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Future Proof Indonesia

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to Future Proof, a podcast by Kantar Indonesia. This podcast prevails the discourses that evolve around the industry of marketing and research. In each episode, we invite the experts to discuss evidence and share their insights for the future. Episode in English signed with EN / Episode dalam Bahasa Indonesia ditandai ID


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Welcome to Future Proof, a podcast by Kantar Indonesia. This podcast prevails the discourses that evolve around the industry of marketing and research. In each episode, we invite the experts to discuss evidence and share their insights for the future. Episode in English signed with EN / Episode dalam Bahasa Indonesia ditandai ID



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S2.01 How is the FMCG outlook affected during an election year? | EN

Welcome to season 2! In this first episode, our Managing Director, Venu Madhav shared the latest trends from the FMCG industry and the outlook in the election year of 2024. Learn more from Kantar's latest report of Indonesia FMCG Outlook 2024.


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23. Brand Footprint 2023: Frisian Flag with Veronika Utami | EN

In this episode, our Account Director, Helmy Herman had an interesting conversation with Veronika Utami of Frisian Flag Indonesia. Kantar recently awarded them as one of the Most Chosen Brands at Indonesia Brand Footprint 2023. - Dalam episode kali ini, Account Director kami Helmy Herman berbincang seru dengan Veronika Utami dari Frisian Flag Indonesia. Kantar baru saja menyematkan penghargaan Most Chosen Brands kepada Frisian Flag dalam ajang Indonesia Brand Footprint 2023.


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22. Brand Footprint 2023: Dancow with Ali Abbas | EN

In this special episode of Future Proof Indonesia, we had an insightful session with Ali Abbas as the Head of Business, Infant Nutrition and Children Dairy at Nestlé Indonesia. Dancow is the winner of Most Chosen Brand in Powder Dairy at Indonesia Brand Footprint 2023. Find out more about the awards here - Dalam episode ini, dengarkan obrolan menarik dengan Ali Abbas selaku Head of Business, Infant Nutrition and Children Dairy dari Nestlé Indonesia. Dancow merupakan pemenang kategori Most Chosen Brand dalam kategori Powder Dairy pada ajang Indonesia Brand Footprint 2023. Baca lebih lanjut tentang penghargaan ini ⁠disini


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21. How to take the market research industry to the next level? | ID

Dalam episode kali ini, Ketua PERPI Rhesa Yogaswara dan Corina Fajriyani (Kantar) membahas bagaimana agar industri riset pasar terus berkembang ke level selanjutnya. Mereka membahas peran teknologi dalam riset pasar, pentingnya standar dan sertifikasi dalam industri, dan bagaimana talenta muda dapat memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif melalui tantangan yang dihadapi di dunia riset. Selengkapnya dari Kantar Indonesia⁠ - In this episode, PERPI Chairman Rhesa Yogaswara discusses how the market research industry can be taken to the next level. They delve into the role of technology in market research, the importance of standards and certifications in the industry, and how young talents can gain a competitive advantage in the talent market through the industry's unique challenges and learning opportunities. Find out more about Kantar Indonesia


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20. How does local indie brands contribute in the blooming beauty market? | EN

In this podcast episode, Ratih P. Sari, co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Base, shares her journey of co-founding a local indie beauty brand during an exciting time in the industry. Hosted by Prita Laksmita Anindya, Beauty Expert Lead at Worldpanel Division, Kantar Indonesia - Dalam episode kali, kita kedatangan Ratih P.Sari selaku co-founder dan Chief Product Officer dari Base. Ia bercerita tentang perjalanannya menjadi co-founder dari salah satu merek produk kecantikan 'indie' di Indonesia. Dibawakan oleh Prita Laksmita Anindya, Beauty Expert Lead di Worldpanel Division, Kantar Indonesia


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19. What are the keys to success in 2023? | EN

Venu Madhav, our Managing Director, reflects on the challenges and highlights of 2022 as well as what lies ahead in 2023. What are the keys to success for FMCG Brands in 2022? Tune in to this special episode, hosted by Corina Fajriyani. Brought to you by Kantar Indonesia - Dengarkan Venu Madhav, Managing Director kami, merefleksikan tantangan dan temuan unik dari 2022, serta apa yang akan terjadi di industri FMCG dalam tahun 2023 ini. Apa kunci sukses bagi brand FMCG di tahun 2022? Temukan jawabannya dalam episode ini yang dipandu oleh Corina Fajriyani. Dipersembahkan oleh Kantar Indonesia


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18. How does Sociolla create a beauty wonderland? | EN

In this episode, we had an interesting conversation with Sociolla's Chief Business Officer, Ngoc Phungbich. As a beauty-tech company, tune in to listen how they follow consumers' journey from online to offline and how they overcome the challenges of keeping up with an omnichannel consumer. - Dalam episode ini, kami berbincang dengan Cheif Business Officer Sociolla, Ngoc Phungbich. Sebagai perusahan beauty-tech, simak jurus mereka dalam mengikuti perjalanan konsumen dari online ke offline. Selain itu, dengarkan cara Sociolla menghadapi tantangan dari konsumen yang semakin terbuka untuk berbelanja melalui berbagai channel.


