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Do You Ever Wonder...The Hallmark Abstract Service Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Do You Ever Wonder podcast from Hallmark Abstract Service was created for one purpose...To explore topics that our listeners want to learn more about! To achieve this we invite expert guests to discuss their specific areas of expertise with our host, Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Mike Haltman. We are always looking for input from listeners about what they would like to hear about and learn about. We have spoken with 1-800-Flowers founder Jim McCann, Heroes To Heroes Foundation founder Judy Elias, ’The Everyday Entrepreneur’ Rob Basso, Ellen Leikind of Poker Divas, women's financial literacy crusader Cary Carbonaro, and so many more. We explore subjects ranging from health and nutrition, real estate, personal finance, entrepreneurship, business, career, science, philanthropy, and of course issues we all face in life! Episodes can also be heard at Padverb here:


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The Do You Ever Wonder podcast from Hallmark Abstract Service was created for one purpose...To explore topics that our listeners want to learn more about! To achieve this we invite expert guests to discuss their specific areas of expertise with our host, Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Mike Haltman. We are always looking for input from listeners about what they would like to hear about and learn about. We have spoken with 1-800-Flowers founder Jim McCann, Heroes To Heroes Foundation founder Judy Elias, ’The Everyday Entrepreneur’ Rob Basso, Ellen Leikind of Poker Divas, women's financial literacy crusader Cary Carbonaro, and so many more. We explore subjects ranging from health and nutrition, real estate, personal finance, entrepreneurship, business, career, science, philanthropy, and of course issues we all face in life! Episodes can also be heard at Padverb here:





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Jonathan Blau And Behavioral Finance...The Key To Investor Success Is Preserving Purchasing Power — Not Principal — At Fusion Family Wealth!

Forget What You Thought You Knew About Investing! It's Purchasing Power, Not Principal Preservation, That's The Actual Key To Success! Behavioral Finance...Jonathan Blau, Founder and CEO of Fusion Family Wealth and his Team, stop clients from making the emotional mistakes that ultimately lead to running out of money when it's needed most (Watch more here)! Typical Investor Behavior 1) Fight or Flight - Panic reactions leading to selling market bottoms, and euphoric reactions leading to chasing stocks at elevated prices. 2) Emotion - Psychologically pain of loss is 2X worse than the thrill of gains, leading to holding losers and selling winners. How Do We Overcome Typical Investor Behavior? 1) Learn real risks, aka the loss of purchasing power! 2) Develop a goal-focused plan. 3) Diversify - Avoid concentration of risk 4) Buying good stock investments on sale This discussion with Jonathan systematically convinced Do You Ever Wonder host Mike Haltman that his long-held beliefs about investing and portfolio structure were wrong. In other words, the traditional 60/40 stock/bond portfolio adjusted over time becoming even more bond-heavy as investors age, falls short of meeting most long-term financial goals. Why? Because the investor is going to lose what really matters...Purchasing Power! According to Jonathan, for an investor to maintain purchasing power over time, including throughout their retirement years, a portfolio should be close to 100% stocks. Although stocks are volatile and each year will at some point decline, (some years more than others i.e. the tech bubble, 9/11, 2008 Financial Crisis), regardless of the reason for those declines stock indexes have historically continued to move higher and beat the inflation rate by a significant amount. And, dividends have continued to grow. In other words, because stock prices increase over time despite short-term volatility and dividends continue to grow, an investor will preserve their purchasing power. But it's the volatility, despite being short-term in nature, where managing investor BEHAVIOR becomes key! First, Consider How Bonds Are The Nemesis Of Maintaining Purchasing Power Traditional investing would include buying a bond, in this example a 30-year bond with a 5% coupon (use $1MM invested). Each year the investor will receive $50,000 and at the end of the 30 years get the $1MM back. But because that $1MM in principal has not grown, and the income generated has remained the same, inflation has seriously impacted Purchasing Power! This concept about bond avoidance and the inadequacy of the traditional bond/stock portfolio mix runs counter to most investors' emotional need to protect their principal. But sitting with Jonathan Blau and listening to his investing and portfolio structure thesis, Do You Ever Wonder host Mike Haltman became a believer! Because it made perfect sense! Investor Behavior Can Impede Investing Success! Although preserving purchasing power is absolutely critical, it runs into the powerful impediment of investor behavior and psychology that focuses on a desire to preserve principal. Why? Because of the ingrained desire of most investors to preserve principal despite the fact that it's destroying purchasing power. Jonathan and his Team stop clients from making the emotional mistakes that ultimately will lead to running out of money at the time that they need it most! Learn more at Fusion Family Wealth here


