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Friends from Wild Places

Business & Economics Podcasts

Business Owner Professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world come to speak to me and tell me why they do what they do and their vision. I feature a Non-profit Org to spread awareness. I share bookkeeping tips and stories from my life as a business owner. Inspiring other business owners by showing the wild hearts of entrepreneurs and how they cannot be tamed. And just to chat, laugh, and enjoy one another. Shireen approaches business and life, in general, through the lens of wanting to multiply the light in the world. Whether client, colleague, or friend, she has a special understanding of people. Separate from bookkeeping, her Friends From Wild Places podcast serves as a platform for connection where business owners can share their work and life experiences and even their wild hearts and passions in a safe space. The podcast also allows entrepreneurs to share about nonprofits that have special meaning for them.


South Africa


Business Owner Professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world come to speak to me and tell me why they do what they do and their vision. I feature a Non-profit Org to spread awareness. I share bookkeeping tips and stories from my life as a business owner. Inspiring other business owners by showing the wild hearts of entrepreneurs and how they cannot be tamed. And just to chat, laugh, and enjoy one another. Shireen approaches business and life, in general, through the lens of wanting to multiply the light in the world. Whether client, colleague, or friend, she has a special understanding of people. Separate from bookkeeping, her Friends From Wild Places podcast serves as a platform for connection where business owners can share their work and life experiences and even their wild hearts and passions in a safe space. The podcast also allows entrepreneurs to share about nonprofits that have special meaning for them.



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Unearthing the Secrets of Lasting Change with Brian

Join me, Shireen Botha, in a captivating encounter with Brian, a man whose journey has sculpted him into a luminary of personal transformation and leadership. Our heartfelt discussion peels back the layers of his Enlightened Evolution program, revealing the profound metamorphosis it ignites within leaders and go-getters. It's not just about change; it's about lasting impact, and Brian generously unpacks the intricacies of his tailored sessions that promise to revolutionize not only your mindset but your heart and actions as well. If you've ever felt the stirring of something more, something deeper within you, then Brian's insights on nurturing the human spirit through his work with non-profits and transformative retreats are the signposts to a path less traveled, but rich with purpose. Brian G. Bachand Email: LinkedIn: Ever wondered about the delicate waltz between spirituality and traditional religious structures? Our conversation takes a turn into the deeply personal as Brian shares his own evolution from priesthood to a more expansive spiritual existence. We weave through memories and stories, from extinguishing fires in mid-air to unexpected python encounters, each a thread in the rich tapestry of life's experiences that shape us. And as we ponder the impermanence of life, we're reminded of the true legacy we leave behind - not of material, but of the indelible mark we make on the world. So if you're ready to explore the intersection of professional success and spiritual enlightenment, this episode will not only engage but also inspire you to take the next step on your unique journey. Join us as we support Acces Employment this month! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Redefining Success Trading Robes for Resilience and Reinvention

When the walls of tradition and expectation no longer resonate with the song in your heart, where do you find the courage to change the tune? I, Shireen Botha, had the honor of speaking with a former priest whose story is a striking symphony of such courage, exploring his decision to trade the pulpit for a personal path of fulfillment. His narrative, steeped in introspection and grace, unveils the intricate dance of honoring sacred commitments while chasing the whisper of happiness. Therapy, writing to the Pope, and the surprising support from a Cardinal – his transition is rich with lessons that echo beyond the ecclesiastical domain. Brian G. Bachand Email: LinkedIn: Steering the conversation from spiritual robes to corporate suits, we trace Brian's remarkable passage from priesthood to pioneering his company, Evolution Evolution, a beacon guiding leaders through the murky waters of personal and professional transformation. On the cusp of launching his dream, the pandemic tested his resolve, yet Brian's tale is one of resilience, innovation, and the audacity to merge the realms of spirituality and executive growth. As if choreographed by destiny, another guest shares the stirring account of a financial investor turned French chef, painting a vivid portrait of following one's passion into the world of luxury hospitality. Together, these stories weave a powerful narrative of life's transitions, the courage to embrace them, and the beauty of redefining success on one's own terms. Join us as we support Acces Employment this month! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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From Clerical Collars to Corporate Clout

