Moreno Valley, CA
The unification of the theoretical knowledge of Zen with real life application through compassion and wisdom. Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org ZENENERGY ORGANIZATION is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the USA.
ZE 026: Perception (Enhanced Podcast)
We are rarely completely engaged in the present moment, as our awareness becomes muddled by the constantly-deviating thought flow.
Our perception is a combination of the gathered awareness and our mind’s subjective interpretation of the information. The present can only be wholly acknowledged when we have the complete vision of both ourselves and the world around us.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 025: Perception
We are rarely completely engaged in the present moment, as our awareness becomes muddled by the constantly-deviating thought flow.
Our perception is a combination of the gathered awareness and our mind’s subjective interpretation of the information. The present can only be wholly acknowledged when we have the complete vision of both ourselves and the world around us.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 024: My Beloved Grandmother (Enhanced Podcast)
The passing of my beloved grandmother made it more clear for me that all worldly possessions are non-essential and irrelevant. In the end, All the struggles to get ahead, to achieve material things, are meaningless. Life is but a ceaseless stream of non-self originating arising and departing Karmic event.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 024 My Beloved Grandmother
The passing of my beloved grandmother made it more clear for me that all worldly possessions are non-essential and irrelevant. In the end, All the struggles to get ahead, to achieve material things, are meaningless. Life is but a ceaseless stream of non-self originating arising and departing Karmic event.
See you in 2019. SEASON 2 BEGINS ON 1/13/19.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 023: Enlightenment: The Timeless State Of Being And Absolute Awareness (Enhanced Podcast)
Enlightenment is a one-way trip transcending the Karmic world into Buddha-hood and reaching Nirvana. At Enlightenment, the Inner Light shall be at an enduring and infinite illumination.
The Buddha seed is within each one of us. We must aim to realize our full potential. We each possess the capability to reach Enlightenment.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 023: Enlightenment: The Timeless State Of Being And Absolute Awareness
Enlightenment is a one-way trip transcending the Karmic world into Buddha-hood and reaching Nirvana. At Enlightenment, the Inner Light shall be at an enduring and infinite illumination.
The Buddha seed is within each one of us. We must aim to realize our full potential. We each possess the capability to reach Enlightenment.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 022: My Enduring Prayers (Enhanced Podcast)
The sincerity in our prayers give power and contribute to the manifestation of our altruistic aim and aspiration for others. Prayers are the articulations and the reflections of the vows we make to ourselves, so that we can aid ourselves through our own grit and determination. When our prayers are sacred and pure, they shall be acknowledged and we shall be aided and guided along our path to achieve our own Enlightenment.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 022: My Enduring Prayers
The sincerity in our prayers give power and contribute to the manifestation of our altruistic aim and aspiration for others. Prayers are the articulations and the reflections of the vows we make to ourselves, so that we can aid ourselves through our own grit and determination. When our prayers are sacred and pure, they shall be acknowledged and we shall be aided and guided along our path to achieve our own Enlightenment.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 021: Embracing The Murmur Within (Enhanced Podcast)
Within each of us, there exist the murmur of yearning for a spiritual quest to find the meaning of life. There are endless external and internal distractions and diversions that hinder our quest for spiritual knowledge and Inner Peace. We must embrace the murmur inside ourselves and embark on the discovery for knowledge and live in Zen, so that we may return to our timeless inner peace.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 021: Embracing The Murmur Within
Within each of us, there exist the murmur of yearning for a spiritual quest to find the meaning of life. There are endless external and internal distractions and diversions that hinder our quest for spiritual knowledge and Inner Peace. We must embrace the murmur inside ourselves and embark on the discovery for knowledge and live in Zen, so that we may return to our timeless inner peace.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 020: The Mind and The No-Mind (Enhanced Podcast)
“A Dialogue on the Contemplation-Extinguished” is one of the core Zen text. Episode 20 examines a teaching in this profound early Zen text: “To have thoughts is to have mind. To have mind contradicts the Way. To have No-Thoughts is to have No-Mind. No-Mind is the true Way.” To have mind is to possess an egohood and arising subjective thoughts, rooted in deluded awareness of the discriminating mind. Having mind, we make egocentric choices and initiate actions that thrust us toward karmic entanglements. Having mind, we are unable to remain at Inner Peace and we entrap ourselves within realm of Samara. To have No-Mind is to dissolve the illusions of the self and live with the universal altruism and negate the cycle of karmic creation and perpetuation. As we live with the Original No-Mind, we experience the present with our full awareness. We harmonize with our immediate surrounding and live in the life stream, yet be unswayed and unaffected by its flow. Living with the No-Mind, we live within the Timeless Inner Peace, in the here and now.
