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How to Drive Profit with Purpose

Business & Economics Podcasts

This is Drive Profit with Purpose. Listen in each week as we talk with successful industry leaders about how to lead a values-based professional services firm.


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This is Drive Profit with Purpose. Listen in each week as we talk with successful industry leaders about how to lead a values-based professional services firm.



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Amplify Purpose: Podcast Titans Spill Secrets on Mission-Driven Success

Join us for an extraordinary episode as we wrap up the incredible How to Drive Profit with Purpose Season 5! This special episode will feature inspiring interviews with some of our most distinguished speakers. Plus, we have an exciting addition as Chris Krimitsos, the conference's founder, joins us to discuss the event's transformational impact. Attending Podfest as a first-time attendee was life-changing - and I couldn't be prouder to be part of such an extraordinary family. This conference brings together like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds, all sharing the goal of spreading inspiring messages. Thanks to Chris's unwavering dedication, we're united under a sense of purpose and belonging - it's like being part of an impressive family! Key takeaways: Podfest is more than just a conference – it's a place where you'll create meaningful connections and be part of a bigger mission. It feels like coming home to family. Your purpose is bigger than your job. Remember your values. As podcasters, we aim to share compelling stories that resonate with our listeners. Fund your project with intention. Only pursue projects that drive profitability and growth. Monetize your podcast. Overcome the fear of traditional business models and intentionally grow your audience through organic and paid methods. Improve your relationships and gain new perspectives by building on what you already have. Embrace the journey, even the challenging parts, and find humor in it all. Mentor to help others. Share your success. Undoubtedly, Podfest is a monumental industry event, and it's no surprise why. Its purposeful and hand-picked selection of speakers and attendees creates a powerful and meaningful community. I'm thrilled to be part of this thriving movement, and I cannot wait to learn and grow alongside some of the brightest minds in the business. Thanks for tuning in throughout the season, and we hope you enjoyed every conversation!


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How to Build a Profitable Podcast Business By Leveraging Your Unique Resources and Strengths

Mark is passionate about supporting independent creators in their quest to grow and monetize podcasts. He knows that breaking into the industry can be difficult without resources or connections, leading him to focus on helping even those who fly under the radar succeed. His efforts have paid off with many of his partners earning top spots - but he's equally proud when smaller voices achieve big profits alongside 80% audience growth. Everyone has something meaningful to contribute and finding a way for it to be heard is critical. Mark realized that trust was the key to success and so he opened up his time - generously giving it away. Consequently, this trust-based brand support enabled them to acquire a great number of users in no time – an incredible accomplishment. Mark highlighted that without perfect alignment between founders, business partnerships never take off. By working together, you can find creative solutions that exceed traditional industry standards while maintaining an understanding of each other's strengths. One mission, one goal: helping people grow meaningful connections with your audience. In startups, it's important to understand the end goal and how it can be achieved. Creating a shared vision is key for success – allowing team members space to create within this framework often brings out the best work. Empowering people by putting trust in them encourages responsibility while providing effective leadership will further nurture that collaboration environment. Having a well-recognized brand leads to rapid financial success. Mark shared the importance of having intentional focus on growth. His unique proposition is that he proactively helps serious podcasters grow their audience, regardless of experience level. This informed his business model: no freemium option because it would attract the wrong people--people who weren't "their" people. He launched a business to gain time and freedom for his family, aiming to craft an enviable lifestyle that centers around quality moments with them. Mark emphasized what every user needs: a personal experience, as well as continued first-line customer support even after acquisition. You have to stay on the front lines to fully understand our customers' needs. When tech support is needed, it's a chance to provide genuine care. Designing a business that meets customer needs with enough human interaction creates an environment of trust and security. Strive to achieve your goal and stay on track, no matter the pressure. Don't let noise from others disrupt you in pursuing what's important.


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Profit with Intentionality: Larry's Story of Using Purpose to Drive Success

A daring leap of faith propelled Larry to follow his dreams and launch a business. Though initially met with uncertainty, he remained determined to make it work. By readjusting goals and shifting focus, Larry achieved an incredible 500% increase in revenue—the result of unwavering dedication that paid off big-time. With a goal in sight and the courage to take on something new, leaving behind the nine-to-five grind is well worth it. Hard work truly pays off. Larry's passion is to empower others in achieving their podcast dreams. He kicks things off with an inspiring conversation, delving into why they want it and how he can help make that happen - from crafting plans & strategies down to writing a 4000 character description for each project. Working together, his goal is to launch them on the path toward success. Being a leader involves being open, communicating clearly and leading by example. Demonstrating purposeful action helps guide the team towards success - when they see their leadership working hard first-hand it encourages them to follow suit. Don't let the lures of substance make you vulnerable.


