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Athlete Mind Podcast

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Athlete Mind Podcast is designed for professional athletes, coaches, parents, sports enthusiasts, and anyone desiring high performance in life. Host, Meghana Kulkarni has been a former professional badminton player for 12+ years and holds the highest world ranking of 676 in women's singles. She is on a mission to help thousands of athletes enhance their performance by enhancing their mindset. In this podcast, Meghana interviews various athletes, coaches, and parents who talk about their sporting journey, share their life lessons and express their high-pressure moments. We cover various topics such as physiology, psychology, emotional intelligence, and spirituality. Anything that will elevate the performance ladder upwards. If you're ready to re-program your mind, elevate your sports performance to the next level and embark on a journey towards excellence, tune in to the Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram: YouTube:


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Athlete Mind Podcast is designed for professional athletes, coaches, parents, sports enthusiasts, and anyone desiring high performance in life. Host, Meghana Kulkarni has been a former professional badminton player for 12+ years and holds the highest world ranking of 676 in women's singles. She is on a mission to help thousands of athletes enhance their performance by enhancing their mindset. In this podcast, Meghana interviews various athletes, coaches, and parents who talk about their sporting journey, share their life lessons and express their high-pressure moments. We cover various topics such as physiology, psychology, emotional intelligence, and spirituality. Anything that will elevate the performance ladder upwards. If you're ready to re-program your mind, elevate your sports performance to the next level and embark on a journey towards excellence, tune in to the Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram: YouTube:



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Ep #33 - Sonal Shiraguppi - You Too Can Reset Your Life!

Our guest for today's episode, Sonal Shiraguppi, a Counselling Psychologist, a Graphologist & a Teacher. Everybody have their own highs and lows, but how one tackles every situation, makes it worth listening to. We've one such example with us today. There comes a point in your life where you feel stuck and you want to move forward but you're not sure how. You want to start over again but thoughts of doubt and insecurity creep into your mind. Sometimes we need that spark of inspiration or...


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Ep #32 - Uma Patil - Heal Your Mind, Body And Spirit To Connect With Your True Essence

An exceptional guest on our podcast today, is Dr. Uma Patil, a Reiki Healer. The mind-body-spirit connection is real, and when you understand how it all works you're able to more fully step into your own power. Essentially, the mind affects the flow of your spirit, which in turn affects the body. With our minds, we can choose either bad-feeling thoughts or good-feeling thoughts at any moment. These thoughts create a corresponding emotion, which either creates higher vibration or a lower one. When our vibration is higher, the mind and body are in harmony. When our vibration lowers, the mind and body become out of balance and the body begins to show signs of energy disruption. Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #31 - Rashmi Raikar - Shakti Energy: The Feminine Power Of The Universe

Welcome back again! This episode is all about Breathwork & Kundalini Yoga. Our guest, Rashmi Raikar, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Facilitator, and a Zumba Instructor. Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses. Its purpose is to activate your Kundalini energy, or shakti. This is a spiritual energy that's said to be located at the base of your spine. Sounds interesting, right? Let's dive deeper into this topic, by listening to this episode. Reach out to Rashmi Raikar on Instagram and Youtube. (If you're interested and want to learn more about it.) Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #30 - Ruby Rana - Change Internally To Transform Yourself Into A New YOU!

Yes! She can Transform Lives. Ruby Rana , a Transformational Coach, here with us on Athlete Mind Podcast, inspiring us with her beautiful story. We spend our lives subconsciously trying to change others, trying to get others to see things from our perspective, trying to make others understand. But what we should really be doing is to look inside of ourselves; learning to love who we really are and make the changes from within. This episode is going to be an eye opener for many individuals, wanna know why, then go listen to the podcast. Cheers! Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #29 - Rashmi Raikar - Science Is Limited, It's Time To Go Beyond Science

Today we have a very special guest, Rashmi Raikar, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Facilitator, and a Zumba Instructor. As her designation suggests, this episode is all about thoughts and meditation. When meditating, we are not engaged in thinking. That does not mean the mind will be empty thoughts will still appear but we are not looking to engage with these thoughts. We are training the mind to no longer chase every thought we like, and to no longer resist every thought we don't like. Reach out to Rashmi Raikar on Instagram and Youtube. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #28 - Pooja Malhotra - Living A Spiritual Life In A Materialistic World

