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Guidance to Wealth with Raj Kapur

Business & Economics Podcasts

For over 25 years, I have studied, collected, distilled, and created my system to teach the best ideas I learned from all the top achievement masters, coaches, books, and other life-changing resources. Using the best techniques and processes to train, coach and mentor individuals and organizations has given me the insight to help you achieve your goals and dreams with my proven systems. MastermindWealth CoachingSpeaking & Seminars Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!


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For over 25 years, I have studied, collected, distilled, and created my system to teach the best ideas I learned from all the top achievement masters, coaches, books, and other life-changing resources. Using the best techniques and processes to train, coach and mentor individuals and organizations has given me the insight to help you achieve your goals and dreams with my proven systems. MastermindWealth CoachingSpeaking & Seminars Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!



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S9 E48 How to “hire” the right people - even if you are a solopreneur With Raj Kapur

At one juncture when your startup has started to grow you will need to hire talent and staff. Now some startups with funding and a larger budget start with a few employees and then from there they grow, but many new startups are run by solopreneurs, but there comes a time when you alone cannot do everything and you shouldn’t. At this time it becomes very important to hire the right talent who can catapult your startup to another level, but then many times it is really hard for a solopreneur to hire as they are so used to doing everything by themselves or in a small team. But understand to grow you will need to hire and get a team of like-minded people with varied talents. To find good early-stage hires, you'll need to lean on personal referrals and hiring platforms. The key process to recruit • Determine who your ideal match is • You have to be very specific in what you are looking for • Begin sourcing names – referrals, career sites, associations you belong to Keep the process simple: • Why you need to hire now • Where are you getting stuck that you need to hire • What does success look like for the new hire One Year from now • After 100 days on the job evaluate the decisions made by the candidate. Determine what the company would provide at the time of completion. A few characteristics of a new hire Able to do Multiple things Flexible Eager to Learn Entrepreneurial TAGS: how to hire the right employees,how to find the right employees,how to hire your first employees,how to hire employees,how to hire good employees,how to hire employees to a company,marketing,technology,business Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call ​


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S9 E47: Do what you are good at … outsource the rest With Raj Kapur

Define your long-term goals for your business. What do you hope to achieve in the next 3years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can start to develop strategies for how to achieve them. Take a bird's eye view of your company. What are your core strengths and weaknesses? How could you improve your business model? What new markets or customer segments could you target? Identify potential new markets or ways to expand your current business. Research new industries or geographic areas that could be a good fit for your products or services. brainstorm creative ways to reach new customers. Outsourcing helps startups move and make decisions faster because outsourcing providers already have everything in place – people, processes, and equipment – to get the job done. This contributes to greater efficiency and better service for the startups’ customers. Outsourcing for startups is a strategy worth considering because the amazing benefits they offer are real. A growing number of now-successful startup companies outsourced certain functions of their business during their early days. Lower operating costs and higher levels of scalability, focus, and efficiency on a more level playing field are just some of the many benefits startups may gain by outsourcing. Leasing a staff overseas can be a validation test if you would need a certain role in the long term. Some areas to outsource Human Resources Data Entry and Processing Bookkeeping Services Digital Marketing Building Customer Service TAGS:goremote,virtual assistant services,virtual assistant,entrepreneur,productivity,how to,business,marketing,hire,thrive,employer,strategy,growvirtual Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E46: Overcome tunnel vision - Work IN and ON your business every day! With Raj Kapur

Overcome tunnel vision in your business by thinking like a CEO As the world of business becomes more and more competitive, it's important to make sure that you're thinking like a CEO in order to maintain a successful company. One of the biggest dangers to companies is what's known as "tunnel vision." This occurs when business leaders become so focused on the day-to-day operations of their company that they fail to see the bigger picture. As a result, they can miss out on opportunities for growth or be blindsided by changes in the marketplace. To avoid tunnel vision, it's important to step back from time to time and take a bird's eye view of your company. Ask yourself what your long-term goals are and whether or not your current strategies are aligning with those goals. It's also important to keep an eye on your competition and be aware of any new threats or challenges that they may pose. By thinking like a CEO, you can ensure that your company is always moving forward and staying ahead of the curve. Tags :tunnel vision,treating tunnel vision,tunnel vision cure,what causes tunnel vision,tunnel vision causes,tunnel vision symptoms Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call ​


