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Attack The Talk

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Welcome to Attack The Talk! The podcast where friends talk all things Attack on Titan. We will discuss and breakdown each episode of the anime in chronological order. Warning! There will be spoilers. We highly recommend that you watch AOT first. Plus, it’s an amazing journey of an anime! New Episodes every week! You can find us on:


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Welcome to Attack The Talk! The podcast where friends talk all things Attack on Titan. We will discuss and breakdown each episode of the anime in chronological order. Warning! There will be spoilers. We highly recommend that you watch AOT first. Plus, it’s an amazing journey of an anime! New Episodes every week! You can find us on:



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Hang out with Us! | OVA #13 |

In this episode, we hang out with our friends and talk about different topics, such as traveling with AOT characters, Top 10 Lists, and other topics! We hope you enjoy our OVA episode! "I'M FIRED UP!!!!!" Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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Grisha's New Mission | S3 E21 P1 | Attack Titan

In this episode, Eren Kruger's Titan is revealed. Why couldn't Kruger have transformed earlier?? Why did he only save Grisha? Kruger prepares Grisha for his new mission. Eren and Armin realize their expiration date. "THE LOOK IN YOUR EYES COULD'VE BURNT THE WORLD TO ASH..." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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The Owl is Revealed | S3 E20 P4 | That Day

In this episode, Grisha and his comrades are taken to the Island of Paradi. Marleyan Officers are sentencing these Eldians to their life sentences as Pure Titans. Grisha has to face Demons from his past. And Grisha witnesses a horrible fate... Wait, the Owl is Who?? (get it ;p) "GRISHA, I PROMISE. NO MATTER WHAT FORM I MIGHT TAKE, I SWEAR I'LL COME FIND YOU." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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A Child of Royal Blood | S3 E20 P3 | That Day

In this episode, Grisha continues to explain his journey on how he became a Restorationist, and how he met Dina. Grisha's passion to restore Eldia has the heart of Dina. A child of Royal blood is born. Is this child, Eldia's greatest hope? "ALL OF US ARE COUNTING ON YOU TO SAVE ELDIA FROM DISGRACE." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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The Restorationists | S3 E20 P2 | That Day

In this episode, Grisha is recruited to become a Restorationist. Grisha shows his dedication and fully embraces by becoming a Leader. We learn a little about The Owl. The Owl sent a new ally... a descendantof the Royal Family. "WHEN WE LOCKED EYES, I DECIDED TO ALLOW FATE TO STEER MY LIFE WHERE IT WOULD..." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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The Truth Of This World | S3 E20 P1 | That Day

In this episode, Grisha learns the cruel truth of this world.. We witness probably the most tragic AOT death in the series. Officer Gross lives by his accurately given name. Why was Grisha's Father such a coward? And who is this Informant?? "I STILL WONDER WHICH WAS TRULY IN THE WRONG... THE WORLD I LIVED IN? OR ME?" Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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Zac from the Land of Wano! | OVA #12 |

In this episode, we hangout and chat about different topics. Zac talks about his trip to Japan, and we learn not to mess with Lexy. We hope you enjoy OVA #12! Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#56 Returning Home... | S3 E19 P2 | The Basement

In this episode, Eren and Mikasa lead Hange and Captain Levi to their Old Home. The Basement is now the sole focus and the "Key" to unveiling the truth. As Eren and Mikasa travel though the destroyed, ghost town of Shiganshina, they both take a trip down memory lane. "WHEN'LL YOU SHOW ME WHAT'S IN THE CELLAR?"... "PERHAPS WHEN YOU'VE REALIZED THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF ALL..." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#56 A Heavy Burden... | S3 E19 P1 | The Basement

In this episode, Armin experiences a strange epiphany. Armin wakes up to his new life, but doesn't remember important, character developing details. Eren explains everything to Armin, but maybe leaves out some important details. Armin must now carry this heavy burden of being the one brought back to life, but he's not carrying it alone. There are new responsibilities for our Scout characters going forward. "WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. ERWIN'S LIFE AND THE POWER OF A TITAN BOTH REST ON YOUR SHOULDERS... IT'S PART OF WHO YOU ARE NOW. ACCEPT IT." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#55 The Best Choice for Humanity? | S3 E18 P2 | Midnight Sun

