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Biz Alchemy

Business & Economics Podcasts

You've had enough of business hustle. You're ready to throw out the rule book. Surely there's an easier way to BE in business? Join Jacquelyn Atkins in exploring a new paradigm of business designed uniquely for women. Blending energy with strategy, Jacquelyn and her guests will excite you with the possibilities of how you can create a business in the higher frequency of new earth. Excited to have a business filled with ease, fun, ideal clients and abundance? Then it's time for Biz Alchemy!




You've had enough of business hustle. You're ready to throw out the rule book. Surely there's an easier way to BE in business? Join Jacquelyn Atkins in exploring a new paradigm of business designed uniquely for women. Blending energy with strategy, Jacquelyn and her guests will excite you with the possibilities of how you can create a business in the higher frequency of new earth. Excited to have a business filled with ease, fun, ideal clients and abundance? Then it's time for Biz Alchemy!





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Ep 133: A new chapter begins

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn is on the eve of her four month European pilgrimage and she shares why this is such a pivotal moment for her business and personal evolution. She discusses the chapter that is ending for her, and why you may find yourself going through a similar ending as we collectively shift into our new earth journey. Is your business ready for the evolution? There isn’t much time remaining for the outdated yang patriarchal systems - your new chapter awaits! Join Jacquelyn on her sacred site meditation journey at To connect with Jacquelyn subscribe on YouTube or to her newsletter at


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Ep 132: Meet your New Earth Business

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares a new meditation which is an advanced version of her Meet your Business meditation. The businesses of new earth will hold a different vibrational frequency because our frequency is expanding. This meditation is designed for business owners who wish to energetically connect with their evolved business, as well as those who'd love to express their unique gifts through their own business, but have yet to get started. Jacquelyn guides you to connect with your new earth business through each of the chakras, feeling into its frequency and potential. It is time to dream your biggest dream to co-create your new earth business! If you’d love some one-to-one support to meet your new earth business, check out her New Earth Business Session at To connect with Jacquelyn subscribe on YouTube or to her newsletter at


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Ep 131: Ready for a new marketing direction?

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares how she’s been inspired to focus on a new way to connect with her clients (aka a new marketing channel). Although she contemplated this direction last year, the inspired action wasn’t there to support her decision, however this year it is! Taking inspired action is allowing the sacred masculine energy to flow through you, and this is a vital aspect of being in a new earth business. Although her new focus could potentially involve a yang, hustle energy, she is approaching it from a harmonious yin/yang perspective, which is vital for a new earth business. Perhaps hearing her story will inspire you to open another channel to connect with your tribe. To connect with Jacquelyn, subscribe on YouTube or to her newsletter at


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Ep 130: Dr Claudia Gross - Words Create Worlds

What is green language? It is the language of the new earth consciousness! In this episode Jacquelyn explores the power of words with Dr. Claudia Gross, a soulful Business Humanist, Consultant and Trainer. Claudia facilitates transformation in organisations, teams and individuals in Germany, the Maghreb, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa as well as online. She is the founder of Life at Work, and of most relevance to our conversation, she is the initiator of speakGreen which offers an intentional, life-affirming language for the future. Jacquelyn and Claudia had an amazing chat about the power of language in the world we are co-creating and if you’d like to dive deeper into this topic, check out Claudia’s book, “Words Create Worlds: Cultivating a Conscious, Life-Affirming Language” at To connect with Claudia: Stay up-to-date regarding the transformative power of language with the monthly speakGreen News: Receive the Life at Work // Weekly newsletter and information, insights and inspiration about the HUMAN future of working: Watch Claudia's TEDx talk on "How our words shape our reality":


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Ep 129: Speak less, say more