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S9 E45: The difference between working IN and ON for Coaches and Consultants With Raj Kapur

As a coach or consultant, it's important to understand the difference between working IN and ON your business. Working IN your business means you're doing the day-to-day tasks required to keep things running. This could include things like coaching clients, administering programs, or managing finances. Working ON your business means you're taking a step back to focus on the big picture. This could include things like developing new offerings, marketing your business, or networking with potential clients. Both working IN and ON your business are important, but it's often easy to get stuck in the day-to-day grind and forget to work ON your business. This can lead to feeling stagnant or unfulfilled in your career. Make sure to set aside time each week to work ON your business, so you can continue growing and moving forward in your business. There are 3 aspects that I believe are important to understand in the Coaching & consulting business Startup Phase Growth Phase Scaling Phase As coaches and consultants when we are in the startup phase of our businesses, it is common to wear many hats and do everything from marketing to sales to product delivery. However, as our businesses grow we need to start delegating the day-to-day tasks so that we can focus on working ON our business. This includes things like developing new offerings, marketing your business, or networking with potential clients. Working on your business is essential for continued growth and forward momentum. If you find yourself stuck in the day-to-day grind, make sure to schedule time each week to work on your business. This will help you stay focused on your long-term goals and continue moving forward. Tags:work on your business not in your busin,working on your business not in it,work on your business not in it,how to work on your business not in it,work on your business,scaling your business,business success,grow your business,how to scale your business,scaling a business,scale your business,business ideas,business strategy,how to scale business,marketing ideas Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E44: The power of like-minded thinking With Raj Kapur

The power of like-minded thinking has been scientifically proven to be one of the most influential factors in human behavior. It has been shown to influence everything from what we buy, to how we vote, to who we date and marry. Like-minded thinking occurs when people are exposed to others who share their same beliefs, values, and opinions. This can happen through personal interactions, or by consuming media that reinforce our existing beliefs. When we are exposed to like-minded thinking, it strengthens our own beliefs and makes us more likely to act on them. This can have a positive impact on our lives if the beliefs we hold are beneficial to us. But it can also have a negative impact if the beliefs we hold are harmful. What does like-minded thinking mean for you? It means that the people you associate with and the media you consume can have a powerful influence on your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. If you want to change your life for the better, it’s important to surround yourself with people and media that support your goals. And if you want to avoid harmful influences, it’s important to be aware of the power of like-minded thinking. TAGS: like-minded,how to find like-minded people,meet like-minded people,the power of comparison,like-minded friends law of attraction,finding like-minded friends,how to find like-minded friends,attracting like-minded friends,how to make like-minded friends,attract like-minded people,how to find likeminded people,positive thinking,power,power to choose Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E43: Guard from other people’s thinking - Other People’s thoughts become yours With Raj Kapur

Guard against other people’s thinking - Other People’s thoughts become yours You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. - Jim Rohn Did you know that your thoughts are not really your own? Studies have shown that up to 98% of our thoughts are actually other people’s thoughts that we have picked up from our environment. What does this mean for you? It means that if you want to change your thoughts, you need to change your environment. Spend more time with positive, optimistic people who are doing things that you want to do. Read books and listen to podcasts that inspire you. Follow people on social media who make you feel good about yourself. You are in control of your own thoughts, so make sure that you are surrounding yourself with people and things that inspire you to think positive, happy thoughts! What happens when other people's thoughts become yours? When other people’s thoughts become yours, it means that you are influenced by them. This can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on the type of thoughts that you are picking up. If you are constantly surrounded by negativity, then it’s likely that your own thoughts will start to reflect this. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive people and things, then your own thoughts will start to reflect this as well. The five things you need to do now to shift your thinking and make it a ritual are: 1. Awareness 2. Intention 3. Visualization 4. Affirmation 5. Action By following these steps, you can start to change the way you think. Just remember, it takes time and practice. But if you stick with it, you will see a difference in your life! TAGS:other peoples lives,what to do when you can’t change other people,problem of other minds,other minds Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E42: Do you have the thoughts of a king or a pauper? With Raj Kapur

