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Eavesdrop on Us

Business & Economics Podcasts

The honest business podcast YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE! We talk about what it's really like to be in business: the good, the frustrating, the "am I the only one going through this?!" kind of topics. You're in the right place if you're looking for less "how to's" and more real conversations about what you're going through as an entrepreneur. Come eavesdrop on our conversations-it'll be like joining us at the kitchen table after working a full day in your business.


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The honest business podcast YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE! We talk about what it's really like to be in business: the good, the frustrating, the "am I the only one going through this?!" kind of topics. You're in the right place if you're looking for less "how to's" and more real conversations about what you're going through as an entrepreneur. Come eavesdrop on our conversations-it'll be like joining us at the kitchen table after working a full day in your business.



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Bonus Summer Series

We're busy soaking up summer here in New England, so tune in for some bonus episodes of us speaking on other people's podcasts about building a team, scaling your business, and more!


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The Most Overlooked, Free Way to Find More Clients

Looking for ways to attract more clients? Then you have to tune in for this bonus LinkedIn Audio Event featuring PR expert, Christina Nicholson, of Media Maven! In it, Jessica interviews Christina about the most overlooked and free way to find more clients. Christina is one of the most generous content creators we know, so be sure to connect with her here on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinaallday/


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Uncovering hidden savings in your business

We see so many business owners run themselves ragged trying to bring in more revenue and almost always new revenue, too. But have you examined who your business is “donating” to… a.k.a. those pesky subscriptions that you’re paying each month and aren’t using? In January, we did an inventory of all the potential “extras” we had been paying for on a monthly basis. We trimmed the fat, saving well over $2k per month by just hitting the cancel button on these subscriptions we don’t use! That’s $24k per year back in our pocket without the stress of figuring out how we’re going to cover those expenses. In this week's episode, we share... how you can do an inventory and decide which subscriptions to cut, how much you can save and how it will remove that frenetic energy of feeling like you need more sales to cover your expenses


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Employee or subcontractor: who should you hire?

You're looking to grow your team! But who do you bring on? An employee? A subcontractor? Which makes the most sense for you and your business? These are the questions we bring to the table for this week's episode. Takeaways: Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot An Expound Media Group Production


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Why do I feel guilty that I'm not working hard enough?

If you've found yourself feeling guilty for taking time off, ending the day early, or that you haven't earned ease in your life and business because you haven't "worked hard enough," this episode is for you! We talk about the guilt that can come from taking downtime and the importance of reframing that guilt. Takeaways Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot An Expound Media Group Production


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How to actually take your business to the next level

"Take your business to the next level" We hear this all the time, but what does it really mean? How do you actually do it? Well, it's not just about more sales and more marketing. In this week's episode, we explore the mystery surrounding the concept of getting to the next level and discuss the resistance that business owners often face. Takeaways Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot An Expound Media Group Production


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Why building a team is so hard (and what to do about it)

This week, we bring a topic any growing business owner is thinking about to the table: building a team! We talk about why it's so hard to hire and delegate when bringing on a team member (and what you can do about it!) Key takeaways from this episode: Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot An Expound Media Group Production


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Fatal business mistakes to avoid in 2024

This week we talk about how a local business closed and the obvious and fatal mistake they made that likely led to this closure. Takeaways: Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot


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The Stanley Tumbler Craze (and the revenue lesson it will teach you)

In this episode, we're talkin' about the the Stanley Tumbler craze that has taken over social media! Before you dismiss it as another "dumb social media craze," there are some crucial revenue lessons you can apply to your business (even if you don't have a product or want to go viral on social media). Takeaways Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot


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You’re Playing It Safe In Your Business

You, yes you! Here’s your business wake up call. It’s not the warm and fuzzy 2024 “New Year's Resolutions” or goal setting conversation you were hoping for, but it’s the conversation you need, especially if you have big goals for 2024 and beyond. In this episode, we go through all the ways you’re playing it safe in your business (some might surprise you), and how to turn that around. Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Subito Media production


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What it takes to make it through a tough economy

We can guarantee you’re feeling the strain of the economy in your business. Instead of feeling like there’s nothing you can do about, we break down 5 practical things that you can do to not only shelter your business but to also prosper in the next year. Think of this episode like your tough economy survival guide! Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Subito Media production


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What every business owner wishes they could skip