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn explores the changing nature of communication as our energy changes with the expansion of our consciousness. She explores what this means for your business and how too much information can detract from the actual energy of what is being shared, such as the details of an invitation page. She even ventures into our return to telepathic communication and how this is actually a remembering of gifts that we already know. This will be one of the gifts she guides you to reclaim in her upcoming group soul journey - REMEMBER: The Five Great Epochs. This five session adventure begins on March 14th with the early bird available until February 29th. To discover more visit


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Ep 128: Transmuting the Witch Wound

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares a short throat chakra meditation to help transmute the memories and beliefs held in your throat chakra in relation to the witch wound. These denser energies could be ancestral or from other incarnations of your soul, but regardless of the source, they restrict the full expression of your gifts and your truth. As we move into the individual sovereignty of the age of Aquarius, your true voice must be claimed for both your personal evolution and the earth’s evolution. The fear that defines the witch wound can not come on that journey. To connect with Jacquelyn subscribe on YouTube or to her newsletter at


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Ep 127: Increased sensitivity to the patriarchal business model

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn explores how she is finding herself more sensitive to the denser energies of the patriarchal business model. She shares a couple of recent situations in her business which have really highlighted that things that she was once unaffected by, are now significantly affecting her energy. These have to do with using third parties in your business communication and the time is money paradigm. You may find yourself having similar experiences as you continue to embody the frequencies of new earth business. To connect more regularly with Jacquelyn, subscribe to her newsletter at


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Ep 126: Will you choose a heart-led or mind-led business in 2024?

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn explores why it can be so challenging to shift from the mind-led focus of the old business paradigm to the heart-led focus of a new earth business. Yet it is vital to make this shift in order to support your expanding consciousness. You cannot hold a higher energetic frequency if your business energy holds the denser frequency of the patriarchal business model. To support you in transitioning to a full heart-led business in 2024, Jacquelyn invites you to be a part of her intimate business tribe, The Playground. She has opened the doors of The Playground membership for the lowest price it has ever been. You can join your 2024 heart-led business tribe at For 50% off your first month’s payment use the code retreatbonus by midnight AEDT Thursday 14th December.


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Ep 125: Create your 2024 new earth business

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn celebrates the power of being on retreat with like-hearted women. Having just returned from her inspirational northern NSW retreat, she is fired up to share the energy of creating a new earth business with her online tribe. On December 12th she is offering her free online end-of-year retreat to assist you and your business in the embodiment of the new earth energies in 2024. The consciousness of the planet is evolving, and you are a wayshower for this new way of being in business. On the retreat you will find the tribe who are co-creating this new way with you. Exciting times! Register at


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Ep 124: Is there another word for business?

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn once again delves into the yang language of business, this time specifically focusing on the word ‘business’. She explores whether the denser vibration of this word is compatible with the frequency of new earth, and if not, then what do we call it? However, even more important than the name, is the vibrational frequency of your business and if it’s resonant with the new earth frequency. If not, this is an important time to make the changes required to shift from the old patriarchal system. This is the focus of her free two hour end-of-year retreat, Create your 2024 new earth business. Offered at two different times on December 12th, find out more at


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Ep 123: Would you like to join me on retreat in 2024?

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares the details of her four European retreats in 2024, specifically focusing on The Rose Line Mystery School in Provence and the Biz Priestess Retreat in Glastonbury. If after listening to her wax lyrical about the joy and benefits of joining her on retreat, you decide that you’d love to know more, check out the details: Provence: Glastonbury: Retreats overview:


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Ep 122: Abundance in a new earth business

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn introduces a topic that she doesn’t yet have the answer to, but recognises how important it is for entrepreneurs with new earth businesses to start considering - what does abundance or prosperity look like in the higher vibrational frequency of new earth? Since our current fiat system is not of a vibration to exist in new earth, what will? She considers some options that have come up in conversation with her tribe, and explains the importance of having all channels to abundance open as we make this transition. Are you prepared to receive in new ways? If you’d love more support in receiving, Jacquelyn is offering a free 7 day trial of her Patreon membership which, as well as her Rose Line meditations, includes many meditations on receiving. Join at