It is estimated that a person has over 60,000 thoughts a day. If you change your thoughts you can change your life. The problem is that those 60,000 thoughts are repeated in your brain every day. There are few things in life that you can control. You cannot control what someone says to you, what is happening in the world. You cannot control natural causes. If you see in life there are not that many things that you can control. But what you can do is control your thoughts. You are sum total of all the thoughts that you have thought to date. Choose your thoughts carefully. You are the creator of your own life. You attract what your are holding in your thoughts. Thoughts are things. Thoughts are like magnet. What signal are you putting out? What you put out focus on with all your intention and it will materialize. So do you have thoughts of a King or a Pauper? When you think do you have thoughts like a king or a pauper? A king is someone who is in charge, who has power and influence. A pauper is someone who is poor and powerless. Your thoughts reveal what you really think of yourself. If you think like a king, then you believe that you are important and deserve to be in charge. If you think like a pauper, then you believe that you are not worth very much and that other people are better than you. What kind of thoughts do you have? Do you think like a king or a pauper? Your thoughts reveal what you really think of yourself. If you want to change your life, change your thoughts. Start thinking like a king or queen today! You deserve it! Here are five ways to think like a king or a millionaire: 1. Believe you are worthy 2. Take action towards your goals 3. Be positive and optimistic 4. Surround yourself with positive people 5. Think big Tags : beliefs, positive and optimistic, positive people Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E41: Thoughts are things .. Everything starts with a THOUGHT With Raj Kapur

Thoughts are things, everything starts with a thought. That's why it's so important to control your thoughts and thinking. If you want to achieve success in life, you need to learn how to control your thoughts and thinking. Thoughts are things, they have power. You can create anything you want in life by controlling your thoughts and thinking. So start today, learn how to control your thoughts and thinking, and create the life you want! So what is the difference between how millionaires think and how others think? The answer is simple: millionaires know that thoughts are things and they have the power to create their reality. While most people go through life without understanding this simple truth, millionaires consciously use their thoughts to create the life they want. If you want to be a millionaire, start by learning to control your thoughts and thinking like one. Choose thoughts that empower you and help you achieve your goals. Thoughts that make you feel good about yourself and your ability to achieve success. And start taking actions that align with your thoughts and thinking. When you do this, you'll be well on your way to achieving the life you want! So start today and begin controlling your thoughts and thinking! Tags: thoughts are things,thoughts,intrusive thoughts,negative thoughts,destroy negative thoughts,positive thoughts Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E40: Your Success Model With Raj Kapur

WHY BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR/COACH/CONSULTANT Vision Flexibility Financial success Passion You have full control over your destiny. You control who represents your brand. You have the opportunity to change lives. You have full control over your workspace. You serve as a role model. Here are three success models that you can adopt as a coach: 1. The GROW Model 2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 3. The 4 Pillars of Success Use these aspects to set your own Success Model and take what is best in other models that serve you: LEARN GROW SCALE WEALTH MINDSET - BUSINESS ACUMEN - TECHNIQUES & STRATEGIES ​ ​ TAGS: Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E39: Celebrate small wins & learn from failures With Raj Kapur

As coaches, it is important to celebrate small wins and learn from failures. This helps us stay motivated and focused on our goals. It also allows us to assess what we are doing well and where we need to improve. By celebrating small wins, we can keep our energy and enthusiasm high, which is essential for success. Learning from failures is also essential, as it allows us to learn from our mistakes and prevent them from happening again. Dr. John Maxwell in his book failing forward says "I have come to the conclusion that success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by what you overcome. Overcoming is failing Forward." In other words, it's not about how many times you fail, but about how you handle those failures. Do you learn from them and move on? Or do you let them defeat you? It is important to remember that every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. When we view failures as learning experiences, we are more likely to overcome them and achieve our goals. So celebrate your small wins and learn from your failures, so that you can continue moving forward toward your goals. If you Fail take ownership of that… don’t keep on blaming others and then move forward and make sure you do not make the same mistake again. TAGS:learning,progress,education,tedxtalks,change,learn from failure,learning from failure,value of failure,accepting failure,honest failure,how to accept failure,improvement,expectations,managing expectations,positivity Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E38: Setting some Scary Goals With Raj Kapur