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17. How Lazada evolves to tackle the future of online shopping? | ID

Sebagai satu dari lima E-Commerce platform terbesar di Indonesia yang digunakan untuk membeli produk FMCG*, bagaimana Lazada berevolusi untuk menjawab tantangan masa depan belanja online di Indonesia? Apa pelajaran berharga yang bisa dipetik lewat melayani konsumen selama pandemi? Lia Kurtz, FMCG Category Director dari Lazada Indonesia dipandu oleh Helmy Herman dalam obrolan seru ini. - As one of the top 5 E-Commerce platform for FMCG Shoppers in Indonesia*, how does Lazada evolves to tackle the future of online shopping in Indonesia? and what are some takeaways about serving consumers during the pandemic? Lia Kurtz, FMCG Category Director at Lazada Indonesia share her insights with Helmy Herman of Kantar Indonesia. *based on Kantar Data


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16. How does Gojek listen to their users? | ID

Bermula dari sebuah perusahaan yang mencoba menjawab tantangan mobilitas masyarakat Indonesia, kini Gojek telah menjadi sebuah bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan jutaan orang. Rahmatia R. Rosidin selaku Senior Manager Market Intelligence dari Gojek menyingkap bagaimana Gojek mencari tahu apa yang benar-benar diinginkan oleh penggunanya. Episode ini dipersembahkan oleh Kantar Indonesia - Gojek has evolved and transformed from a company tackling daily mobility needs to a 'verb' for millions of Indonesians. Rahmatia R. Rosidin as the Senior Manager Market Intelligence at Gojek reveals how Gojek listen and deciphers what their users want. This episode is brought to you by Kantar Indonesia


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15. Brand Footprint 2022: Mayora with Ricky Afrianto | EN

From K-Drama to International Space Station, Mayora is daring in its approach to bring its products to new heights. Ricky Afrianto as the Director & Global Marketing Director share the journey and stories from inside one of Indonesian giant. - Dari layar K-Drama hingga Stasiun Luar Angkasa ISS, Mayora terus unjuk gigi untuk membawa produk Indonesia ke kancah dunia. Pak Ricky Afrianto selaku Director & Global Marketing Director dari Mayora menyingkap cerita dibalik perjalanan salah satu brand raksasa di Indonesia.


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14. Brand Footprint 2022: Heinz ABC with Steven Debrabandere | EN

Steven Debrabandere as the Managing Director of Kraft Heinz Indonesia and Papua New Guinea reveal the secrets to Heinz ABC's success as one of the Top Growing Brands in Indonesia Brand Footprint 2022. You can read more about the winners here. - Steven Debrabandere selaku Managing Director dari Kraft Heinz Indonesia dan Papua Nugini mengungkapkan kunci dibalik kesuksesan Heinz ABC sebagai salah satu Top Growing Brands in FMCG dalam penghargaan Indonesia Brand Footprint 2022. Baca selengkapnya disini.
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13. Brand Footprint 2022: Indomie with Axton Salim | EN

Indomie has been close to consumers’ heart in Indonesia for 50 years. In this exclusive interview, Axton Salim, the Director and Chief Marketing Officer of PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk., shares his insights upon Indomie’s success as the incumbent Most Chosen Brand in Indonesia. Read the full winner list here - Dalam wawancara ekslusif ini, Axton Salim, Direktur dan Chief Marketing Officer PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk., berbagi cerita dan wawasan tentang kesuksesan Indomie sebagai Most Chosen Brand di Indonesia dalam edisi Brand Footprint 2022 yang dipersembahkan oleh Kantar. Berikut daftar lengkap pemenang Indonesia Brand Footprint 2022.


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12. How can halal certification catapult Indonesian beauty industry to its golden age? | EN

In this episode, Sancoyo Antarikso, Chairman of Indonesia Cosmetics Association (Perkosmi) shares some insights on Halal certification in Indonesia and how it can propel the beauty industry towards a bright future. Sancoyo also discusses some intriguing findings on the vibrant Indonesian beauty landscape. Prita Anindya Laksmita as the Beauty Expert Lead at Kantar Indonesia is the host for this episode.


