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Calm & Confident Leader

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Calm & Confident Leader is the edge that executives, professionals, and influencers of all types want. The thing that separates stressed-out anxious managers from strong confident leaders is the willingness to seek out the help they need. It's these courageous and humble leaders that discover the game-changers are actually internal, not external. BUILDING RESILIENCE, BEATING ANXIETY & MANAGING STRESS are all keys to MAXIMIZING POTENTIAL! Hosted by Coach, Strategist, and author, Jason Stonehouse he combines his 30 years of strategic experience as a point leader with his Master's degree in counseling to bring real-life, sometimes humorous perspectives for leaders and influencers!


United States


The Calm & Confident Leader is the edge that executives, professionals, and influencers of all types want. The thing that separates stressed-out anxious managers from strong confident leaders is the willingness to seek out the help they need. It's these courageous and humble leaders that discover the game-changers are actually internal, not external. BUILDING RESILIENCE, BEATING ANXIETY & MANAGING STRESS are all keys to MAXIMIZING POTENTIAL! Hosted by Coach, Strategist, and author, Jason Stonehouse he combines his 30 years of strategic experience as a point leader with his Master's degree in counseling to bring real-life, sometimes humorous perspectives for leaders and influencers!



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Episode 21: CalmConfident - Nick Shaw Interview - Episode 21

In this next episode we are interviewing Nick Shaw the author of My Teacher, My Son as we discuss authenticity and empathy and lots of great tips for leadership and life.


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Episode 20: 20-Compare and LOSE always

In this episode, Jason Stonehouse discusses how deadly comparing ourselves to others can be, even if you seem "better" than others. Take a listen to today's episode to be challenged and inspired to lead and live from the inside out!


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Episode 19: Britt Frank Interview Part 2: Getting Unstuck and Creating Movement

In this second part of our interview with Britt Frank, Jason Stonehouse goes deep into what brings change, overcoming procrastination and how to be truly healthy as a leader. Just like in part one, you'll want to grab something to write with for this enlightening episode that will make you think and challenge some norms.


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Episode 18: Britt Frank Interview Part 1: Getting Unstuck and Creating Movement

In this episode Jason Stonehouse interviews Britt Frank, the author of The Science of Stuck. They talk through a number of subjects related to anxiety, stress, getting unstuck and creating movement. Britt even challenges a few assumptions that Jason has made. This two part interview fills in some important pieces on what it takes to be a Calm and Confident Leader. And the Science of Stuck is a must-read for all leaders, actually all humans! Make sure you have something to write with as these two go deeper than your average podcast for some true gold!


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Episode 17: 17 - Self Care - 4 Areas We MUST pay attention to

In this long-awaited episode Jason Stonehouse shares the 4 key areas of Self Care, he previews the NEW "Self Care for Busy Leaders" course (coming soon) and talks about the essential thing that most content and authors never mention when it comes to self-care. The reality is as leaders we are so busy caring for everyone else, we often neglect or sacrifice ourselves, telling ourselves, "it's for the greater good". Meanwhile, many of us are burning out, destroying our relationships, and acting in a dysfunctional manner. We must change the script! Don't miss this critically important episode.


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Episode 16: Being Present - Episode 16 - Jason Stonehouse

One of the top questions we hear from leaders is, "how do I be more 'present' with the people and situations that matter most to me?" You see, the problem isn't that the people or situations AREN'T important, but it's that they don't FEEL important! This is particularly an issue with leaders because we are taught and let's be honest, our jobs depend on us being in the future, figuring out where we need to be. But if we're in the future, we are not present. Sometimes we're not present because of fear or insecurities, some of us have social anxiety. No one chooses to be afraid, so it's not like we WANT to do this, but we're doing it. So how do we become more present when we need and want to be?In this important episode, Jason Stonehouse walks us through some brand new thinking and content on the subject. Jason is currently in development on an online course that will provide real-time skills like this and we will gain from some of his best new learnings on the subject.Grab something to write with and listen in to this important episode.Please leave a review and share this podcast with others who would get value from it!


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Episode 15: Transitions - Calm Confident Leader



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Episode 14: Awkward Conversations

In this 14th episode of the Calm and Confident Leader Podcast, host Jason Stonehouse shares some hard lessons learned when it comes to tension-filled or awkward situations with people who are important to us. Often a wall is erected, we become like "walking cubicles" with no one having the conversation that matters. In this episode, we will learn why we tend not to have these healthy conversations and six practical steps to engaging in the kinds of conversations that relieve the tension and tear down the walls. We all have relationships and therefore, this is a "don't miss" episode. Feel free to share it with others.


