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Bigger Vision

Business & Economics Podcasts

So much of our lives is out of our control. It’s easy to feel stuck, restricted, like you’re never going to make it. But you’re more than that. If you’re motivated, disciplined and know how to work, you can live a life of wealth, freedom and growth. You just need to know how to get there. In Bigger Vision, Chris Garrison gives you the keys to personal and financial growth so that you can live a satisfying life and be free. The only question left is, are you ready to take action? Listen to Bigger Vision today!


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So much of our lives is out of our control. It’s easy to feel stuck, restricted, like you’re never going to make it. But you’re more than that. If you’re motivated, disciplined and know how to work, you can live a life of wealth, freedom and growth. You just need to know how to get there. In Bigger Vision, Chris Garrison gives you the keys to personal and financial growth so that you can live a satisfying life and be free. The only question left is, are you ready to take action? Listen to Bigger Vision today!



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Golden Rules

The world is full of gurus trying to complicate wealth-building in order to sell you something. But the truth is, it’s simple to get rich! It’s so simple, in fact, that if you just follow 3 rules, you’re practically guaranteed to retire sitting on a mountain of cash. Want to know them? Well, you’re in luck! In this episode, you’ll discover the 3 Golden Rules that virtually guarantee wealth (even if you ignore everything else). Tune in now. Show Highlights Include:


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Do What Others Aren't Willing To Do

There is only ONE surefire way to get ahead in any marketplace, regardless of how saturated it is. It's doing what others aren't willing to do. Because if you join the crowd, you only help yourself become a blur in your customers' minds. Join me in this episode as I share practical tips on how to differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace by doing things differently. I'll also tell you how to find out exactly what others are doing and more... Tune in now! Show Highlights Include:


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How To Turn Rags Into Riches

There are 2.1 trillion dollars in circulation in the United States alone. $2,100,000,000,000! Yet most Americans would go broke if they were hit by a $1000 surprise expense tomorrow. So where is your share of the wealth? There’s a simple answer. Wealth goes to those who play the game of wealth, not those who sit on the sidelines. So if you’re sick of spectating and want to start generating your own wealth, listen up! In this episode, you’ll discover the step-by-step blueprint for becoming wealthy (even if you’re working for peanuts now). It’s so simple, you can take the first step 10 minutes from now! Listen now. Show Highlights Include:


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Maintaining a Mountain Top Experience

Have you ever wondered if there's a secret formula for success? Well, the truth is, success isn't a secret at all. It's a combination of a few things done well. Countless successful people, including myself, have followed a blueprint for success. The good news is that you also have access to the same blueprint & resources needed to succeed in any area in life. Join me in this episode as I share the step-by-step practical guide you can replicate in your life to explode your personal growth and business success. Tune in now! Show Highlights Include:


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Maintaining Success

Building your first business is tough. But you know what’s tougher? Watching everything you built come crumbling down because you took your eye off the ball. It happens all the time to entrepreneurs. Why? Well, building and maintaining a business are two entirely different skillsets. Most entrepreneurs are doomed to fail because they lack business maintenance skills. Luckily, these skills are easy to learn once you know about them. In this episode, you’ll discover the simple skills that allow you to protect your business from common mistakes, so that your business grows more every year. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Where the millions are hiding

People think that scaling a business to million dollars in revenue is extremely hard. Which is far from the truth. The thing is that business owners overcomplicate the work needed to do to grow their business. They get pulled into too many different areas. Most have no purpose and exist only to waste your time. The good news is that you can follow a simple formula to grow your business by leaps and bounds in record time. Join me in this episode as I share the blueprint you can plug and play in your business to scale it effortlessly regardless of your industry or product you sell. Listen now! Show Highlights Include:


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Business Mechanics

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of your business. But a word of caution: Taking each day as it comes is a surefire recipe for burnout and business failure. So instead of focusing on the day-to-day and getting overwhelmed, look at your business like a machine. Break it down into its components, and manage each component at a high level. When you do, business becomes a breeze! And a lot more profitable, too. But how exactly do you treat your business like a machine? By understanding business mechanics! In this episode, you’ll discover how to use business mechanics to generate more profit, while spending less time working in your business. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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3 Things That Made Me Millions

Business seems hard when you’re a beginner. After all, how are you supposed to figure out what to sell, who to sell it to, and how to sell it when you have none of the answers? But don’t worry. You can make a million bucks just by doing a handful of tasks well. It’s what I did, so you can do it too. In this episode, you’ll discover the 3 principles that made me millions. Apply them, and your business will almost grow itself. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Speedy Profits

“Stuck finances.” That’s the frustrating feeling when you look at your net worth and realize you are in exactly the same place financially as you were last year. And it’s the default situation for most Americans. Because society trains us that way. You know the drill: It’s a recipe for failure. But you know what? It’s not the only way. Because while you’re feeling stuck, there’s rich folks out there making and spending money freely, owning the things you want to own, and having the experiences you wish you had. And it’s not because they won the lottery, have rich parents, or took on stupid risks, either. In this episode, you’ll discover how to become one of them. You’ll get the secrets to making money FAST, so you can live the life you deserve. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Are you Brainwashed

How many times have you had a business idea and done absolutely nothing with it? How many times have you thought about going to the gym, but stayed home and ate pizza instead? You may feel guilty about it. But here’s some relief: It’s not your fault. All those times you doubted yourself or took the “easy” path were not because of you. They were the result of years of the news, social media and teachers telling you what to think before you were old enough to know any better. But now that you’re aware, you have a responsibility to yourself to decide what you allow to influence you. And if you pick the right influences, extreme wealth, health and happiness are a given. In this episode, you’ll discover how to rid negative brainwashing from your life, and replace it with positive influences that set you on a trajectory of success. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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3 Things you must do as a business owner