Subscribe to our podcast and visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 020: The Mind and The No-Mind
“A Dialogue on the Contemplation-Extinguished” is one of the core Zen text. Episode 20 examines a teaching in this profound early Zen text: “To have thoughts is to have mind. To have mind contradicts the Way. To have No-Thoughts is to have No-Mind. No-Mind is the true Way.” To have mind is to possess an egohood and arising subjective thoughts, rooted in deluded awareness of the discriminating mind. Having mind, we make egocentric choices and initiate actions that thrust us toward karmic entanglements. Having mind, we are unable to remain at Inner Peace and we entrap ourselves within realm of Samara. To have No-Mind is to dissolve the illusions of the self and live with the universal altruism and negate the cycle of karmic creation and perpetuation. As we live with the Original No-Mind, we experience the present with our full awareness. We harmonize with our immediate surrounding and live in the life stream, yet be unswayed and unaffected by its flow. Living with the No-Mind, we live within the Timeless Inner Peace, in the here and now.
Subscribe to our podcast and visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 018: Self-Accountability and Self-Empowerment (Enhanced Podcast)
It is essential that we have the self-confidence and the belief in ourselves and our own capability to transcend the mundane. Each one of us is accountable for our own fate and is empowered to chart our own life journey. We each have the innate capability to reach the ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 019 (Enhanced Podcast): The Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana
The great Zen Master, Hui Neng once said “Birth and Death are great matters.” Time waits for no one and It is too easy to let time carelessly slip past us. Teaching of the Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana reminds us of our auspicious conditions and helps us recognize the sweet karmic fruits presently in our possession. A lifetime is precious and finite. We must strive to live each of our remaining moment with meaning and with judicious unwastefulness. Each day is a new beginning and an opportunity for us to progress along the life path to the timeless inner peace and reach the ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana
Subscribe to our podcast and visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 019: The Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana
The great Zen Master, Hui Neng once said “Birth and Death are great matters.” Time waits for no one and It is too easy to let time carelessly slip past us. Teaching of the Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana reminds us of our auspicious conditions and helps us recognize the sweet karmic fruits presently in our possession. A lifetime is precious and finite. We must strive to live each of our remaining moment with meaning and with judicious unwastefulness. Each day is a new beginning and an opportunity for us to progress along the life path to the timeless inner peace and reach the ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana
Subscribe to our podcast and visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 018: Self-Accountability and Self-Empowerment
It is essential that we have the self-confidence and the belief in ourselves and our own capability to transcend the mundane. Each one of us is accountable for our own fate and is empowered to chart our own life journey. We each have the innate capability to reach the ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 017: Karma: Life's Non-Random Randomness
Karma is truly Life's Non-Random Randomness. We ultimately answer to our own choices and deeds. The karmic world is a closed system, and while inside it, we shall not escape our own doings. We must take accountability for our life and recognize that we are fully empowered to chart the course of our future. We each hold the key to ending our life afflictions and sufferings.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 017: Karma: Life's Non-Random Randomness (Enhanced Podcast)
Karma is truly Life's Non-Random Randomness. We ultimately answer to our own choices and deeds. The karmic world is a closed system, and while inside it, we shall not escape our own doings. We must take accountability for our life and recognize that we are fully empowered to chart the course of our future. We each hold the key to ending our life afflictions and sufferings.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZE 016 (Enhanced Podcast): The Reality of Our Own Creation
It is by realizing our own repeating reality and recognizing our bias and subjectivity that we can defeat our afflicted intellectual conscious and instead face actual Reality with our innate Inner Light. We are empowered to free ourselves from life’s sufferings. We ultimately hold the key to our own liberation.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZENENERGY ORGANIZATION is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the USA.
ZE 016: The Reality of Our Own Creation
It is by realizing our own repeating reality and recognizing our bias and subjectivity that we can defeat our afflicted intellectual conscious and instead face actual Reality with our innate Inner Light. We are empowered to free ourselves from life’s sufferings. We ultimately hold the key to our own liberation.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZENENERGY ORGANIZATION is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the USA.