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NYC Multifamily Buildings: Project Planning and Cost Savings Can Be Complicated, Which Is Why External Expertise May Be Essential for Building Owners and Boards

Being A NYC Multifamily Building Owner, Or Member Of A Condo Or Coop Board Has Become A Much More Complicated Job! They Need To Manage Rising Expenses, Rent Limitations, Government Imposed Regulations, And Capital Projects...Board Members, And Even Some Building Owners, Likely Have Full-Time Jobs And Need Help Doing These Things Well! Meet Tina Larsson, Co-Founder Of The Folson Group! The various issues facing Board Members (and even some building owners) who may be volunteers with limited expertise in the role of building management, led us to seek out an expert in the field. Do You Ever Wonder wanted to speak with someone who works with the various constituencies (owners, residents, Board members) in multifamily buildings to help facilitate solutions, streamline processes, manage complex projects, and achieve cost savings in all of the various aspects of a building's operations. Enter Tina Larsson, co-founder with Mark Foley, of The Folson Group ( In essence, their expertise in multifamily building cost reduction, project management, and value enhancement has made them a go-to resource for many co-op and condo boards, along with building owners, in NYC. Why engage with an outside consultant? Let's count the ways... Beyond the spike in building expenses, limitations on the recouping of renovation costs and restrictions on increasing revenue due to legislation such as the 2019 Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act, buildings have to face unexpected and often extremely large expenditures brought on by regulations imposed by NYC such as Local Law 97 that mandates carbon neutrality by 2050. Issues Facing Multifamily Buildings Expenses: On the expense side, the cost of every building input like utilities, insurance, and taxes has risen dramatically. So too have the number of capital projects, maintenance costs, and payroll expenses. Add to the mix all of the NYS and NYC regulations that will bring higher costs to the building owner and residents. A perfect example is Local Law 97 (LL97) which requires buildings larger than 25,000 square feet to be carbon-neutral by 2050, but that imposes immediate requirements. Income: Limitations on rent increases in NYC are well-known, and now President Biden has proposed legislation which would 'require large and midsize landlords to cap annual rent increases to no more than 5%. In addition, the recently implemented Good Cause Eviction will hinder a landlord from removing a tenant or deny a lease renewal without a court order. The Folson Group Once again The Folson Group's expertise in cost reduction and value enhancement has made them a go-to resource for many co-op and condo boards in the New York City area. If you are a multifamily building owner, landlord, or condo/coop Board member facing issues with out-of-control expenses or capital projects that are too large to handle, The Folson Group could be a good contact. The firm is also a NYC Accelerator Service Provider and ConEd Participating Contractor. You can reach Tina Larsson in the following ways... Email: Phone: (917) 648 - 8151 ___________________________________________________ Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at


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Silent Battles: The Hidden Toll of Veteran Suicide by Gun! with Chris Jachimiec

Watch this episode on YouTube here Do You Ever Wonder about the tragic statistic of 22+ military veterans dying by suicide every single day? The Do You Ever Wonder host Mike Haltman, as Board Chair of the Heroes To Heroes Foundation (, is all too aware of the veterans who return home suffering the invisible wounds of moral injury and PTSD. Often, losing relationships with loved ones and friends, dealing with depression, isolation, and loneliness, they may believe they have nowhere else to turn other than alcohol, and drugs. 22+ times each and every day, these American heroes turn to taking their lives, and it is very often suicide by gun! We saw today's Do You Ever Wonder guest Chris Jachimiec, an ambassador for End Family Fire, being interviewed about the need for safe and secure firearm storage. Campaigns many may be familiar with include Service Never Stops and Safe Stories. This is his story that brought him to where he is today... 'Growing up, my brother and I were like a dynamic duo out there. We both would end up joining the military. I enlisted in the Air Force in ‘99 and Adam joined the Marine Corps in 2006. For the longest time, we were each other’s best friends. It’s like he was that person that was just connected to me all of the time. By 2012, he was struggling through a crisis with the Marines due to some things he experienced in combat, along with medical issues. It would eventually lead to his departure from the military. He struggled a lot with the transition. I was halfway around the world in Afghanistan with my deployment about to be wrapped up when Adam first attempted suicide. I got a call and immediately departed Afghanistan to my home in Las Vegas where I met my newborn son for the first time. We then drove together to San Diego to visit my brother in the ICU. We didn’t quite know if Adam was gonna make it. For years after, Adam continued to struggle. Then, in 2017, I received a text from my stepmother. She's like, hey, I need you to call me as as soon as possible. And that's when I found out my brother had died by gun suicide. It took me a long time to deal with losing my brother. And in the year that followed, several other Veterans that I was friends with died by gun suicide, as well. I was probably naive in getting the right help that I needed at the time. I knew all the resources. I think it was the shock of it all which was there for quite some period of time, where I’m like, “Oh, I’m strong enough. I can go back to work.” I coped with it initially with work and alcohol. Eventually, I cracked. And that’s what led me into some some bad decisions and some legal issues of my own. And that's where my story of having the firearm locked up probably ended up saving my life.' Learn more about gun storage and gun safety by visiting End Family Fire here ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. On


