. {podcasting to support women, mother artists and creative entrepreneurs!}. for more CANDY-colored goodness sign up for my email list at


United States


life is sweeter in candy color! {} hi! i'm oil painter, katrina berg. welcome to my midway, utah studio, where i'll serve up a palette of support, hope and love, with a side of realness! as a mother of 5 (3 teenagers & 8-year-old twin boys), i know that life is rarely easy and jolly...but savoring the sweet moments gives us the strength we need to find peace, growth, and fulfillment along our journey. {podcasting to support women, mother artists and creative entrepreneurs!}. for more CANDY-colored goodness sign up for my email list at





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being a disruptor in art & creative businesses

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 238: not long ago, my dear creative friend leslie smoot was sharing her latest adventures, challenges and vision for her film career. she and her coworkers are finding new ways to produce and fund their projects and she talked about being a disruptor in the film business. so what does it look like in other creative businesses – especially for artists? we’ll chat about 7 traits of disruptors: entrepreneurial mindset, risk taking, vision, agility, persistence, creativity and understanding. i’ll share some specific examples i’ve seen in my career and in my local community. there’s some great opportunities for collectors and artists this spring: upcoming shows, fundraisers and the 100th springville museum of art “spring salon”. collectors & artists, come join in the celebration on opening night and submit your work artists!! this week’s red pill: “sometimes the stories we want to hear the least are the stories we need to hear the most.” LINKS manti temple open house todd orchard frames and art certain women opens wednesday april 24th, reception friday may 3rd at jkr gallery smofa’s 100th “spring salon” opening reception saturday april 27th early light institute’s preschool scholarship art sale fundraiser on ig april 5th - 12th alok chaturvedi’s disruptor article on purdue university online nanette amis of the utah art market - her interview in '19 celebrating 25 years - it's been 30 this year!! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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buying art materials in bulk, ways we grieve, world peace & mind control

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 237: what are the best places to buy art materials? there are great places online and locally but i have found buying in bulk to be the most helpful for me. do you ever think about "world peace" and what that would look like? which are more important to you: peace or agency/free will? which do you think will make the biggest difference in our world? loss, betrayal & change — everyone I talk with is grieving someone or something. grief is an uncomfortable but necessary part of life. when we don’t face or work through our grief it can come back later with a vengeance interrupting or triggering us at the most inopportune times. it’s normal to be affected by grief time and time again, but the more we bravely walk through it or talk about it, the easier it becomes and the more we can learn from the experience. what are you & your loved ones grieving? what helps you most as you process your grief? who needs your help most in their grief? LINKS “be like them” heavenly parents art show at writ and vision “the measure of her creation” certain women art show at jkr gallery art & soup cns cares jill barber song “beautiful life” craig frames- my link for 10% off: mark‘s easels: AAUW women’s show apply here the body keeps the score by bessel van der kolk CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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painting our heavenly parents - the two trees of the garden of eden, 13 month calendar research, highlights of ‘23 and hopes & dreams for ‘24

are you familiar with valerie hudson’s work on the two trees in the garden of eden? she talks about their symbolizing our heavenly father and mother, their roles, purpose, mission and how it connects to adam, eve, and we their children. mcarthur krishna, artist and author of the “girls who choose god” and “girls/boys guide to heavenly mother” books, has curated artwork with the them of “heavenly parents”. yes, a book will be coming later with the artwork, but this time she is starting with the artwork. i cannot wait to see what the artists have created. hear about the piece i’ve just completed for the show – the symbolism and all the background thoughts that went into creating this painting. how do you feel about the moon? are you fascinated with its phases and how it so beautifully interacts with nature? did you know that there was a time (and there are still some cultures) that followed a 28 day, 13 month calender? how would that change the way you interact with nature? what would that look like for women and their typical 28-day cycle? what would it be like to have the same days of the week fall on the same 4 dates each month? would that alleviate stress & anxiety? if dec means 10, why is it the 12th and final month in the year and oct means 8 when it represents the 8th month? and what if the beginning of the year was really in springtime and april? what is april fools anyway? what are your hopes and dreams for 2024? how’s it going so far? are you as big into tweaking your plans and systems as i am? i’ll share some of my ongoing goals, hopes and dreams personally & in my art business and wish you the very best in this coming year! LINKS valerie hudson's presentation on the two trees valerie's article on "fair" amy porterfield's episode 624 about addressing money objections on "marketing made easy" podcast heavenly parents art show coming to writ & vision provo march 1st 2024 online art auction for preschool scholarships at the early light institute april 5-12 history of the 28 day, 13 month calendar an international fixed calendar CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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online art auction for paul & kathy cieslewicz - bid till dec 7th