If you own a local business, there’s a good chance you’ll run into one (or all) of these three problems in your lifetime. Problem 1: you can’t get any customers because nobody knows who you are. Problem 2: you’re getting customers, but you spend way too much money on marketing. Problem 3: you can’t scale your business because you have to micromanage your team. Any one of these problems could cripple your business. But it won’t happen to you. Why? Because in this episode, you’ll discover 3 simple tactics that eliminate these problems from your business. With them out of the way, you’ll have no trouble building your company as big as you want it to be. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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The Audit You Want

We’re all given the same 24 hours in a day. Some people use those 24 hours to make 7, 8, and even 9 figures. While others can barely scratch $50k a year. Both groups will say they work hard each day when asked. Coincidentally, they’ll also both say that they don’t have enough time to accomplish everything they want. So, what’s the difference between the two groups? The people making millions only focus on tasks that pay them what they’re worth! When you do tasks that don’t pay you what you’re worth, you suffocate your free time, nuke your earning potential, and clobber your happiness. That’s the bad news. The good news? In this episode, you’ll discover how to stop doing tasks that underpay you, so you can double—or triple—your income at breakneck speed. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Are you Ready

Imagine pulling an extra 6 figures of cold hard cash this year. And imagine you earned it… Without working for someone else… Without starting a risky business… And without paying a dime! Now stop imagining. Because a new investment opportunity just presented itself. And if you pounce on it now, the money’s yours. We saw the same pattern in 2008 when the housing bubble popped. Real estate was selling at such a steep discount, you could make a killing without any investing talent—if you had the money to invest. Fast forward to 2023, and there’s a new hot opportunity: mom & pop businesses. But this time around, the opportunity’s even better: if you play your cards right, you can invest without paying a dollar! In this episode, you’ll discover how you could walk into 6 figures of cash flow this year - just by being in the right place at the right time. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Not all business is equal

Most businesses fail. Which is a scary thought when you’re looking to launch your first one! But don’t stress. By asking a handful of questions before you dive into a new business venture, you can increase your odds of success to the point that it’s nearly impossible to fail. In this episode, you’ll discover three questions that ensure your new business will be making money for years to come. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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The Million Dollar Question

As an entrepreneur, the entire world is your playing field. You have an abundance of choices. Which sounds like a good thing. But all too often, we get overwhelmed by choice. If you’ve ever felt like you don’t know which actions move the needle and which keep you stuck, I’ve got some good news for you. There’s a solution. And it’s surprisingly simple – ask better questions. The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life. One good question could be the difference between staying stuck in the matrix, and finally breaking free to live the life of your dreams. In this episode, you’ll discover how to ask questions that keep your business moving forward and set you on a path towards wealth and freedom. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Predicting Your Future

Here’s a harsh reality: Most guys say they want to be millionaires… but retire with just under $90k in their savings account. And it’s all because they’re missing one skill. A skill that’s got nothing to do with finances, negotiation, or management. That skill? The art of predicting the future. It sounds like witchcraft or voodoo magic. But in reality, it’s almost scientific. In this episode, you’ll discover how yesterday’s actions can predict your future. And then you’ll find out how to change your habits, so you can retire with all the wealth you could imagine. Listen now. Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Preparing for Now

As we move into the end of the year, it’s time to reflect on your accomplishments: Are you progressing as much as you had hoped? Or are you still stuck in pretty much the same place you were 12 months ago? If you want to make next year one of progress instead of stagnation, then listen up: In this episode, you’ll discover a simple yearly habit that could help you get all the success you want from the next 12 months. Listen now… and make more progress next year than you have in the previous 10! Show highlights include: The “snowball” character trait you can develop now, which makes every other part of your life more prosperous (0:28) A simple pen-and-paper exercise that will transform you into a new & more successful version of yourself by December 31st next year (10:20) How to manifest a life of superyachts and private jets by talking to yourself like a drugged-out junkie (13:29)The “Business by Numbers” strategy for building obscene amounts of wealth (without working hard) (18:01) Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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Practice Makes Permanent

We’ve all heard the saying “practice makes perfect”. But if you follow that advice literally, you’re bound for an average, boring, 9-to-5 life. Or worse, a life where you rely on food stamps to get by. Here’s why: Practice does NOT make perfect. It makes permanent. So if you practice the habits of those “money gurus”... Those who flaunt their sports cars while racking up debt, throwing their marriage in the trash, and sacrificing long-term wealth for short-term cash… your future will look bleak. But if you learn whose habits to model (and what to practice), your life will continue to get better year after year. In this episode, you’ll discover what to practice, so you can escape the 9-5 grind and develop habits that help you accumulate piles of cash. Listen now! Show highlights include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com


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I'm stuck Help

Anxiety, burnout, scarcity, inconsistency. exhaustion. cash flow problems, resistance. All of these words are critical to growth. Everyone experiences them. But what we don't realize is that we need these… In life, you don't jump to the top of the ladder and escape all the hard work and time needed to succeed. You climb step-by-step. In this episode, you'll learn practical tips on staying on track and achieving success instead of falling to the wayside and being a victim of instant gratification. Listen now! Show Highlights Include:


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Lets make a deal

Do you know what separates highly successful individuals from people that live paycheck to paycheck? It’s not where they’re born, who their parents are or what school they went to… It’s financial literacy. That is the only barrier that divides the people who know how to use money from those used by money. That is why it’s crucial that you learn how you can take control of your money by knowing what it means to be financially literate. In this episode, you’ll learn how financial literacy can help you buy a million-dollar business without spending a dime out of your pocket. Listen now! Show Highlights Include: Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com