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A Rising 21-Year-Old CRE Star: JT Marting Is A Gen Z Hustler, X Gala Attendee, Protégé Of The GOAT, And So Much More!

The Term Gen Z Will At Times Conjure Up Some Negative Connotations! But like every generalization, the facts will tell you the actual story that this is not always the case. The Do You Ever Wonder podcast had the opportunity to speak with a prime example of a Gen Z'er who is the epitome of hard work, perseverance, drive, ambition, and an eye on the career prize...JT Marting. Podcast host Mike Haltman was introduced to JT through the social media platform X aka Twitter, and more specifically on X the hashtag there #retwit. The 'members' of the #retwit community on X comprise some of the biggest national names in CRE who work in many different areas and sectors of the commercial real estate market including investment sales, insurance, development, construction, cost segregation, leasing, finance, and so much more. JT Marting, going by the moniker Real Estate Rookie on X, is a student at Florida State who throughout his college career has done significant work and learning as an intern at six real estate firms in various areas and sectors. Through the generosity of Geoffrey Stevens who has set up an organization that provides scholarships to Florida college students who show an interest in the real estate industry, JT has been able to further his real estate education and at the same time continue to make great connections! But by participating on X, JT has met and become close to some of the biggest names in CRE like The GOAT Bob Knakal, Dan Tepman (Strip Mall Guy), and serious up-and-comers in commercial real estate such as Faraz Cheema. So much so that JT was invited to the X Gala, an event limited to 200 CRE attendees from around the country that was held at Peak With Priceless in Hudson Yards. If you're involved in the commercial real estate market, X Gala was among the most coveted tickets! So meet JT Marting and take away from him the fact that there is hope for the future! ___________________________________________________ Subscribe if you like what you see and hear... Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. YouTube: Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder here: Streaming: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at


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Trading Skyscrapers for Sunshine: The Journey from New York to Florida...Making Sure It's Done Right!

New York City's Population Is Dropping 2.49% Annually! That's a big number with the percentage change from 2020-2024 sitting at 9.26% We know that the reasons for leaving range from cost of living, crime, overall quality of life, and most certainly, the invisible hand of state and local governments taking an ever-growing amount of money from us through taxes. So where are these former New Yorkers going? Many are going to states with more reasonable taxing policies including Florida, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Tennessee, Alaska, South Dakota, and New Hampshire. But establishing citizenship in another state is not as easy as living there, with serious proof, for 6 months and a day per year. These state governments facing a loss of population do not take the situation lightly, and will jump through hoops to disprove your new domicile claim. You Need To Consult With An Expert! Enter Chaves, Perlowitz, Luftig Special Counsel Marisa Friedrich, an expert in the area of Tax Controversy. In our conversation Marisa and I touched on many subjects surrounding the emigration to other states, along with what has to be proven to the auditors so that no demand for taxes is made. Change of domicile... The burden of proof falls on the taxpayer, not the government, and for New York State five primary factors need to be proven for the domicile to be considered changed... Home:Active Business Involvement:Time:Items of Sentimental Value:Family Connection:If you are thinking about a change in your New York domicile status or are in the middle of a change, you would be well served to speak with an expert on the subject like Marisa Friedrich at Chaves Perlowitz Luftig! To contact Marisa... Email: Phone: (212) 791-3747 CPL Website: The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is a creation of Hallmark Abstract Service and is hosted by its CEO Michael Haltman. Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Visit us at


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Do You Ever Wonder About Combat Veterans And Death By Suicide?