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Soar to Success with Randy: How Drone-Based Podcasting Will Take You to New Heights in Today's Fast-Paced Market

Taking a step into the unknown, Randy dove headfirst into drone-based podcasting. Little did he know it would quickly lead to success and inspire listeners worldwide! Through cultivating meaningful connections with customers far and wide, his reach grew steadily - leading him straight to the heart of the industry itself. Thanks to one leap of faith seven years ago, opportunities like attending trade shows or appearing in publications such as Drone Life & Irish Tech News flourished for Randy along this journey. He shared how passion can be a powerful motivator, and his message to embrace it with enthusiasm resonated strongly. Along the way he highlighted how essential it is to remain focused on achieving our end goal. By listening intently to customers and turning their feedback into actionable insight, Randy believes that establishing meaningful connections is vital for ongoing success. In the unpredictable world of technology, success relies on having a core mission and staying agile. Adaptability is essential for growth, but keeping your sights set firmly on that original goal ensures you won't stray from what really matters.


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How the Latina Podcaster Rita Bautista Is Driving Real Change Through Profits and Purposeful Storytelling

Get ready to ignite your passion and make a meaningful impact through podcasting! Today, we're excited to have the amazing Latina Podcaster Rita Bautista join us. Rita Bautista is the visionary founder and CEO of Latina Podcasters Network, a unique platform that amplifies Latinx voices in podcast media. Her journey began with her successful 2019 launch - but it's gone far beyond personal success. After recognizing Latinas' need for more representation in this sector, she set out to fill this gap by curating a network providing opportunities for aspiring and established podcasters across US, Mexico & Puerto Rico. She was driven by her heartfelt goal to achieve fairness. Brands soon joined forces with Rita's cause - giving fair compensation to diverse talent whose stories might have remained untold for far too long. She saw the urgent need to recognize unheard voices and dedicated her efforts to making them heard. Come along as I chat with Rita at PodFest and be amazed by her inspirational insights that will help you find direction, clarity, and purpose in life and business! Our discussion was overflowing with valuable insights - here's a rundown of the highlights: Success is within reach for aspiring entrepreneurs who continue to work hard. Latinos have shown a remarkable aptitude for connecting with brands when promoted by someone of their own background. Over three quarters favor authentic voices which provides an incredible opportunity to further empower Latino-led podcast creators and content producers as influential advocates in the industry. Latin podcasters found a lot of joy in working together - helping one another to succeed and grow within the network. In turn, they were able to create an engaging interview experience that went beyond just basic recording. Through mutual support and cross-promotion, these passionate creators showed how much potential can be unleashed when collaboration takes place!. The Latinx market is a powerful economic force - the Latino Listener Report and subsequent reports suggest that US-based Latinos will be injecting around $2 trillion worth of GDP into America's economy. Ad revenue, sponsorships and other forms of investment can all draw upon this wealth to experience lasting success. Despite being community based, the organization is a for profit business. Profit potential and social impact are both considered when ensuring that members of the niche receive market rate or above-market compensation; if their promotion drives consumer buying power, they should be well rewarded. Passion and profit can go hand in hand - don't be scared to put a price tag on the value of your work. As a startup, the waiting can be daunting. But use that time to your advantage! Take this opportunity to lay down solid foundations and cultivate relationships - even if it's not with today's potential client. Setting boundaries will create an environment where you are more likely to succeed in the future.


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How to Maximize Profits While Remaining True to Your Purpose with Brian Schulman

Brian Schulman, founder and CEO of #VoiceYourVibe, is here to discuss how to drive profit with purposeand how that can be the key to success in business. Brian shares his insights on how an ethical approach and commitment to stakeholders can lead to powerful connections and ultimately drive profits. As someone who has overcome personal challenges, Brian also emphasizes the importance of spreading positivity in all aspects of life. Join us as we learn from one of LinkedIn's most successful video creators and a prominent entrepreneur recognized by Forbes. Takeaways: Own your individuality: unlock the potential in being different and make an impactful change. With podcasts, we can offer something truly invaluable to our audience: human connection. Numbers don't matter; meaningful relationships are priceless. Embrace the discomfort of new experiences - extraordinary things will occur. Through meaningful conversations and human connection, we can make each other feel seen, valued and loved. Leadership isn't easy but through positivity & resilience you'll inspire others too – that’s true success. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin; both misconstrued by society. When we 'fall', it's because there's something to be learned on our journey back up.


