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The Dental Marketing Secrets Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Who else is sick and tired of paying for marketing and advertising that fails miserably to move the needle and leaves you frustrated, confused, and ready to write off marketing altogether? Enter...The Dental Marketing Secrets Podcast. Our mission is to be the ultimate source for ideas and tactics to grow your dental and ortho practice, allow you to serve a more patients, and leave a greater impact. And for more proven strategies to grow your practice, visit


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Who else is sick and tired of paying for marketing and advertising that fails miserably to move the needle and leaves you frustrated, confused, and ready to write off marketing altogether? Enter...The Dental Marketing Secrets Podcast. Our mission is to be the ultimate source for ideas and tactics to grow your dental and ortho practice, allow you to serve a more patients, and leave a greater impact. And for more proven strategies to grow your practice, visit





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#86: Adding an Associate with Dr. Pete Theurer

The opportunities that an associate bring are exciting. An associate can lead to higher production by opening up another column on your schedule. Over time, this can be a major contributor towards practice growth as patients build trust and familiarity with the new doctor. Bringing on associate also gives you the option to focus more on high-end cases, assigning other patients to your associate. As a result, your production per patient increases dramatically. You also can avoid those cases that sap your energy, allowing you to focus on treatment that excites you. But...adding an associate to your practice isn't always as straight forward as it sounds. To better understand the process, we talk with Dr. Pete Theurer about the ins and outs you need to know before getting started, including: ... Contact Dr. Pete Theurer: LinkedIn Website


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Episode #87: Treating People Not Patients with Dr. Michael Sonick

Author, speaker, and well-known periodontologist Dr. Michael Sonick joins the podcast today to share how to create rock-solid relationships with your patients by seeing them not as patients, but by people. Here are just a few of the highlights: Tune in to learn more! ... To Learn More about Dr. Michael Sonick: Website: Little Things resource download YouTube Video Series Treating People Not Patients book


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#85: Leveraging KPIs to Grow Your Practice w/ Dr. Weston Spencer

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Weston Spencer, a renowned cosmetic dentist in La Jolla, CA, as he reveals the crucial role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in transforming dental practices. Dr. Spencer shares his insights on using KPIs to measure progress at both team and practice levels, offering a roadmap for dental professionals looking to enhance their performance. Importance of Using KPIs: Tune in to discover more about leveraging the power of KPIs in your practice! ... Connect with Dr. Spencer on Instagram: @drwestonspencer Learn more about SPP Dental Partners:


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#84: The Marketing Startup Guide: 5 Steps

If you are wanting to get more intentional about marketing your dental practice...or are in the middle of acquiring a new practice...this episode will help you focus on 5 key areas to help you hit the ground running. This episode provides a series of action items to launch the marketing strategy for your practice and provide you with a clear roadmap for the future. In addition, the Marketing Startup Guide is a great way to evaluate your current marketing efforts to identify low-hanging fruit or areas of opportunity to ensure you don't let important tasks fall through the cracks! Crank the volume and tune in! ... Need help with implementation? Contact me via email to learn more:


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#83: Lifetime Value of a Patient

Know your numbers. How often do we hear this? ALL. THE. TIME. But do you truly know what a patient is worth to you? And more importantly, do you know how much you can afford to invest to acquire a new patient? Uncovering the lifetime value of a patient can shine light on your marketing efforts and help pave the way for accelerated practice growth. In this short episode, we dive into: Tune in to get a leg up on your competition. ... Download Lifetime Value Worksheet: Click Here


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#82: Rural Marketing with Dr. David Whitlock

Arizona. Texas. Colorado. Oklahoma. North Carolina. Kentucky. Dr. David Whitlock has practiced all over the country. And today he joins the show to reveal his absolute favorite place. (and it's not even close) Here are a few of the topics we address in this episode: If you have ever considered making a change or starting somewhere fresh, be sure to listen to this episode first! ... Connect with Dr. David Whitlock email:


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#81: Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business [Part 3]

The final episode in our 3-part series on the book Traction by Gino Wickman. In today's episode, we reveal the last 4 components of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Framework: Data, Processes, Issues, and Traction. Here are a few highlights: Build a practice with a clear vision, systems to support your practice, greater ownership from your team, and less stress. ***Get Your Free Copy of the Book Traction! Go to and fill out the form for your free copy of the book, compliments of our sponsor SPP Dental Partners.