Introducing The Heroes To Heroes Foundation! Heroes To Heroes Foundation brings our American heroes from suicidal ideation to community reintegration! Michael Haltman, CEO of Hallmark Abstract Service and Host of Do You Ever Wonder, recently engaged in a discussion with Ron Gold on The Nonprofit Voice radio show aired on Long Island News Radio 103.9 FM. The focal point of their conversation was the impactful work of the Heroes To Heroes Foundation, a non-denominational 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to successfully saving combat veterans grappling with moral injury upon returning home and facing a significant risk of suicide. Discover how this foundation provides crucial support to veterans' mental well-being and its mission to alleviate the plight of those who served. Heroes To Heroes Foundation... Heroes To Heroes Foundation is a $1MM charity, providing donors of any amount the ability to make a huge impact on our mission. As an overview, the mission is successfully saving vets returning home suffering moral injury, and who live at serious risk of death by suicide. Our 12-month curriculum focuses on peer support, spiritual reawakening, and reconnection to faith. Heroes To Heroes Foundation brings these American heroes from suicidal ideation to community reintegration! HTH is 4-Star Charity Navigator-rated and the efficacy of our program has been validated by a long-term study conducted by Dr. Joseph Currier, a leader in the area of moral injury at the University of South Alabama. A key to our program is a 10-day Team journey to Israel towards the middle of the year-long program, critical for the peer support, spirituality, and reconnection to faith pieces of our mission. In Israel, the vets travel with 3 members of the IDF who are suffering in much the same way. These are links for more information. Video of program participants on the ground in Israel: An article I wrote about the organization: HTH website: 14th Annual HTH Golf, Tennis, and Pickleball Classic: Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to speak in more detail. Mike Haltman Email: Mobile: (516) 741-4723


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Do You Ever Wonder About Death? We Speak With Adam Novak About This Final Frontier!

On April 5, 2024, A 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hit The Northeast (at the 22:50 mark of the podcast)! The shaking, in an area not normally considered earthquake-prone, serves as a reminder of just how vulnerable we are as humans to the unexpected. Because of this fact, and the normal occurrence of death due to age or sickness, it's important to understand the process of funerals. And who better to speak with than Adam Novak, Director of Jerusalem Memorial Chapels on Long Island, about Jewish funeral services. Some of the topics we discussed... Some of the basics of Jerusalem Memorial Chapels Concierge Service - 24/7 personalized support & guidance from a licensed Jewish Funeral Director - Clear and Easy to Understand Pricing - A modern sanctuary designed to inspire and increase connection with natural finishes and light-filled, open-air spaces - A convenient and central location for Jewish funeral services with easy access to the cemeteries in Suffolk and Queens - Serving all Cemeteries in Metropolitan NY - Member NYS Funeral Directors Association and NYS Pre-Plan If anyone would like to reach Adam... Website: Phone: (516) 418-7000 Email: ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. YouTube: Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder here: Streaming: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101,, or our website


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Cuban Philanthropy That Delivers Hope - Inside SupportCubans.Life, Hand-Delivering Humanitarian Aid To The People Of Cuba

A Charity Working To Help Cubans Living In Poverty! 'According to a 2022 report from the Cuban Human Rights Observatory (OCDH), 72 percent of Cubans live below the poverty line. 21 percent of Cubans who live below the poverty line frequently go without breakfast, lunch or dinner due to a lack of money.' And while many people in America are suffering in much the same way, for Cubans who have come to the U.S. the plight of their brethren who remain in Cuba is often top of mind! Enter Chazz Menendez who came to America in 1963 with his pregnant mother, as the still unborn child she was carrying. I was introduced to Chazz by his and my good friend Valerie Smaldone (Do You Ever Wonder who felt that he had an important story to tell. Indeed he does! Chazz, in the spirit of giving back to the United States volunteered on the World Trade Center pile for two days, September 12th and 13th 2001. After adopting two sons, he was forced to retire from his career as a stunt man due to WTC pile-induced Stage 4 brain cancer. But wanting to give back to Cuban citizens living in poverty, he recently founded the charity SupportCubans.Life with the tagline 'People Caring For People'. Watch a short video about it here, In it, Chazz describes what SupportCubans.Life does, and how you can help. This is the Mission Statement, '“SupportCubans.LIFE” is a grassroots, humanitarian nonprofit organization that raises money for our team of volunteers to travel to Cuba and also asks people to donate used and new essential products and ship these donations to our storage facility so that our team of volunteers can hand-deliver these donations. ' Our travel team member volunteers visit and stay in these impoverished areas to connect with these communities on a personal level and to make sure the people receive these donations. The People of Cuba are in dire need of your donations.' If you want to reach Chazz his email address is, and if you have items you would like to send, this is the address: CubeSmart Self Storage C/O SupportCubans.LIFE 111 Cedar Street, New Rochelle N.Y. 10801 ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. YouTube: Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder here: Streaming: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at info@hallmarkabstractl


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Unlocking Residential Financing Solutions: A Deep Dive With Lauren Pastore At Contour Mortgage! Do You Ever Wonder?