In this episode, the deliberation has begun... is it Erwin or Armin? Captain Levi, Hange, and Floch believe Erwin is the best option.. while Mikasa and Eren fight for Armin. What do you think? Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#55 The Decision... | S3 E18 P3 | Midnight Sun

In this episode, characters try to justify their reasons for either bringing back Armin, or Erwin. But in the end, Captain Levi can only choose one to bring back. Did Captain Levi choose the one you want? Did Levi even have a say in the matter?? Hmmm... Which characters brings hope? "EVER SINCE I JOINED UP WITH THE SCOUTS, EVERY DAY BROUGHT A NEW FAREWELL." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#55 Captain… I Finally Found You | S3 E18 P1 | Midnight Sun

In this episode, Eren and Zeke come face to face for the first time. Levi is relentless. Reiner has an important letter for someone. Jean speaks up for Reiner. Hange waits for the signal. Levi has to make a choice. "CAPTAIN... I FINALLY FOUND YOU. IT'S THE COMMANDER." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#54 Bravest of us All.. | S3 E17 P3 | Hero

In this episode, Bertholdt is ready to end this. Armin fights to the very end. An unexpected ally returns. Full circle revenge for Eren. We see the first time Armin and Eren meet. "ARMIN, YOU ARE A HERO. YOU'RE THE BRAVEST OF US ALL..." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#54 Battle of Attrition | S3 E17 P2 | Hero

In this episode, Armin finally realizes what he has to do to stop the Colossal Titan. Meanwhile, Mikasa, Jean, Conny, and Sasha have to keep the Armored Titan away from Eren. Reiner loses his memory. Is Bertholdt feeling too confident? "EREN, WAKE UP! THE SEA IS WAITING FOR US." Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!


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#54 End of an Era | S3 E17 P1 | Hero

In this episode, The Scouts lose more than they ever anticipated. Is Zeke the Beast Titan, too arrogant? We see the potential in Marlo. Zeke meets Captain Levi. This episode has one of, if not the coolest, Levi moment in all of AOT. "WHAT'S THIS? MY TITANS HAVE FALLEN?" Check out our Link Tree:


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#53 My Soldiers Rage! | S3 E16 P3 | Perfect Game

In this episode, Commander Erwin explains his plan and motivation to Captain Levi. Levi is prepared to do what it takes ands gives Erwin reassurance. Zeke is surprised by the Scouts next plan of action. Commander Erwin gives a final passionate speech. "MY SOLDIERS PUSH FORWARD! MY SOLDIERS SCREAM OUT! MY SOLDIERS RAGE!" Check out our Link Tree:


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#53 Squad Leader Jean | S3 E16 P2 | Perfect Game

In this episode, Jean leads the remaining members of the Levi Squad against the Colossal Titan. Jean needs work on his backup strategy skills. Commander Erwin and Captain Levi think of how to get out of this mess. "BUT FOR IT TO SUCCEED... THE RECRUITS AND I HAVE TO DIE." Check out our Link Tree:


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#53 Zeke's Barrage | S3 E16 P1 | - Perfect Game

In this episode, Bertholdt is inside of the Wall in his Colossal Titan form... Meanwhile Zeke enters the Battle for Shiganshina. Armin passes leadership to someone else. Is there Baseball at Marley? This is the beginning of an end of an era. "I'M GOING FOR NOTHING LESS THAN A PERFECT GAME TODAY!" Check out our Link Tree:


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#52 Bertholdt Arrives | S3 E15 P2 | - Descent

In this episode, Bertholdt waits for the sign but things have gotten quiet. What will he do and what will the Scouts do when Bertholdt arrives inside of the walls? “PREPARE FOR THE WORST… I’M ENDING THIS WAR.” Check out our Link Tree:


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#52 The Betrayal of Marco Bodt | S3 E15 P1 | - Descent

In this episode, Reiner and Bertholdt expose their true identities to an unfortunate victim of circumstance. Reiner realizes what he has to do, as he shows a different side of him. He puts Annie to the test to see where her loyalty lies. "WHY AREN'T YOU EVEN WILLING TO TALK TO ME!?" Check out our Link Tree: Edited by NatePlaysBad Go support: Watch on Twitch!