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From American Idol to Board Games: Uncover Your Purpose to Take Steps Towards Success with William Hung

William is an inspiring reminder of what can be achieved when we dedicate ourselves to a cause that moves us. The most important lesson we will take away is - His enthusiasm and determination are infectious, showing everyone the power of committing oneself fully with passion and authenticity - no matter how long it takes for success to manifest. We all have a unique journey to follow and discover who we are. Our goals may change over time, yet the path remains one of growth and exploration. Our lives are ever-evolving, with new experiences and opportunities propelling us down a limitless path of discovery. Each step forward offers the chance to uncover hidden depths while building toward meaningful goals. Chasing dreams can be a journey full of possibilities. There are no limits when it comes dreaming big - you never know where the road will take you. Creating systems and discipline are crucial if you’re determined to pursue your dreams. We all seek freedom, but having structure in life helps us reach our goals and find purpose along the way. Being authentic is about staying true to who you are and setting goals that both inspire and challenge. The road to success is more complex and complex than many assume. It's quite a roller coaster ride with plenty of highs and lows. But, rather than letting setbacks discourage you, make sure to make the most out of every chance that comes your way - step by step- until things start falling into place. Express your excitement, but show others that you're open to alternate perspectives. Inspire a sense of mutual enthusiasm and provide an inviting atmosphere for everyone's ideas.


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Empower Women and Profit with Podcasting: An Interview with Holly Shannon, the Swiss Army Knife of Entrepreneurship

Holly Shannon is a champion of female empowerment through podcasting and a leader who values mentorship, collaboration, and authentic relationships. She believes in the power of helping others, prioritizing personal growth, and fostering a positive culture of unity and innovation. Key takeaways from Holly's message include the transformative power of podcasting for marginalized voices, the importance of considering the impact of decisions on all parties involved, the value of open-mindedness and empathy in leadership, and the need to foster a positive culture of collaboration and innovation. By embracing these principles, individuals and businesses can achieve success while making a positive impact on the world around them.


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Harness the Power of Connection and Purposeful Action to Drive Success in Business

As humans, we naturally have goals for ourselves, some arbitrary and some that are extremely attainable. Johnny Giangregorio, Founder of Lifey Planners, uses his platform to help others discover and achieve their goals through impactful connection. Shares how one business idea morphed into something of greater potential Highlights self-worth and stepping away from the rat race Identifies the value in connecting with people like you and unlike you Discusses the importance of small shifts over time impacting life’s trajectory


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Can podcasts be profitable?

The podcast industry is growing at rapid rates. Mike Wiston, CEO and Founder of mowMedia, discusses some of the most effective strategies to drive growth, the importance of audience engagement, and his approach as a business leader in getting his hands dirty in all aspects of the business. Monetizing through sponsorships Highlights why early on organic audience growth is more valuable than paid Subtle ways on how to drive growth Determining what you really want from a podcast Understanding and valuing each employee’s contribution as a business leader


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Purpose-First, Profit-Second: How Mark Savant Built a Successful Content Marketing Business

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and achieve greatness? With unwavering ambition and relentless drive, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. But it's not enough to simply dream big – you must take action and embrace your passions with all your heart. Take a page out of Mark's book, a true leader who has forged deep connections with his viewers by tapping into his authentic self and mastering his craft. To follow in Mark's footsteps, start by identifying your own unique strengths and passions. What sets you apart from the crowd? What drives you to succeed? Then, channel that energy into building real, meaningful relationships with your audience or customers. Whether you're a creative entrepreneur or a corporate trailblazer, cultivating a deep understanding of yourself and your audience will help you make a lasting impact. Remember, success is not a straight line – setbacks and failures are a natural part of the journey. But with a clear vision, unwavering commitment, and an unshakeable belief in yourself, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your wildest dreams. So what are you waiting for? Embrace your inner greatness and let the world see what you're capable of! Key takeaways: “Make an impact and receive meaningful feedback!” - There's nothing more rewarding than making a positive impact on others and receiving feedback that your work has made a difference in someone's life. Keep producing meaningful content and connecting with your audience. "Find fulfillment in your career, not just financial success!” - Money can't buy happiness, so find a career path that brings you fulfillment and satisfaction. Focus on doing what you love and making a maximum impact in your field. "Follow your passion and reach for the stars!" - Your passion and love for your work will help you reach new heights. Trust your instincts and follow your heart, and you'll be amazed at the ripple effect of your actions. "Invest in your employees and empower them to succeed!" - Creating a supportive environment for your team is essential for any company to reach its full potential. Give your employees the tools they need to succeed and allow them the freedom to make decisions that lead to success. "Embrace your uniqueness and connect with your audience!" - Instead of trying to be someone else, embrace what makes you unique and bring those qualities into your media production. This will help you create deeper connections with your viewers and build a loyal following.


