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Christine Munro from Kobo BSW026

"Nerd 'Till I Die" Christine Munroe, "Has the coolest job ever. She leads the KWL business team, helping authors successfully reach millions of Kobo readers around the world. She has a BA and MA in English Literature from McGill University and worked as a literary agent and international book scout in New York before joining Kobo. Her favourite part of her job is helping independent writers achieve great results and make a living from their writing, as well as working with her fabulous...


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BSW 024 Zombie Poetry & Thrillers, Al Lane & Mark O’Neill 20190205

For a change of pace, I've interviewed two authors this week, Al Lane and Mark O-Brien. Al lives in England and Mark lives in Germany. One writes and performs poetry, the other pens spy thrillers. Enjoy. Al Lane I met Al a couple years ago when I took part in the A-Z blog challenge, which involves posting every day of the month on one theme, with titles going A-Z. He wrote hilarious post-apocalyptic zombie haiku while I wrote about mythological beasts. Show Notes Al got hooked on rhyming...


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BSW 023 – Angela Ackerman, The Expanded Emotion Thesaurus and more

Show Notes 2012 The Emotion Thesaurus became a best seller the second edition of this book with 55 more emotions can be pre-ordered. It will launch on Feb. 17, 2019. she and her writing partner Becca Puglisi have only met in person 3 times, and the longest time they were together was 48 hours, but they mesh really well (she describes their process in the interview) Writers Helping Writers, empowering writers by providing tools and advice. In the Tools section, they provide printable...


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Sandra Wickham, Creative Ink Festival

Show Notes Sandra has a fitness competition and mixed martial arts background she's always been a writer and a reader her first short story was published in Evolve, a Vampire anthology, which launched in Brighton, England at the World Horror Convention, which she attended currently, she's working on editing three books the one she's co-writing is called, An Excuse for Whisky, but the name may change Sandra started the Creative Ink Festival 5 years ago, as a one-day event modeled after a...


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Donna Barker, Author Ignitor BSW21

Show Highlights Donna calls herself an "author igniter" strong and storied background in writing, mostly non-fiction she's an accountability and motivational coach, basically working with writers in the stages before the completion of a first draft she also does some developmental editing with non-fiction writers she is working on a non-fiction book called, Your Shitty First Draft believes we need passion, but we need purpose even more. she is part of the on-line writer's community, The...


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Kevin Tumlinson, Draft2Digital, Writing, Publishing and Podcasting_BSW019 1901008

"My real passion is telling a story." "My personal mission is to inform and inspire, educate and entertain." Kevin Tumlinson Introduction Kevin Tumlinson has a long-standing career in film, television, radio, and podcasting. His popular podcast, the Wordslinger, is downloaded each week by thousands of listeners. He is known as the Voice of Indie Publishing—a title he's proud to hold—as he has helped thousands of new authors grow their self-publishing careers. He is the head of marketing at...


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The Publishing Landscape BSW019 190101

Today’s episode airs on New Years Day, 2019. I’ll be talking about the publishing world, as I see it, as we enter a new year. I realize for many of you this information is not new, but for others it is, so bear with me. The publishing world functions as a big monopoly game. The writer leaves home with her freshly polished manuscript under her arm—her head and heart filled with hope. As she meanders through the streets, she discovers many publishing options, but the roll of the dice is not...


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Christmas Show 2018 BSW 017 20181225

Welcome to Blood, Sweat and Word's first, annual Christmas show. Today we are chatting with three Vancouver Island authors: Jacqui Nelson Judy Hudson me - Jo-Ann Carson Sit back and enjoy. Jacqui Nelson Intro Award winning author Jacqui Nelson has a rich background to draw on as a writer. Her love for historical romance with adventure, grit and passion came from watching Western movies while growing up on a cattle farm in Alberta, which is in northern Canada. She says she had the best...


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Mimi Barbour: The Success of Boxed Sets_BSW13

Intro I have to make an admission here. I've known Mimi for seven years. We live on the same island in the Pacific and share a love of books. She is a cherished friend and a mentor. Who is Mimi Barbour? NYT & USA Today, best-selling, award-winning author, MIMI BARBOUR, has seven romance series to her credit. She's also created many single titles and has a huge number of box sets. Some of these sets are her own, others are multi-author collections, and that's what we'll be talking about...


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Mary Buckham: Multiple Streams of Income for Writers BSW015_181211

"The stories that each of us has are stories only we can tell. And if we don't find a way to get those stories out into the reader's hands, the world is a lesser place." Intro I first met Mary seven years ago at a workshop she gave on writing active hooks. She blew my mind. Every sentence she uttered was pure gold. Since then I have attended several of her workshops. She’s a phenomenal speaker on all aspects of writing craft and a gifted writer. She’s published several series of the...