Setting some Scary Goals - Why As coaches, you need to set some scary goals that move you out of your comfort zone. These goals should be something that you are scared to do, but know that it would be worth it in the end. It is important to set these types of goals so that you can push yourself to new levels and achieve more than you ever thought possible. So, what are some examples of scary goals? Here are a few ideas: - Starting your own business - Speaking in front of a large group of people - Travelling to a new country alone - Quitting your job to pursue your passion Don't be afraid to set some scary goals for yourself. They may seem daunting at first, but if you take the leap, you'll be surprised at what you can achieve. As coaches, you need to get out of your comfort zone and set goals that will take your business to a different level. Scary goals are worth it because once you accomplish them you will feel a great sense of accomplishment. What you become out of this journey is what matters the most. Scary goals could be : - Doing a Ted Talk - Being interviewed on a popular podcast - Applying to be a keynote speaker - Getting published in a major publication The Scary part is just the beginning – once you take that first step the journey becomes so much more exciting and worth it. Scary goals are what makes businesses grow and succeed. What will you do to make your business thrive? Tags :how to set goals,goal-setting,goal setting,potential,how set goals and achieve them,business,self help,personal growth,self improvement tips,inspiration,success,tedtalks,creativity,motivation,personal development,collaboration,self development,self improvement,tedtalk,leadership,productivity,work Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E37: Millionaire set SMART Goals With Raj Kapur

E37 Millionaire set SMART Goals The SMART goals that millionaires set for themself to achieve the success are - Specific: well-defined and clear - Measurable: with specific criteria that can be used to measure progress and determine whether the goal has been achieved - Achievable: realistic and achievable given the resources available - Relevant: important and relevant to the individual’s overall objectives - Timely: with a specific deadline for completion. Creating SMART goals is a powerful tool that can help you achieve anything you want in life, whether it’s saving for a down payment on a house, losing weight, or starting your own business. The millionaires set goals that move them to take action and achieve their dreams. Creating SMART Goals is a process that can help you achieve anything you want in life. As Entrepreneurs, we want to make sure our Why is strong. See long after when our initial motivation has ended and we are working in the trenches building the business, this is where your “Why” takes you across this bridge. Your goals need to stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone. Tags: smart goals,smart criteria,smart format,decision making,problem solving,measuring success,goal setting,smart technique,smart,coaching (profession),self-help,goal achievement Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E36 Your Clients are out there - How to Gain Success with Low Hanging Fruit. With Raj Kapur

Low-Hanging fruits - What are the Immediate sources of income? What can be converted to immediate revenue? Many business owners forget to see what could be done to increase their business by going after the Low-Hanging Fruits. It is not about doing 3000 different things, but doing a few things 3000 times. Repeat Customers Referrals Why do you lose Customers Because they feel neglected after the sale is made A typical business does a great job of getting the attention of the customer and persuading them to buy but does very little to create a remarkable experience after the sale. It is the EMOTIONAL JOURNEY OF THE customer that is most often ignored. How to Retain your Customers Know your business well Loyalty Bonus Take the Risk out - Money-back Guarantee Build a Tribe TAGS: Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call ​


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S9 E35 Moving Past Economic Limiting Beliefs With Raj Kapur

LEARN GROW SCALE…………. Today we will discuss 3 of these habits. Desire - Strong Purpose - “Why” Teachability Persistence - Failing Forward These are aspects of Wealth and Money that I teach in my course Guidance to Wealth Generating money Saving Money Growing money Protecting money Instilling Wealth Habits TAGS: limiting beliefs,motivationeer,life development,emotions,internal blockers,mindfulness,happiness,core values,success Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E34 How to get investors and funding With Raj Kapur

As a coach, you may be wondering how to get funding for your business. There are a few ways to go about this, and the best option for you will depend on your individual circumstances. One way to get funding for your coaching business is to seek out investors. This can be done by networking with people in your industry or by attending events where investors are likely to be in attendance. You can also search online for lists of potential investors. Another way to get funding for your coaching business is to apply for grants. There are many different types of grants available, and you may be eligible for more than one. The best way to find out what grants you qualify for is to search online or contact your local government office. You can also get funding for your coaching business by taking out a loan. This is typically done through a bank or other financial institution. Be sure to shop around for the best interest rates and terms before you commit to a loan. No matter which method you choose, getting funding for your coaching business can be a challenge. However, with perseverance and a bit of creativity, you should be able to find the resources you need to get your business off the ground. First access your business and see where you are now and how will your business be in the next 1 to 3 years given all the current factors. There are many ways to finance your business, including: • Self-funding • Bank loans or lines of credit • Private equity funds • Venture capital • Government grants Tags :angel investing,angel investors,seed funding,angel investor,how to start a business,startup funding,investors,seed funding for startups,funding,venture capital,entrepreneurship,entrepreneurs,business,entrepreneur,startup company,raising capital,venture,startup Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E33 The 4 steps to overcome Millionaire Roadblocks With Raj Kapur