While It May Not Be The Sexiest Of Subjects, In Today's Real Estate Market Who You Choose To Arrange Your Mortgage Is Critical! The Do You Ever Wonder podcast had the opportunity to speak with Lauren Pastore at Contour Mortgage who is a loan originator and sales manager with over 25 years of experience in the mortgage market. And, looking back over the past couple of decades, Lauren has not only survived but has thrived through many different real estate and mortgage rate environments. Today's Residential Real Estate Market Today buyers are facing the proverbial 'seller's market' despite the fact that 30-year mortgage rates have climbed from the Covid-era 2 % or 3% handle to the current 6%+. Lack of home inventory is a key factor! On March 20, 2024 when the Federal Reserve's Jerome Powell speaks post-Fed meeting, the real estate market will get more direction concerning where mortgage rates head from here. That being said, potential purchasers need to put their best foot forward when making an offer and besides the price, sellers will look to make sure that a mortgage will not stand in the way of closing the transaction. One alternative is to pay cash, but if a mortgage is being arranged it is critical to work with a lender AND a loan consultant who knows how to get it done! Many in the mortgage market with a track record and proven expertise can do the job. We have met them and worked with them through the years. But today's guest Lauren Pastore is truly impressive given her deep and thorough knowledge of mortgage products, what best suits her clients, incredible attention to detail that ensures a smooth loan process, and finally her ability to help a potential borrower improve the statistics that will ultimately lead to an underwriters decision! Some areas we touched on include... How can you reach Lauren Pastore? Email: Phone: 516-385-6759 ___________________________________________________ Subscribe if you like what you see and hear... Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. YouTube: Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder here: Streaming: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at


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Combat Veteran Heroes To Heroes Foundation Board Chair and Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Mike Haltman, Appeared On The NonProfit Voice Hosted By Mike LiPetri and Ron Gold!

The NonProfit Voice on LI News Radio, 103.9 FM! Saturday, March 2nd, Mike Haltman appeared on The NonProfit Voice hosted by Mike LiPetri and Ron Gold! The Nonprofit Voice airs every Saturday morning on 103.9 FM from 8:00am to 9:00am and it seeks to feature inspiring Long Island residents who give back. The Combat Veteran Heroes To Heroes Foundation (If after reading or listening you have questions or might like to learn about getting involved with Heroes To Heroes, reach out to Mike Haltman at In addition to his role as CEO of New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, Mike also has the honor of serving as Board Chair of the nondenominational combat veteran 501(c)(3) Heroes To Heroes Foundation. Heroes To Heroes Foundation successfully saves vets who return home suffering moral injury, and live at serious risk of death by suicide. Its one-year program moves these American heroes from suicidal ideation to community reintegration! Heroes To Heroes achieves its outstanding results utilizing peer support, spiritual awakening, and reconnection to faith. At the mid-point of the yearlong program, Team Journeys will travel to the Holy Land, Israel. Key to the healing process, the vets visit the holiest sites of many of the world's major religions while traveling with 3 IDF soldiers who fully understand, and often suffer, from the same plight of moral injury. The efficacy of the 4-Star Charity Navigator Heroes To Heroes Foundation mission was affirmed through a study conducted by a team headed by Dr. Joseph Currier at the University of South Alabama. The study included both a long-term and cross-sectional study of our outcomes. The study white paper was published and is available upon request ( Dr. Currier is one of the foremost experts in the area of moral injury. The Nonprofit Voice at LI News Radio is the only local radio show dedicated exclusively to our local nonprofit organizations. Our guests join us from large, small and start-up nonprofit organizations in the New York area about how they directly benefit our community.