If your sales and marketing aren’t getting you the results you want, it’s probably because you skipped or quickly brushed over a crucial step. And it’s the step that makes almost every entrepreneur want to roll their eyes and throw their computer out the window: the business 101 stuff. You know, your ideal client, the problem you solve, your offer… While it’s the least exciting part of business, it’s the stuff that, no matter how advanced and successful you are, you gotta have the answers to. Avoid the resistance, get clear on those business fundamentals, and watch your sales and marketing become easier (and more fun!). Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Subito Media production


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Business Advice That Won't Break The Bank

If you're determined to take your business to that next level, but you're not quite sure where to start, this episode is for you. In this week’s episode, we’re ditching the ‘tactical advice.’ Instead, each of us is talking about 2 actionable and game-changing steps we've been implementing that are totally doable, and they won't cost you a single penny. Yeah, you heard that right! No need to shell out big bucks or drain your savings. This isn't some distant dream. We're talking about actionable strategies that are within your reach. Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Subito Media production


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The biggest business regrets (these might surprise you)

Wanna know what the biggest business regrets are? You’d think it’s about making more money or having a super successful business. Nope! When business owners come to us feeling frazzled, stuck, and uninspired, they secretly reveal how they’re really feeling: frustration about working too hard and not being there for loved ones; not having more fun and enjoying the ride; holding back ideas out of fear of rejection, failure, etc. So imagine our surprise when we listened to Bronnie Ware, a former hospice nurse, share the top 5 regrets of the dying, and realize that they are basically the same things we hear from entrepreneurs all the time. This week, we use Bronnie Ware’s “Top 5 Regrets of the Dying” as a springboard into a necessary conversation for any entrepreneur feeling burnt out, tired, and stuck. Don’t worry: we don’t make this too morbid. We offer some very specific steps entrepreneurs can take to avoid these regrets entirely. For more information on Bronnie Ware and her bestselling memoir, head over to https://bronnieware.com/regrets-of-the-dying/ Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Subito Media production


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The trap of always wanting more clients and customers

In challenging economic times, it’s easy for any business owner to do whatever they need to do to bring in more money. That includes discounting, offering anything that will make them money, lowering pricing, and so on… But IS this the best decision for the longevity of your business? Even if it feels good at the moment? This week, we use Delta Airlines’ surprising overhaul to their SkyMiles loyalty program as a case study (spoiler: people aren’t happy). And while we don’t know all the reasons why Delta made these changes, there are some super valuable lessons for us small business owners to takeaway: For more information on what Delta is doing, check out this article: https://thepointsguy.com/news/delta-skymiles-changes/ Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Subito Media production


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When Saying Goodbye Sucks

Having heartache because you’ve reached the end of the road with a coach/mentor, vendor, subcontractor, or employee in your business? You’re not alone! It’s difficult for many to say a “loving goodbye” in business. And as business advisors, we’ve witnessed many entrepreneurs add “drama” to what was otherwise a great working relationship. That’s why we’re bringing this topic to the table, Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Podcast Launch Bestie production


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Growing To Your Next Level

If you’ve been in business a few years, have had a lot of success, are skilled in your craft and have helped lots and lots of clients and customers… There’s a high chance things have stalled out. You’ve simply outgrown your current level and the signs to go for the level you know deep down you’re meant to are flashing all around you. So what do you do to get there? That’s what we dig into in this week’s episode… Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Podcast Launch Bestie production


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Boredom in Business

Feeling like you’ve lost that excitement you used to have for your business when you first started? Like the creativity, energy, and motivation just isn’t there? And you’re just…bored? Well, it’s more common than you think. And since it’s not a widely discussed topic in business, we’re bringing it to the table for this week’s episode! We talk about… good Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Podcast Launch Bestie production


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Why it’s so hard for many entrepreneurs to take time off from their business

Have trouble taking time off from your business? Well, you’re not alone. A lot of entrepreneurs do. Today, we’re not gonna tell you you have to take time off (you already know you should). Instead, we’re digging into *why* it's so challenging to take time off. And we’ve got some thoughts, like… Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Podcast Launch Bestie production


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So you made a “bad” business decision…now what?

We’re talkin’ “bad” business decisions in this episode. You know, the ones where you hired someone to help you with your business, you said yes to investing in something to grow your business, or you hired an employee… …and it just didn’t work out? So you then beat the crap out of yourself for making that decision? Yeah, those decisions! Well, we’ve got some thoughts ‘em, like… *Important Disclaimer: in this episode, we’re not referring to business-related decisions that negatively or significantly affect your overall financial, physical, or emotional well-being. Head over to iwannacollaborate.com and let us know what you took away from this conversation. Music credit: The Funkster by Sweet Spot A Podcast Launch Bestie production