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Julie Howard: Building Writing Communities BSW14_2018

Intro Mystery writer Julie Howard is a former journalist. She worked as a reporter and editor for publications such as The Las Vegas Review-Journal and The Sacramento Bee, and she wrote for a national news service and magazines. In her reporting life, she interviewed Oscar winners, Emmy winners and top business executives. She also did political writing for three governors in Idaho. Then came book writing. Julie Howard worked as a ghost writer for a former Hewlett-Packard executive who...


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Sharon Ashwood: Christmas Stories in a Dark Paranormal World_BSW013 181127

Intro Sharon Ashwood is one of my favorite paranormal authors, so I'm over the moon excited about this interview. She's written for Penguin's Signet Eclipse (before the line was closed), Harlequin Nocturne (which recently closed), and Del Rey, publishing18 trad novels, plus novellas, essays and shorter pieces. She began her professional writing career as a freelance art critic for several publications, including Monday Magazine and occasionally for the Globe and Mail. As a result of a...


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S. G. Wong: The Marginalization of Minorities BSW012_181020

Intro Hybrid author S.G. Wong is a member of The Writers Union of Canada, the Writer's Gold of Alberta and the past president of Sisters in Crime, Canada West. She writes alternate history, speculative fiction. S.G. is a remarkable speaker. I met her at a Sisters in Crime Conference where she spoke about making book marketing manageable. Today we're going to talk about the hot topic of marginalization of minorities in books. Show Notes even calling a group a "minority" is marginalizing the...


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Janice MacDonald: Genre Fiction the Poor Cousin, BSW011_181113

Intro Janice MacDonald is the author of the Randy Craig Mysteries, set in Edmonton, Alberta. Randy is an amateur detective and academic manqué, who finds herself in a variety of dilemmas as she tries to worm her way into one niche or another of university life. Janice herself no longer teaches at the university level, although she used to lecture on English literature, communications and creative writing. Her MA was on Parody and Detective Fiction, one of the first studies of “subliterary...


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Anne Janzer: Why Brain Science is Important to Writers and Marketing

Successful, non-fiction, hybrid author Anne Janzer calls herself an "armchair cognitive science geek." What does that mean? Anne loves reading and learning about the way our minds work. Her background in technology marketing, helps her with book marketing. Seth Godin, one of my thought-gurus said this about her books: "Research-based, hands-on, step-by-step wisdom that can help you wrestle with the lizard brain. Certain to help thousands of would-be writers write." (Seth Godin, author of...


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Eileen Cook: Coaching Conflict BSW009_181030

Intro "Welcome to Episode 9 - on Blood, Sweat and Words. Today, I’m interviewing Eileen Cook: a writer and writing coach. Eileen Cook’s12 novels appear in eight different languages and several have been optioned for film and TV. Most of her work is in the YA category. She writes psychological thrillers. Eileen is a popular speaker at conferences both in the US and in Canada. She provides writing and editorial coaching through the CCS Creative Academy in Vancouver, and is a mentor and...


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William Nikkel: Homicide Detective to Author BSW055_date

William Nikkel is the #1 Amazon bestselling author of CAVE DWELLER. He’s a retired homicide investigator turned author, a member of the International Thriller Writers organization (ITW). He's the author of 8 Jack Ferrell mystery- suspense novels, a Jack Ferrell novella, and two Max Traver steampunk westerns. A former homicide detective and S.W.A.T. team member for the Kern County Sheriff's Department in Bakersfield , California, William is an amateur scuba enthusiast, gold prospector and...


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Bonnie Edwards: Sex on the Page BSW007_18-10-16

Multi-published, award-winning, hybrid author Bonnie Edwards has been writing different heroines for years. Often pink collar, her heroines have done everything from driving tow trucks to being virtual assistants. Some are single mothers, others are struggling, divorced college students. Still others are older, with more experience; but all of them are confident in themselves and how they live. Writing is her passion and writing romance her obsession. As she says, "There's nothing quite...


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CJ Hunt: Helping Authors – BSW006_181009

Welcome to Episode 6 on Blood, Sweat and Words. Today, I’m interviewing C.J. Hunt. She writes contemporary hometown romance set in the fictional Vancouver Island town of Rivers End. Her stories, which are mostly novella in length, have intrigue with a touch of magic. C.J. is the founding president of the Greater Vancouver Writer's Association and co-founder of The Creative Academy a business created by authors to help other authors. Show Highlights created the business Creative Academy...


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Suzan Tisdale – #GetLoud #StayLoud BSW005181002

Six figure, USA Today Bestselling author, storyteller and self described, "Cheeky" Wench, Suzan Tisdale, is not only famous for her well-written Scottish Historical Romance novels, but also for being a leader of the Indie Resistance. Show Highlights Cockygate - Susan describes the history of the "cocky" scandal and how it still affects us today Book Stuffing Tiffanygate "Surround and Suffocate" marketing strategies "Also Bought" scams KU (i.e., Kindle Unlimited) issues Going Wide FB Live...