CANDYcolored studio podcast epiose 235: what a treat to have sage gallagher and jenna mae lineweaver share their experiences with generous kathy and paul! kathy recently retired from an incredible career at the sears art museum where she and paul graciously and endlessly supported the community in southern utah, artists and collectors. There, she began and ran incredible programs to support artists, including “the business of art”, WOW or “women out west” and many exhibitions at the sears art museum. paul was hospitalized for several weeks and recently received a diagnosis of lung cancer. artists far and wide have come together to auction their work and raise money for paul and kathy. hear some of our experiences with paul & kathy and participate by bidding or donating till december 7th on betterworld: for images, full show notes with all the links, go HERE: CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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strategies for current worries, spiritual overwhelm & unanswered questions

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 234: haha! as soon as i pushed the “stop recording” button i saw out of the corner of my eye that the snow is indeed sticking! first stick of the year in our yard lol! happiest fall & start of the holiday season to you dear friend! there are some great local opportunities here in the heber valley as well as utah in general. if you’re local or will be visiting this season – go and enjoy! especially the new shops for paper & felt and the flower bar co! episode topic – it’s an overwhelming time – so many worries and concerns. what are the things you’re worried about most right now? what helps you as you face these challenges? In this episode i’ll share what’s working for me right now. we’ll visually walk through it together. email me with strategies working for you – i’d love to hear them. make sure to go see the spiritual & religious show at springville museum if you’re close enough – and the slcc president’s art show till the 27th. i’ll be at the opening thursday evening and you’re invited! xo, katrina CLICK HERE for show notes and photos of the smofa spiritual & religious show mentioned: leave me an itunes review here ;) happy 5 years friend! episode 24: feeling successful in your creative business at 85% (less stress and more joy) springville museum of art's 37th annual spiritual & religious show - till jan 10th, open tues - sat 10 to 5 (wed till 8) slcc president's art show - nov 9th till the 27th, open mon - thurs 10 to 7, fri 10 to 3 utah art market - 135 fine art show - nov 11th at the cottonwood country club utah masters fine art tour - sat nov 18th in participating artists: @hiilanifinearts @jenedypaige @ashleyglazierart @leslieduke @marysauerart @jkirkrichards @dibbleart @howardlyonart @bryanmarktaylor @sharilyonart @cristallharper paper & felt - now open at midway town hall - 120 west main street, 11 to 6 mon - sat flower bar co - 123 south main st, #4 in heber city - open 10 to 6 mon - sat CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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8 of the greatest lessons i'm learning in parenthood

EPISODE 233 “people love to stay in their coffin of comfort- we're more alive when we're uncomfortable, staying comfortable keeps us weak” - roseanne barr. i’m sure there was a time that my mom would be appalled that i quoted roseanne lol, but here we are. no one tells you that being a parent will be uncomfortable but it is – terribly uncomfortable at times and yet so worth it! here are 8 things i’m currently learning or reaching for in my parenting experience. also, here are two upcoming shows i’m in and other local shows that you will want to check out this fall. *** CLICK HERE for show notes, links & photos shows mentioned springville museum of art's 37th annual spiritual & religious show - till jan 10th, open tues-saturday 10am to 8pm slcc president's art show - nov 9th till the 27th, open mon-thurs 10 am to 7pm, fri 10am to 3pm utah art market beehive bazaar episodes mentioned ep. 133 listen get out of their way & cheer them on), be available ep. 220 traveling with 5 kids to bimini ep. 94 allowing for potential ep. 8 our family's homeschool experience roseanne & jp sears episode 13 on her youtube show ep. 5 opportunities & constraints (learning from my daughter) CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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pam baumeister - commissions & artist accountability