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Meditation, Motherhood, and Money: How Katie Krimitsos Purposefully Does It All

From the moment she discovered meditation as a young adult, Katie has been obsessed with the power it holds. She's used it as a tool to navigate the many challenges of life, from growing a business to raising children. And with her unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth, there's no doubt that she's making an impact on women worldwide. But how does she manage to do it all? Well, folks, it all comes down to Katie's secret weapon: time blocking. By carefully planning out her day, she's able to stay focused and present in every moment, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. So, get ready to be inspired and energized as we dive into today's episode with Katie Krimitsos. We'll be talking about how she's built a thriving business while empowering women to become their best selves, both inside and outside of work. It's going to be a wild ride, so buckle up and let's go! Remember, you are the pilot of your own journey. Don't worry about the what-ifs and trust your judgment. Every path you choose will be one of its kind, so embrace uncertainty and unlock new potential. Making big decisions can be life-changing, but it takes courage to make them. So take ownership of your business, even if it's messy and uncomfortable. We are all meant to evolve and make decisions that fulfill us, rather than just settling for what comes our way. Unleashing your creativity can be a powerful process, so forget about boundaries or limits and take risks by trying different forms of expression. Sure, not every attempt might hit its mark, but when you create something distinctively yours, that's worth celebrating. Challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, embrace discovery and stay curious. Each experience can bring more excellent knowledge and growth. You have inherent potential, and it's time to realize it! And finally, there's nothing more inspiring than turning your passion into a successful business that benefits many. So, take the leap and make your dreams a reality. The world needs what you have to offer!


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How to Make and Achieve Realistic Business Goals Through Intentionality

Just a few months ago, Glenn Hebert met a goal he had for himself in selling his company, Horse Radio Network. Through marketing activity, a dose of fun, strategic alignments, and a candid approach to being purpose-driven, Glenn was intentional about his returns on investments. Shares the importance of being intentional and purposeful towards the end goal and the process to get there Describes how to make a profit and have fun while doing it Elaborates on why it is important to remember “it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you” Describes the value of connecting to listeners through being honest and genuine Encourages to lean into the belief that everything happens for a reason He describes himself as a “horse husband,” not training or riding horses himself, but instead became a prominent voice in the horse world by owning his lack of knowledge. While his listeners simply get to know him, he passes the reins (pun intended!) to his co-hosts and guests as the experts.


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The Catalyst Conversation: What It Is and Why It Matters

Welcome back to a brand new episode of How to Drive Profit with Purpose. Today, I am unpacking the “catalyst conversation”, a point every agency should start from when embarking on a new project. It helps you to understand a client’s business objectives and where growth will stem from. When you begin here, you are setting every person involved up for success. Here are the key takeaways from the episode: The point of the catalyst conversation is for you to understand a client’s business objectives and where growth will come from The result of the catalyst conversation is an action-oriented roadmap that identifies gaps in your current business that are holding you back from scale and the marketing tactics that drive desired KPIs for your companyThe marketing job to be done must be dictated by your business objective You need a catalyst conversation when You’re looking to grow your business through marketing efforts You’re in the early stages of searching for a marketing partner or a strategy Your business is going somewhere but you don’t know how to get there We work with our clients to outline the gaps between their business growth objectives and their marketing plans to identify tactics that will deliver impact Need to get clear on growth goals, KPIs, core products, buyer personas and strategic initiatives - if you’re not clear on any of those things, you won’t get the results you’re looking for Then, we Review all of the information we have gathered to understand where that company is today and where it is goingOutline a cohesive strategy with tactical plans that understands a buyer’s journeyWe end with a read-out session to synthesize all of those results and outline a high level strategy that specifies tactics to achieve those goals


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Non-profit with Purpose

Speaking to Mike really got me juiced because so much of what he does is a result of his purpose orientation. By combining hard-earned business lessons, battle-tested experience, and a passion to serve others, Mike and DC Central Kitchen are channeling their purpose to make an impact not just in the Greater DC area but throughout the country. Every decision Mike makes has been filtered through his values and weighed for its potential impact. For me, and so many others, he is a perfect example of how business smarts, combined with a conscious purpose, can take nonprofit efforts to much higher levels of impact and change. We’re lucky to have him. On this episode Mike shares: How his own upbringing seeded his purpose of serving others for the greater goodThe importance of thinking deeply about serving others, whether you are a nonprofit or a for-profitHow applying purpose to drive “profit” actually applies to nonprofits Why we need to create lives not just careers by sacrificing “profit” for purposeful benefits and incentives for your workforce


