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Autism Awakening

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Welcome to Autism Awakening! The Podcast that teaches you how to help your child recover from autism Dr. Jared Skowron, founder of Spectrum Awakening, has helping children with autism recover their language and behavior for over 20 years. He's worked with Temple Grandin, Jenny McCarthy, and other international autism experts, but more importantly, has helped thousands of children with autism recover their language and behaviors. Learn more at


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Welcome to Autism Awakening! The Podcast that teaches you how to help your child recover from autism Dr. Jared Skowron, founder of Spectrum Awakening, has helping children with autism recover their language and behavior for over 20 years. He's worked with Temple Grandin, Jenny McCarthy, and other international autism experts, but more importantly, has helped thousands of children with autism recover their language and behaviors. Learn more at



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EP 152: Autism: Detoxification

Is your child filled with toxins? Your doctor probably tested them for lead, but have you tested them for other toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, and cadmium? A multitude of scientific research studies associates toxins as a cause of autism. Finding them and removing them can help! Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our eleventh episode of this mini-series reviews toxins in our kids, how to test for them, and how to remove them safely and naturally. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding toxins, how they contribute to autism, and how to help, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 151: Autism, PANDAS, Autoimmune

Do you think your child has PANDAS or PANS? Does their behavior spike after they have a cold? Are you concerned about motor tics (not stimming) and OCD? Your child may have an autoimmune attack on their brain called PANDAS or PANS! Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our tenth episode of this mini-series reviews PANDAS and PANS, the autoimmune attack on the brain, triggered by a strep infection or other viral infections. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding PANDAS and PANS, how it contributes to behavioral symptoms, and how to help, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 150: Vaccine Safety

Listen to our SPECIAL GUEST, Angie Lemmon in this episode. She discusses everything your doctor DOESN’T want you to know! That’s the real, documented, scientific side effects of vaccines. Listen to this scientifically based podcast, so you can educate others on the risks and benefits of vaccines. Learn more at: Parents for Health Choice - Vaccines, Health Angie believes strongly that each person must take an active role in their own health. Many hours of research opened her eyes to the risks of vaccines, and she became a staunch believer in true informed consent. Angie founded Parents For Health Choice (PFHC) in 2019 with the help of two other moms, one of whom has a child that regressed into autism after a vaccine. PFHC exists to provide parents with information on vaccines so that they can make informed decisions for their children. Angie also serves on the board of Texans For Vaccine Choice which works to ensure medical freedom and vaccine choice in Texas. ‌ If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 149: Autism, Sensory, and Hormones

Does your have sensory issues? Do they have problems with haircuts, nail cutting, tags in their clothes? Do they cover their ears or avoid eye contact or are a picky eater? These are all common sensory problems with our kids with autism. Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our ninth episode of this mini-series reviews pooping with our kids, discusses how hormones are related to sensory symptoms, and shows you natural ways to help! Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding hormone imbalances in autism, how they contribute to sensory issues, and how to help, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 148: Autism: Allergies, Histamine & Sleep

Does your child have seasonal allergies? Do their sleep and behaviors get worse in the spring or fall? Do they get red cheeks sometimes but you haven’t found a pattern? Food allergies, environmental allergies, and even certain foods can create histamine in the body that worsens sleep and mood. Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our eighth episode of this mini-series reviews histamine and how it worsens sleep and behaviors. Histamine can come from food allergies, environmental allergies, and even certain foods that are laden with histamine! (even if your kids aren’t allergic) Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding allergies and histamine and how to help, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 147: Autism Diets

Have you heard of different diets that could help autism? Have you tried gluten-free, dairy-free, GAPS, or none at all? Do they even help? Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our seventh episode of this mini-series reviews autism diets. Which ones can help, which ones can’t, and testing that can help guide you to an answer. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding autism diets and how they can help your child. If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 146: Autism, Toe-walking and Constipation

Does your child walk on their toes? Do they wet the bed at night? Does your child have problems with pooping? Chronic constipation and impacted stool can cause pain which makes our children toe walk. Before you consider invasive treatments for your child’s toe walking, try to get them pooping! Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our sixth episode of this mini-series reviews pooping with our kids, discusses things that cause diarrhea and constiaption, and shows you natural ways to help keep your child pooping regularly, and stop the toe walking! Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding causes of diarrhea and constipation and how to support healthy pooping, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 145: Autism Behaviors and Candida Mold

Is your child angry? Do they hit themselves, hit you, pull your hair out or scratch? Do they laugh without any reason? Or maybe have a red anus? Or dark circles under their eyes? These are all signs that your child may have a fungal infection in their gut. Many children with autism have poor gut immune systems and are at risk for Candida, Bacterial, and Parasite infections. Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our fifth episode of this mini-series reviews how gut infections are common in children with autism. We review ways to test and naturally support your children’s gut health. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding Candida and other gut infections in autism and improving these, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 144: Autism: Hypotonia, Motor Skills, and Mitochondria

Does your child have problems brushing teeth, using utensils, or using crayons? Does your OT tell you the your child has low muscle tone or hypotonia? Do you treat your child for constipation? Research shows up to 80% of children with autism have problems with their mitochondria. That’s the part of the body that produces energy. Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our fourth episode of this mini-series reviews how mitochondria dysfunction is caused by the toxins or infections that cause autism regressions, and how poorly functioning mitochondria can produce autism symptoms such as low muscle tone, poor fine motor skills, chronic constipation, seizures, and developmental delay.; Naturally supporting mitochondria these can support normal motor skills and intestinal motor function in your child! Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding mitochondria in autism and improving motor function and motor skills and constipation, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 143: Autism: More Speech with Brain Chemistry