CANDYcolored studio episode 232: pam baumeister is a watercolor painter preserving memories and all the nostalgia of your favorite people, places, things and those precious moments you want to remember again and again. her background and career in marketing has not only helped her find the courage to put her artwork out there, but it’s helping other artists do the same. hear about her creative journey, health challenges, wisdom in marketing,mindset, and suggestions for other artists. her morning routine thanks to hal elrod’s “miracle mornings” is helping her become a better artist, mother, spouse and person overall. pam has an accountability mindset group on marco polo that you and your favorite creative people can join at just $14.99 each month. while marco polo can seem like an overwhelming group video chat – pam’s videos come in personally and you reply personally. more like a one-on-one mentor chat, this is a great option for all creatives to up their game. on september 21st, pam’s 4-week commission course opens. at $197, this is an affordable way to not only find more joy in your commission work, but learn from the bread and butter of pam’s business. find more & sign up at – attend her solo show opening october 28 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the sprague library in sugarhouse at 2131 south 1100 east in salt lake. enjoy enjoy this packed interview with fabulous pam!! xo LINKS pam’s website to help artists art website solo show at the sprague library oct 28th instagram @pam_baumeister fruition creative on fb on good things utah hal elrod’s miracle morning CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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swiss days, summer round up, & the benefit of busy work

goodbye summer and let’s get this fall started! lol. our younger 4 started back at school this week and it’s finally quiet enough for me to feel comfortable recording an episode! i’m deep in “swiss days” prep – you’ll hear what i’m bringing, tips, and our favorite foods on the square. confessions abound: school to summer break trauma, my low expectations during summer, and ways i’ve learned to leverage “busy work” or “mindless tasks.” some ideas of how to make the most of that time so that you can put the most energy into the things you really want to work on. lastly, a “red pill” about “willful blindness” thanks to dr. aseem malhotra. enjoy and i hope to see you at swiss days september 1st and 2nd! xo LINKS midway swiss days my canvas rebel interview CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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staying in our own lane as artists & entrepreneurs, the largest & final piece in my solo show and a solo show update

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 230 it’s been a hot minute friend! as my solo show debut got closer i ran out of energy to do the podcast lol. but i’m so happy to be back. in this episode you’ll hear about the 48x96” “blue skies” painting that includes flowers and birds that symbolize joy and celebration. also, a white rabbit coming out of a cage, doves drinking from a bird bath, a cake, peacock and so much more. soo many thanks to susan and her team at alpine art who’ve done such a beautiful job with the show. in my podcast show notes on you’ll be able to watch my recent segments on ksl’s studio 5 with brooke walker, an art review article by avery greig on 15 bytes and you can flip through my online catalog of the show. thanks to jessica libor of "the inspired painter podcast" we can consider what "staying in our lane" as artists and entrepreneurs looks like. and a red pill about misinformation or covid myths. CLICK HERE for show notes, photos, catalog, videos and links mentioned⁠ CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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artist alex reed's east idaho art market

are you an art collector? do you have an artist heart? have you or anyone you know given up a creative passion to pursue a more "practical" college degree or degrees?!! you will love hearing about alex's journey as a creative, and her brave steps to follow her artist heart despite her education, expertise, and the loud voices many of us hear. a mother of two toddlers, alex is constantly seeking how to be the mother she wants to be while filling her artist heart. when traveling large distances to reach all the shows and markets she knew would bring her artwork to those seeking her symbolic folk art style began to compete with her priority as a mother of young children, she created a market of her own. the east idaho art market began last may and was a wild success. a small community where artists and residents are just beginning to receive support from city employees & officials, alex and her co-founder shelby thayne couldn't be more pleased. this year, attend the east idaho art market august 26th from 10 to 5 and lookout for their holiday market later in the year. if you're in utah, you can also get to know alex and her artwork the end of this month (june) till july 4th at "art around the park" that runs simultaneously to the beloved "wasatch plein air paradise" event that has been part of midway city's 4th of july for many years. she'll also be at the "sidewalk art festival" in idaho falls july 22nd and 23rd. let's be part of the exciting "shift" alex talks about in her interview. make sure to follow her email lists on her website: and on CLICK HERE for images of alex's work and links to her market, instagram and upcoming events CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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exploring "divine quietness" with author emily robison adams