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. The hard part about spirituality is putting it into practice in the real world. We can read about it in books attend workshops and even meditate about life, but what counts is the choices we make. Every decision we make closes off some possibilities and opens up some new ones. Our decisions are driven by our values and beliefs about the world. As we grow and experience the world we form a set of beliefs and values about our world and our part in it. These values guide the way we live our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are guided by our values. If our values are healthy, positive values, we will think and act in positive, healthy ways, and that in turn will lead to positive, healthy lives. Spirituality is not something you just do when you 'feel' like it. Spiritual Giants have consciously or subconsciously practiced Constancy and One-Pointedness of Aim and Effort in their Spiritual Sadhana to become who they are. It is only through strict self-discipline can you be a Great Soul to help guide and teach other Souls that come after you... Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #27 - What Is Success - Mashup

In this episode, we bring you the definition of Success as defined by our guests on Athlete Mind Podcast. Different People, Different Mindsets, Different meanings, so are their definition of SUCCESS! Do you have any other definition for success, do let us know yours. You can send your answers on Best answer gets a chance to appear on our podcast. To Listen to the entire episodes, Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #26 - Ketan Patel - Why Men Are So Complicated To Understand?

As June was Men’s Health Month, I want to talk about something that we don’t talk about enough: men and depression. I know I'm a bit late to this topic but better late than never. So we have Ketan Patel today, as our guest, who'll be talking about Men's Mental Health, responsibilities, societal pressures they go through, etc. as the list is endless. While it’s not exactly a women’s health topic, our typical focus at the Office on Women’s Health, we know that most women have important men in their lives. Fathers, partners, sons, brothers, uncles, and friends. Their health matters to us. They’re why we need to have a conversation about mental health — because I worry they’re not talking about it enough. My message this Men’s Health Month is simple: We need to talk openly about mental health. Suffering in silence isn’t a safe or healthy option for the men in our lives. Check in with them. Ask them how they’re feeling, especially if one of them has experienced a recent event that could trigger depression. Look for changes in his behavior and watch out for depression symptoms. If you think someone you love has depression, offer your support, listen, and be patient. Encourage him to talk to his doctor or a mental health professional, or you can help him find treatment services in his area. Living with depression can feel overwhelming and isolating, so let him know he’s not alone. Help is available, and he can feel better. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #25 - Pooja Malhotra - What We Are Inside, Is What We Reflect Outside

Today we have a wonderful soul with us, Pooja Malhotra, Life Coach & Personal Development Coach. She talks about the internal beauty of an individual and how an individual is unique in itself. As this is an esoteric topic, so we took this topic for this podcast. Body image relates to: Self-image is the personal view, or mental picture, that we have of ourselves. Self-image is an “internal dictionary” that describes the characteristics of the self, including intelligence, beauty, ugly, talented, selfishness, and kindliness. Listen to the entire episode to understand these topics in-depth. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #24 - How to Develop Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude means being optimistic about situations, interactions, and yourself. People with positive attitudes remain hopeful and see the best even in difficult situations. In contrast, those with negative attitudes may be more pessimistic and disagreeable, and typically expect the worst outcome in tough situations. While having a positive attitude doesn’t necessarily make you less stressed, it can equip you with the tools you need to cope with stress more healthily. A positive outlook will teach you to be grateful for the good things in your work and life. You’ll approach every day with an appreciative mindset. Listen to the entire podcast to learn to develop a positive attitude. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #23 - Raashi Malhotra - If You're Living LIFE, You're Winning LIFE

Today we have an entrancing human being, Raashi Malhotra, a Wellness & Mindset Coach, Money Mindset & Manifestation Expert, and an Inspirational Speaker. This episode is all about the Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and Abundance. The law of attraction brings positive impacts on mental well-being. By focusing on attaining a new reality, and by believing it is possible, we tend to take more risks, notice more opportunities, and open ourselves up to new possibilities. Conversely, when we don’t believe that something is in the realm of possibilities for us, we tend to let opportunities pass by unnoticed. Listen to the entire podcast to learn to attract what's yours. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #22 - Marian Rebello - Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs Using NLP Techniques.

Our guest for today, Marian Rebello is an NLP practitioner. We'll be experimenting with specific issues an athlete faces during their sporting career. We'll try to understand more about NLP and its significance. NLP stands for Neuro-linguistic Programming. In short, an NLP Practitioner is a highly resourceful and professional coach who uses the NLP technique to help others. The method entails using the brain deliberately to achieve the desired results. Visit his website to know more. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #21 - Dr. Sachita Sabharwal - Stress Is Something Which We Put On Ourselves.