Do you want more speech from your child with autism? Do you want to know if they’re happy or sad or scared or in pain? Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our third episode of this mini-series reviews how brain chemicals, such as serotonin, dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and adrenaline can be off in children with autism. This can be caused by either your child’s genetics or autism regression. Naturally balancing these can support normal language development in your child! Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding brain chemistry in autism and improving speech, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 142: Autism Health Summit - The NEWEST Autism Family Conference

Listen to our SPECIAL GUEST, Tracy Slepcevic in this episode. Tracy talks about her new autism conference for families, Autism Health Summit. Featuring international experts in autism. It is the newest MUST SEE autism conference. Watch this Youtube video to learn more! ‌ Learn more about the conference: Home Tracy Slepcevic is a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Speaker, Air Force Veteran, and the bestselling author of Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey In Healing Her Son with Autism. Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey in Healing Her Son with Autism She is educated in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and has dedicated over 14 years to researching various treatments and therapies for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Over the years, she has worked with various doctors, scientists, advocates, and researchers, and she has made it her mission to educate families on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. ‌ If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 141: Autism Regressions: How to Fix It!

Do you want to know WHY your child has autism? Do you believe there is a solution to help your child improve their developmental delays? Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our second episode of this mini-series reviews autism regression. Did your child have words and eye contact and then all of the sudden, BOOM! your child disappeared? This is a type of autism where a child’s skills regressed. If you think there was ab obvious cause of your child’s regression, you are probably correct! Don’t listen to your pediatrician about this one, listen to the science. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding autism regression, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 140: Autism Communication Movie - SPELLERS

Listen to our SPECIAL GUEST, Honey Rinicella in this episode. Honey talks about the new movie, Spellers, which won Best Documentary at the 2023 Phoenix Film Festival. Spellers gives children with autism a new way to communicate. SPELLERSthemovie Honey is the Executive Director of the Medical Academy of Pediatrics and Special Needs (MAPS), and proud parent of 23 year old twins with autism. Honey spent nearly two decades working leadership roles for Non-Profits, supporting families and parents in the Autism/Special needs community. She has seen the lives of her children transform under the care of a MAPS physician, which in turn has sparked her passion to grow the organization. ‌ If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 139: Autism Genetics and Treatment

Do you want to know WHY your child has autism? Do you believe there is a solution to help your child improve their developmental delays? Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery! Our first episode of this mini-series reviews the genetics of autism. Approximately 1/3 of boys and 1/2 of girls with autism have a GENETIC CAUSE that could be TREATED! Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding autism genetics, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 138: Autism: Handling the Stress

Having a child is stressful. Having a child with autism is MORE stressful! Are you doing everything to help yourself, so that you can better help your child? Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding parental stress, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 137: Autism and Candida

Do you think your child has candida? Are they hyperactive? Do they laugh at inappropriate times? Many kids with autism can have an intestinal yeast infection. While this usually blown off by your pediatrician, the immune dysfunction in children with autism can be a big problem! Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding candida, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 136: Autism Cranky Mornings

Does your child wake up cranky in the morning? Do you think they’re constipated? Does their behavior improve with food? Your child might have Acid Reflux! Unfortunately, reflux medications cause anemia when used for too long, but your pediatrician may never have told you that! and there are natural supplements that can help WITHOUT the side effects. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding acid reflux, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 135: Help Your Child With Autism - Temple Grandin and Dr. Jared Skowron

SPECIAL GUEST PODCAST - Temple Grandin We are honored to have the amazing Temple Grandin on our podcast! She will be discussing what you can do to help your child at different ages when they are on the spectrum. Learn about everything from getting your teenager a job to the sensory overload of new LED lights in schools. She is always the best! ‌ If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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EP 134: What you didn’t know about the Covid shot! - Dr Chris Shaw and Dr. Jared Skowron

SPECIAL PODCAST GUEST - Dr. Chris Shaw Prepare to have your mind opened! Dr. Shaw is a world expert in the research of aluminum toxicity, however today’s podcast is about the Safety of mRNA shots. Stop believing what you see on the news or social media and listen to a scientist who is in the know! ‌ If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at


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Ep 133: Is Miralax safe? Autism and Constipation

Do you think your child has constipation? Did you pediatrician suggest the OTC medication, Miralax? Do you think your child is having side effects from it? Guess what! It’s time to lift the propaganda blanket off of these drugs and show the true side effects children are having! The FDA is aware that 25% of people can have gut pain side effects (which present as behaviors in our autistic kids), and over 5% of people can have psychiatric side effects from this OTC medication! More importantly, there are lots of safe, natural ways to improve constipation WITHOUT OTC medications. (I know my grandparents drink a lot of prune juice!) Ready for the science! Then listen to this podcast. Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding constipation, along with how to help your child with autism, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals! If you enjoyed the podcast, please write a review! This helps spread the word to other families who need help. ‌ Check out Dr. Skowron’s beginner level autism educational course! Skowron Solution Course ‌ Use Coupon code: Learn25 to get 25% off the course! Use coupon code: Podcast20 to get 20% off supplements and lab tests at