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#80 Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business [Part 2]

Today, is the second part of our 3-part series on the book Traction by Gino Wickman. In today's episode, we dive into 2 of the 6 components of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Framework: Vision & People. These are two of the most important pieces to the Traction puzzle in my opinion. As I've personally gone through these chapters for my own business, I've gained MUCH more clarity on our overall destination and how to better empower my team to hit higher goals. Here are a few highlights: So, whether you're a seasoned dental practice owner or just starting your journey in dentistry, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical advice that can help you gain traction and propel your practice to new heights. ***Get Your Free Copy of the Book Traction! Go to and fill out the form for your free copy of the book, compliments of our sponsor SPP Dental Partners.


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#79: Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business [Part 1]

Today, we're diving deep into a book that's been making waves in the world of business and dentistry alike – "Traction" by Gino Wickman. If you've been looking for a clear roadmap to success in your dental practice, then this 3-part series is a must-listen. Join us as we dissect Wickman's powerful Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and show you how it can transform the way you run your practice. So, whether you're a seasoned dental practice owner or just starting your journey in dentistry, this episode is packed with actionable insights and practical advice that can help you gain traction and propel your practice to new heights. ***Get Your Free Copy of the Book Traction! Go to and fill out the form for your free copy of the book, compliments of our sponsor SPP Dental Partners.


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#78: Analytics & Attribution: Uncover What's Working with Nick Jackson

What's Really Driving New Patients? Here's How To Find Out In this episode, we dive into a crucial aspect of modern dental practice marketing—analytics and attribution. Join host Mark Thackeray and special guest, Nick Jackson, as they unravel the mysteries behind tracking and attributing the success of your marketing efforts. Delivering top-notch dental care is paramount, but ensuring a steady stream of patients through effective marketing strategies is equally vital. That's where analytics and attribution come into play. Nick Jackson brings his experience at CallRail to help break down the ins and outs of tracking your marketing campaigns. Key highlights from this episode: Tune in and turn up the volume! ... Connect with CallRail The CallRail marketing platform delivers the tools businesses need to market smarter, drive more quality leads, centralize communications, and convert leads to customers. Trusted by more than 180,000 businesses, CallRail easily fits into existing workflows, integrates with major marketing and sales software, and scales with each customer’s needs as they grow. Learn More:


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#77: Get More Google Reviews! Here's How

More Google Reviews = More Social Proof, More Visibility, More Patients It's time to get serious about Google reviews. In this episode, Mark breaks down why Google reviews are so gosh darn important and how to get more of them. Let's do this! ... Want marketing help? Connect with Mark at


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#76: From $500K to $2.5M - How I Grew My Practice 5x w/ Dr. Weston Spencer

5x Practice Growth. That's what we're talking about in this episode. I'm joined by childhood friend Dr. Weston Spencer to break down his pathway to scaling up his practice $500K to $2.5M in just 5 years. Here are just a few things that Wes and I dive into: Turn up the volume and grab a pen and paper for this one! ... Connect with Dr. Weston Spencer: Instagram: @drwestonspencer Instagram: @sppdentalpartners


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#75: Take Back Control of Your Finances with Dr. Jill Wade

In this episode, Dr. Jill Wade joins the podcast to break down the importance of financial control and how it impacts your end game. As both a practicing dentist and financial specialist, Dr. Wade provides a very unique perspective. Here's just a few of the things we dive into: Tune in! ... Connect with Dr. Jill Wade: LinkedIn Facebook


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#74: The Team Captain of Your Marketing with Lorie Streeter

When it comes to marketing your practice, there is one person who should be your marketing team captain...your office manager. With one foot on the practice side and the other with the patients, your office manager gets to see and experience both sides of the equation, and can help you best determine HOW to move your practice forward. I'm joined by Lorie Streeter, Vice President of AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Management) who brings 33 years of experience to the discussion table, both as an office manager and as a marketer. Join us as we discuss and break down: You don't want to miss this! ... Connect with Lorie Streeter: for resources, training, and events specific to Dental Office Managers.