As we wade through the complexities of professional and personal evolution, Tanya Scotece and I encounter the intriguing crossroads where passion meets purpose. Our latest conversation on Friends from Wild Places is a tapestry of insights, starting with the often-overlooked necessity of separating your business and personal finances for a myriad of benefits. But we don't stop at practical advice; Tanya leads us into the fascinating incorporation of AI within the funeral industry, reshaping how we memorialize loved ones. Brian G. Bachand Email: LinkedIn: The heartbeat of this episode, however, is the incredible journey of Brian G. Bachand, our guest who traded his vestments for the boardroom. Brian's candid recounting of his time as a priest during the harrowing period of the Catholic Church scandal is a sobering reminder of the deep impact institutional breaches of trust can have. We navigate these turbulent waters, acknowledging the Church's steps towards healing under Cardinal Sean O'Malley, while considering the broader societal implications of such revelations. Brian's personal saga of self-discovery and authenticity, leaving the priesthood to fulfill his true potential, serves as a beacon for anyone wrestling between the allure of comfort and the call of their true vocation. Join us as we support Acces Employment this month! Our episode concludes with a reflection on the essence of taking risks for the sake of personal fulfillment. I share a moment of revelation in Rome, where the glittering prospects of a clerical career could not outshine the profound need for personal authenticity. Brian's courageous choice to leave a prestigious path for a therapist's couch, and eventually a new life, demonstrates the transcendental power of living true to oneself. Join us for a journey of heartfelt revelations and the pursuit of passion that defines an authentic life on Friends from Wild Places. Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Special Edition: Mending Hearts and Cultivating Self

When the fabric of love begins to fray, some choose to sever ties while others stitch the bond back together. Join me in a heartfelt journey through the terrain of human relationships, where I share insights on cultural expressions of love, the dynamics of codependency and narcissism, and the often unspoken truths about infidelity and jealousy. In a world where addictions are as diverse as they are destructive, we'll uncover how they shape our connections with those we hold dear. Tanya Scotece Email: LinkedIn: a single mother who found her power through education at 35, the transformation into self-reliance is a story I hold close. We explore the art of sculpting the self through self-love and independence, employing strategies like therapy and meditation. These tools aren't just for those seeking peace; they're stepping stones for anyone on the path to personal fulfillment, aiming to inspire you to nurture your well-being and grow from within. Shireen Botha Email: LinkedIn: Spirituality doesn't have to be confined to organized religion, and the teachings of figures like Jesus Christ can bring richness to our lives. Together, we discuss the serenity that meditation offers, advocate for self-care as a daily practice, and remind you to cherish life's little joys—whether that's fresh flowers or the comfort of a pet like Rolo, who joins us after her recent recovery. We welcome you to connect with us and other listeners, sharing your own stories and strategies that have guided you through life's hurdles. Your voice is an integral part of this conversation, and we can't wait to hear it. Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Special Edition: Finding Voice and Vision in the Thicket of the Past

Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders, only to discover that the burden was a story from your past, desperately needing to be told? Our chat takes us through the profound journey of healing, unraveling the tangled threads of childhood that shaped her adult life. This month on Friends from Wild Places, we share an intimate conversation with a woman who, on the cusp of her 40s, is bravely confronting the silence that once defined her. Her narrative, rich with vulnerability, sheds light on the unspoken struggles many carry and the transformative power of self-discovery. Tanya Scotece Email: LinkedIn: Botha Email: LinkedIn: Join us, as we wade through the emotional landscape of our lives, reflecting on the pivotal role of therapy in lifting the veil on the long-suppressed memories. Recounting the pivotal moments that brought clarity to years of self-doubt and protective behaviors, offering insights that resonate with anyone who has ever felt unheard or alone. This episode is a heartfelt testament to the idea that it's never too late to face your past and embrace the journey toward healing and wholeness. Listen in for an unforgettable exchange that promises to touch your heart and inspire your spirit. Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Special Edition: Bridging Worlds Through Conversation