1. Recognize the roadblock 2. Identify your specific roadblocks 3. Create a plan of action 4. Take action Generally, the roadblocks that many face on their journey to become a millionaire are 1. Not knowing where to start 2. Lacking a clear vision 3. Having unrealistic expectations 4. Procrastination 5. Fear of failure 6. impatience 7. trying to do it all alone 8. not being coachable 9. letting emotions get in the way 10. losing focus Tags: personal finance,empowerment,achievement,mindfulness,money mindset,money,earnings mindset,opportunities Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call ​


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S9 E32 Create Your Own Belief System That Serves You & Your Goals With Raj Kapur

E32 Create Your Own Belief System That Serves You & Your Goals 9 Core beliefs that will make you a better Leader and a Coach Lead by example - People do as people see, they are watching you… example of my friend coming late with coffee and newspaper… Respecting Others Take responsibility - accept accountability for the outcomes .. don’t blame others. The only person you can change is yourself. Investing in others - When you take the time to invest in others, they will return great value. When you invest in your people you are investing in the future. Maintain Focus - Laser-like focus is needed … suns rays with a magnifying glass can burn… focus is of utmost importance Measuring results - What you measure you can improve Communicate and Connect - Dr. John Maxwell says everyone can communicate but few can connect. To learn the communication principles and then connect people and meet them where they are Work with the Facts - Facts are better than dreams - face the brutal reality and conform to the realities of the business, because you cannot make good decisions without confronting the facts. Empower Others - Trust the people you are working with and empower them to make decisions and take needed actions. THIS IS A SMALL SAMPLE FROM MY COURSE GUIDANCE TO WEALTH ON BELIEFS ABOUT WEALTH... The Belief you will need to create is that you can actually possess the Wealth. Using this secret, you can develop the mindset of wealth, which will catapult you towards the wealth you may have only wished or dreamed of. This is what we will work on in this module as we progress. Many times we tend to believe that our life is controlled by external factors. Sometimes we have a very strong feeling of accomplishing something, and as we move forward we know no one can stop us, we keep on attracting things that propel us forward, that is what we need to create. Many times we just call it “Luck” and let it go, but if we really dig deeper we see that we had a fixed vision backed by our desire to accomplish it and the desire was so intense that it brought along with it all the seeds of success. See no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality and you see in your life, in your friend's lives, in your family that so many people have accepted defeat and are going through the life, living for the sake of living and complaining about life and circumstances and blaming others. If you are at a place where you are satisfied and fulfilled, GREAT, but if you are not then it is time to evaluate, and become aware of the workings of your subconscious mind, which has been programmed with these beliefs that are running your life. Thoughts - Your Thoughts control your wealth, your life TAGS: law of belief motivation,law of belief inspiration,get what you want,believe in yourself,how to get what you want,how to get what you desire,law of believe,believe and you shall receive,the law of belief,law of attraction believe,law of belief,law of attraction belief,believe and achieve,how to use the law of belief,how to get everything you want,start believing Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E31 How to Discard Beliefs that are not YOURS With Raj Kapur