CANDYcolored studio episode #228: what a gift to spend time with appellate lawyer, mother of 3, and author emily adams! if you've ever wondered if your prayers aren't being answered the way you would like or thought they should be answered -- if you've ever felt like your relationship with God has been stifled -- if you've ever felt like your framework of faith is being tested or is crumbling...emily's experiences and resources will not only remind you that you're not alone, but you will be invited to get uncomfortable, face your doubts and fears, and will offer tools to help you move through this experience with greater confidence, hope and ultimately, peace. many have written about faith journeys, spiritual questions and even faith crises -- most are presented after the author's "trail of faith" and successful conclusion. emily courageously offers her perspective, raw feelings of angst and hope, and the desire for more in the earliest stages of her doubts and questioning. her vulnerability reminds us that this is part of the human experience -- a spiritual journey -- and that while we may not all face these spiritual challenges in the same way, it's actually more common than we have been told, and can be a powerful way to reinforce the faith and testimony that we currently have. sometimes that requires uncomfortable reexamining of our tradition, culture, and supposed beliefs. we may even have to tear down some of the framework in our testimony to rediscover our foundation of faith in God. what can be extremely painful and triggering as we go about our usual routine and participate in traditional worship, as we wrestle or sit with God -- wait upon the Lord -- allow His omniscience and deep desire for our ultimate growth and happiness, we can find ourselves closer each day to the truth, peace and joy we're so earnestly seeking. so many thanks to emily for so bravely sharing her experience and the skills she's gathering to help her continue on this noble quest. enjoy! click here to watch the video version LINKS purchase "divine quietness" on amazon at deseret book audio on deseret bookshelf in person signing may 5th at the saratoga springs deseret book CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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trading comfort for truth and symbols of hope in my latest large piece

"i wish you love" was created with all the symbols of hope – doves in all sorts of colors from all over the world, irises, poppies and chrysanthemums. named after the song by sarah mckenzie, 48x60 oil on an oval wood board. seeing signs of spring and feeling so much gratitude as the weather changes and animals return to our neighborhood. manifesting goodness for artists embarking on new creative projects & ventures. meanwhile, i’ve been pondering what comfort i'd be willing to give up to find and embrace truth – does it involve unknown timing and the possibility of getting "stuck"? will cross-training by finding new places to search & learn flex our discernment muscles & help us while we're waiting to find that peace & joy in truth? lots to consider – sending so much love!! LINKS sarah ebert's fine art pressed flowers lincoln center call for solo & group exhibits in ft. collins colorado come follow me app CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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art and soup preview with artists nancy andruk olson, greg newbold, rob chipman, barb young, brandt berntson, heather holm, brekke sjoblom, jenn seeley & rebecca klundt!!

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 226:art & soup 2023!! next week: march 28th-30th at the salt palace in slc utah. cns cares has been supporting our local community for nearly 100 years. they have a special arm of their program that provides home health and care to those who can’t pay for it themselves. art & soup is an annual fundraiser to support these patients. this year 60 local artists will be joining cns cares to help make this possible. a portion of all sales will be going directly to the fund. And no, you don’t have to be local to purchase art and support this great cause – each artist has a QR code where you can purchase online. listen and watch (on spotify and youtube) 9 of my favorite artists share about their work and what they’ll be bringing to next week’s show. hear from nancy andruk olson – (who is an artist AND a cns nurse) a personal experience helping a family who benefitted from the fund. she’ll be bringing her brightly colored watercolor florals and landscapes created with the paint she makes herself! you can also buy a set of her paints at art & soup. greg newbold will be bringing his gorgeous oil landscapes, whimsy acrylic and oil toy portraits, and keep an eye out for his children’s art books that he and his wife amy have created -- they are pure magic! rob chipman is this year's featured artist! his reduction block prints are one of a kind and quite the process! hear all about the details in this fine craft. barb young has been sharing her whimsy graphic artwork locally for 25 years! recently she has started a new abstract series diving into symbolism of color and using specific verbs to guide each piece. hear how she is finding joy in her garden and create art to process grief and other challenges in her life. brandt berntson will be bringing scenes from his beautiful cache valley, vintage vehicles (some with surprising elements like donuts atop) and signs that will make you smile and provoke some deep thoughts. heather holm's paintings bring nostalgia and serenity with her book, movie and special places. hear all about her brand new studio underway and her determination to return to her love of painting. brekke sjoblom will be bringing watercolor pieces debuting in a new oceanside series, pieces inspired by her photography, and landscapes of beloved local utah spaces. jenn seeley is known for her animal art and will be bringing many large animal portraits -- some whimsy and also some with lots of thick paint and texture. she'll also be bringing work from her acrylic landscape series too. rebecca klundt has such a unique body of work that is created with colorful scraps of wood assembled into breathtaking landscapes, portraits, florals, abstract mosaics and more. she'll have very small to large pieces and even kits to purchase so that you can go home and create your own. brillant! CLICK HERE for the video version, more photos of the artists' work! LINKS art & soup at the salt palace wed & thurs march 29th & 30th afternoon session: 11-2 and evening: 5-9 pm nancy andruk olson @nancyandrukolsonartist& greg newbold @gregnewboldart & rob chipman @robchipmanart & barb young @barbaranyoung & brandt berntson @brantberntson & heather holm @heatherholmart & brekke sjoblom & jenn seeley @jennseeley & rebecca klundt @rebeccaklundt & CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you...