As the warm breeze of KwaZulu-Natal brushes against my skin, I, Shireen, team up with Tanya, soaking in the Miami sun, to unravel the colorful threads of cultural communication that connect us all. Our laughter echoes through stories of seasonal contrasts and the amusing confusions that spring from using different units of measure. We're diving into a conversation that's as much about the climates we cherish as it is about the disparities and privileges that shape our lives. Imagine navigating a world where Celsius meets Fahrenheit, and personal histories blend into a shared narrative on how we perceive and engage with the world around us. Tanya Scotece Email: LinkedIn: Botha Email: LinkedIn: This exchange blossoms into a profound discussion about the art of conversation and the way it's sculpted by our upbringing and the digital age's ever-changing communication platforms. From the subtleties of WhatsApp etiquette to the deeper implications of family dynamics on dialogue, we're peeling back layers to reveal the core of human interaction. We also confront the roots of our reactions, examining how core beliefs and personal triggers can color our professional exchanges. Join us, as we offer not just reflections but strategies, for fostering personal growth and navigating the delicate dance of conversation in both our personal and professional lives. Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Harvesting Wisdom from Life's Unpredictable Paths

As we navigate the complexities of hunger and humanitarian work, SA Harvest stands out as a beacon of hope. Their innovative approach to rescuing food waste and feeding the hungry is nothing short of inspiring, and today, we delve into just how a modest act of giving can ripple out into a sea of nourished lives. Shireen and Scott offer a personal take on the odyssey of self-discovery, sharing the wisdom they'd impart to their younger selves. Tanya's call to carve your own path, uninhibited by the opinions of others, pairs with Scott's belief in the lasting impact of every relationship you cultivate. Their stories are a testament to the power of individual action and the magic of connection. Scott Cundill Email: LinkedIn: Transitioning careers can be an Everest of its own, yet it's a climb that can reveal vistas of unexpected opportunity and personal revival. My own pivot from the airline industry to entrepreneurship post-retrenchment is a tale of taking chances in the face of uncertainty. It's about finding purpose when the ground beneath you seems to crumble. Similarly, we hear from my Airbnb host in Aruba, whose resilience in the face of political chaos exemplifies our incredible capacity to start anew. We wrap up with a reminder that we're all part of this wild journey together, inviting listeners to join our network and share in our continued exploration of life's twists and turns, remembering always to nurture the wild within us. Join us as we support SA Harvest this month! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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The Chrome Extension Transforming How We Network Online

Escape the endless scroll of LinkedIn and discover a sanctuary for genuine professional connections with My Most Trusted Network (MMT). Our special guest peels back the curtain on this innovative platform, where you can transform your LinkedIn network into an intimate circle of trust. As we unravel the Chrome extension that simplifies networking, we also reveal MMT's future plans to integrate with virtual meeting platforms for seamless live introductions. Tune in to learn how to construct your MMT profile with precision, ensuring every connection counts in your quest for networking nirvana. Scott Cundill Email: LinkedIn: In today's digital world, where authenticity can be as rare as a heartfelt handshake, this episode tackles the tough questions around the authenticity of content and interactions online. We zero in on the blight of bots and misinformation that cloud our digital experiences, particularly during defining moments in history. Our guest illuminates how MMT offers a beacon of authenticity in this fog, fostering a space for ad-free, genuine professional engagement. Listen as we explore the eureka moment behind MMT and embrace the mission to keep the human element alive in a world where digital interaction has become the norm. Join us as we support SA Harvest this month! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Unveiling the Truth Behind Fame and Criminal Fascination

Join the riveting conversation as we host Scott Cundill, the South African tech entrepreneur whose expertise in CRM and marketing is only matched by his remarkable achievements in freediving and Kung Fu. With Scott's wealth of experience in business networking and his dual life as an engaging author and speaker, we traverse a landscape of high-stakes human stories and complex ethical questions. The discussion takes an unexpected turn when we delve into the controversial case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, whose post-prison social media fame poses challenging questions about our collective fascination with notoriety and the shifting sands of public perception. Scott Cundill Email: LinkedIn: Our dialogue further intensifies as we examine the dangerous allure of celebrating criminal figures, questioning the moral implications of such reverence. With Tanya's background in criminal forensics and medical legal death investigation, we dissect the psychological intricacies and ethical dilemmas inherent in cases like Munchausen by proxy, while Scott offers a thought-provoking perspective on the societal obsession with wealth and power. The episode culminates by championing the undeniable impact of authenticity in building a thriving referral-based business community, presenting a compelling case for genuine connections as the cornerstone of professional success. Tune in to "Friends from Wild Places" with Shireen and Tanya for these engaging insights and more. Join us as we support SA Harvest this month! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Conquering Personal Limitations and Elevating Injured Warriors