E31 How to Discard Beliefs that are not YOURS You need to discard the beliefs that are not your own. You cannot keep them and still be free. You need to be free of all beliefs in order to be truly yourself. Do not allow the beliefs of others to control you. You are the only one who can decide what is true for you. Do not let anyone else tell you what to believe. Only you can know what is right for you. So what is your own inner truth-telling you? What do you believe? Start living according to your own truth and see how your life changes for the better. You will be amazed at the difference it makes. First is to evaluate the beliefs that are currently running your life, and see if they are really yours. If they are not, then you need to let them go. The seven steps that you can use to evaluate your beliefs are: 1) Determine what the belief is. 2) Determine where the belief came from. 3) See if the belief is serving you or not. 4) See if the belief is true for you. 5) See if the belief is in alignment with your values. 6) See if the belief is in alignment with your goals. 7) Ask yourself if you are willing to let go of the belief. For example, if you have the belief that you are not good enough, you can replace it with the affirmation “I am worthy and deserving of love and respect.” You can also use Visualization to help you let go of old beliefs and install new ones. Simply close your eyes and imagine yourself living your life the way you want it to be. See yourself happy, healthy, and successful. Feel the emotions that come with achieving your goals. The more real you can make it feel, the better. Once you have let go of the old beliefs that were holding you back, you will be free to create the life that you want. You will be able to attract what you desire and manifest your dreams into reality. So start today by discarding the beliefs that are not yours and living according to your own truth. It is time for you to shine! TAGS: how to get rid of limiting beliefs,changing old beliefs,limiting beliefs,practical psychology,personality psychology,clarity,affirmations,identity Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E30 Evaluate Your Current Beliefs around success With Raj Kapur

E30 Evaluate Your Current Beliefs around success What does success look like to you? Is it a big house, a fast car, and a six-figure salary? Or is it something more simple, like happiness and freedom? Your beliefs around success are probably influenced by your upbringing, society, and the media. If you were raised in a family that emphasized material possessions, then you may believe that success is all about acquiring things. If you were raised in a family that valued happiness and relationships, then you may believe that success is all about being happy and having close connections with others. Your beliefs around success can also be influenced by society's messages about what it means to be successful. The media often portrays success as being wealthy and having material possessions. This can make it seem like success is only attainable by a small percentage of people. It's important to evaluate your beliefs around success and see if they align with what you truly want in life. If your beliefs don't align with your goals, then it may be time to change them. Success is a personal concept and what it means to you may be different than what it means to someone else. There is no right or wrong answer, so don't be afraid to redefine success for yourself. The way to evaluate your current beliefs about success is to first identify what those beliefs are. Do you believe that success is synonymous with wealth? With fame? With power? Once you have a clear understanding of your own beliefs, take a step back and examine where those beliefs come from. Here are seven beliefs that successful people have around success: 1. They believe that success is possible. 2. They define success for themselves. 3. They are willing to work hard for success. 4. They are open to change and growth. 5. They take responsibility for their own success. 6. They focus on their strengths. 7. They surround themselves with positive people. Tags :discover your limiting beliefs,formulate a successful plan,limiting beliefs,learning how to be successful,how to be successful,success,effective mindset,neuroscience,fixed mindset,success mindset,growth mindset Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call


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S9 E29 The Anatomy of Belief Systems With Raj kapur

E29 The Anatomy of Belief Systems So what is a belief? A belief is an idea that a person holds as being true. A belief can come from different sources, including a person's own experiences or experiments the acceptance of cultural and societal norms, and what other people say. A potential belief sits with the person until they accept it as truth, and adopt it as part of their individual belief system. Each person evaluates and seeks sound reasons or evidence for these potential beliefs in their own way. Once a person accepts a belief as a truth they are willing to defend, it can be said to form part of their belief system. Beliefs arise through experience. Experience needs previous beliefs and reason to be assimilated, and reason needs experience to be formed, as beliefs need a reason as well. Beliefs, reason, and experience, are based upon each other. The use of the term “belief system” can be highly confusing. The impact of a belief system can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, belief systems can provide individuals with a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. They can also act as a unifying force, bringing people together around shared values and ideals. On the negative side, belief systems can lead to close-mindedness and intolerance towards those who hold different beliefs. Anatomy of a belief system: -Cognitive component -Affective component -Behavioral component -Evaluative component: It is important to remember that belief systems are not always static. They can change and evolve over time as new information is learned or experienced. If you find that your belief system is no longer working for you, don't be afraid to question it and explore other options. There is no one right belief system for everyone; ultimately, you must decide what you believe and why. The instances that cause our beliefs are many and varied, but some of the main ones are: -Parents, family, friends, and other role models -Religious leaders and institutions -Educators -The media -Personal experiences -Culture and society Tags: belief systems,how belief systems work,what we believe,how we believe,philosophy of religion,believe,belief Connect with Raj, visit Email: Book a FREE Call