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Part 2: Unlocking the power of human potential, one brownie at a time

What a pleasure it was to sit down with Joseph and dig deeply into such rich and important topics. It is truly inspiring to see the positive impact that Joseph and his team at Greyston is making in their community and the world at large. Every person has value to offer the world, and it is up to us to unlock that potential and invest in their success. When one person succeeds, we all succeed. Every single person has something to contribute to society. When certain groups are prevented from being able to do that, society loses.It is an individual’s responsibility to help another person uncover their potential. There is value inseeing other people as investments and intentionally investing in them, which creates a ripple effect to their community and society at large.Use your purpose as a decision-making tool to incite change.


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Part 1: Unlocking the power of human potential, one brownie at a time

What a pleasure it was to sit down with Joseph and dig deeply into such rich and important topics. It is truly inspiring to see the positive impact that Joseph and his team at Greyston is making in their community and the world at large. Every person has value to offer the world, and it is up to us to unlock that potential and invest in their success. When one person succeeds, we all succeed. Every single person has something to contribute to society. When certain groups are prevented from being able to do that, society loses.It is an individual’s responsibility to help another person uncover their potential. There is value inseeing other people as investments and intentionally investing in them, which creates a ripple effect to their community and society at large.Use your purpose as a decision-making tool to incite change.


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Story: How to Increase Brand Equity

Welcome to another episode of How to Drive Profit with Purpose. On today’s episode, I unpack a case study that demonstrates the powerful impact that marketing can make within a company. After working with Advantages, Eventus Advisory Group was able to increase their brand equity by a significant amount. If you believe in marketing and are willing to make the investment, any company can achieve the same level of success through marketing. You can’t argue with metrics. Here are the key takeaways from the episode: In order to clearly identify what aspect of marketing your company needs help with, you need to first understand what your business objective is.It’s important for professional services firms to increase brand equity as it gives validity to who you are, what you stand for and what you believe in.As a brand, you project yourself in a certain way. Ask yourself: Am I perceived in the same way? If not, then that needs to change.We aimed to increase Eventus Advisory Group’s web visitorship, engagement and website session duration.We began by looking at what they had. We unified their brand book from a verbal and visual perspective, from their color palette to their 3 Keys to their photos.We ensured that they had an aligned Three Keys on their website that reflected their brand and services that would resonate with potential buyers.Seeing this information listed clearly on Eventus’ website inspired these potential buyers to read more, listen more, and begin to care, which eventually led them to consider Eventus as an option.The results? We increased brand equity by 22%, web visitors by 60%, engagement by 77% and session duration by 40%.


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Buzzing with Purpose

It's incredible to realize how much thought, purpose and planning go into putting what most of us think of as a very simple product –honey– on our tables. I absolutely love how Alex and Upendo shatter the misconception that businesses produce profits and nonprofits produce impact. Upendo is doubling revenue every year and expanding impact through poverty alleviation and support for organic bee farming all fueled by consumer demands for quality product and the desire to play a part in their purposeful story. It´s the market pulling the growth as opposed to a policy being pushed on the market. How sweet is that? Discusses the importance of purposeful planningExplains that there are several avenues to impact (many Hows to achieve your Why)Describes how a purposeful culture drives a passionate workforceShares the importance of clarifying your values and modeling them for your teamsHighlights the importance of knowing your customer


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Unlock Your Marketing ROI

Thank you for joining me on another solocast episode! Today I am here to talk all about the Unlock/Infuse process. Whether your business is in the start up stage, the brand stage, or the re brand stage, there is something here for everyone to take away from. So, what does it mean to take a marketing hypothesis and unlock it? When you marry your business values with your customer insights and stakeholder interviews, you will start to understand what you customers stand for Marketing can either drive brand equity and authority, or it leads into the funnelUnderstanding what your business goals are will dictate which we’re focusing on and what we’re testing forIt’s important that we attract the right people into the funnel; the goal is to attract and repel at the same time Once we have determined the type of ideal client and the right product that serves your client, we can test the messaging that will attract them to you This process can take between 4 - 6 monthsThis is the phase where we go from investment to return on investment Now, you can start to move the needle and begin to predict ROI Marketing is a long game, so make sure that you have the appreciation, patience and understanding to get there. If you are disciplined and dedicated enough, you will get there