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Episode 8: Why Mindset and Performance Coaching Arent Enough

There's a lot of talk about "mindset" and "performance coaching and we believe in it but it often doesn't go far enough. Understand how the calm and confident leader is transformed in this important episode.


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Episode 11: Why We Lead and When We Don't

It doesn't matter whether you work in a for profit, non-profit or even volunteer leadership role, there is one clear focus to why we lead and it may not be what you think. Unfortunately there are many leader who don't lead for the right reasons, but Jason Stonehouse will share the behind the scenes of why leaders became people who avoid, ignore and sometimes get downright toxic. You will not want to miss this episode. It may also prompt you to seek out some compelling solutions.


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Episode 10: Lack of Substance

While we all want to be authentic and real, the current fall out is that the real us (inside) is a mess. When we lack substance internally we turn to a number of bad habits to manage the lack of control and substance internally. In this episode, Jason Stonehouse vulnerably shares some of his own struggles when his inner world was in turmoil and what he's discovered are the 5 key aspects of inner substance. This is part 1 of a multi-part series.


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Episode 9: Why Im Not Confident

Confidence is such a weird thing. We all want it but not too much because we'll come across as arrogant or prideful. And many of us put on a false confidence which typically is overcompensating for some deficiency or insecurity inside of us. If we don't deal with the things that hinder authentic confidence we will never find it. In this third part of our mini series overview, Jason Stonehouse shares the roadblocks to true confidence.


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Episode 8: Why Im Not Calm

In this second part of a 3 part episode with an overview of the Calm and Confident movement, host Jason Stonehouse looks at why we don't experience the calm that we should. He examines each of the factors that lead to a lack of calm. Prepare to be enlightened and of course, encouraged with practical steps you can take to move forward.


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Episode 5: From-To

In this first of 3 parts Jason Stonehouse walks us through the Calm and Confident Leader big picture. We look in this first part what the transitions are that must be made in order to be who we want to be as leaders. We focus on what will need to change inside of us in order to be calm and confident. By examining where we're headed we can begin to develop an understanding of what it really means to be a great leader.


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Episode 6: Emotions

The way a leader deals with their emotions not only impacts them but the people they lead. And yet for year people have believed that emotions happen to them and they have no control. We say things like, "you make me so mad" assuming that the other person has control over what we feel and we are merely victims to it. And when emotions are out of our control, then we can't predict them, influence them or change them. In this surprising episode Jason Stonehouse will share what we've been missing and pull back the curtain on our emotions and how we can become emotionally healthy leaders.


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Episode 5: Vulnerability and Humility

The authentically confident leader knows how to utilize vulnerability as a super power. Everybody says they want humility and want to be friends with people who have it and have employees or bosses who possess it in spades.But nobody seems to exercise it. And when they do, it's so rare that it's almost uncomfortable, we don't know what to do with it. In this episode Jason Stonehouse shares from both his failures and success how to be a human leader with vulnerabilities and challenges.


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Episode 4: Building Authentic Confidence

Confidence is critical for a leader, without it you might as well just stop leading. And when we don't feel confident, many good leaders tend to try and fake it. We try to pump ourselves up with motivational thoughts or inspiring music. But most people see right through fake confidence. So what's the answer? How do we build the kind of confidence that our followers need? Join Jason Stonehouse as he walks us through this important concept.


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Episode 3: Growing Self Aware

Self-awareness is another critical skill of a leader. Many of us are unaware of how others experience us. We can also be unaware of what is driving our actions and emotions. Self-awareness is the skill we need to open up brand new opportunities to grow. The potential you want to reach will only be discovered by focusing your movement on the right things. As you and I gain the clarity about what is happening internally, we then can prioritize the areas of our lives with the greatest upside or the most urgent need. Growing self aware provides us with that leader's edge! Jason Stonehouse hosts this episode of the Calm and Confident Leader.


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Episode 2: Leadership Anxiety

Lots of leaders struggle with anxiety. They may use words like stress, worry, and tension but they find their roots in anxiety. Anxiety shows up in every aspect of life, nothing is safe from its influence. It is caused by lots of different things and if not dealt with by some outside help it could end up taking even good leaders down. Jason Stonehouse, founder of the Calm and Confident Leader digs a little deeper into this subject in this important episode.


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Episode 1: The Unseen World of a Leader

Welcome to the brand new podcast!! The Calm & Confident Leader! On this episode we will discuss a foundational and often overlooked aspect of leadership - the man behind the curtain! Hosted by Jason Stonehouse
