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Barefoot In The Boardroom with Shara Hutchinson

Business & Economics Podcasts

Have you ever implemented a new process, software, or other change only to discover that no one is using it months later? As a leader, this can be frustrating, especially if the change is tied to a key initiative. Let's face it, change is uncomfortable, but it is also necessary for sustainable growth. Therefore, such transformation requires intentionality. Join us on the Barefoot in the Boardroom Podcast as we discuss all things “CHANGE MANAGEMENT”. Each episode will equip you with actionable insights that help you manage organizational change while keeping your employees and customers happy.


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Have you ever implemented a new process, software, or other change only to discover that no one is using it months later? As a leader, this can be frustrating, especially if the change is tied to a key initiative. Let's face it, change is uncomfortable, but it is also necessary for sustainable growth. Therefore, such transformation requires intentionality. Join us on the Barefoot in the Boardroom Podcast as we discuss all things “CHANGE MANAGEMENT”. Each episode will equip you with actionable insights that help you manage organizational change while keeping your employees and customers happy.



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The Cheat Code to Getting More Done in Less Time

If you feel like you never have enough time to get the most important things done and that makes you feel overwhelmed, this episode is for you. In it, I am giving you the CHEAT CODE to GETTING MORE DONE in LESS time. If you take 17 minutes to watch this video AND implement the tips, I believe you will 10x your productivity and reduce your anxiety about how much you have to do.


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Knowing Where You Are Going & Setting a Timeline

This episode discusses the importance of setting due dates for every goal and understanding where you are headed so you know what you should be doing.


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Remaining Relevant By Seeking New Opportunities

Organizations that want to remain relevant in their industry should always seek new opportunities. This episode highlights the importance of continuous innovation for sustained growth.


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Embedding the Change in the Day-to-Day Operations

This short bonus episode adds a few more ideas to last week's discussion on how crucial it is to follow through on the change to keep the team motivated.


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Where There Is No Follow-up the Change Is Forgotten

Have you ever implemented a change only for it to be abandoned shortly after by the team? If so, it's likely because there was no follow-up to check progress and no operationalizing of the new process in the day-to-day activities and/or meetings. This episode will give tips on how to properly follow up on changes as well as how to conduct an effective meeting.


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Leading Through Chaos With Confidence

As mentioned in Shara's book, Barefoot in the Boardroom, the culture of an organization is largely dependent on how the leaders navigate the chaos, change, and comfort. In this episode, you will learn how to develop the confidence to lead through chaos to create a culture that fosters engaged employees.


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Reflections To Go From Manager To Leader

In this episode, Shara explains the distinction between a manager and a leader and discusses why both are important when navigating changes. In the conclusion, there are a number of reflection questions that will help you determine which one you are most like as well as offer advice on how to become a more confident and effective leader.


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Is Your Organization Headed For a C.R.A.S.H?

In Shara's book, Barefoot in the Boardroom, she introduces the acronym C.R.A.S.H, which reveals important metrics to track that will inform priorities and objectives that could prevent a "total loss" in your organization: CRASH If you notice a pattern of any of the above, it is imperative to take proactive measures that can save your company time and money.


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Trailer - "Crazy" Enough To Walk BAREFOOT in the Boardroom

Leaders who drive transformational change are often looked at as "crazy." Are you crazy enough to speak up, to challenge the status quo, to drive the type of change that takes your team or organization to the next level.... to walk BAREFOOT in the Boardroom? Well.... that is what it takes to lead through the type of transformation that fosters sustainable growth. In preparation for the official podcast launch, here is a snippet (trailer) of some content I recorded earlier this year. In it,...


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Intro to Barefoot in the Boardroom

The Barefoot in the Boardroom podcast will officially launch on August 2, 2022. Here is a brief overview of the discussion topics to give you an idea of what to expect.