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11. How does Lemonilo seize consumers' need for healthier food? | ID

Dalam episode kali ini, Shinta Nurfauzia yang merupakan Co-Founder dan Co-CEO dari Lemonilo, berbagi pengalaman dan motivasinya dalam mendirikan Lemonilo. Feny Soraya selaku Account Director di Kantar, Worldpanel Division yang menjadi pembawa acara. Dipersembahkan oleh Kantar Indonesia - In this episode, Shinta Nurfauzia who is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Lemonilo, shared her experience and motivation in creating Lemonilo. Feny Soraya our Account Director at Kantar, Worldpanel Division is the host. Brought to you by Kantar Indonesia


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10. How to unlock your brand's potential with Google? | ID

Yolanda Djaja Sastra, Head of Google Ads Marketing di Google Indonesia mengungkapkan rahasia untuk mengerahkan potensi brand Anda dengan Google. Selain itu, dalam episode ini kami juga mendalami temuan menarik dari studi Year in Search Indonesia 2021 oleh Google yang juga dapat Anda baca di sini goo.gle/yearinsearchID2021 - Yolanda Djaja Sastra, Head of Google Ads Marketing at Google Indonesia reveals secrets to unlock your brand's potential using Google. Plus, in this episode we also deep dive into interesting findings from Google Year in Search which you can also read here goo.gle/yearinsearchID2021


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9. How to stay committed to sustainability? | ID

Packaging and Recycling Alliance for Indonesia Sustainable Environment (PRAISE) adalah aliansi yang mendukung pengembangan solusi pengelolaan sampah kemasan yang berkelanjutan dan terintegrasi di Indonesia. Gabrielle Angriani sebagai Communication Lead dari PRAISE bercerita soal beberapa tantangan yang dihadapinya bersama PRAISE untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang ramah lingkungan. Selengkapnya tentang Kantar - Packaging and Recycling Alliance for Indonesia Sustainable Environment (PRAISE) is an alliance that supports the development of sustainable and integrated packaging waste management solutions in Indonesia. We sat down with Gabrielle Angriani as the Communication Lead at PRAISE and discussed some of the challenges for sustainable initiatives. Find out more about Kantar


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8. How brands can reach the right consumers? | ID

Dalam episode kali ini, Lenny Susanti selaku Brand Partnership Lead di TikTok Indonesia membagikan beberapa tips dan trik bagi brand dan kreator untuk menjangkau konsumen yang tepat melalui platform video sharing TikTok. Episode ini dibawakan oleh Sugiharto Yosaputra, Media Study Lead di Kantar, Worldpanel Division. - In this episode, Lenny Susanti as the Brand Partnership Lead at TikTok Indonesia shared some insights for brands to reach the right consumers through their exciting video sharing platform. This episode is hosted by Sugiharto Yosaputra, Media Study Lead at Kantar, Worldpanel Division.


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7. How to promote sustainable packaging? | EN

In this episode, we unearth insights behind the stories from Tetra Pak upon the topic of consumers' use of products with sustainability packaging. Hosted by Venu Madhav, Managing Director at Kantar, Worldpanel Division. _ Dengarkan cerita dari Reza Andreanto (Tetra Pak) tentang penggunaan kemasan ramah lingkungan untuk produk konsumen. Dipandu oleh Venu Madhav, Managing Director dari Kantar, Worldpanel Division.


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6. How does the beauty industry bloom beyond the pandemic? | EN

In the recent months, we're seeing the industry is recovering in unique ways. Our Managing Director, Venu Madhav had the opportunity to discuss with the President Director of L'Oréal Indonesia on how the beauty industry is back to bloom through the pandemic and beyond. Brought to you by Kantar, Worldpanel Division.


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5. Brand Footprint 2021: Being agile in Ultra Milk's way as a cross generation brand | ID

Dalam episode spesial ini setelah rilis Indonesia Brand Footprint 2021 report: Andi Siswanto dari Kantar berbincang-bincang dengan Siska Suryaman, Head of Marketing Department di Ultrajaya , sebuah brand susu cair terkemuka dengan pengalaman lebih dari 40 tahun. Selama bertahun-tahun, Ultra Milk terus berevolusi sebagai sebuah brand. Simak lebih lanjut dalam episode ini. - In this special episode following the release of Indonesia Brand Footprint 2021 report: Andi Siswanto from Kantar had a conversation with Siska Suryaman, Head of Marketing Department at Ultrajaya , a prominent brand in liquid milk with over 40 years of experience. Over the years, Ultra Milk has been evolving as a brand. Listen to this episode to find out how Ultra Milk’s agile ways in order to keep their pace to be ahead of the time.