Have you ever felt like an imposter in your own success story, grappling with self-doubt despite your achievements? You're not alone, and just when it seems insurmountable, this very syndrome can morph into an unexpected catalyst for growth. Join me, Shireen Botha, and a dynamic panel of business professionals as we unravel the complexities of imposter syndrome and share personal anecdotes that illuminate the power of acknowledging our strengths and outsourcing our weaknesses. My own tango with bookkeeping taught me the invaluable lesson of keeping a vigilant eye on every aspect of business, a wisdom nugget I'm eager to pass on. Carlos Vazquez Email: Tel:LinkedIn: Venturing into more heartfelt territory, we pay homage to the Wounded Warrior Project, an organization that holds a dear place in our hearts. The emotional and physical sacrifices made by injured veterans touch us deeply, and we discuss how support transcends financial aid, encompassing volunteering and raising awareness. With a gentle pivot, our conversation lightens up as we reveal the dreams and aspirations topping our bucket lists for 2024. Whether it's mastering a physical challenge or fostering entrepreneurial success, we're all about setting ambitious goals and reaching for the stars. So, stay wild and keep tuning in weekly to our show, “Friends from Wild Places,” where we tackle the exhilarating journey of business and personal growth. And with a heartfelt 'Dale,' we promise to meet again on the wild paths of life and ambition. Support Wounded Warrior Project Today! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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The Art of War and Web Carlos's Journey to Marketing Mastery

Join us as we unravel the remarkable journey of Carlos, a Marine Corps veteran whose mastery in tech and digital marketing has crafted him into nothing short of a web wizard. In today’s conversation, we delve into Carlos's transformation, from defending the country to defending client success in the digital arena. His story takes a twist with a notorious series of prank calls to political heavyweights, proving that sometimes, a bold move can ripple into a tsunami of opportunity. Carlos's knack for capturing attention doesn't stop at pranks; it's clear in the way he captures leads and builds online empires for high-stakes clients. Carlos Vazquez Email: Tel:LinkedIn: In a world where marketing automation can feel as cold as a robot handshake, Carlos infuses his military precision into his company, Miami Marketer, setting a new bar for personalization and impact. As we dissect the strategies that power high ticket service experts past critical sales milestones, we also step into the dojo with Carlos. His passion for martial arts is not just about discipline—it's about maintaining a healthy, youthful vigor that keeps the mind sharp and the ideas fresh. Carlos proves that the strength of body and business go hand in hand, offering a blueprint for success that transcends the boardroom. Support Wounded Warrior Project Today! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Navigating Connections and Careers with a Veteran's Vision

In this episode of Friends from Wild Places, Carlos, alongside Professor Tanya Scotece and myself, Shireen Botha, delve into the core of professional growth: the art of establishing profound connections and the crucial role of savvy bookkeeping in understanding financial standing. His journey from the military to marketing brilliance is nothing short of inspiring, proving that discipline and a flair for technology can fuel personal and professional triumphs. Carlos Vazquez Email: Tel:LinkedIn: Have you ever considered how military precision can revamp the world of sales and marketing automation? Carlos shares how the skills he honed as a Staff Sergeant seamlessly transitioned into his civilian career, illustrating the unexpected advantages that come with being adept in both fields. We also dissect the frustration that comes from a lack of automation, a sentiment familiar to many in our tech-centric lives, and explore Carlos's adage on marrying military discipline with the power of technological advances to simplify daily tasks. Support Wounded Warrior Project Today! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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The Courage to Evolve: Insights from a TV Star's Journey to Health and Knowledge

Embark on a final transformative odyssey with us as we sit down with Ricky, whose riveting pivot from television fame to authorship and consultancy unveils the vital interplay between learning and action. Ricky's tales of surmounting life's peaks and valleys illuminate the importance of nurturing a growth mindset; he masterfully demystifies the danger of knowledge stagnation without the courage to step forward. As we dissect these poignant experiences, our discourse serves as a beacon for those yearning to shatter the shackles of comfort zones and the perpetual cycle of over-preparation, guiding you towards the empowering harmony of education and initiative. Ricky Powell Email: Tel:LinkedIn:, a narrative unfurls into a heartfelt exploration of veganism, a journey catalyzed by eye-opening literature and documentaries that reveal the far-reaching benefits of a plant-based existence. As we weave through this tapestry of health, ethics, and ecological awareness, Ricky and Tanya join the conversation with their fresh takes on the New Year's resolutions craze. They advocate for meaningful, intentional living beyond the confines of a calendar date, prompting a reevaluation of our daily pursuits of excellence. Tune in and let our stories resonate within, potentially sparking the embers of transformation waiting to ignite within your own life's journey. Support Mercy For Animals Today! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Life Beyond the Limelight: Strategies for Personal Growth and Productivity