Our guest for today is a Ph.D. holder in psychology, Dr. Sachita Sabharwal, who will guide us on how we can manage stress & anxiety. Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. Any event or scenario that makes you feel frustrated or nervous can trigger it. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. While it can occur as a reaction to stress, it can also happen without any obvious trigger. Most people experience some feelings of stress and anxiety at some point, and that isn’t necessarily a “bad” thing. After all, stress and anxiety can sometimes be a helpful motivator to accomplish daunting tasks or do things you’d rather not (but really should). But unmanaged stress and anxiety can start to interfere with your daily life and take a toll on your mental and physical health. If you going through some issues or experience stress and anxiety, here you go. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #20 - How to Train Your Mind Daily (3 Ways)

The human brain is mysterious and fascinating. Even now, we barely know what it is capable of. Maintaining a healthy brain is crucial to staying active and having the mental clarity that is necessary to lead a healthy and happy life. Luckily, there are ways to increase our mind power with the help of simple mind-training exercises and healthy habits. "YOU CAN BUILD RADIANT HEALTH, SUCCESS, AND HAPPINESS BY THE THOUGHTS YOU THINK IN THE HIDDEN STUDIO OF YOUR MIND." Listen to the entire Podcast to know how you can train your mind in 3 simple ways. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #19 - Nishtha Sen - Success Is All About Internal Peace

This episode is all about mindset and spirituality. Our guest for today, Nishtha Sen is an Intuitive Energy & Mindset Coach. She talks about her journey as a mindset coach and how spirituality helps her deal with the daily hurdles. Talking about Mindset, our mindset is an interpretive process that underpins much of our behavior and, ultimately, our ability to be happy. Our mindset is a frame of mind that helps us move towards a set of outcomes. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #18 - Reshma Karthik - Life Changes Drastically After You Stop Playing Sports.

Welcome to the second episode with Reshma Karthik. This episode is all about the aftermath of an athlete when they decide to stop playing the sport professionally. The routine, mindset, thoughts, practice, and the sport itself, tries to crumble you down. Similar was the case with our guest for today. Let us listen to her struggles and learn to overcome such situations when we practically face similar days in our lives. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #17 - Lauren Ammon - Performance Anxiety is the Negative Projection of the Future.

Welcome to the second part of this episode with Lauren Ammon. In this episode, she talks about a common issue among all professional athletes i.e. Performance Anxiety & Recovery. Facing failure, overcoming tough times, avoiding negative thoughts are some more important topics which she talks about in this episode. For more episodes like this tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Please do follow our podcast and give us a rating. Much appreciated. Enjoy! Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #16 - Lauren Ammon - Mental Resilience Is A Muscle Which Helps To Recover & Comeback Stronger

In today's episode, we have a very special guest, Lauren Ammon. She is an Athlete Mindset Coach and in this episode, she shares her journey from being a former professional athlete to now training professional athletes. She talks about the mental health issues that athletes go through every day. She firmly believes that Athletes are humans and should seek help when going through mental and emotional health crises. She talks about GOAT athletes like Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps. Today's episode is predominantly focused on mental resilience and how to achieve high performance in the sporting world. For more episodes like this tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Please do follow our podcast and give us a rating. Much appreciated. Enjoy! Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #15 - Chhavi Kohli - If You Love Doing Something, You'll Always Have Time For It!

This episode is all about passion, interest and love for what you choose to do in LIFE. Our guest, Chhavi Kohli is a champion Fencer for India, bagging medals in Commonwealth Games twice. Being a sportsperson she did not compromise on her academics, she is truly a stubborn perfectionist who gives 100% in all fields, as a result, she has become the epitome of versatility. Instead of an interview, it turned out to be a fun conversation as soon as we started. Listen to the entire podcast to know more about her. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.


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Ep #14 - Reshma Karthik - It's Only After You've Stepped Out of Your Comfort Zone That You Begin to Change, Grow & Transform

In this episode, we have a special guest named Reshma Kartik. She has been a former professional badminton player with the highest world ranking of 82 in women's singles. In this episode, we dive into her life and talk about her sporting career, her roller coaster moments and also understand an athlete's mind. Tune into Athlete Mind Podcast. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.