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parent realization: our "greatest mistake" is really our greatest blessing

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 225: sharing today about the most unexpected blessings that came into our life and caused a great pivot and hinge-point for our marriage and set the stage for our family of 7 – and we’re eternally grateful! other things mentioned in this episode are a reminder to apply for the springville salon if you’re local. also, check out the new “pod-sisters” panel episode with my favorite artist ladies of the “artists soar” and the “inspired painter” podcasts – it’s episode # 77 on the “artists soar” podcast – all about the importance and power of saying “no” and all the goodness that comes when we do so. if you’re listening on spotify, enjoy emilie-claire barlow’s latest song, “bird of beauty” – it’s absolutely charming. there’s a couple red pills to consider, some gratitude & manifesting thoughts. CLICK HERE to see the full show notes on my website (photos, listen to mentioned podcast & documentary) LINKS aimee & desiree's beljar home in midway -- follow their ig stories @beljarhome emilie-claire barlow's latest album and tour dates springville musem of fine art spring salon (intake apr. 4-8th), show opens april 26th pod-sister episode on artists soar podcast all about the power of saying "no" with jessica libor, stephanie weaver, jules mcculough, rachel harchanko & moi who killed joseph smith documentary part i by justin griffin CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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creating an artist studio you never want to leave

CANDYcolored studio episode 224: my solo opening will be may 19th at alpine art in salt lake city – 8 new very large florals with birds and lots of symbolism. you’re invited! for more info and a sneak peek go to my website ( and click on my “‘23 solo show” page. what are some key components that make a studio most efficient, cozy and productive? i’ll share 7 aspects to consider that have continually made my studio spaces my happy place. CLICK HERE for the full show notes, photos, videos etc. solo show page on my website (keep checking in as i continue to add work and photos)LINKS exponent ii winter edition (featuring "tell me about YOUR sacred grove") dr. moore interview on green smoothie with girl robyn openshaw ep. 8 creating space for your passions CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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8 must–read art publications, my 5’ tall easter egg painting, what to do with older artwork, & 15 ways to survive a winter apocalypse

for art collectors looking for new artists to follow and learn about or for artists looking for new inspiration – here’s a list of 8 magazines you might want to purchase a copy or subscription. from “fine art connoisseur” to “art and cake”, i’m sure you’ll find something new that you’ll enjoy. slcc (salt lake community college) is open for exhibition proposals till april 7th, and create! magazine is accepting art for their summer issue. a pod-sister panel episode about what to do with older work has launched on jessica libor’s “inspired painter podcast” – listen to episode #115. it’s packed with wonderful ideas and mindset thoughts for artists. hear about the symbolism in my latest large oval floral with birds that symbolize easter. a red pill about our media, who owns it, where the info comes from and more. and finally, 15 ways that have helped me enjoy winter – even an apocalyptic one as the one we’re currently enjoying! LINKS listen to nat king cole's orange colored sky here or scroll & click the playlist pod-sister panel episode on what to do with old work on jessica libor's inspired painter podcast episode 115 (scroll to listen) bogs boots art magazines: american art collector southwest art ARTnews magazine art in america apollo fine art connoisseur create! art and cake CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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pod-sister panel!! press experiences and opportunities with the ladies of the artists soar podcast: stephanie, rachel & jules and jessica of the inspired painter podcast