Have you ever wondered what the transition from child actor to production maestro feels like? Join me and special guest Ricky Powell as we explore the highs and lows of life in entertainment. This episode peels back the curtain on the emotional rollercoaster that acting can be, from the joy of performance to the often-unseen battles with issues like body dysmorphia. Drawing inspiration from Matthew Perry's memoir, we dive into the importance of vulnerability and support systems in an industry that does not pause for introspection. We also investigate the enigmatic world of fanatology, discussing fame's dual-edged sword that cuts between public desire and private yearning for anonymity. Ricky Powell Email: Tel:LinkedIn: Pivoting from the stage lights to the final curtain, we contemplate the profound influence of death on how we live. Working in death care, as Tanya shares, can shape a deep appreciation for the present and remind us that mortality is the great equalizer. On a lighter note, who doesn't battle the beast of procrastination? We share actionable strategies that promise to pry you from the clutches of delay, highlighting time blocking and the Five Second Rule as tools to help you seize the reins of your life. Whether you're a dreamer on the brink of action or a seasoned pro looking for a nudge toward efficiency, this episode is a trove of personal reflections and insights that inspire a commitment to more intentional living. Support Mercy For Animals Today! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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From Child Actor to NLP Maestro and Explorations in the Paranormal

Have you ever pondered the thin veil between entertainment and personal transformation? That's exactly what we unpack with Ricky Powell, a former child actor who evolved into a beacon of self-improvement and executive coaching. Ricky's riveting stories transport us from the bewitching sets of old Hollywood to the transformative power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). His insights on wielding NLP as a tool for positive change, rather than manipulation, will leave you considering the profound impact that mindset and influence can have on our lives. Ricky Powell Email: Tel:LinkedIn: As we transition from nostalgia to the unknown, our conversation takes an eerie turn. Inspired by conversations with an exorcist and a former witch, my co-host Tanya and I, Shireen, delve into the murky waters of paranormal beliefs. Tanya reveals her own supernatural experiences, broadened through her unique perspective in death care and world religions. Ricky chimes in, acknowledging the palpable presence of good and evil forces that permeate our world. This episode promises to stretch your thoughts beyond the ordinary, sparking a curiosity that will ignite conversations and introspection on both the supernatural and the paths we walk in our personal journeys. Support Mercy For Animals Today! Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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A Celebration of Women, Entrepreneurship, and Holidays

Ever ponder about the factors that shape our interests, abilities, and life paths? We sure did! Join us for a fascinating discussion with our guest, Colleen, as we explore the significance of individual choices, our upbringing, and societal expectations. We delve into personal stories and observations, shedding light on the impact of these elements on our passions and pursuits. Encouraging self-reflection and empathy, we also put the spotlight on a worthy cause - the non-profit organization 'Live and Learn', which dedicates itself to empowering women mired in generational poverty through education and opportunities. Support Live & Learn Today! But that's not all! As we sail through the waves of profound discussions, we dock at the island of entrepreneurship. With Colleen at the helm, we navigate through her journey of helping women step into the spotlight, generate more income, and build a supportive network. Colleen, a beacon of inspiration, shares insights from her book and introduces us to her community, 'The Leap'. As the island of entrepreneurship fades into the horizon, we find ourselves amidst the warm glow of the holiday season. We end our voyage with delight, sharing our beloved Christmas traditions and activities. Connect with Colleen through her website and social media, and join us in celebrating her passion and encouragement for women. Colleen Biggs Website: Tel:LinkedIn: us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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The Role of Resilience in Entrepreneurship: Colleen's Inspiring Story