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Legal Insights: Navigating NYC's Multifamily Market with Tina Miraglia, a Sponsor-Focused Commercial Real Estate Lawyer

The Do You Ever Wonder Podcast Welcomes Tina Miraglia, Real Estate Partner/Member of the Firm DL Partners! Representing major national developers, Tina knows the ins and outs of defending the legal position of those who are building projects, and who will be selling units to individuals and investors before and after project completion. As an attorney representing a sponsor of a new construction multifamily building in NYC, particularly one involved in selling units, Tina addresses a variety of legal issues to protect her client's interests. Some of these issues may include: Contract Drafting and NegotiationRegulatory ComplianceTitle and Property RightsFinancing and Securities LawsConstruction Contracts and LiabilitiesSales Contracts and DisclosuresCondominium or Cooperative ConversionTax ConsiderationsWarranties and InsuranceDispute Resolution and LitigationHow can you reach Tina Miraglia? Email: Phone: (212) 564-9800 Ext: 401 ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. YouTube: Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder here: Streaming: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here:


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Jennifer Djurkovic and Commercial Real Estate...A Driven Member of the Holy 29 Massey Knakal Leadership Tree!

Jennifer Djurkovic and Commercial Real Estate...A Driven Member of the Holy 29 Massey Knakal Leadership Tree! What is the Massey Knakal Leadership Tree? It's the CRE professionals who at some point in their careers worked at Massey Knakal, learned about the Massey Knakal CRE philosophy, and now own or run their own commercial real estate brokerage business. Enter Jennifer Djurkovic, owner and CEO of Djurkovic Investment Properties ( that is located in New York City but does business nationwide. Jennifer grew up in a real estate environment with a family who came to own buildings the old-fashioned way. That is working and then reinvesting their earnings from those jobs into commercial buildings. To quote Jennifer, 'It's not your income, but what you do with it!' Jennifer cut her commercial real estate teeth beginning with a stint at The Real Deal. She then went on to become a broker at Massey Knakal, learning directly from Bob Knakal his time-proven way to succeed at commercial real estate investment sales. Bob has been a guest on the Do You Ever podcast ( Before opening Djurkovic Investment Properties Jennifer worked with another member of the Massey Knakal Holy 29 Leadership Tree Shimon Shkury. Shimon is the President and Founder of Ariel Investment Properties and has also been a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast ( Jennifer, in addition to being bilingual (Serbo-Croatian) which has helped her in many ways, has an extremely deep 'Rolodex' of significant players in the commercial real estate market. The bottom line is that Jennifer is well poised to make an impact on the commercial real estate market for a long time to come! How can you contact Jennifer? By email here: By phone here: (631) 624-3053 By internet here: ___________________________________________________ Subscribe if you like what you see and hear... Please subscribe to the Do You Ever Wonder podcast using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. YouTube: Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder here: Streaming: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at info@hallmark


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The Toolbox 4 Real Estate Agent Success! Do You Ever Wonder What That Could Be?

Real Estate Agent Support in New York! Wouldn't it be great if there were a resource available to real estate agents that provided needed information in real time? Of course real estate companies support their agents, but sometimes additional information about hot-button subjects, fair housing law as an example, is required and the input of an attorney would not only be welcome, but often necessary. Enter Neil Garfinkel, Managing Partner of the law firm Abrams, Garfinkel, Margolis, and Bergson. Neil is the Broker Counsel to REBNY (Real Estate Board of New York), was appointed to serve on the NYS Real Estate Board, and is a major supporter of the combat veteran Heroes To Heroes Foundation. But most impressive to podcast host Mike Haltman, is that Neil is a fellow graduate of SUNY/Albany! Neil and the Team at AGMB created the Toolbox 4 Real Estate Agent Success along with the Real Estate Center 4 Success with the idea of them becoming the ultimate resource for agents. At its core, the Toolbox will keep agents informed, streamline their workflow, and provide all the tools needed to achieve success in the real estate industry. There's an Ask Neil section where agents can ask and get answers to the questions they may have. In the same way, the Real Estate Center 4 Success provides 'ON-DEMAND Real Estate Continuing Education and Licensing'. In the Toolbox the sections below are offered, and much more... Forms Checklist Builder Ask Neil Fair Housing Resources Rental Resources Videos and Podcasts Tips & Topics Templates Mortgage Corner If you're an agent now, or thinking about becoming one, the Toolbox is a resource that you need to check out and subscribe to! Toolbox 4 Real Estate Agent Success Real Estate Center 4 Success (CE) Neil can be reached at, call here 212-201-1170, or visit the website here ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Reach us at (646) 741-6101 or


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Adam Leitman Bailey...A Tenacious New York Real Estate Litigator! Do You Ever Wonder What Makes Him Tick?