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 222: have you taken advantage of press opportunities? are you interested in getting more press for your artwork? hear from 5 artists with different styles & subjects, with different press experiences & opportunities, and various goals for future press. what is press? how can i reach out to press? what opportunities are best for me? how can i be my best ally when it comes to press? hear our thoughts on these questions and so much more! in this podcast episode we brainstorm together and offer suggestions that you can pursue too. special thanks to stephanie weaver, jules mccullough, rachel harchanko and jessica libor for sharing their experiences, hope and dreams. listen to the artist soar podcast episode 22 for jules’ horrifying discovery about her doppelganger. email us your greatest goal for press – we’d love to manifest that as a group. sending so much love from all 5 of us! xo CLICK HERE for the full show notes LINKS artists soar podcast episode #22 - jules and her doppleganger artists soar podcast on apple stephanie weaver's website: , email newsletter preorder stephanie's princing book on amazon jules mcculough's website: & instagram @juliemstudios rachel harchancho's website: & facebook: rb art studios the inspired painter podcast with jessica libor jessica libor's website: & instagram: @jessicaliborstudio CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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upcoming art auctions, jenna kutcher suggests 5 questions to ask ourselves, learning new ways to renew my sacrament coventant, forgive & meaning in the jubilee

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode #221: i’m working away on my giant easter egg of a painting with all sorts of easter symbols and thoughts. i’ll leave some progess photos in the show notes. enjoy! do you listen to jenna kutcher’s goal digger podcast? she’s absolutely wonderful and has so many great suggestions in life and business. hear the 5 questions she says top business owners are asking themselves and each other – and see if they will help you too! we’re approaching spring art auction season – keep an eye out for two online art auctions where you can buy my art and so many others’ while supporting scholarships for preschool students and artists with the early light institute and vision of the arts. both april auctions will have small original works of art available. if you’re listening on spotify, you’ll find a song at the end of the episode by the bird watchers, who will be coming to the maxfield’s a-frame concerts. our red pill invite this week is to research the WEF/Global initiative’s “15 minute cities” – what are they and has your local city committed to participate? watch an interview with chelcie hope and we ARE the people talking about salt lake city, utah’s 15 minute city, “the point” that is underway. finally, i’m sharing some spiritual ah-ha!s that i’ve been experiencing lately – new ways to worship, renew my sacrament covenant and see the jewish tradition of jubilee. CLICK HERE for the episode show notes (progress photos, embedded episodes of jenna kutcher & the chosen, and links to upcoming shows & things mentioned) CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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traveling with 5 kids to bimini, upcoming art events & calls for art, and better goal setting with the “artists soar” podcast ladies

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode #220: sharing some of our successes, failures and adventure moments on the lovely island of bimini. traveling abroad with a family of 7 is not for the faint of heart but the memories always make it so worth it! there are some really great events coming up in utah and beyond. hear about the artist soar ladies recent episode about making smarter goals and how they can help you throughout the year. CLICK HERE for show notes, links, embedded episodes etc. CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!


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supporting living artists at local seasonal art markets, a joe rogan forgiveness red pill & 26 things i don’t do to make time to paint

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 219: are you a frequenter of art & etsy style markets? we have some really great ones in northern utah – my favorites are the utah art market and the beehive bazaar. collectors can discover new local artists by enjoying these handmade market venues. a red pill based on a recent joe rogan podcast interview with bret weinstein that asks us if we have a line for forgiveness and if we've come to terms with our choices. and my latest list of things i’m avoiding so that i have time to paint. sometimes the best way to get more time to do the things we really want to be doing is to minimize what we’re committing to do – asking ourselves, do i REALLY have to do this? what would happen if i didn’t do it?! CLICK HERE for embeded videos of joe's episode, photos of my latest large floral with birds, and my list of things I'm not doing LOL CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in this survey - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review! CONNECT WITH ME: email: join my SWEETlist (my email list) instagram @katrina.berg LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: - what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below. - did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!