Have you ever wondered how some people turn their dire circumstances into stepping stones to success? Today, we're inviting you into the life of our guest, Colleen - a testament to the power of resilience and determination. From a financially struggling home to the high rises of corporate America, her journey is a wild ride, filled with adversity but also hope. As a single mother on the brink of homelessness, Colleen worked tirelessly, her relentless pursuit of financial independence triggering a transformation that led her to a prosperous career and ultimately, entrepreneurship. Colleen Biggs Website: Tel:LinkedIn: This episode also brings to the forefront the critical role that financial literacy plays in women's entrepreneurial journeys. Our dialogue with Colleen enlightens us on how a clear understanding of one's financial numbers can be a game changer. She shares her experiences of working with women entrepreneurs and unveils strategies to overcome the common issue of undervaluing services and leaving money on the table. It's an enlightening exploration of how financial literacy can fuel business growth and stability. In our final segment, we delve into the realm of self-sabotage and how it often acts as a roadblock to success. Reflecting on our own experiences with self-doubt and fear, we realize the power of our minds and the enormous influence of the company we keep. We explore how constructive adjustments in our environment and our thought process can empower us to overcome fears and achieve our goals. Buckle up for an enriching discussion packed with real-life experiences, strategies, and advice that could potentially transform your life. Support Live & Learn Today Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Leaping Towards Success: Insights & Strategies from Colleen Biggs, a Seasoned Business Strategist

Do you ever wonder how successful women entrepreneurs, like Colleen Biggs, owner of B You B Strong, stay motivated and keep pushing forward? Join us on "Friends from Wild Places" as we delve into the journey of this seasoned business strategist and her techniques for expanding influence, building her networks, and maintaining personal growth. In this riveting episode, Colleen generously shares her experiences and insights, highlighting the impact of daily affirmations and motivational videos on her journey to business success. Get an insider's look into the psyche of a driven business professional, and discover the power of leaping towards your own success. Colleen Biggs Website: Tel:LinkedIn: This episode is not only a dive into entrepreneurship but also an exploration of leadership and the significant role that continuous learning plays. We uncover our personal experiences highlighting the underappreciated virtues of humility and respect, along with the importance of adopting a growth mindset, irrespective of one's social standing. Support Live & Learn Today As the holiday season approaches, we gift you practical advice on time management for entrepreneurs, sharing our strategies for planning and scheduling time off, and staying organized amidst the holiday chaos. Tune in as we discuss the joy of a family-filled Christmas and the critical balance between work and personal life. Don't miss out on this enriching episode, filled with inspiring stories and practical advice. Send us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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Redefining Success: A Woman Entrepreneur's Perspective

Ever find yourself overwhelmed by clutter, not only in your physical space but also in your life aspirations? Journey with us and our esteemed guest, Zeenat, as we uncover the transformative power of a simplified life and a well-defined vision. We tackle the significant topic of supporting women's causes, highlighting the phenomenal work of the Women's Fund of Miami-Dade and their efforts in promoting women’s leadership, health equity, freedom from violence, and elevated economic stability for women and their families. Discover how I, as a woman entrepreneur, learned to stay true to my values while building a successful business. Zeenat Siman Website: We then leap into an engaging discussion about the magic of organizing strategies for not just our homes, but our lives too. Zeenat shares profound insights on how to manage sentimental attachments, and the role of vision boards and personality profiles in creating an orderly, efficient life. We also chat about keeping the balance between self-care, family and business, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in the journey. As we wrap things up, we'll guide you on how to link up with us online - connecting with our tribe in the wild and wonderful digital space. This episode promises to inspire, challenge, and offer practical tips and strategies to empower you to embrace a richer, wilder life. Women's Fund of Miami-Dade Support Women's Fund TodaySend us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!


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From Hoarding to Harmony: Zeenat's Journey to an Organized Life

Ready to elevate your organization game with clever, actionable strategies? Our guest Zeenat illuminates the concept of habit stacking, a method that transforms everyday routines into opportunities for enhancing organization. She offers relatable examples, such as unloading the dishwasher while brewing your morning coffee or tidying clothes as you put laundry away. You'll learn about 'invisible barriers,' a metaphorical shield that prevents clutter from invading your space. Let's also unravel the secret to combating the 'Sunday scaries' with strategic planning. Zeenat Siman Website: We also step into the intricate dynamics of delegation and business ownership. Discover how designing a structured environment that aligns with your lifestyle can drastically improve your productivity. Whether you're navigating life transitions, grappling with hoarding tendencies, or simply seeking a more organized life, Zeenat's insights are bound to enlighten. Lastly, we touch upon the crucial aspect of self-care in the midst of managing a busy schedule. Tune in for a blend of practical advice and heartwarming anecdotes. Tanya Scotece Email:LinkedIn: us a Text Message. Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREE Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Stay Wild! Leave a review!