So who is Adam Leitman Bailey, and how does he consistently succeed for his clients within the scorching crucible of litigation and New York real estate law? Let's start with the accolades... So What Drives Adam Leitman Bailey, Helping to Make His Firm The Success That It is? In his own words, 'Every day is productive. If I am in court, I am either arguing for a client or conducting a trial, and any free time constitutes calling or emailing clients or working on case strategy. In the office, we are working on cases and building case strategy. I am also meeting with new clients, training younger attorneys and staff and counseling corporate clients on preventing problems. At night, many times I have board or client meetings.' 'I treat every client like the most important client in the world. I went into a field that started booming the year I entered it. I had built a skill set made perfectly for the tough NYC market and the clients wanted an aggressive lawyer. As the business grew, I knew that I needed to hire people better than me. So, I did — over and over and over again, I hired the most talented lawyers without regard to race, sex, creed or nationality and thereby built a naturally diverse and capable team.' Reach Adam Leitman Bailey by email at Visit the firm's website here: ___________________________________________________ Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at


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National Security Expert And Heritage Visiting Fellow Steven Bucci Visits Do You Ever Wonder!

Do You Ever Wonder About The State Of United States National Security? We had the opportunity to speak with Steven Bucci on the subject, a man who is uniquely qualified to opine based on his incredible government and military resume... In other words, Steven Bucci is an expert and completely fluent in the areas of homeland security, defense, cybersecurity, terrorism, and geopolitics. Prior to our discussion we had a list of nine global issues to speak about but, because we were constrained by time and still went to 42 minutes, we barely got through four of them. Steven can be seen on many news shows, and we plan to have him back on Do You Ever Wonder soon to cover the rest of the issues facing the country! ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at


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Shimon Shkury...Founder and CEO of Ariel Property Advisors...A Giant of New York City Commercial Real Estate!

Do You Ever Wonder Speaks With Shimon Shkury... Shimon Shkury...Founder and CEO of Ariel Property Advisors, NYC Commercial Real Estate Thought Leader, Massey Knakal Alum and Prominent Massey Knakal Leadership Tree Member, Born in Israel and a Former Lieutenant in The IDF! Incredibly impressive credentials to be sure, and then add to that list a Wharton MBA and MA in International Studies. Do You Ever Wonder host and Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Mike Haltman had a broad and far-reaching conversation with Shimon, touching on a wide variety of topics including, in addition to commercial real estate, the current horrific situation in Israel (which like most Israelis he has been tragically touched by)! Your host first met Shimon during the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) when Mike was working as a consultant for a lender trying to dispose of a property in the South Bronx. It was a shell of a multifamily construction project with flooding and squatters, and given all of the issues Shimon and his Team at Massey Knakal provided a thoughtful and thorough opinion of value. The Conversation With Shimon Shkury Covered Many Topics Including... Bob KnakalPaul MasseyAriel Property AdvisorsFor questions or consultation about any real estate-related issues, Shimon can be reached at ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________


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Dave Kerpen...From Modest Beginnings To Entrepreneurial Superstar!

Dave Kerpen...Serial Entrepreneur, Global Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, VC Investor, Husband, and Father! Dave Kerpen started his journey with nothing, putting himself through college as a vendor selling cracker jacks (not hot dogs or beer) at the Boston Garden and Fenway Park. As an unbelievable salesman and marketer even back then, he was making $1,000 a game. He had a sponsored wedding, convincing businesses to donate everything from flowers to the venue, and at the end of the day was able to donate $20,000 to charity. In 2006 while teaching Dave, along with the help of his wife Carrie, started Likeable Local, a social media software company serving thousands of small businesses, as well as Likeable Media. They were a great success and were catapulted onto the rest of their career. Fast forward and today Dave and Carrie have their hands in a great number of businesses. Dave is among the most popular writers in LinkedIn’s Influencer program, one of the most-read contributors for , and has been featured by CNBC, BBC, ABC World News Tonight, the CBS Early Show, the TODAY Show, the New York Times, and more. Dave has close to 700,000 followers on LinkedIn, although for marketing he views TikTok and Instagram as the social media outlets of choice. Asked what he attributes his success to, and one of the keys is to think outside of the box. In other words, if you have a great idea that may be outside of the mainstream you should pursue it. Our conversation touched on many areas including... Dave's most recent endeavors include the book 'Normal',, and Apprentice ( He can be reached at ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at


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Father Peter Pomposello...Priest, Paratrooper, and Pathfinder! Do You Ever Wonder?