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#73: More Google Ads Q&A

More great questions regarding Paid Search plus a quick case study. In this episode we break down: Should I use broad keywords? Should I not?What should my Google Ads budget be? Is the traffic I am getting actually quality traffic? Conversion Tracking: Make sure you have it set upGoogle Ads can drive an immediate uptick in patients and help stack the deck in your favor. But there are many layers to it all. That’s what this episode is designed to do - to help answer some of those questions circling around in your head. And if you have specific Google Ads questions, email me at


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#72: Top 5 Local SEO Mistakes

Looking to dominate your immediate area, show up in all the top search results, and command the lion's share of organic traffic? Then Local SEO will play a MASSIVE part in your marketing strategy. And to help you get off the ground and start taking steps toward local domination... I'm covering the Top 5 Local SEO Mistakes I've been seeing recently when working with practices across the country. Here they are: Tune in to discover more! ... If you would like help or want to accelerate your Local SEO, then contact our team. We'll review your current position, provide a plan of action to move you up the rankings, and answer your questions along the way. Email your name and website to:


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#71: How to Attract Top Talent to Your Practice

Finding the right people to join your team is flat-out tough. Employees have a long checklist of what they are looking for- Schedule flexibility, training opportunities, leadership and advancement, competitive pay- All of this, without having even a shred of experience. To add salt to the wound, many of them will end up leaving within 12-18 months. So how on earth are you able to find, attract, and keep (longer) the right people? In this episode, I share insights from Steve Cadigan, LinkedIn's first Chief HR Office and consultant to organizations nationally and internationally. Here are just a few of the takeaways from this episode: Listen now and start preparing yourself to better attract the right people!


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#70: How to Get Patients to Rave About You on Social Media with Scott Linford

Referrals are the best types of new patients out there. They trust you more, are more likely to accept treatment, less prone to haggling on price, and typically remain patients for longer. But...if I were to ask you to explain your plan for generating more referrals, you probably wouldn't be able to tell me anything concrete. Imagine if you were able to have your patients be the one to rave about your practice on social do you think that would affect your practice? Social proof. Instant credibility. Immediate trust. That's exactly what Scott Linford has created over the past few automated system that motivates patients to share their favorite things about your an authentic, natural way. Join us this episode as I interview Scott and break down how to unlock more referrals via your patients! **** About Sway Sway automates the social sharing of your customers so you can generate more referrals. Your customers are at the height of their excitement when they first receive and use your product. Sway catches them in that moment and invites them to share on social. To learn more or schedule a demo, visit: Connect with Scott Linford via email :


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#69: Email Unleashed (Part 3) - Case Studies!

The finale of our Email Unleashed series is here. We walk through how one practice generated 584 referrals in 12 months, and another practice produced $204K in crown treatment in just 30 days...using good ol' email. Listen in and take notes. ... And if you could use some email magic, then reach out to me and we can set up a time to talk about our Done-For-You Email program -


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#68: Email Unleashed (Part 2) : FAQ

Our Email Unleashed series continues with Part II where we dive into numerous Frequently Asked Questions surrounding email marketing: Lots of fantastic questions answered in this episode so be sure to tune in and take notes! ... If you are looking for a fantastic email marketing service provider, then I recommend ConvertKit. This is what I personally use for my business and what I like to use with my clients. I've tried all types of providers (Keap, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, Mailchimp to name a few) and I love how simple and visual ConvertKit is to use. It has all the functionality that you'll need, too. If you want to give it a try, you can get access to a free 14-day trial and check it out. Click here: I am proud affiliate of ConvertKit so if you end up using ConvertKit, I do get a referral fee (sa-weeet!).