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Ep 121: The five feminine wounds

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares her recent discovery that not only is the witch wound in our consciousness sabotaging how we show up in our business, but there are actually a total of five wounds compromising the feminine energy! She lists what these wounds are, and explains how this discovery has led her to create another group soul journey - REMEMBER: The Five Feminine Wounds. This five session adventure begins on October 3rd with the early bird available until September 27th, saving you $111. To discover more, visit


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Ep 120: The tantra of business

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn marries two words that have probably never been in a relationship before! She explores how tantra is not only relevant to, but vital for business. The harmonious relationship between masculine and feminine is what will enable you and your business to thrive in the new earth frequency. If you are ready to embody this harmony within yourself and within your business, join Jacquelyn for her two hour online retreat, The Equinox Harmony Retreat. Register at To connect regularly with Jacquelyn, subscribe to her newsletter at Love to know more about The Rose Line? Follow @lineageoftherose on Instagram.


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Ep 119: When you hide, who is denied?

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn chats about the physical and energetic repercussions of hiding from your audience. Instead of focusing on your own fear of showing up, perhaps it’s time to shift your focus to how you are denying your audience when they are unable to find you. She reveals her current experience with this, giving you insight into how she has been questioning what she's here to share. To connect with Jacquelyn, subscribe to her newsletter at Love to know more about The Rose Line? Follow @lineageoftherose on Instagram.


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Ep 118: How to eliminate your competition

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn discusses how the energy of competition is a hangover from the patriarchal business model, and how it prevents many entrepreneurs from honouring their true voice and uniqueness. You may be surprised to hear the underlying belief that it stems from. She explores the role of competition in the embodiment of a new earth business and how to go about eliminating it from your business, so that your business can be a part of the co-creative process for new earth. To discover more about the Australian Biz Priestess Retreat, get in touch through or subscribe to her newsletter at


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Ep 117: The marketing that keeps on giving

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares her insights about how her marketing channels have supported her during her long-term European travels. She recently realised that there are certain ways of marketing that keep on giving and others that have a very short life-span. She explores the differences and how she uses each in her business. She also touches on the energy of your marketing when prepared in advance of a vacation, and how this may not always bring the effect you desire. To connect with Jacquelyn, subscribe on YouTube or to her newsletter at


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Ep 116: Why an aligned tribe is vital for a new earth business

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn gets passionate about the importance of an energetically aligned tribe if you desire a successful business in the new earth we are co-creating. Fresh from the energy of the Biz Priestess Retreat in Glastonbury, Jacquelyn explores the magic of what happens when you surround yourself with a resonant tribe who uplift you, stretch you, and celebrate who you are. This is the alchemy of business! She shares both online and in-person opportunities that she’ll be offering in the future to support you to drop deeper into your wisdom, and get clearer on your business’s evolution, by surrounding yourself with a soul-aligned tribe. The next opportunity is to join her Solstice Petite Retreat at


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Ep 115: Shed the sorrys and shoulds

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn muses on the overuse of the words “sorry” and “should” which she has observed get well-utilised by female entrepreneurs (including herself). With the backdrop of a lapping Adriatic Sea and ringing church bells, Jacquelyn explores the link with the solar plexus chakra, and how the overuse of these words can create significant energy leaks from the solar plexus, resulting in disempowerment. Perhaps it’s time to become aware of whether you have 'sorry and should overuse syndrome'? To connect with Jacquelyn, subscribe on YouTube or to her newsletter at


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Ep 114: European pilgrimage update

In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn shares her insights from the first 19 days of her European pilgrimage. What exactly was the Provence Mystery School? What insights did she gain from it? And what on earth is The Rose Line? If you’d love to be a part of her journey, receiving regular updates on her insights, activations and connections with the land, join her Telegram channel, Biz Priestess European Journey, at And if you feel a resonance with the Rose Line, join the journey of sacred union at