Do You Ever Wonder is a production of Hallmark Abstract Service and is hosted by CEO Michael Haltman. Hallmark Abstract Service provides title insurance for your New York State commercial and residential real estate transactions. ______________________________________________________________________ Father Peter Pomposello...Priest, Paratrooper, and Pathfinder! Do You Ever Wonder? Starting his career in the Reserve Officer Training Corps and as a schoolteacher, Father Peter spent much of his time at Our Lady, Queen of Peace on Staten Island, and at the age of 28 decided to dedicate his life to serving the Lord in the Eucharist. Now he has been in the Army for 8 years as a priest first and a soldier second! However getting to the Archdiocese for the Military Services in the first place required the permission of his bishop, Cardinal Timothy Dolan who graciously gave it to him. He has been deployed to combat zones in Iraq and Syria, and has jumped out of planes with paratroopers in Alaska. In his far-reaching role in the Army, Father Peter has also had to say prayers for soldiers who died in combat, blessing their bodies before they made their ‘angel flight’ home to their family and loved ones for their funerals. Father Peter also serves the U.S. Army in the role of priest recruiter. His mission is to bring more Catholic priests and seminarians to serve as chaplains in the Army and Army Reserves. Currently, only 90 priests are serving in the military, with another 310 needed. The conversation touched many subjects, not the least of which is the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, coupled with the severe moral injury likely being experienced by a great many soldiers. This subject led us to the Heroes To Heroes Foundation, where podcast host Michael Haltman serves as Board Chair. HTH deals with U.S. soldiers suffering moral injury, with Team journeys to Israel a key part of the mission's success. If you would like to reach Father Peter Pomposello his email address is ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. _______________________________________________ Hallmark Abstract Service...You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It! Questions about the podcast, NY title insurance, or the RE transaction process? Let Hallmark Abstract Service know at (646) 741-6101 or at


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Networking 2024...Remember That It's A Contact Sport!

Do You Ever Wonder About The Art Of Networking? Meet Cleon Cox! Networking, for anyone with a career, is a key part of business development! It's how we truly get to know people and, as importantly, all of the people that the person we are speaking with knows. Of course, COVID brought virtual networking to the forefront which at the time was a blessing. Without it, business would have to to a virtual standstill. But, because meeting virtually has become so easy, even post-COVID many people prefer it. It certainly cuts down on travel costs and travel time but, there is no comparison to in-person meetings. Watching and speaking from small squares on a computer screen can never take the place of being face-to-face. We spoke with Cleon Cox, the 'Networking Whisperer', who is a motivational speaker and expert in the fine art of networking. When you walk into a room how do you break into groups of people speaking together that you do not know? How much research should you try and do before you go to an event? Needing to be intentional when choosing the events you will attend. And much more! ___________________________________________________ Interested in visiting a business development group in the New York City area that meets both in-person and virtually? The meetings are on Wednesday mornings from 7-8:30 AM. If you would like to learn more let Do You Ever Wonder host Mike Haltman know at Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: / @doyoueverwonder943 Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. ______________________________________________


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Do You Ever Wonder About Incredible Success In Real Estate Driven By Social Media? Meet Gogo Bethke!

Gogo Bethke...Marketer extraordinaire in a real estate market that's screaming for creativity and innovation! Gogo Bethke came to America in 2008 speaking little to no English, in search of the American dream! In 2011 she fell into becoming a real estate agent, shunning the traditional ways of prospecting for clients that include sending postcards, knocking on doors, and stuffing flyers in mailboxes. Instead, Gogo chose the path of utilizing social media to grow her footprint and reach. Initially not understanding the use of hashtags, she would meet with local real estate experts for coffee and tag everyone involved including the coffee shop. From that standing start, the rest is history as Gogo is the #1 social media marketer in Michigan, #16 in the United States, and was on the Success Magazine Top 125 Most Influential People list last year. With 80,000 Instagram followers, Gogo drives over 1MM+ hits each month, and at EXP Realty she has amassed a Team of more than 1,200 agents nationwide and around the world. She brings incredible value add to her Teammates with Masterminds, Training Events, Gogos Bootcamp, and more. Gogo is driven, ambitious, innovative, analytical, generous with her time and knowledge, and an entrepreneur who keeps her eyes on the prize! For anyone interested in reaching out to Gogo, you can find her on... Instagram: / gogosrealestate LinkedIn: / gogobethke YouTube: / @uce1nwirdhtwskk4ez4gtwbg Website: ___________________________________________________ Please subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder using the two links below, and don't be shy about sharing the links with your friends. Subscribe to Do You Ever Wonder on YouTube here: / @doyoueverwonder943 Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform here: Do you have a great story to tell? Are you interested in appearing as a guest on the Do You Ever Wonder podcast? Let Mike Haltman know at The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman. ______________________________________________
